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Hoshikawa Family

Gaku Hoshikawa[]

AKA Five Red. The eldest of the Hoshikawa siblings, when he was a kid, he shot Galois on the face out of fear, instigating their rivalry. As of present day, he's a science teacher, mostly dabbling in plant life/biology. Is scared of ghosts.

Ken Hoshikawa[]

AKA Five Blue. Second eldest of the Hoshikawa siblings and the closest Gaku could get for friendly rival/second in command. He teaches physical education (swimming), making him the secondary big guy.

Fumiya Hoshikawa[]

AKA Five Black. The twin brother of Remi and the youngest of the Hoshikawa siblings. Eventually becomes a language teacher, which grants him a lot of linguistic abilities and the ability to understand alien languages.

Kazumi Hoshikawa[]

AKA Five Pink. Third-born and oldest daughter of the Hoshikawa Family. Has a computer-like brain which enables her to quickly analyze enemy weakness. This kind-hearted woman is a math teacher too.

Remi Hoshikawa[]

Fiveyellow 4331

AKA Five Yellow. The fourth-born and the older twin sister of Fumiya. She teaches music, but is the bonafide Action Girl. Knows Kung Fu and would teach children those in spare time.


Arthur G6[]

Zone Empire

Empress Meadow[]

  • Big Bad: Subverted. It turns out the real Empress Meadow died years ago and that the Empress Meadow who has been giving orders to Zone is an illusion created by Vulgyre.

Captain Galois[]




