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Coalition of Ponyist States was originally founded by King Alexander of Enatai and Twilight Sparkle of the Greater Pony Herd jointly on August 2, 2011 and with this establishment there was the Creation of the Coalition of Ponyist States which was made up of nations with sapient equines and Sapient Equine Advocacy which then brought in the strange and unique characters which were brought together to protect those equines.
Muffinvania is a small Duchy whose economy is based on sale of Muffins which runs on the sheer willpower of their leader Archduchess Daffy Dill and it protected based on the fact that everyone seems to love DaffyDill and would feel bad about hurting Muffinvanians.
Archduchess Daffy Dill[]
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl
- The Woobie
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Graceful Ladies Like Purple
- Badass Damsel
- Fake The Cutie
- Break the Cutie
A Mc Carthyist state perpetually in a Red Scare, ponies emerged from the Pink Portals of Mystery and then Hippostania became a Pony nation, later joining the Coalition of Ponyist States.
Having emerged from the pink portals Lyra was one of the Hippostanian leaders in the Transitional Pony Council. Known for her madness and hatred of Communism, Lyra is the High Chancellor of Hippostania and much beloved of their people.
- Black and White Insanity COMMUNISTS!
- Cute and Psycho
- Red Scare
The Greater Pony Herd[]
A Pony nation of Antiquity, the Greater Pony Herd became one of the most Powerful nations in the Coalition and was one of the Key Founders in the Coalition of Ponyist States. It is a Theocratic nation with a very devoted populace with the religion of Ponyism at the forefront complete with an inquisition!
- Sugar Bowl AVERTED. Hard.
- The Theocracy
- Church Militant
- Crap Saccharine World
- Screw the Rules, I Have a Nuke
- Lost Woods the Shadowbrook forest, which notably has manticore.
Morning Star[]
A Brave warm hearted Pony with what he feels is unrequited love with Princess Luna from the Lunar Principality. Once a racist and bitter pony, he changes his ways when Princess Luna visits him in hospital after a failed attempt on his life. He takes his love and becomes the self proclaimed Lunar Knight and goes on a quest to eventually win his lady's heart. Oh, and he also leads the government of the Greater Pony Herd and often acts as its spokespony.
- Chick Magnet
- Fantastic Racism subverted He once was a racist, but upon encountering other races and learning about the folly of Racism from Luna, he changed his ways.
- High-Class Glass
- Memetic Sex God
- Quick Nip
- Secret Identity as the Lunar Knight
- Unrequited Love for Luna, which is averted. They are now Lady and Knight.
A cold and calculating killing machine, Shadowmane runs the State Inquisition of the Greater Pony Herd with an iron hoof. She, however, has a soft spot in form of her adopted daughter, Stiletto.
The Absolute Royal Federation is content in the Good Old Ways when people were able to defend their honor with a duel, and when abolitionists weren't trying to oppress freedmen and joined the Coalition with the intention to protect inferior species which is what all born nobles should do.
- Honor Before Reason
- Knight in Shining Armor or they'd like to think so at least!
- Antiquated Linguistics
- Bling of War
Snöhof Vildvindsdottir[]
A gentle Slave Pony from Halmby in Imeriata who became an accompaniment for the Imerian Representative in the Coalition of Ponyist States with Unrequited Love with Morning Star, and becomes friends with High Chancellor Maven Auryn of Crystal Spires.
- Cosmic Plaything
- Happiness in Slavery
- Love Triangle
- Unrequited Love for Morning Star
Yellow Apple[]
A flying corporate wonderland, with an underwater city, YellowApple joined the Coalition to expand their marketing capabilities, specifically by advertising its pony-friendly products to pony nations en masse via Coalition membership. Notable for its use of CamelCase both in its name (which many players have trouble with to the chagrin of the player behind YellowApple and in the names of most YellowApplan products. It is among the few "future-tech" members of the CoPS and incorporates elements from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic directly into the technology base.
- Airborne Aircraft Carrier
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: The YellowApple Aerospace Defense Corps has Airborne Aircraft Carriers named after Nation States moderators.
- Casual Interstellar Travel: Achievable thanks to using pony "magic" to create wormholes and jump from one arbitrary point in the universe to another.
- Our Time Travel Is Different: Specifically, a hybridization between Wormhole Time Travel and Instantaneous Time Travel. Occasionally results in accidental time travel when attempting jumps and miscalculating when creating the exit point (an RP detailing this is expected to occur soon, but this is understood to be a common occurrence in some early YellowApplan wormhole transit tests.
