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  • Crowning Music of Awesome: "Sunrise," "The Longest Text Message Ever," "Bonfire," "Lights Turned On"...
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Gambino himself within the indie/alternative rap scene; "The Longest Text Message Ever" and "Lights Turned On" in terms of songs (the former never appeared on an album and the latter was never released as a single, but both are fan favorites).
  • Epic Riff: The recurring distorted, pitched voice(?) sample in the background of "Lights Turned On."
    • "All the Shine."
    • "L.E.S." has an epic violin riff, of all things.
  • Growing the Beard: With EP.
  • Tear Jerker: "All the Shine," "Heartbeat," and the spoken-word section at the end of "That Power."