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Our heroes from left to right: Jo, Tetsuya, Yusuke, Megumi, and Jun-ichi.
The Livemen:
Yuusuke Amamiya[]
AKA Red Falcon. A Poor student of Academia. When Kenji, Gou, and Rui had joined up with a terrorist unit called Brain Army Volt, Yuusuke swore to destroy them for the loss of two of his four friends, not to mention the destruction of the entire college.
He's also the representative Red Sentai in the crossover Gaorangers vs Super Sentai
- Cool Plane: The Jet Falcon
- Cool Sword: Two of them, the Falcon Sword and Falcon Saber.
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: The opening and ending tunes are sung by his actor, Daisuke Shima.
- The Hero
- Hidden Depths: Not that hidden, given his school, but you initially don't get the impression that he could build his own mecha (and he seems to be aware of it).
- Idiot Hero: Begins as a Hot-Blooded rebel but grows into the role of a dependable, courageous leader. [1] You really could see the difference between his early self and his self in Gaorangers vs Super Sentai.
- The Kirk
- Master Swordsman: Expert in swords. Even Gao Yellow takes note from him.
- Signature Move: Falcon Break, after getting the stronger Falcon Saber.
Jou Oohara[]
AKA Yellow Lion. A fun-loving, confident sportsman who, like Yuusuke, is low on his grades. He enjoys Skateboarding as well as the welfare of his dog. Although Gou had joined the Volt army, Jou clung to the times he and Gou were friends.
- Butt Monkey: His butt is tasty. For dinosaurs.
- Cool Board: His skateboard.
- Cool Car: The Livecougar (in Mid-season, it was driven by Black Bison)
- The Lancer: Ironically, Yuusuke did not get HIS mecha in the first episode.
- The McCoy
- Product Placement: Jou's apparently a Seicross fan, and has a My Pet Monster doll on the rear-view mirror of his car.
- Weapon of Choice
- Power Fist: Lion Punch - stops using it when he gets the...
- BFG: Lion Bazooka, his Mid-Season Upgrade.
Megumi Misaki[]
AKA Blue Dolphin (the first female Blue Sentai Warrior). The lone female, and more serious member of the group. She can be fussy, and get into quarrels with the guys, but she has a heart of gold, and help them in battles whenever possible - when she's not kicking ass on her own.
- Alliterative Name: Not only that, but they both have M.M initials.
- The Archer: Dolphin Arrow
- Megumi comes from an archery family, incidentally.
- The Chick
- The Danza: She was played by Megumi Mori.
- If It Swims, It Flies: Averted, her Aqua Machine can travel in water, and on land. . . but never in the air. It can still make high, dolphin-like jumps out of the water - and judging by the Live Robo's Super Live Crash, can hover as well.
- Image Song: Spark! Umi e, which is sung by her own actress above. [2]
- Ms. Fanservice
- The Smart Girl: Technically all three, being Academia alumni, count as this - but Megumi was ranked near the top while the guys were near the bottom.
- The Smurfette Principle
- The Spock
- Team Mom
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: She and Colon for friends, but Mazenda replaces Colon in enemies. Ironically, both girly girls are not really human.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Tetsuya Yano[]
AKA Black Bison. A skilled boxer, he is obsessed with getting revenge on Dr. Kemp for killing his older brother - and initially has teamwork problems as a result.
- The Big Guy
- Dead Older Brother
- Leeroy Jenkins: At first has a really short temper and is more prone to charging to the enemy impulsively, kind of 'ruining' the core three's plan.
- Simple Staff: Bison Rod
- Three Plus Two: One of the two later members.
- You Killed My Brother
Junichi Aikawa[]
AKA Green Sai. A Rugby expert, he is also the youngest and most idealistic member of the team, and more cooperative than Tetsuya.
- Dead Older Sister: The reason he joined Liveman.
- Dual Boomerangs: Sai Cutters
- The Heart
- Kid Appeal Character
- Mister Seahorse: Becomes "pregnant" with Vegazuno's offspring, giving birth to Vegababy.
- Three Plus Two: The other latecomer.
