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  • The Professor Layton games are filled to the brim with these.
    • St. Mystere is Cloudcuckooland.
    • Stachenscarfen. How does he get around so well? Pavel too. NO ONE can be that bad with directions.
    • Brock from The Last Specter. His house gets destroyed and he LAUGHS.
  • Cysero from many of the Artix Entertainment line of games (Adventure Quest, Dragon Fable...). While very coherent and attentive to a problem at hand, he sometimes often slips into Cloudcuckooland, which inevitably means something weird is going to happen or is already in the works when he gets involved. Naturally for a guy who once used a black hole generator to stretch spaghetti and has a wizard's tower infested with Dirty Laundry Golems, the Alice in Wonderland parody in one game casts him as the Mad Hatter.
    • Nitroglycerin sponges. Which is not as crazy as it sounds, since it's how you make dynamite!
    • The Staff member the character is based on can be as big a Cloudcuckoolander at times, though whether or not this is his real personality or him acting like his ingame counterpart is unknown.
    • Korin, from Mechquest, never seems to understand what's going on, he wears a paper bag over his head at all times, and although completely omnipotent, he doesn't really want to do anything at all to help save the world. Luckily, he isn't evil, so you don't have to worry about him going against you.
  • Undoubtedly, Liz Allaire from The Next Big Thing.
  • Subverted in Psychonauts: Shegor appears to be a Cloudcuckoolander under the delusion that her kidnapped pet turtle can talk and has the answers for everything. When you finally rescue her turtle, after it just sits there for a while... it actually does start talking and its plan does solve everything — at least for the moment.
    • But also played straight with... well, about half the cast, give or take.
    • Naturally, it's a game about psychics and their line of work of entering people's minds, since the campers have...hilarious quirks, and most of the adults have Dark or Depressing backstories, it's to be expected.
  • Leliana and Sten from Dragon Age Origins. Leliana believes that she is on a journey from the Maker, and if romanced, describes your eyelashes as being like butterflies she wants to catch and keep in a jar. Sten tries to understand your dog's inner nature by engaging in a contest of growls with it, and at the end, proclaims him "worthy of respect".
    • Merrill the Dalish elf blood mage from Dragon Age II. She often blurts out ponderings that have nothing to do with anything (such as how qunari scratch their heads, or whether Isabella has a peg leg and an eyepatch when she's standing right next to her and can clearly see that she doesn't) and has absolutely no concept of ordinary social graces. Varric and Isabela adopt her as a Morality Pet. Varric even gives her a ball of string, so she can leave a trail and find her way home, after she gets lost on the way to the market and ends up in the dangerous slums. Again.
      • She's also ended up in the Viscount's bathing chambers, and knows how deep the harbor is because she's fallen into it.
    • Sten has the excuse of being from Cloudcuckooland (that is, much of his behavior is perfectly normal for a Qunari of his caste and rank, it's just that he looks like a lone Cloudcuckoolander because he is the only Qunari of his rank and caste - quite possible the only Qunari at all - in Ferelden). Leliana, on the other hand, has no such excuse.
      • During the progress of the game, Leliana eventually starts coming off as more of a Stepford Smiler who works hard to find every little bright spot she can.
      • The dog in question was also one that is well established as having human level intelligence, it's actually quite a reasonable interpretation that the two were having a two way conversation.
  • The legendarily bizarre ranger Minsc and his "Miniature Giant Space Hamster" Boo from the Baldur's Gate series.
    • Edwin is seemingly his Evil Counterpart, a self-important wizard with a strange obsession for calling everyone monkeys, and constantly talks to himself in such a way that everyone hears him - and is shocked that people can do that. Interestingly, these two hate each others' guts. Though that has less to do with their different varieties of Cloud Cuckoo-ness and more to do with Edwin being a Red Wizard of Thay and Minsc being a warrior of Rashemen — the Red Wizards are seen as Complete Monsters in Rashemen and most of them, including Edwin, live up to that reputation.
  • Portal
    • GlaDOS , despite being an all-powerful AI, seems to have a very loose grip on reality. She regularly makes childish insults at the player in later portions of the game and tries to convince you that one of the puzzles is impossible to test your resilience in an atmosphere of "extreme pessimism". She also instructs you to take the infamous Weighted Companion Cube (a box with hearts on all its sides) with you on one of the tests, then asks you to euthanize the inanimate object at the end by dropping it in an incinerator. And guilt trips you over it.
    • Cave Johnson, founder of Aperture Science. A man with no practical understanding of science, his inventions are nothing short of insane and counteractive to whatever purpose they were designed for, which isn't helped by his enthusiasm for pointless experiments and SCIENCE!.
    • Wheatley, a literal Idiot Ball.
    • The Space Core.

