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Cheyenne Cinnamon is a new Western Animation by Adult Swim. It won a new show contest. It first appeared on the Squidbillies on the TV as a cameo before anyone knew about it. It was created by Dave Willis, who also created Cartoon Planet, Brak Presents The Brak Show Starring Brak, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Young Persons Guide To History, and Death Fighter.

To quote That Other Wiki:

"Cheyenne Cinnamon and the Fantabulous Unicorn of Sugar Town Candy Fudge is an upcoming American animated television series created by Dave Willis set to air on Cartoon Network's late night programing block, Adult Swim on March 28th, 2010. The pilot is available on the Adult Swim in a Box, DVD box set. Willis explained, in an interview with Pitchfork Media, that the series is about "a Strawberry Shortcake pop princess that lives in a candy wonderland just outside of Detroit. She comes into Detroit and helps solve problems of racism and teen pregnancy with the power of love and teen pop songs." Willis also says that the series is going to be entirely computer animated.

Alternative country singer Neko Case stars as Cheyenne Cinnamon. Although Cheyenne Cinnamon is a pop star and Neko Case is an alternative country singer, Willis says that "her character will lip-synch, and then a decidedly different-sounding voice sings all the songs." Other characters are yet to be announced to the public, with the exception of the character Gummi. Gummi is a red Gummi bear portrayed by the nerdcore rapper mc chris, who has told his audience at live performances about his role in Cheyenne Cinnamon."

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