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These are the main and secondary characters who appear in the Clannad Anime and Visual Novel.

Beware of SPOILERS.

Tomoya Okazaki[]

Tomoya clannad

 Voiced by: Yuuichi Nakamura & Fuyuka Ooura (JP - anime), Kenji Nojima (JP - movie), David Matranga (EN)


The protagonist of the series. Due to his habit of always arriving late to school, skipping classes during the day, and staying out all night, he has been labeled as a delinquent, or a young person who defies authority. Nevertheless, his actions end up changing everyone else's life for the better.

Tropes associated with Tomoya:

Nagisa Furukawa[]

Nagisa clannad

  Voiced by: Mai Nakahara (JP), Luci Christian (EN)


Nagisa is the main heroine of Clannad. A shy girl lacking in confidence, she meets Tomoya when she pauses (amid a sea of Cherry Blossoms) at the bottom of the hill, struggling to bring herself to continue on her way to school. Tomoya gives her some encouragement and eventually assists her in her dream of reestablishing the Drama Club.

Later becomes Tomoya's wife and mother to Ushio.

Tropes associated with Nagisa:

Kyou Fujibayashi[]

Kyou clannad

 Voiced by: Ryou Hirohashi (JP), Shelley Calene-Black (EN)


Class Representative of 3-E, Kyou has known both Tomoya and Sunohara since their junior year. Known for being overprotective of both Botan and her sister Ryou, she is known for literally throwing the book at them.

Tropes associated with Kyou:

  • Anime Hair: She has a very distinctive hairstyle (and hair color — purple). Among the odd features she shares with her twin sister Ryou (and one they also share with Wholesome Crossdresser "Katsuki Shima" when he's in his female disguise) is a pair of what look like cat ears. It's just part of their hairstyles, but it still lends her a faint hint of Catgirl.
    • Note that this Catgirl hairstyle is commonplace among girls in the Kanon franchise.
    • The Image Board tag for this is "Hair Intake" (looking like hood scoops on a muscle car).
  • Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: Played with, in the scene where she and Tomoya are accidentally locked in the gym locker together.
  • Badass Adorable: OK, she isn't quite on Tomoyo's level, but she can throw books pretty hard, got some killer kick, and can play basketball as much as Tomoya and Sunohara.
  • Badass Long Hair
  • Big Sister Instinct: She's very protective of Ryou
  • Boobs of Steel
  • Bowdlerize: Her threats are much, MUCH more violent in the visual novel than the anime.
    • She also would try to run Tomoya over with her bike on purpose.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Bold Action Girl-Genki Girl-Tsundere combo though she is, she loses courage when it comes to admitting her feelings for Tomoya. She does her best to hide them even from her sister Ryou, and instead channels them into Playing Cyrano.
  • Captain Ersatz: In character design, of Lucky Star's Kagami Hiiragi. Both are Tsunderes, both have long, purple hair, both have shy, quiet twins. The kanji for their personal names are also the same. (This was lampshaded by Konata at one point in the the Lucky Star Anime, and by Tsukasa and Konata in the Manga.)
    • Note that Lucky Star Manga began in January 2004, and the first installment of the Visual Novel was released not much later (although the full game was not released until that summer), so it's not exactly self-evident who was copying whom, or how.
    • While Kyou looks eerily like Kagami Hiiragi, in temperament, she's Kagami crossed with hefty doses of Haruhi Suzumiya and some of Tsuruya's less pleasant personality traits. She also has Tsuruya's boisterous laugh.
  • Catgirl: Not literally — but see Anime Hair. It's also in keeping with her kittenish personality.
  • Class Representative: Her junior year and again her senior year. Not just a literal example, but also fits the temperament for the trope.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: A minor example.
  • Covert Pervert: A couple examples, but we don't get to see what she was thinking. One where Kyou is trying to think of why Ryou is embarrassed and immediately concluding they must have done something inappropriate in public. A second example is her blush and disappointment that Tomoya didn't enter the laser tag game in Kappei's route. The winner would get to order the other to do whatever they wanted for a week.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Her hair is purple, to match her Purple Eyes.
  • The Danza: Not quite, but close enough to be confusing. Her name is Kyou; her Polar Opposite Twins is Ryou; her Seiyuu is named Ryou.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: At least in the Flash Back to junior year. Also, over the course of the series, she mellows out, although she's never an ice queen so much as a heavily-tsun-sided Tsundere.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: In the Visual Novel, she's endlessly embarrassed by the love letters she gets from girls.
  • First-Name Basis: With everyone. The only member of the cast to refer to Sunohara by his first name, Youhei.
    • Worth noting: as informal as she is, she still refers to Sanae as "Sanae-san." Also, once she's a teacher, she's called Fujibayashi-sensei, not Kyou.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: Averted: She's a better cook than her sister.
  • Friend Zone: She'd be an Unlucky Childhood Friend had she known Tomoya before their junior year. If you make one of the wrong decisions in the VN, Tomoya will express depression at how his relationship with her hadn't changed since he had known her, indicating that despite her fears of rejection he was never averse to the idea.
  • Genki Girl: Probably the purest example in the franchise.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Her eyes glow firepoker red when she's irate. Which is a lot of the time. Sometimes she gets Hidden Eyes instead.
  • Hair Decorations
  • Hey, It's That Voice: Her Seiyuu Ryo Hirohashi plays Konata in the Lucky Star drama CDs. Which is an interesting choice, given all the cross-references between the two shows — especially with Kyou and Ryou versus Kagami and Tsukasa.
  • Hidden Eyes: Similar to Glowing Eyes of Doom, above. Except sometimes her Hidden Eyes instead indicate embarrassment, shame, or even — in at least one memorable instance — abject supplication.
  • Hot Teacher: In After Story, she works as a Kindergarten teacher and teaches Nagisa and Tomoya's child Ushio.
  • Important Haircut: At the end of her arc, she cuts her hair short, like Ryou's, as part of a desperate attempt to be more like Ryou.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Not nearly as much as her twin sister Ryou, or Tomoyo, or Kotomi. Nevertheless, once Kyou finally admits to herself that she and Ryou have both lost any hope of winning Tomoya's heart, after a good cry, she goes back to normal and remains friends not just with Tomoya but with Nagisa. (It's worth noting that Tomoyo has probably had a crush on Tomoya for just a few weeks, whereas Kyou and Ryou have been interested in him for probably well over a year, so it's natural that Tomoyo would recover more fully more quickly. Poor Kotomi had silently loved Tomoya for most of her life.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She basically treats everyone with the same abrasive attitude. However she cares about her sister and friends a lot.
  • Matchmaker Crush: Has had a crush on Tomoya for a year or so, but was too scared of ruining the friendship to act on it. Ryou went to her for help on trying to get along with Tomoya. What this develops into is hardly a surprise.
  • Megaton Kick/Kick Chick
  • Ms. Fanservice: In general, but perhaps most famously, during the famed gym locker scene, when at last her dere-dere side manifests itself. (For more on that scene, see Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?, above.)
  • One Steve Limit: Averted in the case of her and her Polar Opposite Twins Ryou.
  • Pet Baby Wild Animal: Botan.
  • Polar Opposite Twins: With her twin sister Ryou.
  • Purple Eyes: Bright purple. Like her hair.
  • Shipper on Deck: Though she shows interest in Tomoya herself, she spends a lot of time trying to get him together with Ryou. at least until she realizes that Tomoya has already chosen Nagisa.
  • Ship Tease: With plenty of characters — and a few animals — but most of all with Tomoya.

 Kyou: (coyly) We're alone now. So ... what do you want to do?

Tomoya: I'm going to take a nap.

Kyou: You are really rude.

