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Colin-Morgan 1577

Colin Morgan is an actor from Armagh, Northern Ireland, best known for playing the title character in The BBC series Merlin. Morgan went to Integrated College Dungannon in Dungannon; in his third year, he won the Denis Rooney Associates Cup, an award for being the best overall student of that academic year. After gaining a National Diploma in Performing Arts (Acting) and studying at Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education in 2004, Morgan graduated from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in 2007. In November 2010, the Belfast Metropolitan College gave Morgan an Award of Distinction for his contribution to the arts.

Selected Filmography[]

  • 2007: The Catherine Tate Show (TV Series) — John Leary
  • 2008: Doctor Who (TV Series) — Jethro Cane
  • 2008–present: Merlin (TV Series) — Merlin
  • 2010: Parked (Movie) — Cathal
  • 2011: Island (Movie) — Calum
Colin Morgan provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Adorkable: His portrayal of Merlin is this, so much. In Real Life he also has this spades.
  • Black Humor: This is his distinctive humor style.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Deadpan Snarker: Both as Merlin and himself, as well.
  • Fake Brit: He's actually from Northern Ireland as he has to hide his accent when he acts.
  • He Really Can Act: While as Jethro Cane in Doctor Who he proved his acting chops, it became extremely obvious in Merlin, where he easily dominates every scene that features him. He is able to hold his own against actors such as ASH and John Hurt, and he has an insane level amount of chemistry with them.
  • Heterosexual Life Partner: With Bradley James
  • Ho Yay: A lot with Bradley James. Even people who don't watch the show admit they have quite the chemistry.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Angel Coulby has described her relationship with Colin as this, and he seems to reciprocate. He delights in playing pranks on her, and in interviews his face lights up whenever he discusses her.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: He has a really dark sense of humor.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
  • Picky Eater: He apparently imports American peanut butter. According to him, the British stuff tastes like sawdust.
  • The Prankster: Usually directed at his co-star Angel Coulby. Notably, he and Bradley James made a sign to hang on Angel's hotel door that read (in French): "Hello, my name is Angel. I'm a loser." In cast interviews it was Bradley that got the blame, even though Colin is clearly the one that wrote the sign.

"Angel's gonna think we're so funny!"

  • The Quiet One: From all the 'Behind The Scenes' videos, he comes across as this. Topped with the fact that Bradley James considered him quite hard to understand at first.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's definitely the blue oni to Bradley James' red, as Bradley is much more extroverted, enthusiastic and boisterous than Colin, who is quiet, introverted and intellectual, fact supported by both Katie McGrath and Bradley James (who declares that Colin knows a lot more about history than he does).

Katie McGrath: So I don’t know how Colin does it. Cause he has days of doing that, just linking scenes... and he’s so prepared. He’s so good. But he knows, absolutely. You can say ‘Scene 55a’ and he’ll go ‘Oh that’s this... blah, blah, blah.’ And I’m like... freak.

  • Shipper on Deck: He appears to be just as big a shipper of Arthur and Guinevere as his character is, describing their relationship as "destiny" on more than one occasion.
    • Well, you know, according to legend it is.
  • Shrinking Violet: Colin is this so much, even admits it himself.

"Bradley told us that you’re a shy person? Is that true?"
"Yes, usually it’s a bit difficult for me to speak when I have to speak with many people. This intimidates me a little."
