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The whole "war against adult tyranny" thing is one of rebellion against a dystopia[]

If you think about it, the Adults seem to have sturdier, slightly more advanced technology. They've restricted access to basic sources of information ("PG-13 and up") and have required licenses for cars, passports for travel, money for trade, ID cards for all of the above and parental permission for many things that don't fall into that category.

What little access Kids have to these kinds of technology is either built from Adult trash or borrowed from Adults, and vastly inferior for the latter. Bikes can't compete with cars, pocket change won't buy you much and the closest they'd have to ID are library cards, which are only good to actually ID them and aren't valid as licenses or passports.

Even if they could (they actually probably can) fake the money, ID, licenses, etc., their very appearance makes it easy to pick out a Kid trying to get invalid access to Adult technology or privileges.

Sound familiar?

The WMG about "Earth is currently infected with the adulthood disease"? It's deeper than that.[]

On Earth, the KND just fight Adults and Teenageers mostly. The GKND's enemies, however, are never shown. Perhaps an alien race that abhors children?

And you would think the KND would mention the "disease" more than once unless it was vital to keep it secret. Why?

Here's the theory. In space, there is a horrifying Hive Mind race that has four stomachs and hates kids. They produce a viral agent that causes aging. One that can be replicated. And concentrated to accelerate the process. The aliens can't achieve the technology for the process themselves as they have no hands (yet they have flying saucers, but then again this is the KND universe so practically anything goes). So they do it slowly, then let the adults do it faster when their increased brain power allows them the technology to do so.

So what's the substance? Who are the aliens?

First, take note that kids hate vegetables. And liver. And pretty much anything else that tastes funny. The viral agent has to be ingested to take effect. What is least like sugary foods yet tastes like them with the right additives that kids eat on a regular basis? What substance of that description is also recommended by doctors and dentists, and which parents make their kids consume, sweet additives or not?

Any run through the KND's acronym thingy (forgot the name) would probably bring up the following result...

Mutagen Initiates Little Kids

Now it starts to fall into place. Chocolate milk. Milk chocolate. Bowls of sugary cereal. Ice cream. Even grilled cheese or buttered popcorn.

And the aliens? You have just discovered the nature of the sinister Bovoids, ruled over by the diabolical Queen Cow. The "abductions" in farmers fields are just a cover. Soon the Bovoids will attempt to invade Earth, and only the KND will stand between them and conquest!

The whole "war against adult tyranny" thing is just an elaborate game of make-believe.[]

The battle sequences, fights in outer space, and life-or-death situations that we the audience see are just artistic renderings of what the kids are imagining, a technique often employed in shows that make heavy use of fantasy such as Rugrats and Muppet Babies. This would explain why 2x4 Technology can do things real technology can't, such as erase memory or fly to Saturn in less than a few hours. Why haven't Abby and Cree killed each other? Because the guns, the armor, and the prisons aren't real. Teenagers aren't really decommissioned; their friends just acknowledge that they've reached an age where such make-believe games are seen as immature, and they come up with an interesting explanation for why they have to give them up... except for the "undercover operatives," who don't care what their peers or parents think and want to continue playing. The parents of kids and teens who are sent to "prisons" in the Arctic and on the moon don't wonder where they are because nobody's really in prison; they're just pretending. The same goes for how kids like #362 appear to live on the moon and how cadets appear to stay in Antarctica for training. After all, the kids seem to know there's a limit on what is possible even for them and where to draw the line, as seen in the King Sandy episodes.


Number 4: Kuki, you're not gonna marry that dork, are ya'?
Number 3: Of course not! We're just pretending.
Sandy: Pretending? The king never pretends.
Number 3: What are you, nuts? I can't get married for real! I'm, like 10-years-old!

  • That seems like a very plausible theory. It puts everything into a new light actually.
  • I also have a feeling most of the adult enemies are just actors that the adults hire to give kids a thing to do. After all...if, and this is a BIG if, where does KND get all its funding? The kids are all below the age of 13, they can't get jobs. Its the parents who are making the game 'real'. And all the parents and teachers are in on it since the 'game' keeps the kids away from what is the real threat-drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes.
  • It certainly would explain Operation: Moon...
  • Perhaps this explains why all the villians think they're villains-it's what most children expect!
  • That and Alternate Character Interpretation just made Father go from Affably Evil to the coolest dad ever for playing with a bunch of the neighborhood kids. Although the fictional status of the story has always been ambiguous, Operation: ARCHIVE makes things lean on the "it's real" end.
    • The crossover with Grim Adventures and the cameo of Ed, Edd and Eddy also hint that it's real.
      • Not necessarily. Cartoon Network could very well exist in the KND universe(much like how Futurama exists as a cartoon in The Simpsons universe, despite having the same Real Life creator). They could've pretended to be the characters in the show.
  • This may run even deeper. Perhaps the finale could be the adult version of the kids turning their childhood experience into a cartoon.

