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- Willow from A Kind of Magic
- The title character of Xavier: Renegade Angel.
- Invader Zim
- If one were to examine GIR, one would inevitably find a "Made in Cloudcuckooland" label. Seriously. This guy could give Osaka a run for her money if not win outright. On one memorable occasion where we got to see the world from his point of view, a quartet of cows became talking sausages with top hats, canes and dinner jackets, which propositioned GIR to dance with them "into oblivion". Seriously. Possibly justified, as he's assembled from random bits of garbage.
- Zim himself often fits; in one episode, when confronted by fully mobile talking babies (possibly a hideous parody of Rugrats), he stated that 'I knew it! Earth babies come from space!'. More pointedly, in an unfinished episode called the Trial, he is kidnapped and brought to court among his people; in spite of the flagrant evidence that it is, in fact, a trial for his continued right to exist, he insists on believing it to be a party in his honor. In what was to be that episode's ending, Zim is scanned for defects by the robot "control-brains" that run the planet. His insanity drives the machines to madness, and they declare him the greatest of all Irkens. The Tallest Weep as Zim is temporarily placed in command of the Tallest's ship and proceeds to smash it into everything.
- Dib arguably qualifies in the later episodes of the show — what with randomly yelling "I AM DIB!" and "How could I not have noticed this — ME, the obsessive-compulsive DIB!"
- Xander Crews from Frisky Dingo is a good example, mainly because he lives in his own world without consequence, eventually adopting the alias of Barnaby Jones when he gets in trouble, and generally says ridiculous things
Killface: This is hopeless. |
- Wendell also very much qualifies, with his habit of throwing non-sequitors into his conversations and his...interesting thoughts on sex.
Bus Salesman: You're a man who knows what he wants. I'll bet the ladies like that. |
- Captain Murphy from Sealab 2021 is like an unusually clueless child. He thinks you don't have to pay for things bought by credit card, and never quite gets what people want from him. ("If trenches are what Hollywood Actor Beck Bristow wants, then trenches he shall have!")
- Blitzwing in Transformers Animated always seems to know what's going on but in his Random persona he seems to just not care, occasionally bursting into song, dancing, or going off on tangents about servo salad because for some reason he feels it's situationally relevant. The rest of him usually compensates, though, and in total he's a functioning person.
- "I am Wreck-Gar! I DARE to be stupid!"
- Inferno from Beast Wars. He believes that he is an ant, Megatron is the Queen, the base is his colony, and invaders must BURN FOR THE GLORY OF THE ROYALTY! It's entirely possible he was the past life of a certain purple fanatical bomber...
- Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force is selfish to the point of absurdity, and justifies himself with reasons that seem natural only to him ("I should not walk, so that a child may live... well, that's what it does!"). He also shows a profound gift for jumping to conclusions—e.g. convincing himself that a threatening cell-phone call is not coming from inside the ominous bus parked at the curb, but from the bus itself.
- That wasn't a bus, that was a reverse vampire, which crave the sun. The tires are the markings.
- Meatwad is really will believe anything he's told.
Meatwad: I ain't got no job, my wife left me, bills pilin' up, I got child support payments, and I don't know if any of what I just said is true, but I believe it. |
- Lampshaded later, after a standard Master Shake random association session:
Frylock: What's your point? |
- The titular character of The Tick (animation), with his odd proverbs ("That's trouble with a capital troub!"), odder lapses of knowledge (Spanish is a "crazy moon-language") and odder Spoof Aesop a minute, as well as his battle cry of SPOON!
- He came from an Insane Asylum. Says a lot, doesn't it?
- And difficulty as it may be, The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight manages to even out-cuckoo The Tick (animation).
TEMBWBAM: And so he says to me, you want to be a bad guy? and I say Yeah Baby! I want to be bad! I says surf's up space ponies! I'm making gravy without the lumps! Ah ha ha ha ha haaaaa!!!!! |
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- The titular character.
Mr. Krabs: I didn't want to say this in front of Patrick, but that hat makes you look like a girl. |
- Mr. Krabs
- Patrick.
