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Christopher r sabat full large

"ITS OVER 9000!" There. Are you happy now?


Ahem. Anyway, Chris Sabat is one of the more-known FUNimation voice actors. It's no surprise, really, considering that he's voiced two (maybe three) memetically popular characters. Often speaking in a natural Badass Baritone, the characters he voices tend to be either Badass, Large and In Charge, or even both. Also known to be quite the Large Ham, for his self-deprecating humour and being extremely tolerant of fans asking him to reproduce the infamous line (despite, by his own admission, not having any idea what they were talking about at first [1]).

Not to be confused with the Sabbat.

Has a cameo as a piano player in Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000[2].

Notable roles by Christopher Sabat, passed down the Sabat family line for generations![]

  1. justified because the memetic version of the line originated with Brian Drummond in The Ocean Group's dub of DBZ
  2. He also voiced Mr. Munch