Each villian is a manifestation of things kids don't like.[]

This is going by the above theory that it's one big game of make-believe.

  • Father represents what kids hate most about adults: their authoritarian nature, and disiplinary actions. The Delightful Children represent kids' fear of becoming more or less completely rule-abiding. Father really just wants the best for his kids, in the long run.
  • Teenagers are part Growing Up Sucks(kids imagine that they're against the KND, when teens have just grown out of it), and part inability to understand non-kid friendly activities that teens do. In truth, the teens just don't want to play along.
  • Mr Boss represents parents always being busy with work, so they imagine that he's a Corrupt Corportate Executive. He's more or less your average buisnessman.
  • Stickeybeard represents the fact adults are always trying to stop kids from having too much candy, so he's seen as a candy pirate. In reality, Stickeybeard may be a health nut.
  • Heinrich Von Marzipan is the Jerkass kid that steals people's candy for himself. Still, he's decent enough to play along with the KND game.
  • Grandma Stuffin represents that old lady who made horrible food, yet was so nice and important you had to eat it in order to be polite.
  • Chester is the dodgy fast food resteraunteer, which has been arrested by the health department after a bunch of people got sick. Because of this, he's been made a Complete Monster.
  • Knightbrace is very obviously representing the kids' fear of dentists. In reality, he's an ordinary dentist.
  • Nurse Clayborne is a surgical nurse, who deals with the really squicky diseases and ect. Hence her being a Complete Monster.
  • There are few characters who aren't made up. They are:

All the normally-impossible stuff happens because it's manifested into realitythrough the imagination of those involved, an alternate set of physics, or a combination of both.[]

Not being "real" in the same way as other things prevents parents from wondering where their kids are or how that huge hole appeared in the wall. It protects people from being seriously injured or killed in explosions, house crushings (Op. P.I.R.A.T.E., anyone?), and the like.

This also explains how operatives, who should all be real people, can meet with other operatives halfway around the world in a society which doesn't appear to use the internet or long-distance phone calls. After all, it's impossible to have a world-wide game of make-believe that easily.

Codename Kids Next Door is a criticism against adultism[]

Duh, it is about kids rebelling against adults.

Father's real full name is Benedict Wigglestein.[]

In "Op: ZERO," Father's first name is revealed to be Benedict. "Op: ARCHIVE," although Word of God confirms it to be non-canon, introduces an adult named "Mr. Wigglestein," who is the first adult to rebel against children (a la The Animatrix); he bears an uncanny resemblance to Father. Put them together, and you get one hell of a name. His brother, Monty Wigglestein, took his wife's surname "Uno" when he married because he wanted to distance himself from his once-evil father.

  • Supported by "Op: INTERVIEWS." Father has a director's chair with the initials "B.W."

Numbah One is the ancestor of Captain Picard[]

  • Oh come it's so obvious their related.

KND exists in the same continuity as Children of the Corn.[]

That's right. You read it, you can't un-read it. Maybe the CotC were inspired by the KND, or maybe they're an extremist splinter group. Maybe they're what the KND dwindles to in the future. Or maybe they're the earliest version - they're who wrote #0's book. ((Insert any number of theories here - MAYBE ALL OF THEM ARE TIME LORDS LOL!))

Any way you slice it, it's too perfect NOT to work.

Numbuh 362 was purposefully misleading Numbuh One in "Op: GIRLFRIEND."[]

362 wasn't out of character in suspecting Numbuh 63.5 was part of the "Splinter Cell" and harassing One to pursue him. She had heard rumors that the Splinter Cell division (who was the GKND) was putting One and Lizzie in danger in an attempt to break them apart. Unsure who to trust and who could be watching, 362 attempted to drag One away from Lizzie without revealing her true motives. She assumed that the Splinter Cell couldn't target both kids. If they couldn't, then Lizzie, an innocent bystander, wouldn't get hurt.

Sector V is located in Virginia.[]

Most sectors are named after the location that they are in. They visited the beach on many occasions. They live in a place with a diverse population. And it didn't take Numbuh 1 long to walk from the White House to the Sector V treehouse.

  • Supported by The Movie. Sector V targets the Colony Drop at Grandfather, who's standing in front of the Delightful Children's mansion somewhere in the northeastern United States.
  • Alternatively, Sector V could be in Connecticut, chronologically the 5th state of the USA, continuing with the "5" theme.
  • Or the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. "Operation: A.R.C.H.I.V.E." has Nigel's wild Conspiracy Theory involving the first adult city being named "Cleveland." Perhaps he was inspired by the soul-crushing depressiveness of the nearby city proper.
  • Vermont, anyone? That's the first place that came to my mind. maybe I'm just weird like that . . .

Mr. Boss was fired before becoming a full-time villain.[]

In his first appearance, he tried to send his employees' daughters (and Numbah 4) to Neptune. Now, while crossing the Moral Event Horizon is perfectly normal for a Corrupt Corporate Executive, doing something like that violates about elevendy billion laws, including union rights and FAA permits. And if the government didn't crack down on him, then the board of directors would probably have fired him for trying to get rid of their own spoiled daughters. And even if that didn't happen, attracting the wrath of the KND, a multinational militant organization complete with space cannons and the G-rated version of nuclear weaponry, is generally bad for business.