Wheatley: Let go! We're in space!
Space Core: Space?! SPACE!!! (launches itself through the portal leading to the Moon) SPAAAAAAaaaaaaa....

  • Phoenix Wright: Justice for All has Regina Berry, who demonstrates that a Cloudcuckoolander can be the cause of tragic circumstances in a (mostly) realistic setting. Due to being raised in a circus, she has a fairly substantial disconnection from reality. She doesn't understand, for example, how her putting pepper on Bat's scarf led to him being bitten by a lion... or that he may never recover from the resulting coma. Bat's brother, Acro, was so infuriated by her lack of remorse that he decided to kill her.
    • The whole Phoenix Wright is chock full of less tragic 'landers, including Maya Fey's laughably bad grasp of technology, Ema Skye's utterly bizarre "scientific theories", and Trucy Wright (who had a rather... interesting exchange about how 'Revolver' and 'Wonder Bar' sound the same).
    • Let's not forget the Judge, whose grasp on reality is just firm enough to give the right verdict every time — but no firmer.
    • True to her role as a lawyer-sidekick-girl in this series, Kay Faraday is often putting Edgeworth's nerves to the test. Interestingly, she's also the only side-kick girl among the four (Maya, Trucy, Ema, Kay) whose actually incompetent at her "occupation of choice", information-theft, probably in order to make up for Edgeworth's hyper-competence.
    • Ini Miney, in case 2-2, slept through a murder, and testifies that when her dead sister walked into the room, had a rather dull surprise to her being there. She's actually Obfuscating Stupidity.
  • Manah in Drakengard, when she's not trying to be actively evil, has all the charm of a cute little girl playing with imaginary friends.
  • Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines allows you to play one in the form of a Malkavian. Funny dialogue choices, even funnier if you've played the game before and know what the dialogue is normally like (and realize that the character is able to see the true plot in advance, but doesn't comprehend it). You also get the chance to have an argument with a stop sign. ("No, you stop!")
    • And you can even spread your insanity to other people, like convincing a guard that you're a keyring so you should be given the keys. And it works.
  • Aldanon in Neverwinter Nights 2 is a wizard equivalent for the absent-minded professor stereotype, exhibiting qualities like lapsing into rambling doublespeak with metaphors abandoned halfway, changing subjects mid-conversation, forgetting his own orders, or mistaking a prison cell for his own house.
    • At one point, he begins listing off a number of RPG tropes that he claims your team will have to perform, complete with "reforge the broken key" and "acquire some rare, arbitrary items." Only to be almost immediately shot down by one of his servants, who he had commissioned to do the exact thing he supposedly needed the arbitrary items for. Then he congratulates himself on a job well done.
    • Grobnar is another example, he is a gnome bard with a tendency to go off on tangents about his mouth and his codpiece and with a lifelong quest to find supposedly deific beings known as Wendersnaven that are apparently undetectable and all-powerful.
  • Sheogorath, the Daedric Lord of Madness from The Elder Scrolls is obliged to follow this trope.

"I've been waiting for you, or someone like you, or someone not like you."
"Well, looks like the cat's out of the bag now... who puts cats in bags, anyway? Cats hate bags."
"But enough about me. Let's talk about you. I could turn you into a goat. Or a puddle. Or a bad idea. I could make you eat your own fingers. Or fall in love with a cloud. Perhaps... I could make you into something useful."
"I once dug a pit and filled it with clouds... or was it clowns?... Come to think of it, it began to smell... must have been clowns. Clouds don't smell, they taste of butter. And tears."