  • Sibling Triangle: Kyou and Ryou are both in love with Tomoya.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: With Ryou.
  • Stepford Smiler: Made abundantly clear in the visual novel (less so in the anime), whenever Kyou is talking about how Tomoya needs to pay attention to Ryou more she's crying inside.
  • Team Mom: Sometimes, especially in episode 10 and 11.
  • Team Pet: No, she isn't one, but she has one: Button / Botan (ボタン), her pet baby boar, which keeps following her to school.
  • Throw the Book At Them: Her Weapon of Choice is a dictionary. Usually aimed at Youhei, but sometimes at Tomoya, especially when she thinks (or pretends to think) he's plotting to eat her pet baby boar Botan. (See Team Pet, above.) (She usually hits Youhei, whereas she usually misses Tomoya. Presumably this is at least in part intentional on Kyou's part.)
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The tomboy to her twin sister Ryou's girly girl.
  • Triang Relations: Type 13 with Kyou at A, Ryou at B and Tomoya at C. It gets complicated from there because while the basics are simple (Kyou and Ryou like Tomoya, who is friends with one and barely knows the other and Kyou is supporting Ryou) new factors enter the equation when Tomoya begins dating Ryou on the theory that he might come to like her eventually, but ends up liking Kyou.
  • Tsundere: Mostly angry and violent but occasionally reveals her 'dere' side, especially evident in the Gym Closet scene.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: According to Ryou, in Kappei's route of the Visual Novel.
  • You Gotta Have Purple Hair: Identical in color (although not in cut) to the hair of her Polar Opposite Twins twin sister Ryou.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: And how! And unlike everyone else, she wears them to any time, any task, be it a birthday party, school sport or working hard in Kotomi's garden.
    • She stops wearing them when she becomes Ushio's teacher. However, at that time she wasn't wearing a skirt.

Kotomi Ichinose[]

Kotomi clannad

  Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (JP), Emily Neves (EN)


Kotomi is a Strange Girl: she has No Social Skills and is fearful and asocial. Generally she is silent. She squirrels herself away in the school library — she is always kneeling on the library floor, reading. Absorbing several pages of abstruse text per minute.

When Tomoya meets her, he manages to cut through some of her protective layers and socialize with her a bit, but each time he attempts to start up a conversation with her she won't notice him and respond unless he remembers to call her 'Kotomi-chan'. She has a habit of cutting pages from books and newspapers. The polar opposite of Book Dumb, she is among the highest test scorers her year in all of Japan, and her classmates revere from afar as a genius. She has a deep-seated fear of bullies and a mysterious man in a black suit.

As it turns out, Kotomi was Tomoya's childhood friend. He has forgotten her, although she has not forgotten him. Her parents, important academics, were always too busy to attend her birthday when she was a child. Before one fateful birthday, they made a promise to attend and give her a teddy bear, but they died in a plane crash before that could happen. The mysterious man in black is actually a friend of her father's, the one who informed her of her parents' death — an association that causes her fear of him years later.

Kotomi was too devastated to hear of their death and the prospect of them forgetting her by dying like that without her present and eventually she burnt a catalogue that she thought to be her father's scientific paper (which turns out to be a catalogue for the teddy bear they'd bought her), which started a fire that would likely have burnt down her house, with her in it, were it not for the quick action of that man in black. (Tomoya was there, too, although he forgets about it until near the end of the first season.)

After the fire, Kotomi vows to study hard and make amends for her destruction of (what she thinks was) this seminal scientific work, by becoming an important intellectual in her own right. Socializing simply isn't important to her — at least until she meets Tomoya again, when they're high school seniors.

Tomoya befriends her and helps her to open up and socialize. Later she discovers that her parents never forgot about her, and the last thing they preserved before their death was Kotomi's present, a teddy bear doll. After this, in the Visual Novel, Kotomi resumes her relationship with Tomoya as his girlfriend. But in the Anime, she gets Demoted to Extra.

Tropes associated with Kotomi:

Tomoyo Sakagami[]

Tomoyo clannad

  Voiced by: Houko Kuwashima (JP-Clannad), Hikaru Isshiki (JP-Tomoyo After), Kaytha Coker (EN)


A beautiful delinquent who has attained legendary status as a fighter. Tomoyo at first is a rough, cold-hearted girl who delivers the frustration of her messed up family that almost considered divorcing by fighting and hurting other people. That changed when her little brother Takafumi, in a desperate attempt to fix things up, either threw himself to the river or gets himself into a car crash, ending up crippled and instantly mending the family and softens up Tomoyo. She later hears her brother's wish to see the sakura tree, and made it her mission to preserve those trees. She later attends at Tomoya's school and starts out by driving out some delinquents that threaten the school, and later spends her time not only to become the Student Council President (the only position where she can issue orders to preserve the sakura tree), also kicking Sunohara's butt whenever he pisses her off (and repeatedly). After much hardships of winning the students' hearts and cleans up her delinquent status, she is elected as the Student Council President, and continues to be friends with the ones who help her doing so: Tomoya.