- Our Wormholes Are Different: In the sense that YellowApplan wormholes are created and stabilized via the use of physics-bending (specifically, the manipulation of negative energy densities to create localized regions of negative mass to achieve all kinds of things) reverse-engineered from unicorn magic. See Our Time Travel Is Different above.
- Running Gag: The constant references to what a shaking of hand and hoof should be called. Whenever a pony and human greet, and one is a YellowApplan, the YellowApplan will invariably ask him/herself whether it's a "handshake" or "hoofshake" and distract him/herself with the train of thought.
- Space Fighter: YellowApplan fighters are this, since they're capable of trans-atmospheric flight and therefore can operate both in the atmosphere and in space. This is why the FT craft still have wings and other aerodynamic surfaces: so they can dogfight planetside.
Yellow Applans[]
Blue Belle[]
Once a relatively-innocent office assistant, she became an ass-kicking diplomat with severe Post Dramatic Stress Disorder
- Break the Cutie: Happened in the political operation that killed her supervisor and got her promoted for her miraculous survival. Suffers from severe PTSD as a result, and leads to an occasional violent side.
- Post Dramatic Stress Disorder: Experienced once after a firefight/knifefight/fistfight/hooffight with a bunch of Canadian assassins. Subverted, however, since blood loss from a bullet wound in her flank was the official cause of her eventually passing out, but played straight since she only passed out after she had kicked Sarah Palin's Alaskan rear and mopped the floor with her.
Fostera "Frankie" Manzano[]
With her adoptive parents - Administrator Amarillo Manzano and his fiance Samantha Cereza - dead from an Angrivantian suicide bombing, leaving Fostera orphaned and having to attend public school, this causes additional torment for apparently having a "weird medical condition that requires her to remain clothed at all times" (really, just her hiding her wings to avoid attention), and eventually culminates with the world trying to kill her when word gets out that she's an alicorn. She eventually overcomes this and becomes the Third Administrator and Voice of Yellow Apple.
- Orphan's Ordeal: Stated above.
Amarillo Manzano[]
Adoptive and deceased father of the aforementioned Fostera Manzano, and first (and so far longest-reigning) Administrator and Voice of YellowApple.
- Fiction500: At least at first (in the YellowApplan backstory), where Amarillo uses his wealth (and corporate funding) to build a giant flying city. Said flying city was named Manzanopolis Prime and became the capitol city of the Nomadic Peoples of YellowApple.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: YellowApplan Administrator Amarillo Manzano, who has at least in one instance (according to YellowApplan backstory) fought alongside YellowApplan forces when defending a chunk of Del Tangerino that crashed into Angrivantis; if it weren't for him (both from his sheer combat ability as a mostly-robotic fighting machine and from the significant morale boost of his presence), it would not have been a YellowApplan victory. Granted, he's not exactly royalty, but his position of power is akin to a quasi-autocratic monarch.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Averted in the later years of his life, but played straight in the earlier ones when he used his monetary might to rule YellowApple with an iron fist.
Crystal Spires[]
In the Region of Mystria there is the Homeland of the Beastling People, created by the Gods, and set aside for the Beastling Peoples. The land of D'halbrisir is a lush and beautiful Communist nation of brotherhood and happiness where all reasoned beings are equal, and stand for one another's protected rights and struggle together. It is no suprise then that they joined the Coalition of Ponyist States to protect Sapient Rights.
- All Myths Are True and horrifyingly deconstructed
- Dark Fantasy
- Crystal Spires and Togas played straight
- Death World
- Principles Zealot and HOW.
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink
- Antiquated Linguistics in South Spires
High Chancellor Maven Auryn[]
The Communist Leader of Crystal Spires Maven Auryn was born in the Valdeen Protectorate of what was then Crystal Spires and later became Carcenoan lands. During the Wars of Attrition he survived a genocide by being rescued and brought up as a templar in the Forntian Brotherhood which saved his life, but his guilt drove him to protect sapient beings at all costs and he ended up protecting Sapient Equines before having the Spireans join the Coalition itself. Having found himself at odds with the Hippostanians, he truly intended to join the Cops out of necessity to condemn them.
- Angst? What Angst? despite Maven's horrific life and status as a Chew Toy, he tends to be strangely between determined courage and upbeat and cheerful.
- Anti-Villain
- Beast Folk
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cosmic Plaything
- Death Seeker due to his extreme survivor's guilt
- Dirty Communists notably averted to the point of having High-Class Glass.
- Doom Magnet The Parasitic soul of the Evil God Zaiden brings misfortune to himself and all others around him.
- Happily Adopted: Gathers to him an extensive family that grows with every other visit to foreign countries.
