"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels (real name: Daniel Christopher Covell) is a professional wrestler best known for his time in TNA and Ring of Honor, with him being one of the founding fathers of the latter promotion. The Other Wiki has lots of information on his life and career.
Christopher Daniels provides examples of the following tropes:
- Bald of Awesome / Bald of Evil: Depending on whether he's playing a Face or Heel.
- Badass Longcoat: He's been known to wear a sleeveless one of these.
- Charlie Brown From Outta Town: During his time in TNA, Daniels was forced out of the company (kayfabe). Shortly after, a masked wrestler named "Curry Man" debuted in the promotion. Smarks knew that it was Daniels under the mask. Subverted in that nobody in the storyline ever voiced suspicion that they were the same person. Played straight after Curry Man was forced to leave the company, around the same time another masked wrestler named Suicide made his debut. After a while, it was suspected by many that Daniels was Suicide (he was, but he wasn't the original), but this was eventually "disproven" when Daniels and Suicide were seen together (after Frankie Kazarian, the original Suicide prior to an injury, retook the role). This was made into a minor storyline after Daniels' official return to TV.
- Defeat Means Friendship: This was the impetus for AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels to form a tag team and go after the NWA Tag Team Championship.
- Dynamic Entry: On the March 31st episode of TNA, Daniels returns by rushing from the crowd, scaling the cage, and taking out all of Immortal in one move!
- Green-Eyed Monster / Pride: The underlying truth behind every installment of his feud with AJ.
- Guyliner: It certainly looks that way.
- Heterosexual Life Partners / Ho Yay: The relationship between AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels was chock full of Ho Yay, even when they were enemies. When they were arguing over the possibility that Daniels could beat Styles, it seemed like a lover's spat that lasted for weeks. Samoa Joe acting like a jealous third party didn't help any. Keep in mind that in real life, Daniels and Styles have named their kids after each other, so this is hardly a relationship that ends when the match does.
- Large Ham: Most of the time, but especially as a heel, when he enjoys diving into "Cartoon Supervillain" territory.
- Last-Name Basis: Done during his last 2010 TNA run. Even HE didn't understand why.
- Older Than He Looks: Daniels turned forty in 2011, but can still keep up with high fliers like AJ Styles and Evan Bourne.
- Once a Season: See Charlie Brown From Outta Town above. TNA got into a weird habit of "firing" him almost once a year during a "Feast or Fired" match, and then him coming back in another persona. First Christopher Daniels, then Curry Man, then Suicide (albeit accidentally), then simply as "Daniels" (and not even he understands why). It was there that they ran out of ideas and gave up.
- One of Us: Massive comic book fanatic, gamer, and Doctor Who villain.
- Red Baron: The Fallen Angel.
- Retroactive Recognition: Astute fans who hung tough during the twilight days of WCW will remember Daniels as having made his TV debut during one of the final Nitros. Despite his most memorable moment being a botched move off the rope resulting in him bouncing three feet in the air off the top of his head, he showed a great deal of promise and technical savvy and was signed to a contract. Unfortunately, WWF completed their purchase of the company just a couple of weeks later and he never got to wrestle for WCW again, nor was his contract picked up by the WWF when the dust settled.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: His reason for returning to TNA in 2011 is to take revenge for AJ Styles being taken out by Bully Ray.
- Sanity Slippage: Fell under this at Bound for Glory 2011, complete with Evil Laugh and ineffectual death threat.
- Now he's claiming that he just "beat" AJ Styles and Rob Van Dam after pretty much every time he interacts with them.
- Spot Monkey: Averted; Daniels employs a wrestling style with many impressive spots, but manages to actually chain them together with decent wrestling, and thus avoid being tarred with the Spot Monkey brush.
- Take Up My Sword: Took over AJ Styles place as leader of Fortune after AJ got taken out by Bully Ray.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: See Destination X 2011, and the AJ Styles match, rivalry. Samoa Joe is not impressed.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Daniels delivered one of these to ROH fans as a heel, right before departing the company for TNA.
- Two First Names