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  • Tomoya convincing Fuko that he had turned into a girl.
    • You are missing out all the juicy details. Fuko goes into her starfishland in her mind again and while she was spacing out, Tomoya grabs nearby Ryou and tell her to stand in front of Fuko and pretend to be him while he watches from afar. When she awakes, she's clearly shocked and asks Ryou if she's really Tomoya. After she replied, Fuko fears if she might turn into a guy. Then Tomoya shows up, laughing his ass off, Fuko's response? "There's two Tomoyas!" THEN Kyou shows up. I think Hilarity Ensues sounds like a massive understatement.

  Tomoya: If she asks how that's possible, just say "It falls off sometimes."

  • Tomoya placing male underwear on Sunohara's head and getting him beat up for looking like a pervert.
    • The thing is, Tomoya wasn't expecting that rugby player to show up seconds after Sunohara left the room.

 Tomoya: Chance is a scary thing...

  • Tomoya's yaoi fantasy.
  • Kotomi and Nagisa's first meeting.
  • "It's a starfish". (whole school facefaults)
  • In episode 11, Kotomi swinging a toy magic wand, apparently trying to summon the Cthulhu.
    • Tomoya imagining Kyou holding the same wand and doing a textbook Transformation Sequence. What seals the deal is his hilariously genuine laughter after the Imagine Spot, and Kyou's characteristic reaction to it.

 "How 'bout I punch you till you cry?"

  • Ryou mistaking Nagisa's attempt to recruit her as a lesbian confession, and Kyou's reaction when she finds out.
    • And Ryou said yes.
  • Whenever Sunohara gets curb-stomped by Tomoyo.
    • Random characters showing up in the School Festival just to kick Sunohara's ass back to Tomoyo. He gets kicked a total of 64 times.
    • How about the time Tomoya was the one who made the combo assist? He even gets a "Chain Combo" award by doing so.
  • Kyou and Tomoya getting locked in a storage closet.
    • Don't forgot that she thought Tomoya was doing to do things to her.
  • Tomoya is given a charm that will make the first girl he talks to fall in love with him. He runs outside and he meets... Fuko. He hushes her and tells her that a bear is on the loose.
    • And then does the Thriller.
  • The "Dango-Starfish war".
  • Tomoyo cooks for Tomoya to make amends for geting him suspended. Kyou, Ryou and Kotomi show up with their food which leads to a tense situation with Tomoya needing to choose which food he'll eat first. Then Fuko comes in...
    • "Starfish baumkuchen! Starfish cake! Starfish cream puffs!!!" -scream-
    • "BEST...CHOICE...!"
  • Drunk Nagisa is fun Nagisa.
  • In Kappei's route, Ryou's tries to lie to him about having a baby, forgetting the fact that the prerequisite isn't even met. Massive Hilarity Ensues (for a while anyways).
  • Misae-chan is (censored)-year-old.
  • Tomoya has a tough time when he tries to find friends for Kotomi. The scene with a very reluctant Kyou and the one in which Ryou shows off her fortune telling are especially hilarious.
  • Clannad holds the honor of making this troper laugh so hard that his throat hurt. Some highlights would be Nagisa's family's attempts to come up with a better name for Tomoya (culminating in "Okazaki Tomoya Ethanol"), the "eternal" battle between Starfish and the Great Dango Family, and mastering the art of shooting juice up a zoned out girl's nose. "Tomoya became the Fuuko Master!"
  • This Troper was laughing for around a full minute after seeing Sunohara approach Tomoyo in ~After Story~ Episode 2, where he's finding a fake girlfriend to convince Mei that he's committed to someone important to him. He approaches Tomoyo, who is sitting on a bench and is talking to her classmates when Sunohara sits beside Tomoyo and brushes against her shoulder. She then stops talking for a second, brushes dust from said shoulder, and proceeds to talk to her friends as though Sunohara wasn't there. Hilarity Ensues.

 Sunohara: Don't ignore me like that!

  • The "father and son" conversation between Tomoya and Akio. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Anytime Sunohara annoys Tomoyo especially during the baseball game.
  • Loli-Zaki (S2 03 16:15).
  • A more subtle one, but Fuko's declaration that Sunohara's blond hair was "an impossible color" is so very wrong when she herself has green hair and there's a blue-haired boy standing next to her.
  • Akio is basically a walking incarnation of Funny:
    • "Yo! Yo! I'm the MC Akio!"
    • Random lightsaber fight
    • Giant Bengal Lizard
    • Stepping on a knife and pretending to die.
    • Joking about how Tomoya isn't enough of a man to get Nagisa pregnant... only to learn immediately afterward that Tomoya has already done so, and freaking out.

