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Original Novel[]

1971 Film[]

  • Loved the ending.

 Willy Wonka: But Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted.

Charlie: What's that?

Willy Wonka: He lived happily ever after.

(They hug.)


  • The cast members had high praise for each other.
    • At various points during the DVD Commentary, the now-grown kids sing Jack Albertson's praises.
    • The young man who played Mike Teavee gave Gene Wilder all kinds of grief, but he is very dear to Wilder now.
    • Wilder made it clear that despite the fury that Wonka displayed, he loved Peter Ostrum, and he still does.

2005 Film[]


 Wonka's father: Willy?

Wonka: Hi, dad.

Wonka's father: All these years, and you haven't flossed.

Wonka: Not once.

(They hug.)

    • To clarify: Wonka's father Wilbur was a dentist who regarded candy of all kinds as a waste of time. On the walls of his surgery however, was every single newspaper clipping about his son since the day he left. His love for his son overrode any sense of anger he had at his act of rebellion and natural dislike of all things sugary. Aaaawww.
  • Grandpa George, who up until this point has been pessimistically talking down Charlie's chances of finding a Golden Ticket, talks him out of selling it. "There's plenty of money out there. They print more every day. But this ticket, there's only five of them in the whole world, and that's all there's ever going to be. Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money. Are you a dummy?"
  • The candy shop owner. He absolutely freaks out that Wonka's last Golden Ticket was found in, of all possible places, his corner shop. Then, when two strangers make money offers to Charlie, he gives them both a non-violent Shut UP, Hannibal.