Patrick:People used to tell me, 'Patrick, you'll never amount to anything. You'll always have your head in the clouds.' |
- Starfire of Teen Titans frequently acts this way. It's unclear, however, what part of this is her cultural upbringing as a literal alien from another planet, and what part's her own unique personality. (The mustard-drinking incident seems to lean toward the "unfamiliarity with Earth" explanation, plus is probably a good example of Bizarre Alien Biology.) Considering her more savvy sister, it would most likely seem to be a result of her personality, plus it made for easy laughs. On the other hand, on the episode we see her homeworld, they acted more like Starfire than her sister, so the sister may actually be the odd one amongst her people.
- Mitsuki on Kappa Mikey. (You might think Gonard too, but he's more of a The Ditz.)
- Even Mikey had his moments.
- Ty Lee of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Ty Lee: Hey, look at that dust cloud. It's so... poofy.... Poof. |
- There's also the "nomads" in "The Cave of Two Lovers":
Chong: We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us! |
- Even Aang had some slight moments of this earlier in the series.
Sokka: What's wrong with you, we don't have time for games with the war going on! |
- Arguably, King Bumi. It is very difficult to tell how much of his cloudcuckoolandry is a carefully crafted persona and how much of it is genuine. Although the suggestion seemed to be all of it is genuine and he simply makes it work for him.
- He's a Wonka.
- Arguably, King Bumi. It is very difficult to tell how much of his cloudcuckoolandry is a carefully crafted persona and how much of it is genuine. Although the suggestion seemed to be all of it is genuine and he simply makes it work for him.
- Ed, Edd, and Eddy
- Jonny 2x4, whose best friend is a wooden plank with a crude face drawn on it, is also an apparent expatriate of Cloudcuckooland. Taken to the extreme in "Shoo Ed", where he acts crazier than normal.
"I'm the bike pixie! Catch me if you can!" |
- Ed might have left Cloudcuckooland the same day...
Ed: Yeah, Double-D, an elephant never forgets, but I forgot what the elephant remembered. |
- Crystal Zilla of My Dad the Rock Star is a Pink-haired New Agey sort of Cloudcuckoolander, who is also Closer to Earth on occasion. But she's a mother, and her husband is rock star, so maybe it's a defense mechanism.
- Fry from Futurama has at least one foot in Cloudcuckooland at all times, most obvious when...
- He is asked a "yes or no" question:
Gypsy: Well, there is perhaps one way. Have you ever heard of the monks of Deshuba? |
- He is presented with a seemingly self-evident conclusion.
Leela: Superheroes cause a lot of collateral damage, and we don't wanna get our butts sued. |
- He thinks he's being asked a question:
Leela: (feeding her pet) Aww... somebody likes snouts! |
- He tries to explain something:
Fry: It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. All year long, the grasshopper kept burying acorns for the winter, while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. But then the winter came and the grasshopper died and the octopus ate all his acorns. And also he got a racecar. Is any of this getting through to you? |
- He tries to formulate a plan:
Fry: Okay, I've gotta break down that gate, beat up those three guards, steal that chopper and rescue Bender. |
- He's finishing a story:
Fry: ... So then, I unfroze myself, and then I came over here, and then I told you the story, and then it was now... and then I don't know what happened! |
- He's just trying to complete a sentence:
Fry: I'll be whoever I wanna do. |
- In the episode "Bendin' In The Wind" Fry finds a Voltzwagen with two centuries-dead skeletons in it. Not only does he bring the VW back to Planet Express headquarters, on his way back he takes the blue headband of one of the hippy skeletons and wears it himself for the rest of the episode. While there's nothing wrong with this, it's certainly not something a normal person would do.
- Professor Hubert Farnsworth. It's supposedly justified by senility and his being a mad scientist. When he was speaking at the stockholders' meeting:
Farnsworth: Where am I? |
- He's clearly insane in any universe:
Farnsworth: Say, I hope you won't think it evil of me to ask how you got that stylish head wound? |
- Not exactly surprising, considering he and Fry are both related.