Also, we don't see Mr. Boss in his company after his introduction episode. Coincidence?

  • This is going along with the above that the entire thing is an elaborate game of make believe, but three of Sector V's Agent's Parents work for Mr. Boss, justifying them seeing him again. Though this is kinda flimsy since 86 goes to the same school as Sector V...

The Boyfriend Helmet isn't a toy.[]

Number 5 never explicitly says it's a toy, nor what type of magazine she has that it's advertised in. And if kids read magazines they're not supposed to in our world, then they certainly can in the KND world.

It's not marketed to little girls at all. It is the latest advanced gadget for the adult BDSM crowd. We know from Operation GIRLFRIEND that Lizzie has a sister old enough to get married; she could have had her sister buy it for her... or stolen one her sister had already bought! Squick!

This theory is in no way serious, as it would ruin the Rule of Funny.

Father killed Hoagie Gilligan, Sr.[]

A theory with little basis that nonetheless originated after the premiere of C.A.K.E.D.F.O.U.R., which revealed a) that Number 2's dad is dead, and b) Father apparently hated him.

Delightfulization is Intercision.[]

It's a process that deprives a person of their individuality by turning them into a soulless zombie obedient to all authority. And it's designed chiefly for use on kids. Unfortunately, the Phlebotinum Overload Father refers to in Operation Z.E.R.O. that destroyed the machine also gave him the key to perfecting the process without killing the subject.

  • Corollary: Father is incredibly skilled with that process, since he can do it without killing the victim and without seeing the soul of the victim before it's intercised.

Chad is an egomaniacal Well-Intentioned Extremist who either lied about being a Fake Defector or has deluded himself into believing he is one.[]


Number 274: I've been running this show for five years. Five years! I can't let all I've worked for, all I've accomplished be ruined by a bunch of snot-nosed brats!


Chad was Supreme Leader for less than three years (as seen by the flashback to Three Years Ago in MAURICE when Number 100 was Supreme Leader), but his reputation as the Best operative went to his head and made him believe that the KND owed him for all their success even before he was Supreme Leader. Even when he turned 13, he was so convinced that he was still the only one who could successfully lead the KND, he was willing to destroy the Moonbase to protect his secret. His goal, even when he jumped off the slope with that scheme, still seemed to be to remain Supreme Leader rather than revenge ("None of you are gonna tell anyone about my birthday!"). His explanation to Number 1 about doing it to stop Cree from doing it later doesn't fly: destroying the villain's target before they can destroy it does not count as stopping them!

He also was not literally behind every success Sector V has accomplished for 4 seasons; if he had been, the "Splinter Cell" would have recognized him as the Best operative. He only believed (or told himself) that he was, just as he told himself that everything he did as a Turncoat teenager was for the greater good of the KND, a Xanatos Gambit to help them—a delusion stemming from his conflicting need to be the Best KND operative even after starting to hate them because they tried to decommission him.

Unfortunately, somewhere down the road, Chad discovered the true identity of the "Splinter Cell" as a cover for the Galactic Kids Next Door and their true goal. He wasn't trying to warn Number Infinity about a betrayal at the treaty signing in TREATY; he was demanding to know why they chose Number 1 instead of him (in his own swelled head, he's still the Best KND operative). To save their secret, Number Infinity lied when he apparently told Number 5 that Chad was still "one of us."

  • Corollary: With the intention of proving himself to the GKND, Chad chases Nigel into space and becomes a Well-Intentioned Extremist antagonist. Numbuh Infinity attempts to stop Chad by going into space as well, and eventually ends up becoming his Morality Pet.

Number 4 was also a candidate for the Galactic Kids Next Door.[]

In INTERVIEWS, Number 2 explains his knowledge of the GKND and their choosing Number 1 as their first operative from Earth this way:


"Science nerds stink at keeping secrets from each other."


The scientists in AMISH weren't being kidnapped, but neither were they secretly meeting to watch a Doctor Who marathon. Number 2 learned of their connection to the "Splinter Cell" after the end of that episode.

The mission in PLANET, which Number 74.239 (part of the GKND) was in charge of, was another test, like the kind they were seen frequently giving to Number 1 (and presumably other operatives) in Season 6. Number 2 knows this, which is why he accidentally lets slip, "I just need a quick word with the test subject... uh... astronaut before the launch."

Kids Next Door were founded by Peter Pan.[]

They're clearly unclear on any history, including their own, so their archives cannot be trusted. But they resemble the original Lost Boys in many things. They live in trees, both on top as Peter did by the end, and inside as the Lost Boys originally did. They battle adults and anyone else who tries to tell them what to do. Anyone who breaks the cardinal rule of "no growing up" is violently ejected from the organization. And to top it off, they can make people forget their past.