Tomoyo proves to be wildly popular that she later gets selected as the protagonist of a special sequel which is the continuation of her visual novel story. Her route also gets animated in an Alternate Universe episode based on her Visual Novel route, whereas she dates Tomoya (whereas other girls don't seem to exist), but both became torn between their status and decided to move on to their own path, breaking up in result. When Tomoya finally graduates, Tomoyo waits for him and they tearfully reunite as lovers.

Tropes associated with Tomoyo:

Fuko Ibuki[]

Fuko clannad

 Voiced by: Ai Nonaka (JP), Hillary Haag (EN)


A rather strange, short girl, who never seems to take classes and is often to be found sitting somewhere quiet carving wooden star shapes. A rumor about her being a ghost is floating about the school, and she has a tendency to force her carvings on any student she meets, requesting that in return they attend her elder sister's wedding and congratulate her. In reality, Fuko is somehow projecting herself into the school from her comatose body, having been unconscious since she was hit by a car after her first day at the school. As the end of her storyline looms, everyone begins to forget about her, losing the ability to see or interact with her, until a last, massive effort allows her to reappear for a brief moment, and congratulate her elder sister herself. Not long beforehand, her sister had revealed to Tomoya that Fuko's body in the hospital had "stopped breathing".

In the anime, Kouko meant that Fuko had a low chance of waking up, as her condition had deteriorated. But this has been officially Jossed as of the Grand Finale, where after Tomoya initiates the Reset Button Ending and saves the lives of both Ushio and Nagisa, a light orb is obtained by Fuko and as a result, she wakes up from her coma.

Tropes associated with Fuko:

Ryou Fujibayashi[]

Ryou clannad

  Voiced by: Akemi Kanda (JP), Brittney Karbowski (EN)


The younger and more timid of the Fujibayashi twins. Is the class representative of her room, but only won it through lottery rather then through actual voting. Is known for telling fortunes of anyone who asks her. Her fortunes are always complex and usually completely off the mark, though she can be eerily accurate at times. Though she is usually wrong, she believes that it would be better for the future not to be already set. She has a crush on Tomoya in the beginning and enlists Kyou's help, or rather, Kyou insists on helping her.

Tropes associated with Ryou:

Youhei Sunohara[]

Youhei clannad

  Voiced by: Daisuke Sakaguchi (JP), Greg Ayres (EN)


Tomoya's best buddy and fellow delinquent. Generally a dim but lovable fellow. Makes for a great punching bag. Well, it tends to be kicks, really.

Tropes associated with Sunohara:


  Tomoyo: You exist solely for gags.

