Somewhere, off in the vast reserves of the many worlds... universes... whatever they are, several characters have been unceremoniously wrenched from their own continuity and dropped into modern-day Earth, with the Internet. Somewhere else on a more domestic locale (that is, Earth itself), a bunch of characters joined an Internet forum. Thus was born Charchat, and it's all downhill from there.
Charchat is a ZetaBoards roleplay forum with a twist: you join as your character, and you post as your character, as if they were literally on a chat board. (There's OOC chat too, of course.) As one can expect, this spawns all of the hilarity and drama that a real forum can make.
- Adorkable — Meica's sweetness, it burns!
- Aliens Speaking English — Any non-human life form who's found his or her way onto the forum counts as this.
- All a Part of the Job — Displayed by a good deal of the characters, as there are various super heroes, vigilantes, FBI Agents, etc.
- Aloof Big Brother — Mycroft.
- Afraid of Needles — Connor.
- Actual Pacifist — Shelby is vocal about her aversion to violence and her opposition to those who make use of it. This actually just ends up revealing her as fickle, since her best friends are a pair of murdering vigilantes.
- Attractive Bent Gender — Mariya.
- Audience? What Audience? — Just about everybody else but Anakin Skywalker himself seems to either be well-versed in, or is at least aware, of the Star Wars fandom. Any mentions of Darth Vader, or anything else canon that has yet to happen to him, Anakin just reacts with total confusion.
- Awesome By Analysis — Sherlock Holmes.
- Badass Bookworm — Sherlock Holmes and Shinichi Kudo.
- Badass Normal — The MacManus brothers and Robin.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension — Connor and Murphy
- Big Brother Mentor-- The MacManus brothers and Alois.
- Prussia and Germany.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing — Mariya.
- Camp Straight — Gakupo.
- Chaotic Neutral — Red X.
- The Chessmaster — Ciel, Odin, Heimdall to a lesser extent.
- Possibly Kaitou Kid.
- Corruption by a Minor-- Alois and Ciel
- Creepy Child-- Ciel and Ienzo.
- Alois for his sexual advances, bipolarity, and being a Depraved Homosexual.
- Cuddle Bug — Midna and Murphy.
- Deadpan Snarker-- Majority of the people on the forum.
- Deliberately Cute Child — Miharu is very much aware of his own cuteness and uses it to his advantage or to torment others.
- Depraved Homosexual-- Grell and Alois
- Murphy and Connor, depending on who you ask.
- Doing It for the Art — Sherlock Holmes, Kaitou Kid, Shinichi Kudo.
- Dude, Not Funny — Jaelin and Trivia discuss what would happen if monsters discovered the Internet, and Jae cracks a joke about Kronos joining the forum...
- Dude, Where's My Respect? — Speedy who wants to be treated like a hero and not a sidekick.
- This also accounts for Sherlock when people mock his work despite the fact it's been used to help thousands and solve the worst of crimes.
- Erudite Stoner — Meica.
- Expressive Mask — Robins mask moves and shapes with his expression.
- Fish Out of Water — Sharon.
- Gentleman Thief — Kaitou Kid.
- Good Is Not Nice — Sherlock Holmes.
- Gorgeous Period Dress — Ciel, Alois, and Sharon.
- Heterosexual Life Partners — Connor and Murphy, the heterosexual part depending on who you're asking.
- Holy Hitman — Connor and Murphy.
- I Didn't Mean to Turn You On — Connor and Murphy.
- Incredibly Lame Pun — Any sort of group hugging activity involving Rai (the roleplayer) will officially be called a 'glomp sandwich on Rai'. OFFICIALLY.
- Insufferable Genius — Sherlock Holmes.
- Lethal Chef — Robin is still suffering from Midna's pizza.
- Little Miss Snarker-- Alois and Ciel are male examples of this.
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl — Jaelin. And probably others.
- Manly Tears-- Robin, Connor, Murphy, and Anakin.
- Moe — Cordell and Ken.
- The Movie Buff — Connor, especially in the way his "plans" are all actually based off movies he's seen.
- My Sensors Indicate You Want to Tap That — Shelby, Midna, Neku, Kat, Terrence.
- Not a Morning Person — Connor, Sherlock.
- Odd Friendship — Sharon and Sherlock. She considers him her best friend despite everything people say and think and finds him charming.
- Oedipus Complex — Heimdall has a giant one to his power-stealing, Jerkass God Chessmaster of a father.
- Ojou — Sharon.
- Of Corset Hurts — Sharon and Mariya.
- Phantom Thief — Kaitou Kid.
- Royal Brat--Midna, Ciel, Alois.
- A non-royalty example may also be Prussia.
- Rape as Backstory-- Alois. Mainly mentioned when flamed by Terrence on the forum.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man — Meica/Connor
- Surrounded by Idiots — Austria, Robin, Ciel, Connor, Sherlock and several others doubtless.
- Ciel uses this exact wording in a survey:
Q: Have you ever won an award? |
- Tall, Dark and Snarky — Sherlock.
- Zara... tries.
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask — Midna, Zelda.
- The Woobie — Everyone feeling sorry for "Poor Meica". For either reasons of sympathy or just plain pity.
- Took a Level In Dumbass — ghost!Rocc
- Troubling Unchildlike Behavior-- Ciel, Ienzo and Alois.
- Twincest — Connor and Murphy.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension — Connor and Murphy.