- In the episode "Missing Link", Yumi is trapped on Lyoko, on Picture Day of all days, and to avoid her getting suspended for missing the school photo, Odd and Ulrich enlist Sissi to dress as Yumi and take her place. In the show's art-style, she passes fairly well for Yumi, but in the reality of the show, everyone can tell it's Sissi dressed like Yumi at a glance.
- "Code: Earth": The Big-Lipped Alligator Moment that is "Break, Break, Breakdance. Here we GOOOO!!".
- "Zero Gravity Zone": Tamiya films Ulrich's ass during a report on the school soccer match, much to Milly's annoyance.
- "Log Book": Sissi's horrified facial expression as Yumi copies her voice down the phone.