    • His butler also confirm the "pit full of clowns" story was true.
    • Many other characters in that expansion could fit the trope. For example, Big Head, once you give him the Fork of Horripilation he was searching: "Happy day! Happy day! The blind shall see! The lame shall walk! The short shall tall! Forks for all!" Considering that the Shivering Isles is Cloudcuckooland, this is hardly surprising.
    • M'aiq the Liar is a Khajiit who delivers cryptic Take Thats to the player when they talk to him. Many of his statements make absolutely no sense In-Universe, making him appear this trope.
    • Riften's court mage Wylandriah in Skyrim is an especially bad case of this, as she keeps launching into non-sequiturs, rambles on about pseudo-magical things without realizing they make absolutely no sense whatsoever to anyone else (even other mages!), and somehow has the ability to "misplace" items from her laboratory across half the country, often in places that someone like her would normally have no business being in the first place. Surprisingly, she hasn't blown anyone or anything up yet... although a few NPCs fear it's only a matter of time before she accidentally transports Riften into Oblivion or something.
    • Cicero in Skyrim seems like one of these at first...but not only is he a lot more competent and dangerous than he looks he almost singlehandedly kills the rest of the Brotherhood when they finally push him too far, he is also completely right about how unwise it is for the Brotherhood to stray from centuries of tradition.
  • Banjo-Tooie had a bunch of literal Cloudcuckoolanders, as one of the stages was named Cloudcuckooland. To say the place was crazier than an asylum is an understatement.
    • The people themselves, however, were roughly as sensible as the people from anywhere else. (This is not saying much.)
  • Para-Medic, one of the Mission Control characters in Metal Gear Solid 3 is definitively a Cloudcuckoolander, deciding that the person she never saw before (Actually the Player character wearing a Latex Perfection mask) must be an alien — "A Venusian, not the crab kind".
    • Arguably, everyone else in the damn game has a tendency to dip into this, the creator of the above mask decided that making a mask blink is more important then making the mouth move, Naked Snake discussing how being in the box brings inner happiness, among other things.
      • SIGINT will actually ask if he's the only normal one around.

SIGINT: Aw, hell! This FOX unit is a nutfest!

  • Wigglytuff from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness is the leader of the Pokemon guild, but is unbelievably flighty, oblivious to villains and their plans, and also really, really strong. With a Berserk Button When he doesn't get his favorite food Perfect Apples. Oh, and he's an Idiot Savant of sorts, able to spot things no-one else can when it comes to exploration.
  • Bianca, your childhood friend-turned-rival from Pokémon Black and White. N comes off as a little loopy before you start to learn who he really is... and after. Justified; both of them have... questionable home lives and are quite sheltered. N is also clearly abused.
  • Rhyth/Mew from Jet Set Radio is definitely this; she always has something random or just plain strange to say, such as

"I love everything about Tokyo-even the things I hate."

  • The Touch Detective games has Penelope. A banana loving girl who is a Cloudcuckoolander to the point that her very hair is soft and fluffy and cloud-like. A good example of her air-headedness is displayed in a conversation between protagonist Mackenzie and shopkeeper Daisy.

Daisy: Well, she's been pretty quiet lately. But, I really didn't give it any thought. I mean, it's Penelope. She could wake up and say, "I'm not talking today!"
Mackenzie: She's done that. In fact, she didn't talk for a week.
Daisy: Really? Even to herself?
Mackenzie: Well, she pantomimed to herself.
Daisy: She pantomimed to herself!? She's madder than a hatter.


Charmy: Oh, flower, pretty flower, show your face and I'll sting you!

    • In context, that quote is one of his lines for when you find a giant purple teleporting flower in Sonic Heroes, which are activated only by Charmy's stinger.
    • Bean the Dynamite (a green duck who uses bombs), though in the actual games he only appeared in Sonic the Fighters and Fighters Megamix and thus didn't actually get any known personality in that continuity, is often portrayed as this by fans (and later the comics).
  • Some of the villagers in the Animal Crossing games tend to be like this — particularly the villagers with the "lazy" personalities. For example, the following conversation between two villagers in City Folk:

Jeremiah: ... growwwlll... (Jeremiah's Catch Phrase at the time)
Lobo: Oh no.
Jeremiah: I wonder... would a crowbar taste better if you soak it in soy milk first?
Lobo: ARGH!