  • Ergo, Neverland is on another planet, the "Galactic Kids Next Door" are the Lost Boys, and they sent the original Book of KND that Number Zero used to start the Kids Next Door on Earth.
  • The reason the KND never flew is that Earth has no fairies; perhaps they all died out before the KND came. KND was established on Earth because an ancestor of Grandfather (probably related to Captain Hook) had been defeated by Peter and escaped to Earth, causing an operative to be sent to pursue him. This operative was one of Peter's most trusted boys and carried the Book of KND so he could start a permanent outpost on Earth to help Neverland guard against other adult villains. However, he was found and either killed or brainwashed through Grandfather's ancestor's machinations, leaving only the book behind in the hands of an Earthling child. ("Killed" is more likely.) The story was later passed to an adult, who promptly took the story and wrote a book about it, changing some details and inserting some philosophic themes. The name of the original operative was never known. We only know about him from the nickname that the adult gave him in his book: The Little Prince. However, thanks to his sacrifice, the KND on Earth was established to combat Earthly adult tyranny.

The KND take place in the same universe as Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy.[]

Double-D (who was been shown to build technology as sophisticated as aircraft and weather satelites out of cardboard and whatever other junk he finds lying around the alley) is either related to Numbah 2, or is a former member whose mind was never erased when he turned thirteen.

  • Double D is in the sixth grade which will make him 11 or 12. It is entirely possible that he still is in the KND (just one of the older members).
  • Supported by the crossover episode "The Grim Adventures of the Kids Next Door". Billy calls the Eds in the opening sequence, but is told by Eddy to "Call the Kids Next Door. They're cheap."
    • Apparently, these all also take place in the same world as The Powerpuff Girls.
      • Further supported by Fusion Fall. Cartoon Network's original series do appear to take place in the same universe, but they aren't as apt to do crossovers as Disney.

Numbuh 86 has Unresolved Sexual Tension.[]

And because she has trouble finding her Mr. Right, she acts like she hates all males as her way of letting off the steam of it. Or...

Numbuh 86 is a lesbian.[]

Though that might not explain why she garnered a soft spot for Numbuh 19th Century.

  • Or why she said that Numbuh 4 was cute in operation END...
    • Another explanation could be that ...
      • A lot of children, and adults actually, have crushes that either aren't sexual or don't reflect their sexuality. She could be Bisexual or a lesbian..Or just a kiddy little girl who dislikes boys.
  • She DOES have a rather extreme desire to prove her self to Numbuh 362...

As an anendum Numbuh 86 grows up to be Fransizka von Karma.[]

  • Does her repition of "stupid" remind you of a certain Prosecutor? Her Does Not Like Men nature is reponsbile for her Les Yay with Adrian Andrews.
  • Oh my God that is the best observation ever brb loving both these characters more now

Numbuh 86 is really in love with her father.[]

All little girls love their fathers, but there is this thing called an Electra complex (the gender-reversed Oedipus complex) that can go a little far sometimes. They are clearly very close, seemingly closer than her and her mother, she hates her younger brothers, who are rivals for their father?s attention (DO YOU MIND! DAD AND I ARE TRYING TO HAVE A MOMENT HERE!), and the few boys she do find cute reminds of her father: Boisterous, sloppy and aggressive (Numbuh 4) or patronizing and protective (Numbuh 19th Century).

The Kids Next Door are responsible for the adult conspiracy in the first place.[]

Initially, there really were one or two unpleasant adults out there (Count Spankula leaps to mind as a possible "patient zero") that the Kids Next Door fought against. But then they started the practice of mindwiping any member that reached their teenage years.

As the newly-brainwiped person grew up, they were left remembering only bits and pieces of those five or so years of their lives, and slowly grew bitter at the thought that they'd had a boring childhood, with the only fun part being something they can't even remember. Once they reached adulthood, they decided to take out their sucky childhood on other children.

Therefore, the brain-wiping process perpetuates the evils of adults, and as the KND continues to recruit, it just keeps setting up more future adult villains.

All of the adults in the world who aren't supervillains are actually former KND operatives.[]

Numbah 5 grows up to be Foxxy Love, or she and Cree are two of Foxxy's illegitimate children handed off to a pair of loving parents.[]

Same hat, same way of speaking, same tough attitude.

  • Yikes.
  • This would explain why Numbuh 5 is the only one of Sector V to know where babies come from...
  • Thank God I'm not the only one who couldn't help but see that...

The first names of the Delightful Children from Down the Lane start with the letters C, F, D, T & L.[]

UNDERCOVER reveals the boy with the football helmet on the far right of the formation to be named "Lenny" and ZERO reveals the tall shaggy-haired boy in the middle of the formation to be "David." Note that the acronym DCFDTL also has an "L" at the far right of the acronym and a "D" in the middle. This might mean that the first initials of the Delightful Children from left-to-right correspond with the letters in their acronym from left-to-right.