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Immortality Type Type VII with the Holy Flower of Zaiden, and Type Type IX by consuming Maven's innocent soul.
- Last of His Kind Maven is the only living survivor of the Storkii He was actually born as a genetic mutation of a White Phoenix which is why Zaiden Chose to Possess Maven
- Made of Iron: Chancellor Maven Auryn of Crystal Spires seems to have a proclivity towards getting shot by everything from AAA shells to standard bullets, and living. Averted and played straight. Maven has suffers permanent damage from some of these attempts on his life, but he believes to show weakness would be fatal because Crystal Spires is a Death World which showing such weakness would be fatal, so he pretends nothing is wrong, and goes to work. Furthermore he is kept alive by the parasitic immortal being Zaiden
- Principles Zealot to the point of being considered de-facto Knight Templar of the Forntian Orthodox Idealists, and then turning it down, because according to Forntian Idealism it's reserved for one who have served their whole life dedicated to the Order and he refuses it because he is not dead.
- Stepford Smiler Type A
- Survivors Guilt subverted Maven does not actively show this to be the case but he risks his life often and offers to throw his life away very often to make up for surviving, making him a Death Seeker.
- The Determinator
- The Pollyanna and HOW!
- Utopia Justifies the Means During the time of the Ethereal shift, the Mystrian nations go into war with one another. They declared all out hostility with the intention to fully exterminate one another leading to massacres on all sides. In the ensuing impurity, Maven lost faith in sapient beings, and Zaiden became massively corrupted. He decided to bring peace to the lands using an ancient method, which resulted in tearing a hole into the Ethereal plane. This forced the free energy to cover the entire plane of Mystria which threw it into the world theater, ripping apart the continent and splitting Yesopalitha from the mainland, and the result was a massive extinction of all life, but of course with the power of the Flower of Zaiden, Zaiden was able to resurrect all life, purging their memory at the cost of the near total obliteration of his soul, forcing him to consume the innocence from Maven's soul to sustain himself. While Mystrians have no recollection of the whole conflict,the massacres ended, leading to a tense but relative peace. Everyone was under the impression that the world did not end, but the visions of the end during the shift were merely a collective hallucination, due to the exposure to the Ethereal plane. No one died, of course there was a massive rip on the continent, but no fatalities! Of course one guy disagrees, but no one believes foxkin!
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
- With Friends Like These... more times than not, Maven's Allies are the ones who pose the greatest threats to his life despite the fact that he lives in a psychotic Death World.
- Zombie Advocate
Dominion of the Lubyak[]
Sometimes called the region's industrial heart, the Dominion of the Lubyak is a state that thrives on both Hobbes Was Right and Democracy Is Bad. It pursues a foreign policy heavily steeped in Realpolitik, being known for being willing to do almost anything to preserve its own interests, leading to it being viewed by many of the more idealist nations as a 'villain' state. The truth of this heavily depends on which side of the line you stand on. Some view the Dominion as a heartless state with a policy of Despotism Justifies the Means, while others view it as a rather benign state.
- Bread and Circuses: Although it doesn't provide much in the way of direct welfare, the Dominion does provide order and stability, while giving its people the freedom to do what they will. This has the effect of simply making most of the population apathetic towards their government. Pursuing this also creates a desire for the Dominion to make sure their people remain happy and content with the status quo.
- City Noir: Some of the Dominion's old industrial cities fall into this trope, being dominated by the heavy industry that gives the Dominion its nickname. Only kept from falling into Industrial Ghetto as life for the workers 'isn't' total crap.
- Democracy Is Bad: Life under the old Lubyakan Republic has left the feeling amongst the people that democracies are only for Wide Eyed Idealists.
- The Men in Black: The Judiciary tends to fall into this role, although it is also has the responsibilities of the national public police, it also works under cover as needed.
- Polluted Wasteland: A stereotyped view of the Dominion in the outside world. The fact that its most known for industrial production plays into this stereotype, but averted as there are unpolluted and even beautiful area of nature, namely the colonial island of Ilan.
- Pragmatic Villainy: If it is at all evil, the Dominion could be considered this. While it can be seen as evil, it has a tendency to act in its own interests, and those interests tend to prevent it from doing anything For the Evulz.
- SCP Foundation: RP'd as operating within the Dominion, the attitude amongst the government that the ends justify the means make Lubyakans rather willing to work for the Foundation.
- Utopia Justifies the Means: While the Dominion doesn't believe it's making a utopia, it does believe that even its most brutal actions are justified by the results they achieve.