- Accentuated and used as a plot device in "The Duh-Vinci Code". Ironically, Fry's incorrect answer to a purposely easy trivia question in the opening scene, which then results in extreme humiliation from his fellow employees, is technically correct: a nail is a tool used for hammering nails if you think about it, because both it and the hammer fall into the "tool" category depending on one's interpretation of the word. Which makes one wonder if Fry really is as unintelligent as he looks...
- Zoidberg is neck and neck in the running with Fry when it comes to this trope. Which makes sense, what with him being the token alien and Fry having a unique form of brain damage. His introduction scene shows him coming right out the gate with this trope in full force.
"What?! My mother was a saint!" |
- Violet from Word Girl seems to have a mild case of this. She's described by creators as one who is too lost in thought to notice on-coming traffic. She nearly gets stomped on by a giant robot because of stage-fright, and is very disoriented after giving a loud, incoherent speech on stage. However, true to the trope, often she senses problems and finds solutions faster than the title character due to her disposition.
- Pinky of Pinky and The Brain is a notorious Cloudcuckoolander, most commonly during the Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering? exchanges. One mini-episode that was done entirely from Pinky's perspective (to the point of having his snout in the camera view at all times) revealed the train of thought that led to one such exchange. It didn't come across any less weird for the explanation. Many of the Brain's schemes seem to originate from Cloudcuckooland. A giant clothes dryer?
- Wakko, Yakko, and Dot from Animaniacs takes this trope to extremes, as even their theme song is filled with non-sequiturs and bizarre references. Wakko, however, seems to be the most extreme of the three. In one episode where the kids visit a shopping mall, he walks the wrong way on an escalator and declares "Mine's broken." Yakko explains it as "middle kid syndrome." Also, Wakko has a pseudo-Liverpudlian accent for no apparent reason. It's because Wakko's voice actor was a fan of The Beatles. He chose to imitate Ringo because Wakko is the shortest of the Warner siblings.
- The predecessor series Tiny Toon Adventures had Gogo Dodo, a literal resident of Cloudcuckooland (here called Wackyland), in which self-control is a high crime. And his predecessor/mentor, the original Dodo, from the Porky Pig short Porky in Wackyland.
- The title character from Freakazoid!.
- Toast and Pepper Mills from Histeria!
- Charlotte from Making Fiends. She is oblivious to the horrors created by Vendetta, who she thinks is her best friend, despite the strong hints that Vendetta hates her. Charlotte also likes lemon drops, puppies, singing about monkeys and cheese. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree because she takes after her grandmother Charlene.
- Many characters on Family Guy, especially Mayor Adam West. West brings his own creamed corn to the theater because the creamed corn they have there is too crunchy. He once dispatched the entire Quahog police force to Colombia to rescue the heroes of Romancing the Stone. He chases people off his property with a Cat Launcher.
Adam West: My God! Someone's stealing my water! |
- His strategy to distract people from the "Dig'Em" scandal--jingle keys from his window. Then he gets hit by someone throwing a brick and starts to bleed.
Adam West: My God! I'm a tomato! |
- In The Critic, Jay Sherman's father Franklin is a very much a 'Lander. Among other things, Franklin has been shown to see the world as a game of "Donkey Kong", imagined himself to be Quick Draw McGraw's alter-ego El Kabong and requested that President Bush Sr. make him "Secretary of Balloon Doggies" (later insisting that the balloon doggies demanded it). When Jay went missing temporarily, Franklin set up a press conference—so he could announce that if he could be any type of vegetable, he'd be a carrot.
- He also claimed to be the first black female head of the Ku Klux Klan, invented the "fishbabywhirlmajig", imprinted on a goose and followed her, quacking.
- He was originally one of America's greatest minds, but had never had a drop of alcohol. One taste, and he was Larry Fine.
- By the way, according to Franklin, his fishbabywhirlmajig "will be bigger than the Badger Blaster!"
- In his recollection of his and Eleanor's first date plays out like a Popeye cartoon.
- He also claimed to be the first black female head of the Ku Klux Klan, invented the "fishbabywhirlmajig", imprinted on a goose and followed her, quacking.
Jay Sherman: (Confused) I don't get it. |
- One time he was asked why he had a banana in his ear his response "I'm trying to lure out the monkey who lives inside my head".