If we eliminate the "D" in the beginning of DCFDTL for the sake of not using the same initial twice, then from left-to-right the first initials of the Delightful Children are:

  • Blond lanky girl - "C"
  • Short blond boy - "F"
  • Tall shaggy-haired boy - "D" (Who we already know to be named David)
  • Stocky pigtailed girl - "T"
  • Football-helmet boy - "L" (Who we already know to be named Lenny)
    • So their names are possibly Catherine, Frances, David, Tia, Lenny etc?
    • If so, this troper is personally partial to the unnamed DC being named "Clarice,""Fanklin" and "Thelma."
  • Word of God confirms their names to be Bruce (blond boy), David (tall boy), Ashley (bow girl), Ogie (short+ stout girl), and Lenny (helmet kid)

The Delightful Children represent absolute conformity.[]

  • They have a hive mind, speak together and wear incredibly normal clothing. However, since absolute conformity is impossible, they collect werid things like toenails and occasionly do not do what an adult tells them. This is what really makes them insane, because they have been brainwashed into conformity, yet it is impossible for them not to have quirks. Note that they don't even seem to have mind of their own. THEY ARE HIVE.
    • That explain why Numbah One hates them, because he's pretty much the younger version of Captain Picard who has a hatred for the Borg.

The Delightful Children deliberately sold out.[]

  • Even in the course of their career as KND operatives they may have been more eager to grow up or cooperate with adults then they were willing to admit to anyone else. They may have been either tempted too much by Father's powers, or too eager to sample whatever power the adults had and willingly went along with Delightfulization in order to gain the advantage. Of course once on the adults' side, the now Delightful Children realized they'd burned their bridges and that no other child, let alone a former KND member would ever want to associate with them again. They may consider being on the adult side worth it, as they tend to stick together despite lapses, with their "hive mind" their best way to cope with their self-imposed isolation/desertion. Their brief relapse to their old Sector Z selves in Op: INTERVIEW may have been a last fling with their former roles, but secretly they knew they'd betrayed themselves and their old friends; that ultimately they would never really be trusted again, hence the temporary nature of their reversion.

And of course some kids are just brats and like being brats; the Delightfuls found a rather interesting way of being nasty.

The Delightfuls are Father's real children[]

  • Sector Z were the five children of Father and an unseen woman (mabye more, since Lenny is Black), and when Father found out about their KND antics, he used Delightfulization as a punishment to them for going against his will.
    • They could possibly be adopted foster children, placed by various families as mentioned above, esp if Father said he could "help" them. Of course Father may be just evil enough to go around "making babies" on his own (sort of), which makes his plans more long-range than anyone thought.
    • What, if anything, happened to the unseen "Mother", no doubt with mop and apron poised?
      • He may have been deemed the more sane parent in the divorse. (which is saying a lot, knowing Father.) Or mabye she was accendently killed by the KND, leading Father to use Delightfulization as a punishment?

Father is a Firebender[]

  • I am very disappointed in all of you for not coming up with this yet. Anyway, he might even be a distent relative of the Fire Nation Royal Family.

Father is Mrs. Thompson's ex-husband.[]

At the end of "'Operation: D.O.G.H.O.U.S.E."', Mrs. Thompson tells her class "that they should never accept a necklace from their angry ex-husband," obviously implying that the necklace that cursed her into the form of the Queen Weredog was a "gift" from her ex. We know that Father's got definite anger control issues, so "angry" could point in his direction. We also know he hates kids, and therefore would love to use his ex-wife's profession as a teacher as a way to plant a homework-eating werewolf in the middle of an elementary school. Finally, if he turned the KND into a zoo in "'Operation: G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S.'", it's probably not outside his abilities to create a necklace that spreads werewolfism.

Earth is currently infected with the adulthood disease, but in a stable condition.[]

Numbuh 74.239 states in "Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S." that adulthood is a disease, sweeping the galaxy. If that's the case, though, why do we (humans, animals, plants, etc.) all eventually grow older? Are we infected with adulthood?

About eleventity buhmillion years ago, Earth was a world without adults, where kids were free to be kids forever. That changed when a Meteor of Doom made of highly concentrated adulthood struck the planet spreading the disease. Adulthood itself wasn't evil, but many of those kids who became adults abused their power, turned themselves and others into senior citizombies and would have left the world an agified wasteland, like the countless other planets that were infected and quarantined in the past.

However, us Humans Are Special. A Ragtag Bunch of Misfits not all that different from the KND sectors today discovered a crashed 2x4 tech starship tangled in the branches of a massive but young tree. It was a ship from the Galactic Kids Next Door, and its pilots had been attempting to destroy the meteor of concentrated adulthood before another planet was contaminated. The dying GKND operatives with their last breath urged the earth kids to take the escape pod from the ship into deep space, where the rest of the GKND can locate and rescue them. The kids refused at the last minute, scrapped together some 2x4 tech and destroyed the minor Eldritch Abomination at the core of the astroid and the source of all adulthood.

