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Club Paradise is a star-studded 1986 comedy directed by Harold Ramis. After nearly losing his life while saving a dog from a fire, Jack Moniker (played by Robin Williams) decides to quit his job as a fireman and retire to settle down on an island in the Carribean called St. Nicholas. He meets English governor Anthony Cloyden Hayes (played by Peter O' Toole), who mentions rumors of a violent revolution.

When Jack stops by at Club Paradise with his girlfriend Phillipa (played by Twiggy), Ernest Reed (played by Jimmy Cliff), who isn't just a reggae singer at the club, but owns it, too, is in debt for $6,000 and hasn't paid taxes, leaving him 2 weeks to pay or else he'll lose the club and the hotel. Jack helps out by taking photos for advertising, which, however, is false, but it did pay taxes, but Hayes won't take this sitting down as he, along with some other greedy businessmen, want to put more resorts on St. Nicholas.

After the plane's pilot (played by Joe Flaherty) goes crazy upon landing on St. Nicholas, the passengers vacationing get off the plane. Among the passengers are a married couple named Randy and Linda White (played by Steven Kampmann and Andrea Martin), who are on the rocks and two guys named Barry Nye and Barry Steinberg (played by Rick Moranis and Eugene Levy respectively), who plan to win over two ladies by getting enough pot to satisfy the four of them.

As Jack tries to do his best with the resort, hi-jinx ensues, and sooner or later, he and Ernest are in trouble.

Tropes used in Club Paradise include:
  • All-Star Cast
  • Ambiguously Jewish: The Barrys.
  • Butt Monkey: Linda White due to Chew Toy charactistic, and the Barrys because they can't get weed.
    • Later in the movie, Barry Nye when he gets separated while windsurfing. It turns out that the storm took him back to St. Nicholas and he eventually reunites with Barry Steinberg.
  • Chew Toy: Linda gets jet-sprayed by her shower and nearly eaten by a snake.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Hayes. Full stop.
  • Heel Face Turn: At first it appears Governor-General Hayes will oppose Jack and Ernest. He decides to side with them later.
  • Helium Speech: Literally when Jack accidentally uses a helium tank while he goes to infiltrate one of the ships.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Everybody on vacation sans Barry Nye get their clothes stolen at one point.
  • Say My Name:

