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The Christ Clone Trilogy by James Beau Seigneur is a Christian End Times novel series, fictionalizing the story of Bible prophecy being fulfilled Twenty Minutes Into the Future. As such, it technically qualifies as Science Fiction, but reads more like Techno Thriller mixed with Disaster Movie. The overtly supernatural content is introduced gradually from the second book onwards.

The story is told primarily from the viewpoint of the journalist Decker Hawthorne, and spans over several decades; it begins with chronicling his work on a scientific expedition to analyze the Shroud of Turin. An old friend of his, Professor Harry Goodman, is a member of the expedition, and later reveals in private that he has found living cells on the Shroud, which he plans to cultivate. Decker, though not particularly religious, is uncomfortable with the implications, and the two don't see each other for another several years. When he later meets the Goodmans' "adopted grand-nephew," Christopher, he can't help but suspect ... um, well.

Despite his initial unease, Decker quickly comes to think of Christopher as a very nice boy and good person. When the Goodmans die in a car accident, he becomes his legal guardian. But shadowy forces are at work, thinking the boy important to their vision of the world they wish to create. Moreover, as Christopher discovers that he has apparently inherited extraordinary abilities, it becomes clear to all that he has an important part to play in what is to come.

The trilogy spans (obviously) three volumes:

  • In His Image
  • Birth of an Age
  • Acts of God

Provides examples of:[]


To tell the truth, something I do as little as possible these days.....

    • For most of the story, he doesn't even have a Compelling Voice (a power he only explicitly uses once), he's just THAT good at being a deceiver.
    • Milner has his own moments of this, but he's a small-time version of this compared to his boss.
  • Cult: The Koum Damah Patar, an all-Jewish ascetic sect with apparent psychic powers. They dress in sackcloth and tattoo the name of God (YHWH) in their foreheads, but they are the good guys of the setting.
    • The Lucius Trust is a far more subtle version until they no longer have to be later on in the series.
  • Demonic Possession: The prophecy about 200 million horsemen (Revelation 9) is interpreted this way, on a continental scale. The result is High Octane Nightmare Fuel.
  • Disc One Final Boss: Albert Faure Moore is this for the first book.
  • The Dragon: Robert Milner, A.K.A. "The False Prophet."
    • Technically speaking, the role is shared between him and Decker initially, with Decker acting as the non empowered version who works the propaganda on the mundane side of things, while Milner serves to be the superpowered version to bolster Goodman's own claims of divinity. However, Decker has a Heel Faith Turn after he realizes just how cruelly he was manipulated since day one.
  • Easy Evangelism: One Orthodox rabbi is converted to Christianity by convincing him that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament Messiah prophecies.
    • Somewhat subverted for awhile though for Chaim Levin, as he holds out quite a bit until he becomes so sickened with the activities of The Antichrist that he becomes far more willing to hear this out, and his accepting this prompts a lot of others who follow his lead to do the same.
  • Evil All Along: Decker figures this out about Christopher Goodman towards the end, and the whole world who was duped by his lies realizes this to their horror in the finale.
  • Evolutionary Levels: The basis of much of the Antichrist's ruling ideology.
  • Evil Versus Evil: Albert Moore is definitely not a nice guy, but his opponents are even worse.
    • To be specific, Goodman claims humanity can become more than merely human and provides a bunch of apparent proof of this, and his main sales pitch against God hinges on the claim the latter wants to prevent humanity from being like God out of cruelty.
  • Exact Words: A lot of plot points hinge on these. In fact, The Antichrist tends to avoid outright lying by using a lot of taken out of context Bible verses to justify himself.
    • Ironically, this does backfire on him towards the end, when Decker realizes the meaning of Tom Donafin's Exact Words to him, which winds up undoing all of Christopher's lies, forcing the latter to finally tell the truth for once.
  • Flat Earth Atheist: Averted. Instead of disbelieving God when the divine judgments start hitting Earth, the populace turn into Nay Theists and join the vaguely super-naturalistic but assuredly anti-God Path of Inspiration instead.
  • Heel Face Door Slam: In the finale, EVERYONE who follows The Antichrist discovers how screwed they are, and said Antichrist mocks them for figuring it out, telling them,

You made your choices, you always had a choice.