Earth's atmosphere was still infected, though, and from now on, every breath of earth's now-polluted atmosphere a kid took would gradually make him or her older. So the Ragtag Bunch of Misfits decided to use what limited time they had left as kids to defeat the other evils unleashed by the astroid. They became the first earth KND operatives in the first earth sector and heralded in the first of many ages of the Kids Next Door.

  • This would explain why the KND headquarters is kept on the Moon. It's the only place away from the contaminated Earth air.

Numbuh 3 grew up and founded the Fireside Girls.[]

Maybe when she grew up, she never had her brain washed. She remembered everything, and began the Fireside Girls to teach little girls about it.

Plus, it makes sense.

  • No, Fireside Girl Jamboree confirms that the Fireside Girls were founded by Eliza M. Feyerside. Unless Numbuh 3 grew up and changed her name to eliminate any proof of her relation to the KND and founded the FS Gs since the KND disbanded years ago. They were trained, without realizing it, to fight adult tyranny, which would also explain why time travel and giant robots, among other things, are in their handbook.

Numbah 1 is actually a kid with Leukemia, and the KND is all a dream he's having[]

You know how numbah 1 is really pale, and bald? He's actually in the hospital with Leukemia, and the KND is really Nigel dreaming about the childhood he'll never have. That's why the KND is capable of doing so much impossible stuff. His distrust of adults stems from the fact that, well, ever since he was little adults have been shoving needles in him and putting him through surgeries. The other operatives of sector V actually are his friends. Most of the villians are people he actually knows. Mr.'s Wink and Fibb? Two boring old guys down the street who actually do live together. The delighfuls? Those snobby kids down the street who act like little angels in front of adults and then turn into little assholes as soon as the grown ups leave. Nigel blames them for his hair because it's easier to deal with than the truth. His comment about his hair never growing back was his way of coming to terms with the fact that he's terminal. His hair is never going to grow back, because he's never getting out of chemo. He looks the way he does even in his dreams because he's been in chemo for so long he can't imagine himself looking any other way.

    • ...well now I'm just sad.
    • Well, now. That's
    • Incredibly depressing theory, but actually very possible, if you look at the events in I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S. symbolically. Nigel's departure into the "Galactic KND", leaving his friends on Earth, parting with them forever. Making himself believe that he's the chosen one, from all of the kids on Earth... S'cuse me. But the very ending of the aforementioned episode could indicate that he got better.
      • He says goodbye to his friends and his parents and ascends to a higher plan of existance, surrounded by advanced machinery and people in white coats. So ...
    • Slightly different interpretation: Nigel caught Leukemia when he was very young, but was eventually cured of it (it can happen). He created the KND make-believe universe partly to vent his bitterness against adults, whom he blames for his baldness.
    • I just rewatched Operation I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S with this in mind. I cried. So much.

The Ice Cream Men are drug traffickers.[]

The ice cream trucks are just a front. They don't serve to kids because Even Evil Has Standards. However, they know about the KND and have no problem with attacking operatives who deliberately disrupt their business. While trafficking is their specialty, they sometimes do mercenary work for supervillains if the pay is good. Op. I-SCREAM was a Xanatos Gambit by the Delightful Children to either destroy the Kids Next Door or push the Ice Cream Men toward being mooks.

The DCFDTL were Killed Off for Real in OP INTERVIEW.[]

Ex-Sector V mentions that the events in INTERVIEW were the last time they encountered the DCFDTL. Also, what else other than vengeance for his dead children could possibly make Father pursue Numbuh 1 for what has to have been decades?

Kuki's mom was like her as a child.[]

Her name is Genki which could be a Meaningful Name. Kuki turned out to be just like her and look at how she was as a child.

  • In operation CLUES Genki had this weird mini-psychotic episode, where she freaked out over her daughters not letting her play with the rainbow monkeys she never had as a kid. When she did that her voice got all high and girly like Kuki's, so it seems to me that while similar in nature, little Genki was deprived of frilly things through her childhood and that's why she grew so sour. Maybe Kuki's life as a teenager was full of similar disappointments?

Stickybeard is some kind of extradimensional entity.[]

His ship moves between dimensions so the extensive property damage when it sails is just an illusion. His pirates and munitions materialize upon leaving the ship, so they cause real damage. He hoards candy because it was the first thing he liked about our universe. He took the form of a pirate due to some bizarre Theme Park Version of humans.

The Kids Next Door used to use real weapons.[]

But then some kid shot Marvin in the face and Marvin's parents got mad and sued the KND for elevendy billion dollars. This forced the KND to make a few cutbacks, ultimately resulting in 2x4 technology.

The Five Main Characters have doubles in Firefly[]

Numbuh 1 is Mal Numbuh 2 is Wash Numbuh 3 is Kaylee Numbuh 4 is Jayne Numbuh 5 is Zoe

    • I think that's more to do with the Five Man Band dynamic than anything.

