Shapeshifting and transformation are the ability to completely change one's body from one form to another, usually by magic or Applied Phlebotinum. Common in Speculative Fiction, and folklore and myths are replete with tales of princes transformed into frogs, gods turning themselves into animals, and so on. Several of these tropes are Older Than Feudalism.
There are a wide variety of ways that this can occur, but thematically it can be sorted into two broad classes:
- Shapeshifting: A character can transform their own body as a special power or ability. Obviously enough, they are called shapeshifters, and often ply their powers for fun and profit (whether good or evil), or simply to trick or play practical jokes on normal folks.
- Transformation: An otherwise non-shapeshifting character has a transformation cast upon them from an outside source (again, usually by magic or Applied Phlebotinum). This is typically Played for Drama; it may be part of a character's backstory, or even form the central conflict within the work. Curses are a popular source here, as it requires the character to go on a Quest to satisfy the Curse Escape Clause. A list of possible causes for transformations can be found here.
- Super Smoke - Transformation into a gaseous form like smoke, air, mist, etc.
- Empathic Shapeshifter - If other people dictate what you transform into.
- Hulking Out - The You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry version.
- Shapeshifter Identity Crisis - Mental instability causing you to transform into whatever identity/persona is currently dominant in your mind.
- Shapeshifter Swan Song - Uncontrolled transformations triggered by a critical (or fatal) injury to the shapeshifter.
- Our Werewolves Are Different - Most Werewolves posess shapeshifting abilities.
- Beast Man
- Selkies and Wereseals
- Partial Transformation - Mix-and-match shapeshifting to create one sleek Hybrid Monster.
- Shapeshifter Default Form - Whatever form they're usually seen in when not actively using their powers.
- Shapeshifter Guilt Trip - Impersonating the form of an opponent's friend or teammate during battle, to mentally break the opponent down.
- Shapeshifter Weapon - Using your shapeshifter powers to create weapons from your own body.
- Unstable Genetic Code - A more scientific explanation for shapeshifting.
- Baleful Polymorph - Transformation used as a weapon or punishment, to disable or dispose of an individual.
- Becoming the Costume - Particularly popular around All Hallow's Eve, a curse that transforms the individual into whatever their costume resembles.
- Becoming the Genie - My third wish, make me an all-powerful genie! (Wait a second...)
- Become Your Weapon
- Emergency Transformation - If the only way to save your dying body is to have it transformed into something else. Whether or not you'd be better off dead is up to you.
- Fountain of Youth
- Fisher Kingdom - A world or setting that transforms your mind, mood, and/or physical form to match its expectations or requirements.
- Freaky Friday Flip - Switching bodies with another person...
- Voices Are Mental - ...but not switching voices.
- Gender Bender - Being transformed into a member of the opposite sex.
- Attractive Bent Gender - People start asking your new self out on dates.
- First Law of Gender Bending — It's easier to change into a female than it is to change back.
- Second Law of Gender Bending — Your new gender is always more enjoyable than your old one.
- Third Law of Gender Bending — And it comes with cool new clothes!
- Second Law of Gender Bending — Your new gender is always more enjoyable than your old one.
- Man, I Feel Like a Woman — Hey, free boobs!
- Humanity Ensues - An animal (or non-human) is transformed into a human. They usually aren't happy about the change...
- Pinocchio Syndrome - ...unless they already wanted to become human.
- Sense Freak - If they go wild over senses that we humans take for granted.
- Incredible Shrinking Man
- Just Woke Up That Way - A common way for involuntary transformations to take place.
- Karmic Transformation - Getting transformed into something you despise or that is otherwise ironic; often caused by Laser-Guided Karma.
- Long Neck
- Metamorphosis - A permanent, one-time transformation that occurs over the long term, and you may know about it well in advance.
- The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body - Your thoughts and instincts transform to match whatever new form you have.
- Mutagenic Food- You are what you eat... literally.
- Mutagenic Goo- Gooey Applied Phlebotinum that can mutate and transform living beings into monsters.
- Not Quite Back to Normal - When a transformation leaves residual effects on the individual even after being transformed back.
- Scaled Up - Is turning yourself into a giant snake ever a good idea?
- Transformation Causes - Lists the number of ways a character can wind up transformed.
- Transformation Comic
- Transformation of the Possessed - You're transforming because of Demonic Possession
- Transformation Ray
- Viral Transformation - Spreading a transformation from one person to another
- Attractive Bent Species - When other animals think your new form looks sexy!
- Multiple Head Case - ...or are they?
- Painful Transformation - If it looks painful, what must it feel like?
- Was Once a Man - That monster used to be human?
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