The Colin Mochrie vs. Jesus H. Christ fanimutrilogy is a series of Animutations by Andrew Kepple (aka TmsT[1]). All of them were created in 2003, and were among the most well-known animutations outside of those by Neil Cicierega. The trilogy consisted of the following:
- French Erotic Film[2] (from “Opblaaskrokodil” by Ome Henk)
- Plan 9 From Underpants (from “De Kabouterdans” of Kabouter Plop)
- Conquset of Animutopia[3] (from "Conquest of Paradise" of 1492: Conquest of Paradise)
- French Erotic Birthday (made in the first anniversary of French Erotic Film, with some alterations, additional mondegreens and a new ending)
Throughout the trilogy, Colin Mochrie (of Whose Line Is It Anyway fame) was a big animutation star, but initially refused to make a new appearance in a fanimutation until he was turned into a Scotsman. Fearing the effects, other Animutation characters summoned Jesus H. Christ with their combined powers and defeated him. Upon Colin's fall, Jesus took over and started a cruel reign of Animutopia to prevent the use of animutation characters in fanimutations[4]. Colin escaped the reign and became largely forgotten, but then trained in an effort to fight JHC and put an end to the animupartheid.
- All Your Powers Combined – Used to summon Jesus
- Disney Villain Death – see Take My Hand below
- Dream Sequence – Colin goes through one, as he reflects back to his animutation stardom. Afterwards he recovered to defeat JHC.
- Finish Him! – JHC did so to Colin Mochrie the second time they fought.
- Flatline – Princess Di's head after an incident with “a windy shaky driver”[5]
- Kamehame Hadouken – Used by both of the titular characters
- Mondegreen – The whole trilogy is loaded with them
- The Reveal – JHC was Mike Brady, the star of Neil Cicierega's first official animutation The Japanese Pokerap, all along, and he was jealous of Colin's stardom since Hyakugojyuuichi.
- Shout-Out – Several, not just towards the (f)animutations of the time, but also quite a few others such as Star Wars, Commander Keen, Mortal Kombat, Dragon Ball Z and Monty Python's Flying Circus
- Take My Hand – Colin did so with Mike Brady when the arena floor collapsed, but the patrons don't approve so he let go, sending him down to Hell.
- Training Montage – Viewable in ST3R3-0-Vision™
- What Kind Of Lame-Ass Power Is 'Heart' Anyway? - During the All Your Powers Combined sequence, heart was crossed off and in its place was 'spleen', with the trope being the reason.