- After his butler is hired away by a new neighbor, Franklin keeps the silverware and the dog safe by gluing them to the ceiling.
- "Well, there's Marty on the TV. ... Just reach in and pull him out. That's how I met the Fonz."
- Although most of the characters in Adventure Time are eccentric in their own way, the ones that really stand out as Cloud Cuckoo landers are The Ice King and Lemongrab. Those two act like their in worlds of their own.
- Also, the Royal Tart Toter, but he's horribly, horribly insane.
- Dory, the blue tang from Finding Nemo, fits this trope to a tee, thanks to her short-term memory loss. Among other things, she uses a deadly jellyfish as a trampoline, frequently misremembers the name of the title character, and believes she can speak the language of whales (this one turns out to be true, though). She even mumbles non-sequiturs in her sleep:
Dory: Careful with that hammer... sea monkeys got my money... yes, I'm a natural blue.... |
- An example of perfect casting with Ellen DeGeneres. The part was actually written for her. Andrew Stanton had begun the story when he saw DeGeneres on TV, changing direction five times in one sentence, and then he knew how to write Dory.
- The Question has his bizarre moments in Justice League, doing everything from going through everyone's garbage to believing in an over-arcing conspiracy involving boy bands and Starbucks. Most of the time he seems completely insane and dangerously paranoid, but when push comes to shove on his theories, he's always proven right.
- "A-HA! I knew it! They have thirty-two flavors!"
- Trickster falls in here as well (notably, the "Bilateral symmetry" bit), but only when, as Flash points out, he's off his meds.
- Bessie, the main character in The Mighty B!, is an example. She's a brilliant if absent-minded inventor, and seems to be completely ignorant of the attempts of Porscha, the local Alpha Bitch, to make fun of or belittle her.
- Many, many Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends characters:
- Bloo's insane theories, Madame Fosters strange actions and speech patterns, Coco's occasional inexplicable behavior, Cheese's spastic jabbering and Goo's... entire personality. Most of them are products of the fertile imaginations of young children.
- It's implied that Goo's parents may be the same, since they were unwilling to rein in her imagination (in spite of the fact that it regularly produced hundreds of imaginary friends) and apparently allowed her to name herself shortly after she was born (Goo claims her name is short for "Goo-goo-ga-ga").
- Mac averts this trope 95% of the time...until he eats sugar. That makes him go from being the Only Sane Man and Shrinking Violet of the gang to making Goo and Cheese look sane.
- Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law
- Phil Ken Sebben must have gotten his license to practice law from the Cloudcuckooland bar. Aside from prefacing every Double Entendre with "HA HA!", he once believed furniture he didn't actually have was being stolen, causing him to issue "threat warnings" consisting of such levels as "Blackwatch Plaid" and "Rush's seminal Moving Pictures album".
- Phil's voice actor (Stephen Colbert), on the commentary for that episode, was of the opinion that Phil was trying for Insurance fraud.
- Phil's daughter Judy Ken Sebben, aka Birdgirl, is another one, albeit of a different feather. Her idea of practicing law is comic-book hero style crimefighting, lampshaded in one episode where she adds her own Unsound Effects. And her rapid fire speech delivery. She's constantly giving internal monologues that are anything but internal.
- Peanut, Birdman's clerk, definitely qualifies. It's often unclear if he's paying attention to what is going on, not helped by the fact that he is often mumbling in some other language.
- It may be better to list the characters on Harvey Birdman who aren't Cloudcukoolanders. The wall. Hey, that was easy.
- Chowder
- The titular character takes this trope to heights never before experienced.
Chowder: Why does Shnitzel always get so happy on fivesday? Is it the day he makes a poo? |
- It's not really an unreasonable assumption, given Schnitzel's attitude the rest of the week.
- The show's setting, Marzipan City, is Cloud Cuckooland.
- Total Drama Island
- Izzy fits this trope to a T.
- Sierra puts the 'loony' in Loony Fan! Witness her idea of a wonderland: "Let me take you to a magical place full of Codies...some are giant. Some are small enough to fit in your pocket, and other's are chocolate-covered marshmellows!" Which begs the question of just WHY she would consider that last bit so nice, and whether or not she's a vore enthusiast. Her "laptop computer" is a pizza box with a live rat for a "mouse".
