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C.C.: I still don't follow any of this. |
Code MENT is a Code Geass Abridged Seri-er... abridgement, created by Purpleeyeswtf (also the creator of None Piece), and one of the more bizarre abridged series out there. Code MENT very loosely follows the actions in the original series--in general, while the events and outcomes are the same, characterization and motivations are jettisoned for the sake of comedy, with all the characters acting considerably stupider. The series is considered a "parody of a parody".
While it sounds wacky on paper, purpleeyes is known to hold himself to high standards. The series is notable for purpleeye's impressive voice-work (giving each character in a cast of Loads and Loads of Characters his or her own distinct voice), its fast paced humor, and its excellent comedic timing.
Available here.
Not to be confused with the Code Geass the Abridged Series.
- The Abridged Series: Erm, Abridgement.
- Abusive Parents: The crazy woman in the park from episode 9 and tells her son he needs to get reacquainted with his father's nine iron. For frolicking.
- Achievements in Ignorance: Lelouch manages to corner Clovis in his G1 base without actually knowing how he managed to do it.
- All Men Are Perverts: Lelouch tricks an enemy into coming out of his mech by claiming to have a CD with "over 12 terabytes of pornography." Which is impossible, of course, because CDs can't even hold one gigabyte; the guy's brain didn't get that far, apparently.
- American Accents: Cornelia had a very deep Texas accent, to the point of almost be a Southern Belle.
- Ass Pull: Mocked by Lelouch in universe during episode 11 as C.C. distracts Suzaku.
One/Zero: "Oh of course, telepathy, silly me, and here I was expecting something that made sense." |
- Audible Sharpness: That noble in episode one has a case of this.
- Also, episode 10 has a little Fascinating Eyebrow whiplash duel between Deithard and Jeremiah.
- C.C also scares Lelouch by blinking at him.
- Also, episode 10 has a little Fascinating Eyebrow whiplash duel between Deithard and Jeremiah.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: The previous leader of Japan. Too bad he sired Suzaku, otherwise he would have won.
- Authority in Name Only: Emperor Charles is shaping up to be this.
- Bawdy Song: You will never be able to hear "Whole New World" with any sense of purity ever again.
- Seriously, the lyrics are disturbingly appropriate for that scene.
- Berserk Button: Just try saying "Team Deathmatch" in front of Jeremiah. Just try it. See where it gets you.
- Big Eater: Suzaku. He can live entirely on a diet of crayons and lighter fluid. Do you think McDonalds is open? I gotta get my Big Mac on.
Lelouch: "That wasn't eating. I've seen eating. What happened in there was pure chaos." |
- Blatant Lies: The ending of the first episode, which is rather normal by Abridged Series standards, proclaims that "Well, look on the bright side... at least it can't get any weirder." It... does.
- Blood Knight: Cornelia.
General: Madam, we discovered that there is a tunnel bellow the hotel which we can use to infiltrate. |
- Also, Guilford.
Guilford: "Let me at 'em; I'll fuck 'em up!" |
- Bottomless Magazine: In episode 8 One (Lelouch) fires probably around 100 shots or more from his pistol before running out (there's roughly seventy shots) Subverted at the last second, when he's about to shoot Euphemia, and the gun clicks.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Episode 10. "Oh please, this series was dead long before he got here."
- Also Episode 1: "What happened? Did the animation budget run out again?"
- Brick Joke: Linked
- In Episode 6:
Guilford: Hell, I stole your watch before you got in here. |
- Then Later:
Lelouch: You see a Rolex I lifted off some guy yesterday? You'd better not be touching my stuff. |
- In a later episode:
Lelouch: Suzaku, listen very carefully. I'm about to get seriously effed right now, so I need you to relay a message. Tell the girl with green hair in my room to NOT TOUCH MY STUFF!!! |
- After meeting C.C. dressed in Lelouch's "One" clothes later:
Lelouch: Blargh! Who are you?! |
- Broken Record: Suzaku at the beginning of episode one. "Forever. Forever. Forever. Forever."
- Brown Note: Old Madonna music videos have this effect on Suzaku and Lelouch.
- Bumbling Emperor: As expected, Emperor Charles has more than a few loose screws and seems to suffer from some case of senility. When trying to remember about Lelouch and Nunally:
Emperor Charles: /What was I thinking about just now?... something.. about... Japan./ We're taking over Japan! /Boooyah.// |
- Buried Alive: Shirley's dad possibly, Played for Laughs.
- But He Sounds Handsome:
Lelouch: "That One guy sounds like a really awesome dude!" |
- Butt Monkey: "Rivalz, die in a fire."
- Calling Your Attacks: Kallen.
- Captain Obvious: Shirley in episode 9.
- Catch Phrase: "Team Deathmatch!" for a lot of the characters.
- Almost to the point of being Arc Words.
