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Chaika - The Coffin Princess (Hitsugime no Chaika) is light novel series written by Sakaki Ichirou with a manga adaptation by Sakayama Shinta. The story focuses on Toru Acura, a former warrior turn lazy bum who is forced to find work by his Yandere sister Akari. Toru soon encounters Chaika Trabant, a mysterious mage carrying a coffin containing a magical sniper rifle.
Tropes used in Chaika - The Coffin Princess include:
- BFG: Chaika's weapon.
- Badass: The Acura siblings are expert warriors and practitioners of the "Iron Blood" skill.
- Big Eater: The Acura siblings.
- Dark and Troubled Past:
- Chaika is actually a Princess and daughter of Emperor Arthur Gazui of the Gazui Empire. She is also the only surviving member of the royal family after all of them were killed during the civil war.
- Toru witnessed the death of his older sister figure Jasmine after she was attacked by bandits. Also, Jasmine was trying to protect her newborn baby.....which she failed.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Toru may look lazy but he is in fact a former Saboteur and practitioner of the "Iron Blood" skill.
- Meaningful Name: Chaika is a princess...who for some reason carries a coffin.
- Yandere: Akari.