- The Venture Brothers
- Hank is not only Too Dumb to Live, but he tends to lose his grip on reality easily, especially when facing the prospect of adventure. Contrast with his more down-to-Earth brother Dean, who's also rather dim but isn't nearly as crazy. Hank even acknowledges his departures from sanity when they are pointed out by others.
Brock: Honestly Hank, where do you pick that stuff up? I never see you read. |
- Dean does have one moment (in the episode "Showdown At Cremation Creek") where he goes way off in a sort of Dune/Lord of the Rings reverie.
- The Monarch, especially in the first season, the Orange County Liberation Front, the Ãœnterland resistance and generally about a quarter of the cast of the show.
- The show's ultimate example is Doctor Venture himself, especially when he's drugged up:
Brisby: The drugs must be interacting with something in his system. The man's a pill-popper, you know. |
- Stimpy of Ren and Stimpy is an example of this. When he gets an idea, it's usually very farfetched but due to the nature of the show sometimes it's plausible; these are evident with his theories on a simple question like, "why do kids go to school?" He responds with the answer that the kids' parents are aliens, "And while you're at school, they shed their human skins and breathe dryer lint!" When Ren hears about some of these ideas, he usually slaps him or tells him he has too big of an imagination.
- Beavis and Butthead, but especially Beavis. Beavis even sometimes takes on a separate identity (which personifies this trope even more than ordinary Beavis) when he consumes large amounts of sugar or caffeine.
Beavis: I am the Great Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole! |
- Ceasar from Beethoven the Animated Series fits this trope to a T.
- Space Ghost in his talk show incarnation seems to fit this trope more and more throughout its run. The show turns some of its guests into this, through the writers' interview method of giving the guest a straight interview, then changing most of the questions when it comes time to have Space Ghost ask them. This method often succeeds in making the people he interviews seem a little...off.
- As Poe's Law dictates, there is not much of a difference between resident Cloudcuckoolander Cathy Smith from Monster Buster Club and a parody of a Cloudcuckoolander. Though there are various reasons to believe Cathy is a deliberate parody of Aelita, a character from Code Lyoko (who is not a Cloudcuckoolander, per se, but could easily be regarded as one).
- Sheen from The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron is definitely one of these, albeit the harmless, ADD-type.
- And he turns it Up to Eleven in Planet Sheen
- Hugh Neutron also seems to be one. His obsession with ducks and pies is just the start.
- Homer Simpson frequently tends toward this.
- Perhaps most notoriously in The Simpsons Movie where he's imagining a cymbal-banging monkey... and THAT tells him to pay attention to what Marge is saying.
- At one point he picks up a copy of Wired magazine, but misreads the title as "Weird", and talks about how much he loves Weird magazine and "their hilarious send-ups of hit movies". However, after reading the magazine for a bit:
Homer: Wait, this isn't Weird! (beat) Why, there's no magazine called Weird, is there? |
- Ralph Wiggum frequently strays into this trope. In fact during the show's most prolific years (Pre-season 9), Ralph was a Cloudcuckoolander rather than flat out empty headed. The humor of the character came more from the awkwardness of his situation rather than pure non-sequitur until the effects of Flanderization kicked in and exaggerated his more dumber traits tremendously. Though even today, he often drops in on this trope. Some even debate every now and then whether it's right to call Ralph truly stupid, or whether he's just that detached from the world and is simply loopy.
- Dale from Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers is often portrayed as one.
- The absent minded Gadget is also one.
- Tobey from Three Delivery may come off as this sometimes.
- Even by the standards of an Adult Swim character, Xavier really takes this trope to lethal new levels.
Xavier: Yin. Yang. This world is stitched from a ballet of opposing forces. What's the opposite of day? Night! What's the opposite of black? White! What's the opposite of salt? Pepper! No, they're just two spices trying to get by. Slam! You got me! You're so smart! So — |
- The entire point of Albie's World.
- Cosmo from The Fairly OddParents.
- Dee Dee from Dexter's Laboratory was born in Cuckooland, sometimes leaning more to The Ditz, but, in other cases, just a Cloud Cuckolander. It is especially evident when she tells Dexter her bedtime story while she's sick, mixing a variety of common childhood nursery rhymes and stories.
- King of the Hill
- Bobby. The boy fell in love with a wig dummy! To name just one instance.
- Dale Gribble. Bobby at least has shown that he can competently conduct himself through many situations (his Cloudcuckoolander moments seem to be sort of self-aware instances of fantasy-indulgence, or the fact that he's still very impressionable as a child). Dale, however, seems to live quite happily as an adult in a world all his own that just happens to intersect with Arlen, Texas. Once he tried to combat a heatwave by "fighting fire with fire," which entailed turning the heat all the way up in his house. Another time he hosted his own shortwave radio show during which he claimed to be getting a phone call from former (and long-since deceased) Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev.
- The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy has Billy as well as Fred Fredburger.
- Spud from American Dragon: Jake Long does have a case of Obfuscating Stupidity (mainly to cover up that he's actually a genius), but that doesn't mean his head isn't in the clouds regardless. One episode has Jake read his mind, so the audience knows he wasn't faking anything.
Spud: No matter where you go, if you try to hide, the moon will always find you. |
- Ferret from Scott Morse's cartoon short Ferret and Parrot who falls in love with a comic strip character named Yolanda The Aardvark.
- On Jimmy Two-Shoes, Saffi's dialogue seems to consist entirely of random words like "Smoothy smooth!" and "Yougurt!"
- American Dad
- Francine's a cross between Cloudcuckoolander and Genius Ditz.
- Cross-dressing sociopath Roger. Though to be truthful the majority of Langley Falls is a Cloudcuckooland.
- Arnold's grandmother on Hey Arnold! was ridiculous to the point of dressing up as Mary, Queen of Scots to go downstairs to the dinner table. Indeed, her Cloudcuckoolander status was so central to her character that in one episode, which was about a heat wave, it was so hot that it made her sane.
- Ron Stoppable of Kim Possible is a prime example. His naked mole rat is more grounded than he is. He's voiced by the same actor who played Eric on Boy Meets World. Will Freidel is very good at playing this type.
- Dill is like this in All Grown Up!.
- In Scooby Doo Mystery Inc, of all people, Freddy has been cast as this. The most obvious fit is Genius Ditz, but some of his behavior and ways of thinking go straight into Cloud Cuckooland.
- At least the personality transplant took.
- Actually, Freddy had previously been the Cloudcuckoolander in A Pup Named Scooby-Doo and What's New, Scooby-Doo?, so this is not new to this series.
- The Penguins of Madagascar: Almost everybody on the show, although Julien and Mort are particularly bad.
- Buford from the animated version of Jacob Two Two is definitely this, although the rest of his family might be even worse: He has a cousin who thinks he's a goat, and an uncle who thinks he is...some sort of Beast Man. They had to call an exterminator to get the him out of the house. Jacob's dad enjoys hearing about Buford's family, because it makes his own family seem so normal and well-adjusted by comparison.
- June in season one of KaBlam!.
- Henri of Liberty's Kids is this every so often.
- Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. Whereas all the other ponies walk, hopping and skipping (and teleporting) are her primary modes of transportation, and she frequently goes off on weird tangents or breaks out in song.
Spike: You know, Pinkie; these two ponies have a bit of a grudge match they're trying to settle, trying to prove who's the most athletic. |
- Oddly enough, corrupted Pinkie from the first two episodes of the second season. You'd think that being brainwashed into hating anything fun would dampen this, but apparently not. Despite being angry, resentful, and dead serious, Pinkie still hops around, skates on the soap-roads (even as she protests that it's not as fun as it looks), and yells "It's your fault it didn't work!" while looking at (and meaning) nopony in particular.
- Discord, the villain of those two episodes and the embodiment of chaos, actually makes Pinkie seem somewhat sane by comparison.
- If the pageant in "Hearth's Warming Eve" is to be believed (or at least taken literally), Chancellor Puddinghead of the Earth Ponies was completely off-the-wall, possibly even wackier than Pinkie!