    • Iron Butt Monkey: It is quite a wonder how he could take over the top physical abuses (Mostly by Kyou, Tomoyo, Misae, and Akio) and walk away like nothing happened when you would expected him to be carried away on a stretcher. He shouldn't be alive, actually considering that the rest of the cast is much more fragile.
  • Casanova Wannabe
  • Casting Gag: Greg Ayres previously played Kanon's Butt Monkey, Jun Kitagawa. This makes for one hell of an amusing Brick Joke in After Story if you remember what Kitagawa said about wanting to try Akiko's jam.
  • Cat Smile: One of his default expressions.
  • Chew Toy: More of a Butt Monkey, but he has elements of both.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: One of many in the series, but one of the very few who seems to be genuinely stupid.
  • Delinquents
  • The Ditz
  • Gay Option: In the form of a hilarious Bad End in the Visual Novel.
  • Gratuitous English: His English is so bad he says "Rezombie" instead of "Revenge".
    • I am pretty dog. Thank you, my friend from New York!
    • Lampshaded in an ~After Story~ episode, when an exasperated Kyou asks him how he ever managed to graduate high school.
  • Hair of Gold: Justified in that he dyed it when he joined the soccer team and became a self-absorbed Jerk Jock. His natural hair color is dark.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: Seems to have been this with Tomoya — until Nagisa and the Half-wanted Harem appear on the scene.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: He is Uso Ewin.
  • Jerkass: At times. The closest thing the series has, among all the major characters.
  • Jerk Jock: Used to be one. Now gets beaten up by them.
    • His on screen beatings are only for comic relief purposes, the only serious one was during a flashback with him quitting the soccer club, aside from all that he's hardly the wimp puching bag, it's quite the contrary back when he and Tomoya weren't such good friends they were actually feared, when they became partners they also became more of a pranksters duo than real delinquents. This change of habits still didn't turn him into a target of other Jocks.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Borders on Jerkass at times in the Visual Novel, but he almost immediately pays for his actions, either by one of Tomoya's pranks, or by Tomoyo or Kyou.
  • Last-Name Basis: With most everybody, except Kyou and Nagisa, and even then he starts calling them by their first names once he gets to know them (Kotomi, Tomoyo).
  • Likes Older Women: Still in love with Sanae (Nagisa's mom) even after her husband Akio chased him off with a baseball bat.
  • Loser Protagonist
  • Mistaken for Gay
  • Plucky Comic Relief: His main purpose in the show.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Quite often, especially in the Visual Novel.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: With Mei.
  • Ted Baxter
  • Those Two Guys: He's only one guy, and the other guy he hangs out with is The Hero, so he's really a sidekick rather than an example of this trope. Nevertheless, worth mentioning because he's such a Captain Ersatz fusion of Those Two Guys from Haruhi Suzumiya. (Note: this is true only in the tv series; in The Movie, he's more of a standard best friend/sidekick.)
  • Tragic Dream: Wanted to be a soccer player. Bad things happened. For the most part, played for laughs.
  • Wisdom from the Gutter: While it might seem insane to listen to Sunohara's relationship advice, he does, on occasion, come up with something reasonable.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Being the protagonist's best friend wasn't enough for him to play a major role or even appear more than just a few seconds in the later years of After Story, too bad for Tomoya his friend wasn't visible enough to help him face all those family problems.
    • His only known feature during these harsh times is him working at some kind of a driving company.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Has Hair of Gold, but it's dyed. His natural hair color, which we seldom see, is dark, and among the most realistic ones in the series. His "weird" hair is Lampshaded by Fuko, who calls him Strange Hair Guy.

Mei Sunohara[]

Mei clannad

  Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (JP), Serena Varghese (EN)


Youhei Sunohara's little sister.

Tropes associated with Mei:

Sanae Furukawa[]


  Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (JP), Kara Greenberg (EN)


Nagisa's mother, an ex-teacher who runs a bakery alongside her husband, Akio. Sanae is always trying to make new bread with unique properties (i.e. bread with rice crackers inside) although almost none of them turn out to be successful. She is very sensitive and cries easily especially when she is told her bread tastes bad.

Tropes associated with Sanae:

Akio Furukawa[]


  Voiced by: Ryotaro Okiayu (JP), Andrew Love (EN)


Nagisa's dad. Although he often talks and plays rough, he is kind and sympathetic. His childish side makes it easy for people to befriend him. He used to be an actor, now runs the Furukawa Bakery with his wife Sanae. In his spare time, Akio plays baseball with children in the small park next to the bakery, and indulges in the Gundam fandom.

Tropes associated with Akio:

Minor Characters[]

Kouko clannad
Kouko Ibuki

 Voiced by: Yuko Minaguchi (JP), Stephanie Wittels (EN)


An art teacher until Nagisa's first senior year. She retired afterwards, and got married to Yuusuke Yoshino.

  • Chekhov's Gunman: Her first appearance, when she walks into the bakery, has a generic character feel. It isn't until two episodes later, when Toyoma runs into her again, where we realize that brief scene introduced an important character.
  • Hey, It's That Voice: In addition to being a retired art teacher, she is Yukariko Sanzenin and Akiko Minase.
    • Yawara from Yawara, a show not very well known in the West but very very popular in Japan, and not just among otakus.
  • Happily Married
  • Hot for Student: Yes and no. Her fiancé (and later husband) Yusuke attended her high school at the time she taught there, but evidently they didn't start dating until some time after he had graduated.
  • Informed Attractiveness: She's very pretty, but since she's in a series utterly flooded with exceptionally Moe characters, it seems odd when Tomoya (in his guise as the show's Narrator) tells us how beautiful she is.
  • Power Hair

Misae clannad
Misae Sagara

  Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino (JP), Elizabeth Bunch (EN)


Landlady at the school's student dorm. Has her own mini-route in the game, wherein Tomoya falls in love with her after hanging out in her room whenever he has a chance.

  • Action Girl: Probably. Not remotely in Tomoyo's league, though.
  • Bi the Way: Not really — most likely — but a bit of a Running Gag in the Flash Back to her high school days.
  • Boobs of Steel
  • Brown Eyes: A rarity in this series. Then again, Kaname Chidori also has blue hair and Brown Eyes. See also Expy and Epileptic Trees.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: A Subverted Trope, in that she likely would have no trouble expressing her feelings for the boy in question — except, as it turns out, the boy she likes already has a girlfriend, and he goes out of his way to cut off Misae's potential Love Confessions. The boy does this to spare Misae potential embarrassment — or at least, that's how he and his girlfriend choose to view his actions. Misae's friends have less generous opinions of his behavior.
  • Catgirl: Not literally. But in temperament, she has both the kittenish side and the cat side down pat. See also Cute Little Fangs, Hair Decorations, and Interspecies Romance.
  • Cats Are Mean: Majorly averted with her cat. Although he's no ordinary cat, is he?
  • Class Representative: During the Flash Back to her high school days. Maybe or maybe not, in the literal sense — although she does become Student Council President, which suggests a bit of background and interest in student politics. But she definitely has the temperament.
  • Cool Big Sis: She's awesome, especially when dealing with the troublemakers under her supervision in the boys' dorm, including not only the Rugby Club and but also Sunohara.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Sometimes when she's angry, but also sometimes when playing happily with her cat.
  • Expy: Of Kaname Chidori from Full Metal Panic. (Her last name is also a Shout-Out to the same series: Sagara is Chidori's Love Interest.) She also looks and acts a LOT like Kaname, and they share a Seiyuu (Satsuki Yukino).
    • Thought it would be worth mentioning this. In Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, Chidori does a Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex Hold(and it's wonderful in this tropers opinion) on Sousuke in episode two. Misae does a toned-down version(I think, depends on how you look at it) in in episode 5 of Clannad After Story.
  • Genki Girl: When she was in high school. Liberally mixed with Tsundere.
  • Hair Decorations: In the flashbacks to her high school days, she wears a ribbon that looks almost like Cat Ears. Which is completely appropriate, given who she winds up with at the festival. (Worth noting: that same basic ribbon, with those same implied Cat Ears, turns up on several other girls over the course of the series. But it never looks as thoroughly catlike as it does on her.)
  • Hey, It's That Voice: Aside from Kaname, we have Mion/Shion Sonozaki, Kagome Higurashi, and many others.
  • Interspecies Romance: With her cat, which was the "Shima Katsuki" she met and fell in love with in her freshman year. It's less squicktastic than it sounds. Trust me.
  • Landlord
  • Second Love: In her mini route, Shima was this for her after a crush. If you don't believe the crush was really love, which is supported by the story, then her second love is instead Tomoya after he convinces her she can't just keep waiting for someone to come back when it's clear he isn't going to.
  • Student Council President: Back when she was in high school. A legend to this day, evidently.
  • Team Pet: Her cat.
  • Tsundere: Very much so, in temperament — even though for the vast majority of the series she doesn't have any potential Love Interests with whom to play this tango. Unless you count her "Shima Katsuki." Which you won't, until you reach her high school Flash Back.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: Tomoya advises her to use wrestling moves to punish the boys she oversees in the dorm, and she often demonstrates them on the unfortunate Sunohara. Eventually, a Flash Back reveals that she's been using these moves since her high school days.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Yukine clannad
Yukine Miyazawa

  Voiced by: Atsuko Enomoto (JP), Maggie Flecknoe (EN)


Yukine is a second year student who hangs around in the library's reference room.

