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 "WARNING: By reading this comic, you legally join Ness and the others in a lengthuous hunt for fortune. You will be required by law to see Mr. T throw people, Battles between giant objects, and things that float gracefully over the comic, begging to be defined but cannot be explained. Disaster labs cannot be held responsible for any injury or fatality involving photons emanating from this comic. Do not read while operating heavy machinery. Do not read while watching Alf. If accidentally ingested, consult god."



Your mind is officially nuked.

Mind-flayingly bizarre Sprite Comic barely based on Earthbound. After stealing Giygas's $44,000,000 retirement fund, Pokey reunites with Ness and uses the funds to hunt for treasure. At least, that's how it starts out. What follows is a barely coherent acid trip of an adventure, as Ness, Pokey, Jeff and Mr. T battle monkeys, Mr. B Natural, soul-stealing photographers, the Eagleland education system and pretty much everything they meet.

Chicanery can used be found at (the now defunct) Disaster Labs, but much of the series is still available on Comic Genesis. and

Tropes used in Chicanery include:

 Jeff: Hi!

  • PEW!*

  • SEVER!*
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Half of Mr. T's dialogue consists of quotes from The A-Team. At one point, his tendency to randomly throw people/animals/inanimate objects into orbit leads Jeff to commit him to a sanitarium.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Jeff and Mr. Saturn find themselves confronted by the Boss Rush teleporter room from Mega Man. Rather than battle every opponent, Mr. Saturn fires his gun into each teleporter, killing anyone on the other side.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: More than you could possibly imagine.
  • Completely Missing the Point: Jeff is a sniper who prefers shooting people at point-blank range.
    • Adding to this, his preferred type of ammo is noisy and flashy, practically requiring it to be shot at point-blank range to be effective at all.
  • Cut Short: The series appears to have stalled completely, with the last update being over 2 years ago.
  • Designated Heroes: ...Though to be fair, they do save the world a couple of times.
  • Dada Comic
  • Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: Pokey finances the gang's adventures using Giygas' retirement fund.
  • Dynamic Entry: Mr. T from appears out of the middle of nowhere to save Ness & friends from Doomsday the giant policeman, running him over.
  • Enemy Mine: Ness's gang (piloting TV's Frank) and Rigid Shaft (inside Dr. Andonuts's mecha) end up working together to stop all life on Earth being wiped out by a concrete donkey.
  • Eye Scream:

 Tough Kid: I'll see YOU after school, geek!


* spork!*



 Ness: Wanna trade?

Pokey: Hell, no.


 Rigid Shaft: Crap. It's Ness. Standing in filth as usual. I aint fighting that guy. He has stuff that will instantly kill me, if not make me cry uncontrollably or feel strange.

[several panels later]


Shaft: Waaahhhh.


 Jeff: This is it... The 3219 armor-piercing, drill-tipped, rocket-propelled, nuclear-powered, high velocity bullet with pneumatic shaft explosion dampener, buzzing flagellatory membrane, and a miniature camera so you can see the look on his face before you go through it.


 Pokey: "Ha ha! Take that, boring intermission!"
