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CityVille was a flash-based city builder sim game, similar to SimCity, by Zynga Inc., available through Facebook and Google+. You act as mayor of your own city, with the goal to grow and expand your town with the help of your friends. Build houses to increase the population, erect civic buildings to expand your population cap, and grow crops and run factories to obtain goods to fuel your businesses. Like many time-management Facebook games, the player consumes energy for every action in the game. City Cash is used to buy premium items, bypass quests and requirements, and gain bonuses.

The game features many characters living in the city with their own stories and questlines. Your main guide, Samantha, is the neighboring mayor from the next town over who often gives you advice and suggestions (usually in the form of erecting more structures) for your growing town.

CityVille was known to be the biggest game on Facebook with 84.2 million active users. Like its sister game, FarmVille, it can get rather spammy due to the many different unique items, often not usable in other structures, the player has to request from their friends in order to complete goals.

The game was shut down on April 30, 2015.

Tropes used in CityVille include:

General Tropes[]

Character Tropes[]

  • Art Evolution: The most notable example is Samantha, who goes from a hydrocephalic middle-aged woman in the game's infancy to a slightly more proportionate character with rather notable assets.
  • Big Bad / Crossover: Captain Krunsch from Empires and Allies
  • The Cameo: Michael Buble and Enrique Iglesias (Twice, even.) so far.
  • Funny Foreigner: Chef Andre
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Quite a few of these appear in the quest art, which makes you wonder why some pretty random characters are hanging out together, doing seemingly random things around town. Then again, most Cityville characters are Flat Characters.
  1. One wallpost reads: Player Name is really looking forward to visiting the Darling District in their city. But not as much as they're looking forward to visiting the Red Light District.