Don't make me use my moon powers on you!
—Princess Yue
Chibi Avatar is a three-episode series of shorts on based on the Animated Series Avatar: The Last Airbender that were released on the Avatar: The Last Airbender season 2 DVD (season 3 in PAL regions).
This short series uses a Chibi art style and soft pastel colors to tell funny, blatantly non-Canon stories about the series' characters, one of which was set in a strange elementary school AU. The characters are depicted as much younger than their canonical incarnations and interacting in light, improbable ways.
More information, including plot summaries of the three episodes, can be found on the relevant page of the Avatar: The Last Airbender wiki.
Contains examples of the following tropes[]
- Berserk Button: Don't call Zuko tiny. Or cute.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Yue.
- Blinding Bangs: Toph
- Broken Aesop: Iroh gives one. "Now I hope that you can see that each element has its own strengths and weaknesses. But fire is the best!"
- Butt Monkey: Sokka, not that this is a huge shift. In Bending Battle, Aang, Toph and Katara all use him as a dummy to show off their powers, and in Swamp Skiing, well...
- Chibi
- Convection, Schmonvection: Zuko riding on a lava dragon.
- Didn't See That Coming: Zuko, when Katara reveals who she's going to the dance with: his alter-ego, the Blue Spirit.
- DVD Bonus Content: As noted above, the shorts were originally released as DVD Extras.
- Eat the Camera: Aang enters the Avatar State in School Time Shipping and eats the camera.
- Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Parodied - Bending Battle starts with the scene pictured above.
"What's that supposed to be, Sokka?" |
- The Face of the Sun: Seen at the beginning of Bending Battle and Swamp Skiin' Throwdown.
- Face Palm: For all of the failed attempts at winning their love interest in School Time Shipping.
- Heart Symbol: Tons in School Time Shipping. Also appears in the other two shorts.
- Elementary School AU: Schooltime Shipping.
- I Will Show You X:
Katara: Tiny Zuko! He looks so cute! |
- Mythology Gag: Aang becomes ash and blows away similar to Gyatso in Aang's nightmare from "The Storm."
- Naked People Are Funny: Sokka in the "Swamp-Skiing" short, complete with Scenery Censor.
- Pinball Gag: Toph uses earthbending to make Sokka a living pinball.
- Pointless Band-Aid: Mai has a Band-Aid on her nose.
- Shipping: In-universe; the school short comments on the shipping phenomenon, as well as Katara's status as a Launcher of a Thousand Ships.
- Ships That Pass in the Night: Haru/Ty Lee were paired in the short, despite the fact they never met in the canon.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Ty Lee and Haru, in Schoo Time Shipping. "I like sensitive guys!"
- Six Is Nine: Momo turns over his sign to change Aang's score from six to nine.
- Spinoff Babies
- Squick: In-universe: Aang airbends a paper airplane with an invitation to the dance over to Katara, only for her to assume it came from the guy sitting next to her: a giggling, snorting King Bumi. Ick.
- Took a Level In Jerkass: Aang in the "Swamp-Skiing" short.