  • Belated Backstory
  • Blue Eyes: Edging toward Purple Eyes.
  • Bookworm
  • Cool Big Sis: Okay, she more truthfully fills the Team Mom role (see below), but the gang members all refer to her, in a bit of punish nickname, as Yuki-nee, or Big Sis Yuki.
  • Dead Older Brother: Yukine's brother Kazuto's death was kept as a secret from the rival gang, which ultimately led to Yukine impersonating her own brother.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: The closeness of the name isn't the only thing she shares with Yukino Miyazawa.
  • Idiot Hair: Quite distinctive. Which seems odd, since she's a kindly Bookworm who's also socially savvy and quite possibly the least Cloudcuckoolander-ish character we meet in the entire franchise. (That said, she does often get a slightly dopey blank look on her face when she's thinking.)
  • Just Friends: In the Yukine route in the VN, Tomoya worries that he might have friendzoned himself by becoming Yukine's brother surrogate.
  • The Messiah
  • Team Mom: To both of the city's rival gangs.
  • Teen Genius: We don't know much about her academic abilities, but she's a Bookworm; she's entrusted with the maintainance of the school's second library (the main library being the provinence of indisputable Teen Genius Kotomi); she's skilled enough at healing to be to the go-to-"doctor" for both the rival gangs in town; she's able to broker truces between said groups without outside assistance (most of the time); and she's in some ways the wisest character in the whole series, especially when it comes to relationships. All at age sixteen.
  • What Could Have Been: She was supposed to be a main heroine in planning, but was demoted to a secondary character as her story did not match expectations. If you were wondering why she was on the early cover arts (which made it as the trope image of the main page), you know now.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Too old to really fit the trope. But still. Yeah. Waaay beyond her years. Especially noticeable in a series full of cloudcuckoolanders.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Gray-yellow, depending on the light. Presumably intended to be blonde, but it's definitely not Hair of Gold, at least not compared with Youhei. (Then again, he admits his hair is dyed.)

Toshio Koumura

 Voiced by: Takeshi Aono (JP), Todd Waite (EN)


Senior teacher and one-time advisor of the Drama and Chorus Clubs. Booked the school for Kouko and Yuusuke's wedding. Officiated at Nagisa's "graduation" ceremony.

Yoshino clannad
Yuusuke Yoshino

 Voiced by: Hikaru Midorikawa (JP), Illich Guardiola (EN)


A former rock star / singer / writer turned electrician.

Tropes associated with Yuusuke:

Kappei Hiiragi

 Voiced by: Ryoko Shiraishi (game only)


A young man who is traveling around. His goal in life is to "live like a man."

  • Brother Chuck: He doesn't appear at all in the anime, not even in ~After Story~, which spends the first third of the season to go into the side character stories.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Confused the hell out of Tomoya until he told him his decidedly masculine name.
  • Hey, It's That Voice: It's hard to imagine Kappei failing at menial jobs when you know that his Seiyuu also voices Hayate Ayasaki.
  • Homoerotic Subtext: Quite a bit of this with Tomoya, making him rather uneasy. It mostly dissolves when Kappei starts going out with Ryou.
  • Ill Boy: He has life-threatening cancer.
  • Littlest Cancer Patient: Used to be one at an orphanage until a musician he idolized (implied to be Yuusuke) inspired him to pursue his dreams.
  • Salaryman: He goes about traveling to find a job — until he settles down in Hikarizaka, mainly because he meets Ryou.
  • Tragic Dream: Wanted to become a track athlete but has leg cancer. He refuses to let go of his dream, even when the disease becomes life-threatening and there are no options other than amputation of his leg.
  • Unsettling Gender Reveal

Naoyuki clannad
Naoyuki Okazaki

  Voiced by: Hiroshi Naka (JP), Chris Hutchison (EN)


Tomoya's very emotionally troubled father. They had a falling out when Tomoya was in middle school, when he dislocated Tomoya's right shoulder. To stave off depression, he turned to heavy drinking (daily) and harder drugs (less daily).

Ushio clannad
Ushio Okazaki

 Voiced by: Satomi Koorogi (JP), Luci Christian (EN)


The daughter of Nagisa and Tomoya.

