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  • Cast Incest - Ryohei Kobayashi and Keiko Hayase, who played the twins Fumiya and Remi, were actually dating each other while working on the show. They are now married and have three children.
  • Dawson Casting: All of the main actors were roughly the same age as their characters except for Ryohei Kobayashi (Fumiya, the youngest of the siblings), who was actually the second oldest in the main cast next to Toshiya Fuji (Gaku) and six years older than his on-screen twin/real-life wife Keiko Hayase (Remi)
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Remi was played by the sister of the teacher of the Turborangers!
    • Also Kihachirou Uemura, previously Green Flash, is now Chevalier. Like the previous shows, the phenomenon later affects Keiko Hayase (Remi), who would return four years later as the leader of the Hana Kunoichi Gumi in Ninja Sentai Kakuranger.
    • Yōko Nakamura, another Flashman alumni (she played Sara/Yellow Flash), guest-stars in Episode 35 as Gaku's childhood friend Sayuri.
  • Hey, It's That Voice! - Arthur is voiced by Rica Matsumoto, who also voices Satoshi (Ash) in Pokémon.