Numbah 4 has a learning disability.[]

Numbuh 4 isn't really dumb. He has a severe learning disability that, at the time he was in the kids next door, hadn't been noticed yet. The audience doesn't pick up on it because we really don't see him doing school work that much. Most of what we know comes from people's comments about how he is a terrible speller and has a poor memory. Think about it. Impulsive, short tempered, doesn't listen well, has difficulty spelling even simple words, has a misunderstanding of the english language... the signs are there. Sometime around 5th grade or early middle school, a teacher probably notices, and gets him help. It turns out he's actually sort of smart, and so with help he's able to catch up and even takes an advanced course or two in high school. When he hits college, he actually does well because he's spent the last six years or so working hard, so he's used to it and doesn't flounder in the harder environment. From college, he gets into harvard med. He only seems stupid to us right now because he's spent the past five years falling behind.

    • Is his learning disability the fact that he earnestly believes that there is no difference between learning and making stuff up? Because he just makes stuff up. Like how to spell words. Or history.
    • No, he just does that when he's really frustrated. He can't remember what the right answer is, so he just goes, "Aw, screw it," and puts down the first answer that pops into his head.

Either all of Sector V got a promotion, or this is only part one of the KND's story.[]

In Operation I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S, Numbah Five states that she was promoted to supreme leader after the events of the story, leaving Sector V down to three members. It has been shown that Sectors can have more than five members at a time (Look to Operation G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. for an example), but the smallest long-term group of KND ever shown is about four. Why is this? Because if the leader leaves, the second in command takes over; if second in command leaves the team is sunk. the only exeption to this is non-sector members, who are on call at any time at moon and artic bases. It would stand to reason that these more dutiful members are higher-ranked. So, depending on your point of view either the members of Secor V became one of these higher-ranked members on request from Numbah Five, or one of these higher ranked opretives got promoted to new Sector V leader. This opens up many doors for KND speculative fanfiction.

Johan Liebert is responsible for the entire war.[]

It turns out that his actions of murdering adults since he's a kid are recorded. With this, Johan plans to use this war to cause The End of the World as We Know It. If this keeps happening, he will succeed.

Numbuh One has a crush on Numbuh Three.[]

No, seriously. Despite his dating Lizzie, the evidence is there. In Operation Z.E.R.O. Numbuh One says some sort of emotional bit of information about his relationship with each member of Sector V, but for Numbuh Three, he just says "Kuki...." and holds her hands. In Operation W.H.I.T.E.H.O.U.S.E. Numbuh Five asks him "Who had a crush on Numbuh Three... and don't say Numbuh Four." He then smiles in response. There are many other moments that suggest this, but I'm not in the mood to list them. But you see what I mean, right?

    • In the same vein as this:

Numbuh One has a crush on Numbuh 362 and she feels the same.[]

There is evidence to suggest this as well. They share some surprisingly deep moments in conversation during operation I.T. and operation G.I.R.L.F.R.I.E.N.D. where she asks him to have lunch with her (after playfully threatening to make it a direct order). They certainly respect each other well enough and she seems attracted to him even after berating him for his reckless tendencies. Furthermore in operation F.U.T.U.R.E, the Boys Next Door's leader looks strangely like both of them with Nigel's blue eyes and unique head shape (Even having an eye patch that looks suspiciously like Nigel's glasses) and Rachel's blonde hair suggesting that he is possibly their grandson.

Numbuh 1 goes out with Lizzy because her bossiness fuels a secret desire of his to be controlled and dominated that he's still to young to understand[]

Numbuh 1 spends all his time ordering his team around and telling them what to do he always has to be on top of things (plus his parents don't exactly do to much to control him) so maybe in a sort of twisted way having someone else boss him around has become a fantasy and eventually a fetish that his prepubescent mind isn't capable of understanding and so caused him to seek out the most bossy girl he could find, there's also his supposed crush on Numbuh 362 she's certainly does spend a lot of time yelling at him... besides all that what else could he possibly see in Lizzy?

  • She's the sexy character on the show!!!!

Numbuh 1's mom was a paramedic or police officer when she was in the KND[]

Her numbuh was 999, which is the British emergency number.

Kids Next Door is the past of the Spy Kids series[]

Numbuh 5 (as the supreme leader of the kids next door) eventually met up with Devlin, the head of OSS and then the KND became part of the kids division of OSS

One of the Meddling Executives has friends in the American Dental Association.[]

This show does a good job of making sugar unappealing. Do you want candy after seeing Stickybeard? I sure don't. I posit that Mr. Warburton was asked to make the show tooth friendly by portraying candy as gross looking and sugary cereal companies as morally gray. Knight Brace was conceived as a Take That to this request, even though the actual dentist is portrayed positively.

The GKND has a hand in creating and/or funding some villains[]

We know that they test KND members to find who is deserving of joining them. Villains are frequently arrested, sent to the KND prison, but somehow escape and manage to start causing trouble once again. Also, there's the question of how some of them manage to get such high tech technology. Theory? Some villains are intentionally created, freed from prison, or funded by the GKND to test the Earth branch so they can select opperatives. Not all of them, but some that aren't major threats.