    • And speaking of Lobo, him and others of his personality sometimes compare looking at a model of a room to looking into someone's home through the window. Lazy-type males still hold the crown, though, with Big Top once deciding that a snail's classification was "food" (on the basis that snails were delicious). In context, he was asked what it was if it wasn't an insect, and came up with that response.
  • Arcueid from Tsukihime has mild case of this. This only applies to her game character, however, since her anime counterpart lacks this and is therefore far less lovable. In the Carnival Phantasm anime, where she's more like her game self, she is the only character that not subject to Character Exaggeration or Flanderization. She is quite accustomed to crazy things happening around her.
  • Psymon Stark from the SSX series. Apart from a noticeable facial tic, Psymon's... condition is just that; He's had a long history of mental illness ever since he tried to jump some power lines on his bike. His in game dialogue only makes his lack of lucidity all the more apparent, with lines like "Knock knock who's there!?" and "Oh sweet, sweet pain...", and his gold medal cutscenes show him yelling things like "You're all crazy!" or "Hurt me, hurt me!" Overall, he's a natural disaster just waiting to happen, and spectators, competitors, and event organizers alike all anxiously watch Psymon compete in fear that this is the year he'll go too far. Oh, and his signature move, the Guillotine, is so suicidally dangerous (as you might expect from the name) that you'd have to be crazy to even think it up.
  • Street Fighter IV
    • Sakura, with most of her victory quotes, such as asking Chun-Li if they could switch outfits for a day for fun. After beating the snot out of her.
    • Rufus, with his victory quotes often being nothing but random ramblings about his life, confusing opponents for Ken or occasional Lampshade Hanging on character traits like Chun-Li's hips. Again, after beating the snot out of people.
  • The Soldier of Team Fortress 2 fame acts like this a lot. His version of history includes the dubious fact that Noah was actually Sun Tzu, the animals were bought via fight money, and after they were on the boat, Sun Tzu beat them all up. ("And from that day forward, anytime a bunch of animals are together in one place, it's called a zoo! ...Unless it's a farm!") This was discovered during a Drill Sergeant Nasty speech to a collection of severed heads. He also joined the World War 2 effort - stopping in 1949 only after hearing that the war ended. But then, a lot of the cast goes into this a little; the Heavy is under the impression that both his BFG (lovingly called Sasha) and sandvich are people, and talks to them a lot.
    • All of the characters in Team Fortress 2 are disturbed or insane in some manner, but the Soldier does seem to have the weakest grasp on reality and also personifies this trope with his rapid changes in subjects. Further evidenced in the War Update, where the reason he is fighting the Demoman is because he managed to get fooled by an obviously faked message using the Demoman, in which he apparently reveals the Soldier's status as an actual civilian. Even after acknowledging that the voice sounds robotic, he still buys what is said.
      • Also from the War Update, the Soldier's new domination taunts are very telling of his state of mind. He has a number of taunts where he refers to the Sniper as "Bilbo Baggins" or some variant (the joke being that Sniper is Australian, and Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand).
    • Likely but unconfirmed in the case of the Pyro since nobody has a clue what he (or she) is saying. Rule of Funny means that he's probably the Only Sane Man.
  • You could make a case for the Mr. Saturns in EarthBound and its sequel. Their grammar is off-the-wall and punctuated by words like "boing" and "zoom", the font they speak in looks like a young child's handwriting, one in Mother 3 busied itself by staring at the ceiling.
  • Moe in Da Capo has issues. Apart from sleepwalking to school while playing the xylophone (yes), being obsessed with hot pot and being very disconnected in general from life around her, she is apparently convinced kisses are supposed to taste like lemons, so she eats a lemon drop right before kissing Junichi in her route.
  • Agitha of The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess probably classifies. She's the self-proclaimed Princess of the Bug Kingdom, is seemingly ignorant of the fact that most people have no particular desire to bathe in snail slime, and demands that the Legendary Hero Chosen by the Gods go fetch bugs for her ball. Oddly enough, she's one of the most popular NPCs. And apparently, she cheerfully chats with wolves, in a world where most people just run. While referring to them as puppies.
    • Let's not forget the infamous Tingle. He's a middle-aged guy who dresses in a skintight green outfit in order to emulate the "fairy boy" (Link). He's obsessed with Rupees, he flies all over the place using a red balloon, his Catch Phrase is "kooloo-limpah", and he forces his brothers and employees to dress in outfits similar to his. There's a very good reason why he was in a jail cell on Windfall Island in The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker.
  • Grune from Tales of Legendia takes the cake — she doesn't even realize that she's fighting for her life, instead thinking that everybody's on a picnic. Somewhat justified in that she's got Laser-Guided Amnesia and can only remember her name (just barely) and how to speak, but still. "I'm going to give it my all ! Charge !"
  • Colette Brunel from Tales of Symphonia often falls under this, especially during the skits.