- Chainsaw Good: Lelouch points out that somebody needs to make a gun with chainsaw bullets quickly and gives Kallen a robot because she came up with the only thing greater than that: a gun that shoots a gun that shoots chainsaw bullets.
- Coitus Uninterruptus: Nina in the middle of her table related activities is interrupted by Nunally... She then continues seconds later with Nunally still in the room.
- Colbert Bump: The number of viewers jumped by quite a bit after Takahata101 and Little Kuriboh (separately) recommended it.
- Continuity Nod:
Lelouch: Damn continuity, damn it to hell! |
- Corrupt the Cutie: "It's gonna be a miracle if that girl doesn't grow up to be a psychopath.".
- Critical Research Failure: In-universe with Suzaku (naturally) and his explanation of HD televisions.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Invoked at the start of episode five and subverted by Kallen's singing.
- Dance Battler: Kallen turns into this in Episode 11.
- Deader Than Dead: Empress Marianne vi Britannia
Young Lelouch: Dad! Dad! Mom is dead. |
- Description Cut: Lots. Mostly of the form "A says B is smart, cut to B acting incredibly stupid."
Lelouch: "Who knows what kind of masterminds are behind all this?" |
- Episode 5:
Euphy: Seriously, how are you still part of the army? I thought you had to be at least somewhat smart to be in there! |
- From Episode 7:
Newscaster: In an effort to capture the criminal mastermind known as One- |
- Episode 9:
Cornelia: "This One guy seems to be our biggest threat." |
- Also from Episode 9:
Kallen: "It's a good thing I have One to look up to. He's a great role model." |
- Episode 10.
Cornelia: "Well, we'll have to concentrate on the army with the most compentent leader." |
- The Ditz: All of the characters, but especially Suzaku, who gets extra points for mental retardation.
Lelouch: Well Suzaku, it was great to have you over for dinner. Although there was really no need for you to eat all of the silverware. |
- Kallen's Mother (her actual one from Code Geass) is especially eccentric. She accuses stepladders and vases of attacking her. And then she teaches them violent lessons in pain.
- Driven to Suicide: The soldiers at the end of the first episode after Lelouch confronts them with CSI.... MIAMI.
- Drives Like Crazy: "Look! No hands!"
- Episode 10:
Liberation Member: "Sir, for the love of god, open your eyes!" |
- Driving Stick: Episode one.
"Oh shit. This may be a bad time to tell you but I can't drive stick." |
- Dub Name Change: Zero is now "One".
- Dying Moment of Awesome: Jeremiah's "death" at the end of episode 10 is way more badass than in the original show. And this might actually be a death, seeing as purpleeyeswtf neglected to include the footage of him surviving...
- Every Car Is a Pinto: "If I'm back here, and you're back here, who's driving the car?" Cue fiery live-action car explosion.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: "We better get out of this cave. Bears live in caves. And bears are crazy"
- Extreme Omnivore: Suzaku. He's been known to consume plastic, cyanide, glass, crayons and lighter fluid, among other things. Oh, and silverware. And a whole end table.
- Foil: Toudou and Suzaku are actually decent foils for each other. It's easy to compare Toudou's senility with Suzaku's mental retardation, and neither is really hindered on the battle field by it. Suzaku's lines tend to be variations of Toudou's earlier lines in episodes 10 and 11. Jeremiah Gottwald and Lelouch, as well, since both are tremendous hams in unlikely leadership positions, while Lelouch is both more successful and more overblown.
- Funny Background Event: "What are you all looking at? Is it that horse guy again?"
- Future Slang: Refrain.
One: Tamaki, I don't know what kind of lingo you kids think is hip nowadays, but let's just call it meth like everybody else! |
- GASP: "Audible gasp!"
- General Failure: The vast majority of military leaders in the series, on all sides. Special mention goes to Cornelia, who seems to place more focus on head-shotting subordinates and throwing scorpions at members of her staff than on beating One.
- Halloween Episode
- Has Two Mommies: Kallen and Suzaku. Kallen doesn't actually understand the concept of fathers.
Milly: Kallen, where do babies come from? |
- Except that Suzaku has at least one father, so maybe he just has no idea what genders are.
- Hypocritical Humor: Nina and Rivalz saying that Suzaku has a stupid voice. [1]
- Idiot Plot: It's amazing how much the characters (especially those in charge of something) are complete buffoons.
- Idiot Savant: Suzaku, the mental retard giant robot pilot extraordinaire. But this is probably only because the plot demands it, since in the actual show Suzaku is nothing if not hyper competent. Lelouch is similarly competent, despite running on Insane Troll Logic.
- I Minored in Tropology: Doctor Jeremiah, with a PhD in Asskicking, a Bachelor's in Pain, and a minor in Women's Studies.