The KND is a socialist origination[]

remember being the leader means having a "willingness to share you candy with every one" and they also seem the ration things like ice cream

The KND is funded by good adults[]

Let's face it, a lot of the stuff the supervillains do would outright sicken any normal minded person (case in point, Knight Brace), and someone questioned were the KND got their funding. Well look at it this way, most normal adults are not skilled or smart enough to take down the supervillains, particularally high powered ones like Father, so they fund the KND, who are very good at it. Yes, it puts kids in danger to some extant, but it stops the extremely abusive adults from doing harm to them, as the kids can defend themselves on the spot. Just an idea.

The DCFDTL gave Numbuh 1 cancer.[]

Numbuh 5 mentions that the last time the Delighful Children took a kid, they did something she can't forgive, which Nigel say was making him bald. The DCFDTL have shown a strong desire to kill Numbuh 1, even against Father's orders. It's possible they gave him cancer to dispose of him without it being traced to them. After Numbuh 5 rescued him, he got treatment which left him bald.

Numbah 5 has a crush on number 1.[]

Numbuh 5 is extremely concerned with his welbeing. there's over evidence of this if i remember right, but i'll have to go watching some episodes again to find them.

The ones behind the KND's seemly improbable tech are A) Sparks or B) Whispered[]

How else do you explain the KND having aircraft and other forms of transportation (they busted out mecha few times a well) beyond what kid should have or be expected to make much less their improbable weapons.

also for support for my idea for the whispered idea in the manga and novel's of Full Metal Panic! Tessa designed and made the ECS stealth system at the tender age of 9.

Numbuh Five has a crush on Numbuh Two.[]

I'm surprised this wasn't up here before, but maybe it's because in the end they're an Official Couple. While Numbuh Five may tease him for being a nerd, and may react harshly to him cracking a joke, it's hinted at that she's jealous of any other girl he flirts with. In Operation UNCOOL, she seems to very irritated with how gung-ho Numbuh Two is to save Numbuh Seventy-Eight, but then is outraged to find out he really wanted to save a Yipper card. In Operation: COUCH, when he comments that Numbuh Ten is, "easy on the eyes," she quickly elbows him and glares at him. Also Word of God says she might secretly like his jokes and puns, but is in denial. This would explain why she always gets angry at him when he jokes, compared to the characters who just groan and move on with their lives. It'd also explain why she apparently uses jokes similar to his when he's not around.

KND is in the same universe as Red Dwarf[]

They changed their name to the space scouts in the early 22nd century. Rimmer's and his 3 older brothers were their own sector, and much of their evil was part of an elaborate, long-term (and unauthorized) hazing. This also explains his obsession with becoming an officer: As a child, his brothers held him back from becoming anything important within the KND, and he never really got over it.

Numbuh T is a number[]

This is probably one of the most far-fetched WMGs, but....T is technically a number.It's a variable. In physics and algebra, "t" usually denotes time. The numeric value of variables always change so Tommy's number could mean that with time, he has potential to become something great. No?? Yes???

The KND is funded by the United Nations.[]

Related to the "funded by good adults" theory above. In addition to fighting supervillians, the KND act as a kind of worldwide militia, keeping their local communities safe and defending their citizens. It also helps explain why they have what amounts to military-grade weaponry and space forces: the UN gave them the money, resources, and permission.

Numbuh One's balding from the Delightful Children and Numbuh Five's Greatest Failure are separate incidents.[]

It's possible to make the connection of when the DC made Numbuh One bald is the mysterious incident that Numbuh Five grimly refers to as "you-know-what" when offered temporary leadership of Sector V again in "Op: FERAL." However, based on what we know from the show, this is unlikely:

Three years ago from "Op: MAURICE," Five was the newest member of Sector V. "Op: TREATY" reveals that some time after that One was bald before joining the KND, and thus had his encounter with the DC before he was an operative. This means that in order for both incidents to be the same, Numbuh Five must've been Sector V's leader when the DC made him bald, which seems unlikely if Cree (who seemed to be the leader at the time of the "MAURICE" flashbacks) was still a KND operative and Five was the junior operative.

It's more likely that they were two separate incidents. The first when Five was a junior operative and the DC gave One a hell of a Traumatic Haircut, and the second when Five was the leader of Sector V and was so unpleasant that it made her renounce leadership. Thus by the age of 11, Numbuh Five has experienced two traumatic Noodle Incidents in addition to the betrayal of her sister and her candy-hunting partner.

Bruce and Ashley are twins[]

I don't know if this has been confirmed or not but they look like twins to me.

The KND, and everything related to it, was created through the power of imagination of children[]

One day, before the first age of the KND, a group of kids was looking to have fun. So they imagined that they had bad guys to play with, plus incredibly sophisticated equipment and facilities. And through the power of imagination, these things became a reality. Unfortunately, the kids eventually lost control of their game, and now the villains want to hurt them rather than play.