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Rescue rangers boom comics 3424

Looks awesome!

There have been two comic book series based on Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers.

The first was published by Disney from 1990-1991 and ran for 19 issues, beginning with a two-issue adaptation of the TV version's Five Episode Pilot.

The second was published by Boom Studios, beginning in 2010, and ran for a total of eight issues before the contract expired.

  • Arc 1: Worldwide Rescue (Issues #1 to #4)
The Rescue Rangers are back in action! When the Animal Rescue System — an invention created by Gadget's father Geegaw intended to help animals defend themselves — falls into the hands of felonious feline Fat Cat, it's up to the Rangers to scour the four corners of the Earth for the four parts to the key that can put a stop to the machine's power once and for all!
  • Arc 2: Slipping Through the Cracks (Issues #5 to #8)
After returning from their globetrotting adventure, the Rangers try to get back to their normal routine — but a group called the Danger Rangers, seemingly the evil counterparts to the Rangers, wreak havoc in the park during the Rangers' first full day back. A kidnapping in the animal kingdom occurs after this, and although still shaken, the Rangers spring into action — but all is not as it seems! It will take the help of some old friends to stop the malevolent machinations of some new foes — including someone from Gadget's past!
Tropes used in Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (Comic Book) include:

Tropes associated with the Disney series include:[]

  • Covers Always Lie: The last issue has a cover depicting Chip, Dale, and Monterey Jack fencing with a one-eyed mouse who has apparently taken Gadget hostage, and it is given the caption "His name is Ransom - and he means trouble!" Not only does this scene never happen in the issue itself, but Ransom isn't even a bad guy.

Tropes associated with the Boom! series include:[]

  • Ascended Extra: Foxglove. In #1, she was in a splash page that suggested a literal Sixth Ranger status; #2 highlighted her friendship with Dale just prior to the Rangers' departure on their new adventure. She saved Chip and Dale in #7, so her ascension to Sixth Ranger is all but confirmed.
  • Big Bad: Fat Cat, the Rangers' arch-nemesis, serves as this for Arc 1.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: This is caused by the Animal Rescue System in Arc 1 when the device gets into Fat Cat's hands; he controls all of the animals under its influence, and he uses them to both wreak havoc on humanity and attempt to stop the Rangers from foiling his plot.
  • The Cameo: Gadget appeared in a cameo in the second issue of the Boom Studios revival of Darkwing Duck, setting the stage for the Rescue Rangers revival.
  • Continuity Nod
    • Foxglove's appearance in the comic arguably counts as this, considering her former status as a one-shot character.
    • It was a family affair in Arc 1: Geegaw Hackwrench — Gadget's father — appeared in flashbacks during Issue #1, and Monterey Jack's parents — Cheddarhead Charlie and Camembert Kate — showed up in #4.
    • Issue #1 features a two-page splash that has images of several villains from the show — Fat Cat, Nimnul, the Pi-Rats, and Bubbles from the Coo-Coo Cola Cult — in the background
    • Fellow one-shot character Tammy returns to help the Rangers in #8.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Glitch's motivation for putting together the Danger Rangers and destroying the Rescue Rangers? When she and Gadget were children, Glitch didn't have the same kind of support that Gadget had. When Gadget apologizes for not helping Glitch out back then, Glitch instantly breaks down and asks Gadget to like her.
  • Everything's Worse with Bears: Issue #3 sees the Rangers helping to defend a group of humans from being mauled by a group of polar bears controlled by Fat Cat.
  • It's Personal: Played with in Arc 1, as the ARS was invented by Monterey Jack's best friend / Gadget's father — meaning those two had a little extra incentive in stopping Fat Cat.
  • Long-Lost Relative: Foxglove's father, Eaglewood, from #2.
  • The One Who Wears Shoes: Gadget's Danger Rangers counterpart, Glitch, is the first straight example of this in the whole franchise. While some characters wore shoes for special occasions — tap-dancing penguins need shoes, after all — no other animal in the series wears shoes as part of their regular outfit.
  • The Psycho Rangers: The Danger Rangers were essentially this to the Rescue Rangers. Glitch, fueled by her envy and hatred of Gadget, put the group together to take the Rangers down and prove she was better than Gadget.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Animals controlled by the ARS glow red and have glowing red eyes.
  • Ship Tease: Dale and Foxglove get a taste of this in #2.
  • Sixth Ranger: Foxglove, as of #7, seems to be in this territory.
  • Shout-Out
    • #2 starts with a splash page based on the very first stage of the first Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers game for the NES.
    • The title to Arc 2 is a shout out to the theme song of the show.
      • Additionally, there may be an unintentional shout-out to the show with the "Danger Rangers" — one of the VHS releases for the show was titled just that.
    • The title for #7 is "Ask a Ninja (To Stop Chasing Me)"
  • Stalker with a Crush: In #8 Glitch *really* wants Gadget to like her and has even built a shrine to her.
  • The Power of Friendship: In #8, Gadget's apology to Glitch for not helping her when she was a child makes Glitch instantly regret putting the Danger Rangers together.
  • Villain Ball: In Arc 1, Fat Cat controls the Animal Rescue System, a machine that was meant to help animals defend themselves by giving them a power boost, but can essentially brainwash any animal in the world to do his bidding. Instead of using it directly on the Rangers to make them commit suicide or kill each other, he commands other animals to kill them because he wants to truly and utterly defeat them once and for all.
    • Subverted in #4, as Fat Cat did turn the ARS on the Rangers once they arrived to foil his plans.