- Impractically Fancy Outfit: Issuing miniskirts to the women as the standard uniform. Made more funny because it shouldn't be a problem in the first place, since they don't impair running. Giant bullets shot from Mechas are another matter of course.
- Intentional Engrish for Funny: "All your drugs are belong to us!"
- Intoxication Ensues: "I'm tripping balls!"
- Intrepid Reporter: Camera 3.
Deithard: Hey, where the hell is Camera 3? |
- cut to collapsing building:
Camera 3 Man:[falling to his death] "THIS-IS-GONNA-BE-THE-BEST-SHOT-EVER!!" |
- Insane Troll Logic: Lelouch all the time:
Lelouch: So you are going to shoot me huh? Well the only person who shoots me is me! (points a gun at his head) Good luck trying to shoot me WHEN I'M ALREADY DEAD! |
- Suzaku is just as bad..
One/Zero: Suzaku, listen! It's me! |
- Lelouch again:
Lelouch: If I'm out there, then who's in here...? *GASP* I'M MAGIC! |
- Lelouch believes that British people don't exist because he's never seen one and all the words in the English Dictionary are American. British people are like the wolf man. Though it gets worse when you realize, unless the insane plot of this series later says otherwise, Lelouch is British. [2]
- It sort of makes sense considering Britain had to relocate to what is America in our world.
- Lelouch believes that British people don't exist because he's never seen one and all the words in the English Dictionary are American. British people are like the wolf man. Though it gets worse when you realize, unless the insane plot of this series later says otherwise, Lelouch is British. [2]
- Large Ham: Lelouch and Jeremiah all the time.
- Larynx Dissonance: There isn't even any effort to make female voices and it IS GLORIOUS. Though his husky C.C. voice does sound sufficiently feminine.
- Leeroy Jenkins: Suzaku
Cuckoo-cachoo, Mrs. Robinson! |
- Man of a Thousand Voices: All the voices are done by Purpleeyes, and he does a pretty damn good job at it. Though some of the female characters sound kinda similar. Kallen (and one of her Moms) sound like Mickey Mouse.
- Medium Awareness: During XIII-2:
Soldier 1: (As a submarine flies towards them) Is that a sub? |
- Metaphorgotten: Episode 8:
Lelouch/ |
- Also, Episode 2:
Lelouch: "Like making babies from a candy! Mmm, candy." |
- Episode 9:
Lelouch: "Don't flatter yourself. I was just trying to bite your tongue off so I wouldn't have to hear your ugly face anymore." |
- Mythology Gag: The idea of Jeremiah mocking anyone by calling them "orange-boy" is frankly hilarious to those who know the original series, as being called "orange" was Jeremiah's Berserk Button.
- Never Learned to Read: Lelouch, Suzaku, and Kallen.
- Noodle Incident: There are multiple references to an incident from Suzaku and Lelouch's childhood involving a Slip-N-Slide. He set it on fire. While Lelouch was on it.
- "And that was the third time I tried meth."
- "And that's why I'm not legally allowed to use scissors anymore."
- The conversation the Japanese guards have while Lelouch kills their leader.
Guard: "...and it took a ton of hair spray... Could you believe it? I had to run and get the hose... but thank god I knew were the ax was... banana shoes..." |
- Off the Rails: It's about as related to the original plot as the Tabletop RPG of the Samurai Pizza Cats with the original Japanese abridged Sourcebook. It's like seeing Dude, Where's My Car? and Code Geass on heavy Meth.
- Only Sane Woman: C.C. all the way. Kewell has this role whenever he shows up.
- Euphemia's pretty sane too. After that whole suicide thing, anyway--or perhaps because of it...
- Ougi seems to know what he's doing. Also, though she's just the student body president, Milly is pretty on the ball.
- Death the Kid, especially in comparison to his relatives.
- Parody Stu: Lelouch. He's a prince who's also related to Death the Kid and Alucard with incredible power and influence over others, gets away with stuff that can only be described as batshit insane... and yet he spends most of his time just being a Jerkass, scoring drugs, blowing stuff up, and contributing nothing but menace to society.
- His solution to C.C. holding him at gunpoint is to attempt suicide, since a dead body can't be harmed by being shot and it gets worse from there.
- The Password Is Always Swordfish: Lelouch mentions in passing that Suzaku actually does always use "Swordfish" as his password.
- "Previously On...": "Last time!" Parodied in the beginning of episode 5. None of it happened, of course... we think.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Lelouch, mostly. He's very easily distracted. Despite driving the plot, most of his insane stunts are done on a whim. Lloyd as well.
- Recut: All of the first 8 episodes were redone to meet purpleeyes' growing skill and standards. Some jokes were lost in the process but ultimately the final versions are superior. Episode 10 has a good example of an extended cut.