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Octavia[]
Octavia is the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Dominion, and one of the most powerful beings in the state as a result. Born and raised in Equestria, she moved to the Dominion following her one time lover, but found herself spurned, and chose to turn to life in the government of the Dominion. Risingly rapidly though the ranks, she found herself sitting at the Minister's desk in far less time than would be expected.
Yet another pony nation which mainland lies on a group of big islands located far in the north of Pony Lands, the Unitary Republic of Lykosia is an emerging power in the Coalition of Ponyist States. Unlike the other pony nation(s), it doesn't have a very strong ties to Equestria, where their ancestors came from. Uses just a few magic and more technology-aligned.
- The Republic
- Good Republic, Evil Empire
- Wild Wilderness
- Snow Means Death thus a vacation in Lykosia during winter is not recommended
Regal Charmer[]
A cold and friendly unicorn in the same time, Regal Charmer is a president and supreme commander of Lykosia, and is a center-left aligned, democractic socialist. He was born in a small, quiet town of Maneville. Being less talkative than the others, he doesn't hang out much with his friends.
- Cute Bookworm but without glasses
- Can't Hold His Liquor
- Eats Babies or so says the rumor...
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- The Perfectionist yet he still fails many times
- Man Child
United Kingdom of Malgrave[]
A Constitutional Monarchy with a fierce devotion to science and an isolationist foreign policy
- All Elections Are Serious Business
- Nuclear Weapons Taboo
- Landslide Election the Progressive-Unity party have won with every election since 1994 and the Conservative Party in the period 1950-1980.
- Vast Bureaucracy
- Mad Scientist virtually every scientist is frankly quite mad and immoral.
New Freedomstan[]
A human supremacist "communist state" that is, in fact, not a part of the Coalition of Ponyist States at all, but engages in quite a few Coalition of Ponyist States roleplays and are considered a decent villain.
- Affably Evil: Quite a few high-ranking Nefreedians don't seem to be that speciesist.
- Bread and Circuses
- Dirty Communists
- Fantastic Racism: Speciesism runs strong in the country, and the state divides sapient creatures into Humans, Halfhumans and Subhumans.
- People's Republic of Tyranny
- Police State
- Soviet Superscience
- Utopia Justifies the Means: An integral part of Nefreedian Socialism.
- Vast Bureaucracy: While not just the bureaucracy, the People's Civilian Commissariat is a massive organisation that runs most of the Nefreedian state. Except healthcare.
- We ARE Struggling Together!: The myriad of opposition groups do not get along well in New Freedomstan, partially because of governmental assistance.
Anders Ivansen[]
The current President of the country, and more importantly the General-Secretary of the Communist Party of New Freedomstan. Have tried to lead the country towards more moderate attitudes towards "subhumans" (more or less voluntarily, as the sadoscientific research installations were forcibly closed by the C'tan). Managed to work his way up the ranks of the Communist Party after participating as a low-ranking soldier for the communists during the Revolution, until eventually becoming the Premier of the country (although, at the time he was a puppet). Used the C'tani intervention to become de facto leader of the country, and instituted sweeping reforms.
- Affably Evil: If he qualifies as evil at all, he's this.
- Authority in Name Only: Used to be this. Got sick of it, and seized de facto power.
- Chest of Medals: Aspires to have this.
- Corrupt Politician
- Even Evil Has Standards: Became genuinely horrified about some of the things the Subhuman Containment Section was up to.
- Glorious Leader
- Glory Seeker
- My Country, Right or Wrong
- Necessarily Evil
- The Alcoholic
- The Starscream
- Villain Song: Ivansen has... interesting election campaign videos.
- Working Class Hero: Portrays himself as this.
Ida Johansen[]
The current leader of the Humanity First Party and former Sectional Overseer of the Subhuman Containment Section who established Equine Research Stations. While some of the Research Stations were rather humane, others... were not. While the Subhuman Containment Section had already received sweeping rights to rapidly improve New Freedomstan's knowledge regarding sentient ponies, as well as what way to combat them or put use to their abilities, Johansen gave scientists at Station #5 carte blanche. At the same time, she formed the Humanity First Party and lead it to success in the country's relatively free elections (free as long as the Communist Party retained sufficient support, and no too anti-Nefreedian parties got representation).
She was one of the few Subhuman Containment Section officials that survived the C'tani intervention and was not shipped off to an offworld work camp, in return for intentionally sabotaging the Humanity First Party and try to reduce speciesist sentiments in the country.
- Fantastic Racism
- Fate Worse Than Death: Being threatened with this made her a tool of the 'subhumans'.