Regal: Why does the subject of the conversation seem to go out the window when talking to Colette?

    • Or during post-battle dialog.

Sheena: And don't come back! Colette: I don't think they CAN come back. Sheena: You're becoming more like Lloyd, aren't you?

  • Kirby! He's just a happy-minded person who always thinks of food and sleeping. Particularly notable is Kirby Squeak Squad, where Kirby only saved the world because his cake was missing. There's also Captain Waddle Dee, who works for Meta Knight...

Axe Knight: Kirby is moving along the base of the ship.
Captain Vul: Not much we can do to him there... but the wind is strong.
Waddle Dee: And it's cold.

  • Mikey Thomas of Backyard Sports qualifies.
  • Laguna in Final Fantasy VIII. That dude said the darndest things.
    • "We'll be killing two pigs with one stone!"
      • Selphie from the same game is arguably worse.
  • Any Final Fantasy character of the kook archetype, according to Zero Punctuation. (See here)
  • Quina Quen in Final Fantasy IX. 7 of your team are out to Save the World from the Big Bad. Your 8th member (Quina) is out to discover yummy yummies.
  • Final Fantasy XIII gives us Vanille. Whether she's molesting sheep for their wool, cooing over Chocobos, or skipping around acting like a sugar-high idiot, she never seems to be much of anything beyond this trope. By midgame, it becomes apparent that while this may have been her personality 500 years previously, at present time it's mostly just an act to keep her Stepford Smiler facade unnoticeable to the rest of the party, especially Fang.
  • The Suffering gives you a drugged-out and half-naked teenager out of his mind, begging you (who he thinks is his father, in his overdose-laden delusions) to protect him and help him to safety.
  • Moira Brown in Fallout 3. She apparently thinks digging a well with a miniature nuclear warhead is a perfectly fine idea, among many other zany ideas. There is a quest line in the game involving the Player indulging her cuckoolander propensity. You can also convince her to stop. You Monster!.
    • Although, she is actually an incredibly smart person with more of a passing relationship with normal. You can find this if you hack her comp "Q: How to prevent raider attack. A: raider would not sit down for an interview". Despite that, she very well knows just how important the entire records of a library are, and how to make use of the knowledge.
  • Mist from Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier is prone to saying odd things about the weather, turnips, and things about the world in general. Some of it doesn't make sense to anyone until later.
    • Persia from Rune Factory 3 does the same...only she talks about squid. Naughty Tentacles are implied. She's also prone to randomly bursting into song.
    • The song's title is "Die, Giant Squid!", too. While we're on the subject, Evelyn has some of this in regards to her fashion (Cabbage and fish are her favorite decorations).
  • If not Ellis, then definitely his friend Keith.
    • Ellis' Cloudcuckoolander status is especially apparent in Dark Carnival, where he expresses great displeasure that the survivors cannot go on any rides. In the middle of a Zombie Apocalypse. In an amusing turn of events, In "the Passing" Ellis suddenly becomes VERY concerned about how he appears to others. In particular, Zoey.
  • The Truth from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas clearly rambles in a style suggesting he's mad, but at the same time, seems to know a great deal about things not obvious to CJ. He's also a stoner. And he apparently got high with some really awesome polar bears.
  • Persona 4 has a minor NPC, appropriately described as a "Spacy Girl", who sometimes pops up in the Central Shopping District and the Samegawa riverbank. Some fans have likened her to Osaka.
  • BlazBlue has the EVER so flighty Taokaka, resident cat girl. She often breaks the fourth wall by slamming directly into the screen, staring at the player, and can celebrate winning a match by patting her butt or running away and slamming right into a pole that strangely wasn't there before...
  • Steven Heck from Alpha Protocol fits this well. He nearly poisons his associate with dry-cleaning solution because he can't remember where his keys are, asks a security guard about TV cooking shows before killing him, writes the single longest rambling sentence in existence in an e-mail, builds a mini-gun on a subway car "just because it might be useful later" and thinks the protagonist's middle name is "Finnegan", because a minotaur told him this when he got stoned. Although he did doubt the logic of the minotaur's argument.