- Took a Level in Badass: Given that he's the youngest of the five and that there wasn't much to show that he could do this, it's very surprising to see him continuously destroy Guildos' personal Guild-zuno until Guildos himself basically self-destructs from the strain of reviving him.
Brain Army Volt:

The members of Volt: Gash, Dr. Obular, Prof. Bias, Dr. Kemp, and Dr. Mazenda.
Great Professor Bias[]
The leader of Volt. He believes that humanity should be ruled by the intelligent. Far from being a Card-Carrying Villain, he encourages and motivates his subordinates to learn from their mistakes and increase their intelligence.
- A God Am I: Unsaid in the show itself, but this adequately sums him up.
- Big Bad: Obviously. Notably, the protagonists are aware of him but don't know what he looks like until the penultimate episode, where Yuusuke bursts into Bias' Brain Room and demands to know if he's Bias. He fires a beam at Yuusuke, who puts a sword into him in return.
- It's Pronounced Japanese: His name is "Bi-ah-su" (rhymes with "Pierce"), not "Bai-as".
- Joji Nakata
- Mass Hypnosis: Bias pulls this in the penultimate episode. On Earth. The whole Earth. Only Yuusuke (who's actually inside the Brain Base by that point) and Colon (who's a robot) are unaffected.
Guardnoid Gash[]
Not formerly anything. Bias' right-hand robot. In charge of making defeated Brain Beasts grow to incredible sizes with the Giga Phantom. Also has an absurdly powerful Gashgun and a sword, and is basically the strongest fighter in the show.
- Battle Butler: Although he is technically The Dragon - heavy emphasis on the 'Battle'.
- Implacable Man: He normally serves as Bias' bodyguard, but when he actually needs to do dragony things, he turns into this. It's particularly noticeable when he's hunting down Mazenda to take her brain; all five of the heroes jumping him doesn't do squat.
- Make My Monster Grow: What he does best, with his Giga Phantom enlargement bazooka (it's actually more of a prism, if that makes any sense).
Dr. Kemp[]
Formerly Kenji Tsukigata, Dr. Kemp is a vain and power-hungry man who considers himself Bias' star pupil and can transform into the monstrous Beauty Beast Kemp. Later, he becomes Fear Beast Kemp. Yuusuke's rival.
- Bio Augmentation: The route he takes to become Bijuu-Kemp and Kyoujuu-Kemp.
- The Dragon: To Great Professor Bias - or, at least, he'd like to be. After his brain is removed and his body is turned into Kemp-zuno he becomes The Brute, leaving Gash as Bias' Dragon.
- Laughing Mad: The second he realizes that he's the only one of Bias' "students" still alive, he starts laughing, while Gash, in the background, trains the Gashgun on him.
- One-Winged Angel: His alternate forms: Beauty Beast Kemp and the monstrous Fear Beast Kemp.
Dr. Mazenda[]
Formerly Rui Senda, Dr. Mazenda is a cold-hearted woman who converted herself into a cyborg to eliminate her human emotion and affection. Later upgrades herself to Machine Mazenda, wherein 90% of her body (everything below the head) is mechanical. Megumi's rival, Yuusuke's former crush. Not quite as fanatically devoted to Bias as Kemp is.
- Anatomy Arsenal: Including several Arm Cannons.
- The Baroness
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul: Played straight at first, and even then she's not completely happy trading off her humanity for eternal beauty. Subverted later on — she regains some of her humanity only after she becomes fully mechanical to prevent Bias from taking her brain.
- Cyborg: And she upgrades herself as necessary.
- Robot Girl: Converts herself into Robo Mazenda, once she fully realizes what Bias has planned for her brain.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Megumi's Tomboy. (Enemy version)
Dr. Ashura[]
Formerly Arashi Busujima, an underworld crime boss. Bias artificially increases his intelligence to transform him into the genius Dr. Ashura, making his brainpower as formidable as his fighting abilities.
- Acting for Two: There is a significant gap between Arashi and Ashura's characters that is best described with this trope.
- Badass Normal: Arashi is tough enough to fight Brain Beasts to a draw and actually blows one up with a suicide attack.
- Don't Think, Feel: Ashura's weakness is that he thinks his way through his fighting style. He's actually smart enough to get away with it most of the time, but Red Falcon eventually exploits this and beats him.
