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Card Games[]

Tabletop RPG[]

  • Foxbat from the Champions setting is completely convinced that he is a great, powerful comic book Super Villain.
  • Some of the Malkavians from Vampire: The Masquerade could get this way. They tended to be really scary at the same time if they're played well.
  • "Mad" Jack O'Bannon, king of Inismore, from 7th Sea.
  • House Criamon of Ars Magica. They view the physical world as a series of metaphors and symbols and spend their entire lives trying to interpret everything around them the way literary scholars interpret novels, so getting a Criamon to express her thoughts on anything is a little bit like communicating across a language barrier via Babelfish translations.
  • The Mystara D&D setting is home to the d'Ambreville family of wizards, who seem susceptible to an hereditary strain of this trope. As any d'Ambreville who isn't a Cloudcuckoolander is usually a freakin' trigger-happy psycho, siding with the loony ones is usually the best bet.

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