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Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Civilization fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Authors and Websites[]

Civ Stories and Tales

  • Recommended by Alexius 08
  • Synopsis: A collection of several Civ stories, AARs, IAARs and the like.

General Fics[]

Let's Play Civilization IV: The End of History by Zoolooman

  • Recommended by Specialist 290
  • Synopsis: The author narrates the rise of the Russian civilization from a humble collection of settlers to a great world power. Far from being a mere game report, the author writes in a Scrapbook Story format, inventing and incorporating multiple "primary sources" that go in-depth about his empire's political, social, economic, and military affairs, piecing it together as if it were a real story, as well as increasingly-less-subtle hints that the whole thing is being masterminded by a Government Conspiracy. The author implies as the story progresses that the game itself has already finished; sadly, the story itself is not. If you don't mind being Left Hanging at the end, though, I would highly recommend it to any fan of the Civilization series.

Pax Romana by Vanadorn

  • Recommended by Specialist 290
  • Synopsis: This is one of the epic stories of Civilization Fanatics Forums; the author himself describes it as "the love child between the history of the Roman Empire and War and Peace." It's a novel-like (and novel-length) account of the history of Rome as it struggles to survive against its rivals and ascend to global supremacy.
    • A word of warning: Some of the writing at the beginning is a bit rough, but It Gets Better.

The History of Humanity - The Lost Stories by The Number Pi

  • Recommended by Alexius 08
  • Synopsis: This story is the most viewed story in The Number Pi's History of Humanity series for featuring a story within a story: the first part was played in Rhye's and Fall of Civilization and the second part was played in Next War. Both parts seamlessly fit together within the story. The leaderhead switch mechanics from RFC were also referenced within the story in a satisfactory way. The Number Pi started as the English, then collapsed and managed to switch to America before London could be overrun by neighboring Europeans. Then, starting over at America, the player established complete hegemony over the New World and set the stage for the Next War part of the story.

Shipping Fics[]

An Iberian Love Story by Alexius08

  • Recommended by the author.
  • Synopsis: Civ's first ever shipping fic, which involves João II and Isabella.

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