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Children of Bodom

Is Bodom proud of them?

Children of Bodom is a Finnish metal band from Espoo, formed in 1993 under the name of IneartheD. Their breakthrough was the album Follow the Reaper, which was the band's first album to receive a Gold certification in Finland. Since then, all six of the band's studio albums have reached the same status. In Finland, Children of Bodom has released three consecutive albums that debuted at number one on Finnish album charts, and has also seen chart positions on the United States Billboard 200.

The band is also known for its rather vague genre, which has caused much heated debate, but could best be described as a mix of death metal, elements of black metal in their early work, some groove metal elements, and (even though many will deny it) a bit of power metal.

Current lineup:

  • Alexi Laiho - vocals, guitar
  • Roope Latvala, guitar
  • Janne Wirman, keyboards
  • Henkka Seppälä, bass
  • Jaska Raatikainen, drums


  • Something Wild, 1997
  • Hatebreeder, 1999
  • Follow the Reaper, 2000
  • Hate Crew Deathroll, 2003
  • Are You Dead Yet?, 2005
  • Blooddrunk, 2008
  • Skeletons in the Closet, 2009, a cover album
  • Relentless Reckless Forever, 2011

Examples of tropes: