Ear Worms[]
- What did I do to deserve...what did I do to deserve thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis?!
- Good eye, sniper. I shoot, you run.
- Bye Bye beautiful, don't bother to write.
- Pull the trigger and the nightmare stops, pull the trigger and the nightmare stops, pull the trigger and the nightmare stops, forever you will, forever you will learn.
- We are, we'll always be, the wrong...
- No one runs faster than you run...
- She screamed "Claudio! Dear Claudio! I wish goddammit, we'll make it if you believe!"
- Dear Ambellina, the Prise wishes you to watch over me.
- This is not your place, this is not your playground IT'S MY HEART!
- Scream loud; Scream Sayonara; Sweet Josephine, "Will you follow me home?"
- Even the newest album has one: "Someone please come/Shelter me from/All that I am/And never again will I/Believe the same old story."
- Jessie, bad boy. Just come look at what your brother did to that girl's... precious... little whore of a body...
- I'M GIVING IT UP NEWO...! How important I could have been... to... you...
- Casting quarters into wells that hold our dreams...you won't belieeeeeve meeeee...
- Your father's dead. He passed in his sleep.
- Die white girls, die white giiiiirls...
- Oh baby, be my lover. Go on and pull that trigger!
- Hide your feathers, on the back porch, baby..He's coming home for... you've... been... such... a liar. Hide your feathers, Little back porch lady...You're too old... enough to cry your sorry eyes out over the world
- Wait a minute, little back porch lady
- Welcome Home's intro
- Complete Monster: Mayo Deftinwulf, Wilhelm Ryan, Jesse Kilgannon, Al the Killer... really, quite a few people.
- Your mileage may definitely vary on the last two. I see Jesse as more of a Well-Intentioned Extremist (remember, he IS fighting a losing war and he has to do whatever he can... plus, by the third album he's realized the errors of his ways and admits that he loves his children), and Al is just Axe Crazy.
- Also, The Writing Writer, who kills Ambellina merely to make Claudio Kilgannon angry enough to activate the power of the Crowing
- And who is implied to have been physically abusive to Erica Court.
- Hell Is That Noise: The end of Three Evils, and by extension, the reversed version of the same noises (minus the scream) in A Favor House Atlantic comes to mind.
- Internet Backdraft: Over whether they count as Emo or not. It's best not to bring it up.