Chancellor Puddinghead: I was elected because I know how to think outside the box. Which means... *sticks head up a nearby chimney* I can also think inside the chimney. *Beat.* Can you think inside a chimney? |
- Toki Wartooth from Metalocalypse has his moments — particularly when he goes into one of his pastel-colored hallucinatory musical number fantasy sequences — although to be fair, nobody in Dethklok is that well grounded in reality.
- 2D of the Gorillaz was never that bright, but the general weirdness of the series is enough to push him into Cloud Cuckooland territory.
"Japanese children exploding like bombs? That would be terrible!" |
- Daffy Duck yet. Especially prominent in earlier shorts (though even his later more egotistical persona isn't all that stable).
Daffy: WOO, HOO!!! HOO, HOO!!! |
- Perhaps as a result of people complaining that Bugs's Space Jam girlfriend, Lola, wasn't looney enough, The Looney Tunes Show made her a complete unmitigated nutcase.
- Pops from Regular Show fits this trope perfectly. He's from somewhere called Lolliland where lollipops are currency. Not only that, in the eighties he was hit by a speeding golf cart carrying himself from the present (It's a Long Story) which seemed to have done a bit of brain damage. It's also hinted that he may have a brain tumor.
- Doug
- Skeeter Valentine, as well as being a Genius Ditz.
- From time to time, Doug himself could venture into this trope.
- Dave the skunk from Scaredy Squirrel seems to be one of these.
- Eddie Storkowitz from Birdz doesn't always have the best grip on what's reality and what's fiction (see "I Heard It Through the Grapevine").
- Mr. Nuthatch from the same series evolves from a paranoid wreck to a happy, confident but very eccentric bird (in one episode, he enters the psychiatrist's office through the heat vent for no reason).
- Disney's Mulan has an interesting take on this. One of the new recruits in the army, Ping, certainly seems to be a total space cadet, acting on some bizarre logic of his own. But actually that's because "he" is the title character playing Sweet Polly Oliver, whose apparent quirks are caused by a combination of bad advice on how to act "manly", having to hide her gender, and being subtly bullied by the others after she earns everyone's enmity right at the start. Not surprisingly, she starts to appear as more normal once the others accept her and she adapts to her situation.
- Staines Down Drains: Stanley and Mary-Jane's mum can be a bit flighty sometimes. But she pales in comparison to Beef, whos takes this to a whole new level.
- Recess
- Mikey Blumberg can be one sometimes
- Even Miss Grotke, who's Closer to Earth than the other teachers will have her moments in Cloudcuckooland.
- Tabitha and Dooper are both different types. Tabitha is generally insane, demanding to know why a shop doesn't sell real cat ears in her color and Dooper has insane conspiracy theories leading to one point where he shouts: "THE CHINESE EAT CATS FOR REVENGE!"
- Kronk from The Emperors New Groove does this.
Yzma (after she thinks Kronk has poisoned Kuzko): Good work, Kronk |
- Also his frequent conversations with his shoulder angel and devil.
- Freddy the ferret from Back at the Barnyard fits this trope to a T.
- ThunderCats (2011) Catfolk Rebel Prince Lion-O has this reputation among his people, family included. A returning General lampshades it, saying he "still [has] his head in the clouds." while Lion-O's older brother has harsher words:
Tygra: That's your problem. You look at Lizards and see victims. You look at junk and see mythical tech. |
- Phineas and Ferb
- Combine this trope with Affably Evil, and you have Dr. Doofenshmirtz in a nutshell.
- The titular brothers' father, Lawrence, though fairly grounded, is quite prone to making curious statements and not batting an eyelid at things like the TV talking back to him.
"Say, did you know they found a cure for antidisestablishmentarianism?" |
- Candace definitely has her moments. For instance, there's her tendency to talk into things that aren't a phone, then not be surprised when she hears a "response". The episode "Monster from the Id" shows just how quirky Candace can be.
- The title characters themselves could qualify as high-functioning Cloudcuckoolanders; Phineas is The Wonka while Ferb is Inexplicably Awesome.