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The film series[]

  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Prince Humperdink is the hero of the first movie; John Ritter plays a Jerkass Uncle in Bride; and Seed has John Waters as a paparazzo.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: The Japanese-dubbed version of the movies is an interesting case: Most of the voice cast worked in many series of the Gundam saga voicing some of the main characters through the years:
  • The Red Stapler: Inverted. Ever hear of "My Buddy" dolls? They looked a lot like Chucky. And the series effectively scrapped the line.
    • Played straight as well, as you can buy full-sized Chuckie dolls.
  • What Could Have Been: Child's Play creator Don Mancini original conception of Child's Play was completely different. Originally titled Blood Buddy. The dolls would have synthetic blood and Andy would mix his blood with Buddy's fake blood as part of a blood brother ritual. The doll would come alive as a manifestion of the Andy's ID and kill the people Andy had unexpressed anger toward.

The game show[]

  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Yep, it's Bill Cullen. Anne Marie Johnson (In Living Color) appeared as a contestant, while Jeff Cohen (The Goonies) and Lori Beth Dinberg (All That) gave definitions.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Gene Wood announced a great many Goodson-Todman games prior to this point.
  1. And no, Judd Apatow fans, she doesn't get killed during the course of the movie.