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  • Ensemble Darkhorse - Remi is rather popular, both character-wise and actress-wise.
  • Moral Event Horizon - One episode has Doldora using her Monster of the Week to create an illusion of the Fivemen's mother in order to set a trap. Seeing the way Remi holds onto the hope that her mother might be real is enough to send Doldora over.
    • Billion gets a sword that makes its user Brainwashed and Crazy, as well as giving them evil powers. He gets one of Gaku's kendo students to use it, preying on the fact that the kid wants to be stronger in order to protect his parents because he knows the Fivemen won't kill the kid.
    • Then we have Galois, after destroying the Fivemen's Humongous Mecha, but not the Fivemen themselves, he decides to draw them out, by attacking their school full of children. The scene with the children running to escape like they're about to die cements it. Shortly before these happens, he has dropped his Butt Monkey status, if you didn't notice.
  • Seasonal Rot: Apparently was one, and started a middling period for Sentai.