- Refuge in Audacity: Even by Abridged Series standards. It takes anything of the original Anime, turn it over its head, throw away the hold thing and doodle in WordPaint a bunch of dicks in pizza hut and wondering where all the drugs went away and why his nose itched so badly... for the ART.
- Refuge in Vulgarity: Which is subverted with Guilford who get censored all the time for some reason and Lelouch who uses unusual euphemisms half the time.
- Rule of Funny: Lelouch can't read but he can write... which does make sense if he's still reading and writing Japanese if he can't read any kanji but can type basic hiragana... Though since the Britannians speak and write in English anyway...
- The AnimeNEXT promotion video, Words at the top of the video shows that Lelouch can't really write either, seeing as how he can't spell for his life.
- Running Gag: Team Death Match!
- Expospeak Gag: One soldier launches into a long and elaborately-worded speech about their military situation, which he sums up by declaring that they are all in a great big Team Death Match. Jeremiah shoots him for his troubles.
- Sanity Ball: Lelouch tends to get this very often... usually in comparison to someone even crazier. Or when lampshading anything about CC.
- Self-Deprecation: After seeing a clip of None Piece Lelouch shouts "THIS IS AWFUL!"
- During the fake TAC awards:
Jeremiah: Here's a list of the categories we've won. 'Best Stolen Idea Since Facebook'. |
- Seltzer and Friedberg: Jeremiah is arrested for trying to kill them in Episode 6. By his own admission, this is not the first time this has happened.
- Serial Escalation: Think of all the shenanigans done so far. Purpleeyeswtf managed to top all of them in the first 9 seconds of episode 12. And it goes even further from there.
Lelouch: Getting kicked off the internet for this one. |
- Shock Site: "Hey what's goin on over here...? What's she doin' with that cup...? OH GOD I'M GONNA BE SICK!"
- Shout-Out: Like all Abridged Series there are an absurd amount of them. Here are some:
- The whole Skype call in episode 8 seems like a hilarious homage to Space Ghost Coast to Coast
- Also, I'm pretty sure Raymond Philips from Ep 10 (non-canon edition) is a shout out to Senor Cardgage.
- Jeremiah's "seven minutes" rant:
- The Japanese leader telling people to email him if they want him to send them a pizza bagel.
- Jeremiah (while high on PCP) screaming that "the dream is collapsing".
- "Bored now."
- In episode 10:
- "I need to get out of here. It's the smell..."
- Notably, from episode 13:
Suzaku: Somebody died, and it's up to me to find out who it was and why! |
- Simpleton Voice: Suzaku.
- The Stoner: Tamaki. Taken to an extreme in episode 12 where he consumed all the meth they stole instead of selling it.
- Take That: Diethard complains about how they cancelled Megas XLR so Cornelia could broadcast the Shinjuku Massacre.
- Lelouch referring to the complete script of Star Wars The Phantom Menace as the exact opposite of clever.
- In episode 10:
- ... and episode 11:
Lelouch: Ohgi, is the robot okay?! |
- Plus, episode 4:
Lelouch: (finishing his monologue)... but you can call me... Adam West! |
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch: Jeremiah, in Episode 5.
Jeremiah: Let's hug it out, bitch! |
- Those Two Bad Guys: The pair of soldiers from episode 1 have a tendency to pop back up every now and again. It's like a combination of Jules and Vincent on lots of meth and Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle but with pizza bagels instead of White Castle.
- Title Drop: In episodes 2 - Big Trouble, 6 - The Smell Of Victory, and 11 - Bears Are Crazy.
- Too Dumb to Live: Kallen and Suzaku.
- Lelouch forgot to put airholes in his helmet.
- Too Soon: Suzaku in the flashback in episode 6, while Lelouch is carrying his blind and crippled sister (which was caused when their mother was shot to death).
Suzaku: "Hey Lelouch, hey Lelouch, hey Lelouch!" |
- Unexplained Recovery: Jeremiah and Villetta are involved in a pretty horrific car crash at the start of episode 4, of the 'giant fireball of death' variety. They show up later again with nary a scratch on either of them.
- Unusual Euphemism: Lelouch's mind is so warped from using so many that when hearing someone was going to be indicted (Milly meant to say inducted), his response was "Milly, that's disgusting!"
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: Seems to be the code of conduct for all of Purpleeyes's works. It's perfectly acceptable and forgivable to stab people, shoot people, lie to people, manipulate people, sexually harass people, insult the dignity of people (note that 'people' can include your own friends). But don't you ever EVER interrupt someone; it's just rude.
- Toudou was much more upset over the enemy cutting his cable than the fact they kill hundreds of his soldiers and buried part of his group under a mountain. Then again, it is Toudou.
- When I Was Your Age: For some reason, this seems to be the catchphrase for One.
- Your Mom:
Cornelia: "Lloyd, you're our top researcher." |