 Akio: "Congratulations... YOU BASTARD."

    • Him stuffing Sanae's bread into his mouth and proclaiming "I LOVE IT!" while running after her.
  • After Story's English dub actually managed to make this scene (SPOILERS!) even funnier than the original.


  • Fuko's return in ~After Story~, especially when she first sees Ushio and pulls a classic I'm Taking Her Home with Me
    • Not to mention her conversations with Tomoya when she went to visit Ushio (oh, and Tomoya too). Nuclear tights, anyone?
      • Okazaki Saikoo!
  • Akio insists Tomoya have a porn book. Sanae and Nagisa are shocked and ask, "We have one of those?" Cue Akio's reaction. "We have NOTHING of the sort!"
  • Sunohara's Gratuitous English, in general. The quote below could even be considered an in-universe example!

 Sunohara: Your Rolling Thunder! Kaaaaaah!

...(Everyone was laughing their lungs out.)

    • Don't forget his desire for "ReZombie" against Bear!Tomoyo
    • Or this from the visual novel:

 Sunohara: Hello! I am pretty dog! Oh! Are you pretty dog too?

  • Kotomi's first violin recital.
    • From the novel: When Kotomi plays violin for the first time we get the following.


The chorus club is in chaos. The audience couldn't do anything but hold their heads and cover their ears tightly.

      • The K Os were the icing on the cake, especially since Akio made a really big deal out of it.
  • On the way to school one morning Tomoya is almost put into traction when Kyou barely misses him on her bike. Tomoya decides to confront her about this at school, cue the Clothesline from Hell by Kyou, since students at Clannad School are not allowed to ride bikes to school. Tomoya was cut off while saying -Bi- so he needs to cover it up. How does he do it?

 Tomoya: Everyone listen up, Fujibayashi Kyou is BI!!!

    • The visual novel takes it further: after Kyou gets annoyed with him about this, she tells Tomoya to tell everyone that they have the wrong idea... so:

 Tomoya: Everyone, that was a lie just now. The truth is that Kyou prefers girls over guys!

  • When Nagisa makes a request to Ryou.
  • Tomoya tricking Sunohara into adding "and a toilet seat cover" to the end of each sentence, to the point where Sunohara suffers maniacally from having to always do this!

 Sunohara: When I was little, I wanted to be so many different things. A soccer player. A pilot. A teacher. And... a toilet seat cover!


 Kyou: I'm Kyou Fujibiyahi from 3-E...

Tomoya: ...her hobby is tormenting the weak.

Kyou: I would be so very happy if we could be very close friends." *Mega Kicks Tomoya*

Kotomi: (*Trembling and teary-eyed*) Tomoyo, I have to say that I'm very strong, so please, you shouldn't be mean to me.

  • Tomoya's and Nagisa's "date" in ep 23, where it's obvious she's working from a script, and he's not letting her off the hook from her embarrassment.
  • Mei wants to play Cupid, Tomoya thinks for herself and Sunohara, Mei gets disgusted, Tomoya then replaces himself for Mei. There was a massive misunderstanding somewhere in there.
  • Tomoya blaming his mitochondria for hitting Sunohara repeatedly.
  • Nagisa approaching her parents to ask if they can let Sunohara's sister stay with them, only for Akio to ask if she's come to hear "the legend of the mysterious scar on her ass."
  • The very last scene in the main part of After Story, with Kouko playing the straight woman to Fuuko's Cloudcuckoolander has to be seen to be believed. Then it turns into cute and heartwarming.
  • Key answering the question of "What if Sanae's bread was combined with Akiko's jam?"
  • The early part of the Visual Novel where Tomoya tried redubbing Sunohara's hip-hop with a rap, which he cut off mid-way and ends up ruining Sunohara's morning AND deleting his whole cassette.
  • Yoshino making his big speech at the baseball game, only to get an out because he hadn't called a time-out. Cue him sulking in the dugout while Kouko tries to comfort him.
  • Tomoya tells Fuko she needs to pretend to be a zombie. Cue Fuko immediately doing the Thriller dance.