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Co-Ed Affairs (Kouin Tenshi: Haitoku no Riseennu) is a short Hentai OVA that is part of the "Vanilla Series".

Three students, Moemi, Reina and Mitsugu, begin to discover themselves sexually by filming a video of themselves, from inviting their neighbor to Moemi losing her virginity. Mitsugu herself is a lot more curious than Moemi and Reina who are a bit shy about themselves.

Tropes used in Co-Ed Affairs include:
  • Deconstruction: A possible—albeit, unlikely—interpretation. All of the characters (sans Mitsugu) are visibly awkward for quite some time, and the sex scenes almost seem deliberately rendered to be gross rather than erotic.
  • Home Porn Movie: The setting of the entire plot of the story which plays out like a documentary in the beginning.
  • Leave the Camera Running: Several shots are very long, and some are re-used at similar or the same length more than once.
  • No Ending: What exactly happens to Moemi at the end is unknown, we merely get a pink END title card, and that's it. For the record, the last we hear of her is her banging on a door inside a building asking her friends not to leave her behind while footsteps are heard behind her. Yeah....
  • Off-Model: Some of the "lip synching" to the dialogue will make you think your video is skipping or something. It is not.