  • Many of the lines said by Et from Mana-Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy are out of context with the current party's conversations. Goto and Pepperoni also fit this trope to some extent, but at least they manage to say something coherent.
  • While the cast of Touhou qualifies to some degree, Yuyuko is out of touch with reality even by the series' standards, as well as an Obfuscating Stupidity version of this trope. She seems to do everything based on whimsy or her base needs and also seems to have a hard time paying attention to what's right in front of her or how others are reacting to her. It really doesn't help that she has been slowly losing her memories over the past millenium.
    • Another "even by Touhou standards" candidate would be Kotohime from the PC-98 game Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream, whose primary character traits were compulsively collecting random stuff and being delusional and thinking she was a police officer. Her danmaku abilities are never explained. She also displays the "uncanny understanding of the plot" aspect, as her victory quote to Chiyuri is to start reciting the Periodic Table of the Elements (despite living in Gensoukyou, where magic reigns supreme and science is heresy), and she recognizes the electrical equipment in the hypervessel.
    • Being a Cloud Cuckoo Lander seems to be an inherent aspect of living in Gensoukyou. When Sanae, a human that was transported to Gensoukyou, was introduced in Mountain of Faith she was fairly reasonable, but by Undefined Fantastic Object and Hisoutensoku she was as unstable and unpredictable as everyone else, as well as being upgraded to player character status. Gensoukyou: the land where common sense is a weakness.
    • Moriya Suwako often gets this treatment in fanon due to her bizarre fighting style in the fighting games and that she fights the player character out of boredom in Mountain of Faith.
    • Komeiji Koishi is, as noted by another character studying her danmaku, apparently airheaded and prone to saying random stuff.
  • Princess Peach can come off this at times in her home series, but it's most pronounced in the Subspace Emissary. She takes a casual stroll atop the Halberd while it's being bombarded by an Arwing, and doesn't even flinch until the gun battery she's standing by is blown to smithereens. Less than a minute later, she keeps Fox and Sheik from tearing into each other... by offering them tea. Oddly, she's simultaneously a voice of reason and sanity: most of the trophies attack each other on sight, often for no clear reason, whereas Peach actually tries to keep them focused on dealing with the Subspace Army.
  • Borderlands has Patricia Tannis, former Dahl scientist who after spending quite a while on Pandora has become part this and part Ax Crazy, though is still pretty calm about it. Her journal entries show her descent into madness as she develops a relationship with her recorder (they're just friends now) and instills a personality into the corpse of a bandit she killed (his name is Leslie and he turned to violence due to being mocked for his name). After collecting her entries for her, she requests for you to bash your head in with a rock to forget everything you read.
  • The eponymous characters of Dwarf Fortress seem to have a rather tenuous association with reality. Even the least of them is afflicted with Angst Dissonance and a staggering lack of common sense, and others branch out into Mad Artists, axe-murderers, Upper Class Twits, and various flavors of Bunny Ears Lawyer.
    • Dwarf Fortress: the only game in which being on fire is cause for a good drink.
    • Dwarf psychology works like this: My wife and child were killed by serial murderer elephants and the fortress has been attacked by a beast lost to time, but I'm happy because that dining room was really nice.
    • Dwarvern engineering: The more useless, the better.
  • Sonny Joon, The Unseen from the Nancy Drew game series, is probably this trope, to judge by his coatimundi phobia, UFO obsession, and generally weird doodles. Rentaro from Shadow at the Water's Edge shows signs of this too, particularly when he's gushing about his love of numbers or mimicking the expressions of deer.
  • Herbert Higginbotham from LittleBigPlanet 2 qualifies. Most of what he says makes very little sense. Even after he's cured of a mental illness, where he ranted just as nonsensically and ate everyone's socks.