- Dumb Muscle: Arashi is a gang leader, but not because he's smart.
- Genius Bruiser: Ashura gets into hand-to-hand combat more than the other two.
An alien from the technologically-advanced planet of Guild. He joins Volt after hearing of Bias' reputation from across space. Notable for his arrogance and his apparently unlimited life force. Actually a robot built by Bias to spur on his students by acting as a rival.
- Asshole Victim: He can't quite believe that he's a robot, and his last few minutes are spent in anguish as he tries to wrap his mind around it (he spends the entirety of the Giant mecha fight wandering up a cliff face basically asking "why? WHY?" before exploding - "TELL ME, BIAS!!").
- Body Horror: His Robotic Reveal - half his face blowing off, tubes and metal spurting out from his body, and in a nice touch in post-production, his voice gets static-y a second before his body starts failing.
- Cast From HP: Can revive specialized Brain Beasts without enlarging them this way, and he has quite a lot of HP.
- Tomato in the Mirror: He initially believed himself to have unlimited life force, and found out the hard way that there was something inaccurate about that...
A pig-like alien from the planet Chibuchi who - like Guildos - joins Volt to share his extraterrestrial intelligence and study under Bias. Acts as the Plucky Comic Relief and has an appreciation for Earth music. Also like Guildos, he is a robot built to motivate Bias' students.
- Heel Face Turn: In episode 44, "Butchy's reckless driving of tears!", he is like this after his robot parts appear from within himself, and when he hears "Spark! To The Ocean" being played on a keytar by Megumi - he even protects her from some attacking Jimmas. However, he got remote detonated by Bias, Where Megumi could see him die, but not before waving and saying "Goodbye" to her.
- Tomato in the Mirror: He really has every excuse to not be in his right mind during his last episode.
- Verbal Tic: obviously, dasu!
The android ally built by the trio's late mentor, she is capable maintaining the GranTortoise base, as well as provide in-battle assistance to our heroes whenever possible. Although a machine, she carries many human emotions.
- Battle Butler: Of a sort, as she takes care of their base and jumps into battle on occasion - more emphasis on the 'Butler' part. She's even blown up a Brain Beast.
- Chinese Girl: Her design aesthetic. She even has Odango-like parts[3] on her head and her body has a Qipao thing going.
- Guy in Back: Was essentially this during Live Boxer's first combination against Giga Volt, by wiring herself directly into it (to cover for a burned-out circuit).
- Sixth Ranger: Fills this role when necessary (supporting fire and indirect combat only - she's physically durable but not particularly strong).
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Megumi's Tomboy. (Friend version)
- Verbal Tic: Likes to add "-Colon" to the end of her sentences. (It's something of an affectation and she does it less and less as the show progresses.)
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Averted - she falls in love with a damaged Jimma, then later Yuusuke.
Gou Omura - Dr. Obular[]
As one of the three transformed ex-students of Academia, he considers his human form to be inferior and mutates himself into the monstrous "perfect lifeform" Obular. He has a major inferiority complex, which motivated his transformation. Jou's rival. (As to WHY he's not in the list of Volt's group, it's because he eventually pulls a Heel Face Turn and lives to tell about it.)
- The Atoner: what he becomes after recovering his memory, post-Volt - he seems to have found God by the end, ironically.
- Can't Catch Up: He's not actually a born genius like Kemp and Mazenda, getting where he did through hard-ass studying (and got into Volt by applying, rather than being invited like they were).
- Education Mama: Has one, but she lightens up after seeing what happened to him and nurses him back to health after he becomes Omura Gou again.
- Made of Iron: It's subtle, but he seems to have retained some degree of his former mutated physique - Gash shoots him several times, in the back and at close range, as he tries to protect Mazenda, which he shrugs off.
- Mutant: Obular shot himself up with a virus to rebuild himself into Beastman Obular, and is biologically no longer human - and unlike Kemp, he can't change back into human form. (It took getting turned into Obular-Zuno to undo this and he ultimately wills himself back to being human, at the expense of considerable stress on his mind and body.)
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: Suffers from this for a while, as a result of the stress of becoming human again. (20 episodes later, a coincidental run-in with a Brain Beast cures it.)