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The Colin Mochrie vs. Jesus H. Christ fanimutrilogy is a series of Animutations by Andrew Kepple (aka TmsT[1]). All of them were created in 2003, and were among the most well-known animutations outside of those by Neil Cicierega. The trilogy consisted of the following:

  1. French Erotic Film[2] (from “Opblaaskrokodil” by Ome Henk)
  2. Plan 9 From Underpants (from “De Kabouterdans” of Kabouter Plop)
  3. Conquset of Animutopia[3] (from "Conquest of Paradise" of 1492: Conquest of Paradise)
  • French Erotic Birthday (made in the first anniversary of French Erotic Film, with some alterations, additional mondegreens and a new ending)

Throughout the trilogy, Colin Mochrie (of Whose Line Is It Anyway fame) was a big animutation star, but initially refused to make a new appearance in a fanimutation until he was turned into a Scotsman. Fearing the effects, other Animutation characters summoned Jesus H. Christ with their combined powers and defeated him. Upon Colin's fall, Jesus took over and started a cruel reign of Animutopia to prevent the use of animutation characters in fanimutations[4]. Colin escaped the reign and became largely forgotten, but then trained in an effort to fight JHC and put an end to the animupartheid.

Tropes used in Colin Mochrie vs. Jesus H. Christ include:
  1. Too Much Spare Time
  2. which was neither French nor erotic in any way
  3. AKA Colin vs. Jesus: FINALE!
  4. fan-made animutations
  5. doesn't look like they'll revive her