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Abridged Series[]

  • Tristan from Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series is a combination of a Cloudcuckoolander and a ditz. Almost every line that he gives is an illogical non-sequitur, such as his randomly given cry of "Burn the Witch!" and "Take off your clothes!"
    • The sad thing is, these two examples are him being coherent in the context of the scene. More extreme examples of his CloudCuckoolandiness include "I like pudding!" and "I farted, it's funny!"
    • Marik is this and Poke the Poodle. His evil plans include pushing Yugi off a boat so that his hair will get wet and it'll take hours to dry, and borrowing Yugi's puzzle and not giving it back to him...for at least another 2 months. He also invited Dan Green to the Evil Council because he played a villain in one of the Pokemon movies, and seems to believe that there is a difference between killing someone and just 'destroying them a little'. And then there's the standard weirdness.

Marik: By the way, Bakura, your costume could use some work.
Bakura: ... what?
Marik: I mean, I don't like to criticize, but it looks like your mother made that for you!
Bakura: Marik, this isn't a costume. It's my clothes.
Marik: Well, you could have done a better job is all I'm saying!
Bakura: A better job of WHAT?


Yuri: Wow, someone needs a nap.
Momoko: Is it me?
Yuri: No. No, it's not Momoko.


Vegeta: Nappa! No! It's a trick!
Nappa: But Vegeta! Trix are for kids...


Fan Fiction[]


Trying to be normal. He wondered what that was like; to try to be normal. Most people were normal, or normality came naturally. Or behaved however they saw as normal. Even most crazy people thought they were normal. Breech was trying to mirror their behaviour to be normal, and like a mirror, it came off wrong. Identical in every way, but somehow wrong; a facade, an illusion. What must it be like, to have to try to be normal?


"I'm going to work on a shrimp farm. Or something. Some kind of farm. Do they farm crabs? I mean, they must. It's not like crabs just walk into the grocery store. Though I guess they could if they wanted to. Wouldn't that be funny? I don't know, maybe not. But I guess if I was farming crabs I might get pinched. What?"


Farfalla's note before one Fan Fic Header: I sometimes refer to slashy bits in canon as 'sardines', because they're thrown like little rewarding treats to us little loyal dolphin-like fans... but that has nothing to do with this story.


Let's Play[]

  • Raocow takes on a persona like this in his Let's Play entries. See: his Kamek's Revenge Let's Play, where he declares a fear of circles and refers to a flower that spits items when fed an egg or enemy to be "an altar to our dark flesh god".
    • He has weird names for the characters of Super Mario World. He calls Yoshi "stupid horse" even though he is a dinosaur. He calls the Charging Chuck "Football Charlie" because they are in football player uniforms.
    • To quote Raocow himself: "I'M SO GODDAMN WACKY"
  • Marty McSuperfly in Captain Garlic's Let's Play of Icewind Dale 2. Watch out for him when he gets near the wisdom-enhancing items, or goes by the mushroom fields in the Underdark.

Other Fan Works[]

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