- Genocide Backfire
- Karma Houdini
- Misplaced Retribution
- My Country, Right or Wrong
- Utopia Justifies the Means
12-39 14-98[]
A Nefreedian halfelf who served as a sergeant in the halfhuman town of Dvergheim, until the significantly more speciesist reign of 992-488 began and condemned her to a year in the slum of Inghall. When attempting to escape, she was saved by Maven Auryn and have followed him to the Crystal Spires.
- Action Girl
- Berserk Button: Sexism, insulting her fatherland, trying to take away her booze and calling her an elf.
- Black and White Morality: Believes the world to be this.
- Blood Magic: Possesses a variety of this.
- Blue and Orange Morality: She partially has this.
- Brainwashing for the Greater Good: Was subjected to this in her childhood.
- Disappeared Dad
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Used to be a sergeant in Dvergheim's militia, and she didn't continue to be so by being lax to her subordinates.
- Fantastic Racism: Initially, have a very low opinion of anything but humans. Including herself.
- Freedom From Choice: Something she misses after
- Half-Human Hybrid
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Desperately wanted to be as human as possible until she saw the Equine Research Stations.
- It's All My Fault
- I Owe You My Life: Her relation to Maven Auryn is originally based on this.
- Lamarck Was Right: She has followed in both of her parent's footsteps quite a bit, in various ways.
- Lawful Neutral
- My Country, Right or Wrong
- No Social Skills: At least, none outside of the strictly regimented Nefreedian society.
- Orphanage of Love
- Parental Abandonment
- Principles Zealot
- Survivor Guilt
- The Alcoholic
- The Idealist
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: Certain kinds of behaviour is very frowned in her fatherland, and she has difficulty understanding those things are not universally frowned upon.
The Theocratic Hobbiest Republican Empire[]
A formerly apocalyptic wasteland settled by religious outcasts and right-wing nutjobs.
- Child Soldiers The age for enlistment in the 'Republic' is 12 years old, their allies so far, have conveniently overlooked this.
- Crapsack World The Hobbiest Republic used to be this, and still has international misconception of being one.
- Cool Plane The Hobbiest Republic's obsession and refusal to use fixed wing transports in lieu of their MASSIVE fleet of VTO Ls.
- Department of Redundancy Department The Office of Covert Acquisitions has a subsection called Covert Affairs or Vice Versa.
- Everyone Is Armed all the time
- Heroic Sacrifice House of Cardinals, repeatedly.
- Knight Templar Justicars
- Overranked Soldier The Republic's Leadership and military infrastructure is full to brimming with teenage Cardinals leading thousands of grizzled veterans, this is probably due to mandated heroism.
- The Sheriff Is pretty much the entirety of the Law in the Republic.
- Values Dissonance Foreigners are held to much, much lower standards than the average Hobbiest citizen.
- We Have Reserves The Domestic or Foreign Legion
- Would Be Rude to Say Genocide Type A, and Type C
Richard Horn[]
- Retired Badass Used to be the High Pope of the Hobbiest Republic.
- The Atoner Years of guilt for the annihilation of the Majority party as well as the assassination of his first born has led to the formation of his group the Scarlet Index, to help people.
- Walking the Earth With his companions the Scarlet Index
Catherine Marilquist[]
- Authority Equals Asskicking As seen with her dealing with insubordination shortly after Ascending into the Office of High Pope.
- Action Girl Battle for Birtch and St. Craftian
Cardinal Saniel Jackson[]
- Chaotic Neutral in his job description.
Raspberry Revival[]
- Cannot Keep a Secret Generally applying to her own life story, which is 'supposed' to be a secret.
- Gentle Giant Quite large for a pony, she's learned to be very careful around others.
- Technical Pacifist She spends her life as a wandering trader and only uses violence against bandits and raiders
The Theocracy of Tentaklia was founded by the Prophet of Tentaklos and his disciples when they decided that there was no place for them in their old heathen homelands. Being a theocracy, all its citizens belong to the Church of Tentaklos. However syncretism is allowed with certain religions approved by the Prophet. He is currently investigating Ponyism so that he can decide whether or not to approve it.
- Dry Crusader: Alcohol is illegal in Tentaklia.
- Furry Confusion: Other than the ponies, Tentaklia has also got sapient ducks (along with the non-sapient ducks and ponies).
- Saintly Church: The Church of Tentaklos
- The Paladin: Played with. P.A.L.A.D.I.N. is actually the name of Tentaklia's secret service, but certain agents might qualify as actual paladins.
- The Theocracy
Sah Rimnir, Prophet of Tentaklos[]
The leader of Tentaklia.