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  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: When Michael rewinds the moment where his father says "I love you" to him over and over again. Also Tear Jerker.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Michael messing with the remote's features for shits and giggles, doing stuff like changing the color of his skin to purple and green (And acting like Barney and the Hulk, respectively), and toggling the language setting to Spanish during a seminar on work behavior is incredibly hilarious. Because admit it, you'd do that if you had that kind of power and wanted a few cheap laughs.
  • Cult Classic: Not the best known Adam Sandler movie but it has an unshakable fanbase.
  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • The first joke in 2017 is about Britney Spears' husband Kevin Federline considering getting a job after their 23rd child. The two divorced not long after the film was out. Followed by...
    • "Michael Jackson, the first man to clone himself is now suing himself for molesting himself." Jackson was dead by 2009.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Michael meets a man named Morty with access to borderline god-level technology. One wonders if Morty had a Rick. And Rick did once refer to himself as the "God of Death" just as Morty here identifies himself as an "Angel of Death".
  • One-Scene Wonder: Terry Crews singing "Working for the Weekend" in his full Large Ham glory.
  • Squick: "WE'RE IN MY MOM'S VAGINA!?" Also doubles as a Crowning Moment of Funny.
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: It would be Anvilicious but the sincerity of the message that family comes first saves it.
  • Tear Jerker: Near the end of the movie, where Michael is old and frail, dies outside the hospital chasing his (ex) wife, son and daughter.
    • "Will you still love me in the morning?"
    • The remote can't take Micheal to the moment his father died: he wasn't present.
    • "I love you." << "I love you." << "I love you." << "I love you." (beat) "Me too, dad".
    • The ending, although it's another kind of tears.

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