Charlotte has spent the first fifteen years of her life trapped in her parents' secret volcano base, browsing superhero archives and watching TV and training and training and training and training. She is READY. Ready for what? To get out into the world and start prodding supervillain buttock, of course. Or just regular villain buttock, she's not fussy.
There's a problem, though. Not with her powers; she has super strength and super agility and phase-shifting, which is unusual because nobody else has ever gotten more than one power. The problem is that her parents don't think she's ready for the world--or that the world is ready for her.
So instead of going adventuring she's sent to a nice, normal school, ostensibly to establish a Public Identity.
That's when Plot Happens.
More about the books (there are currently two in the series, Power Down and Power Play) can be found at Clover Island Publishing. Oh, and they're by BJK White.
Tropes used in this work include:[]
- Action Girl: Charlotte likes to think she's one. She's far from incompetent, but she's more used to fighting hard-light holograms than real people.
- After the End: To a certain extent; an event dubbed The Event marked the end of the Age of Superheroes and the beginning of the Age of Mundanity. Charlotte was born a few months afterward.
- Brother-Sister Team: Charlotte and Daniel Powers. Kind of. Daniel is more 'support' than 'field'.
- Diary: The story is presented entirely from Charlotte's point of view as she records events in her journal.
- Emotionless Girl: Charlotte Crescent, on appearance; she feels emotions but has difficulty expressing them. Charlotte Powers wonders if she's actually a Robot Girl.
- One Charlotte Limit: Averted, with Charlotte Powers and Charlotte Crescent.
- Unreliable Narrator: To a certain extent, although Charlotte is afflicted with an 'honesty curse' and cannot tell a direct lie. She's not intentionally misleading, it's more that she focuses on the wrong thing or just doesn't write about something. That she's being psychically manipulated for much of the story doesn't help.