"There were these geometries, these fractal star-worms, and they were competing for my affection, and they were amazed when my eyes... were pies, and they were spinning, and cooking, and dancing in figures of eight."

  • Plants vs. Zombies features Crazy Dave, who is Speaking Simlish, wears an upside down pot on his head and has his Catch Phrase "'cause I'm craaaaaaaazy!"
  • In BioShock (series), there are about half a dozen denizens of Rapture with even a tenuous grasp of reality, and whimsy and delighted singing are common. One of the few examples where this is used to make things creepy as fuck.
  • Bella from The Color Tuesday is... a bit odd, generally acting like a lady of status from the 18th century in a game set in a parallel of the 20th. Her pretentiousness pisses Alex off no end.
  • Yukari in Kara no Shoujo worries about koi drowning, has a great love for bugs and uses them nonchalantly in cooking.
  • Archmage Rakorium from Drakensang is probably the craziest and most powerful wizard on Aventuria. He's constantly absent-minded, has an irrational hatred for reptiles of any kind and turned a whole band of brigands to stone because he believed they were dragon worshipers.
  • Riko in A Profile hates being serious. She gives pretty good advice, but she's also prone to telling her step son to be careful not to impregnate his stepsister out of nowhere though she supports the relationship entirely.
  • Katawa Shoujo
    • Rin rivals Osaka for sheer out-of-touch-with-reality-or-possibly-just-on-a-different-plane-of-it-ness. "The problem must be in your pants!" Unlike Osaka though, Rin is fully aware of the fact her mindset is seen as out-of-touch, she just doesn't let it stop her. The ending scene for her Act 1 route is even titled "Clouds In My Head".

Rin: …So that's why I'm trying to figure out if there is something I need to figure out and then figure that out before it's too late and all hope is lost.

    • Utterly demolished in her route. Later scenes show that her eccentricity isn't always funny or cute, and Rin herself proves to be frustrated and discouraged with the fact that people can't understand her thoughts, whether through words or through her art. Hisao himself struggles hard to keep up with her train of thoughts, and sometimes gets extremely angry at her.
    • Kenji, Hisao's Conspiracy Theorist dorm neighbor, though his paranoid ramblings about the world in general and the so-called feminist conspiracy in specific are less "harmlessly insane" and more "holy crap, this guy's going to snap and kill somebody one of these days".
  • In Hatoful Boyfriend, we get Oko San, a bird absolutely obsessed with finding the "perfect pudding", and Anghel Higure, a bird who believes himself to be a fallen angel and the heroine to be his reincarnated lover Edel Blau. Anghel's madness is actually justified later on when it's discovered that he secretes hallucinogenic pheromones.
  • As a gullible space case who takes everything from typos to sardines extremely seriously, Valvatorez from Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten easily earns his In-Series Nickname of "Mr. Weirdo".
  • Brother from Final Fantasy X-2 is about as weird as they get. Not only does he say outlandish things, he's almost always dancing in place or flailing his limbs while talking.
  • Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors has Junpei, arguably. Some of his thoughts and responses can be REALLY out there ("Apologize to funyarinpa!"). June sometimes has some weird moments, too. You could say she has the excuse of being a walking supernatural phenomena. Actually, when you consider that they can still find the time to make lame puns in the midst of a dire situation under a strict time limit, the entire main cast probably counts.
  • Wardwell House: The Father makes a few observations that are disconnected from the reality of his situation. However, that is justified, because he is losing it after going without water, food and sleep for days.