  • Cheerful Child: Which doesn't, of course, preclude her from being a Woobie — not in this series.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She's the girl running through the field with yellow flowers in the first season's opening, and it's her legs you see skipping in the second season's ending. Also appears twice, with her face hidden, in the second season opening; once talked to by Kyou, once hugged by Fuko.
  • Free-Range Children
  • Generation Xerox: Physically, she's exactly like her mother, except she has no Furukawa‎-clan Hair Antennae — after all, technically she's an Okazaki. She is also unusually well-mannered, loves the Big Dango Family and also loves playing with the dango plushies. She is also an...
  • Ill Girl: She takes after her mother in this regard. At least in the reality where both she and Nagisa die. In the reality where everyone lives, Tomoya outright states that Ushio is quite healthy.
  • Raised by Grandparents: Until Tomoya takes her in.
  • Rule of Cute: How she talks and acts. She also behaves well for a 5-year old.
  • Rule of Drama: Although she's 5 years old, she makes sure to not ruin dramatic moments.
  • Snow Means Death
  • Theme Naming: "Ushio" means "tide." "Nagisa," her mother's name, mean "shore." An Invoked Trope.
  • Too Good for This Sinful Earth: Well, in at least one universe, anyway.

Shino Okazaki

 Voiced by: Miyoko Aso (JP), Stephanie Wittels (EN)


Tomoya's grandmother, whom he meets when he and Ushio go on a road trip.

  • Cool Old Lady
  • Mrs. Exposition: She tells Tomoya about his father's true intentions, about how he sacrificed his chances at a good life so he could properly raise Tomoya.

The Illusionary World[]

Girl illusionary
Girl from the Illusionary World

  Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami (JP), Melissa Davis (EN)


She is actually Ushio Okazaki after her death, having lost her memories of her brief life with her father Tomoya. She regains them as she dies in the Illusionary World and she releases the light orbs for Tomoya to use so that he could save Nagisa, herself, and himself from their cursed fate.

This is Lampshaded by the first season's Spoiler Opening, with the appearance of the doll, Ushio, and Fuko standing over her which is actually shown in the Grand Finale of After Story in the ending minutes.

Garbage doll
Garbage Doll

  Voiced by: Akiko Yajima (JP), Shannon Emerick (EN)


The doll is actually Tomoya Okazaki after his death, and after losing his memories of his life. When his daughter Ushio — his sole reason for going to the Illusionary World — dies there, he returns to the real world, having released the light orbs. The light orbs allow him to initiate a Time Skip wherein Nagisa survives giving birth to Ushio. After that, they all live happily ever after.

Tropes associated with other characters:

  • Catgirl: Katsumi Shima, when Misae's friends dress him up as a girl. His hair has the same cat ears that Kyou and Ryou have.
  • Godiva Hair: Rie Nishina and a few other girls at school.
  • Ill Boy: Tomoyo's little brother, Takafumi Sakagami. Also, the original Katsumi Shima.
  • Jerkass / Jerk Jock: The members of the soccer team. On occasion, and to a much lesser extent, the members of the rugby team.
    • Averted with the basketball team, who come across as decent enough guys.
  • Meganekko: Mitsui, the girl who Fuko befriended right before the accident.
  • The Messiah: Katsuki Shima.
  • Nice Hat: Katsumi has one.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Botan, Kyou's Team Pet baby boar.
  • Punny Name: Katsumi Shima turns out to be a cat.
    • Also Kyou's Team Pet baby boar Botan, later known as Nabe. Kyou presumably intends the name to mean "button" — perhaps as in "cute as a button," which he is — but Tomoya jokes that the name refers to botan nabe, a Japanese pork soup.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Tomoya's boss at the electric company. Also, Nagisa's boss at the restaurant.
  • Team Pet: Botan/Nabe, Kyou's pet boar.
  • Those Two Guys: In this case, Those Three Girls: Rie Nishina, Sugisaka, and their friend what's-her-name from the chorus club.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: Katsuki Shima.
  1. "Kyo" and "Fuko" would be written with bars over the o and u respectively, or with no bars at all in one system. In the second system, the girls names would be spelled like "Kyou" and "Fuuko."