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The Colour My... series is a Flash series of games and an animation created by Newgrounds and Deviant ART user SilverStitch. The controls are simple, using the arrow keys or WASD to move, and the mouse to interact with various objects.

The series is set in a dystopian society called the Black and White City. Color and creativity are prohibited, as are emotions, with security doors and robots set to enforce the laws. For the most part, everyone is silent and safe. However, one stick figure man has found color, and love in a stick girl. He goes on journeys to find his love, spread color...and perhaps awaken others.

Currently, there are five installments in the series.

1. Colour My Heart. The first game in the series, it deals with the stick man simply looking for his love, no matter where she may be.

2. Colour My World. The stick girl invites the stick man on a date within the city, and he must find her. But the landscape won't let him go that easily; signs litter the world, trying to make him give up and quit searching. This game makes the coloring theme more prominent, as actions affect the surrounding environment and make them colorful. It also introduces the system of clicking on sparkling objects to interact with them.

3. Colour My Dreams. Released on Halloween, this entry is Darker and Edgier than the previous ones. The stick man has found himself in a seemingly endless nightmare, separated from his love. Taunting messages tell him she is gone, but if he perseveres he can not only conquer the darkness, but embrace it.

4. Colour My Fate. The fourth entry, released on Christmas Day, deals with the stick man realizing he doesn't have a gift for his love for Christmas. Wondering if the people even remember the holiday, he vows to bring the citizens the joy and color of Christmas. This is the first of the series with an inventory system, and is significantly longer than the previous installments.

5. Colour My Life. The fifth and, so far, final release in the series, this differs from the others in that it's an animation as opposed to a controllable game. After having brought down most of the Black and White City's security by disabling the main power, our protagonist now plans to try and reunite and free the city...

The games are comparable to A Moment of Peace.

Tropes used in the The Colour My series include:
  • All There in the Manual: The creator's Deviant ART journal entry expands on the universe of the games in the form of an interview with the stick man.
  • Apathetic Citizens: Everyone else is hiding or locked away. Until, possibly, Colour My Life.
  • Art Evolution: The second game is better presented than the first, with more realistic stick figures and a better overall view of the world.
  • Art Initiates Life: Well, coloring does, but close enough.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Colour My Dreams has the protagonist without his coloring abilities, and he must unlock them.
  • Cool Airship: For authorized personnel only. If you're clever you can get in anyway.
  • Crapsack World: Even smiling is prohibited.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: If you find the secret note in Colour My Dreams, the shadow creature doesn't seem so bad.
  • Deliberately Monochrome
  • Determinator: The stick man won't let anything stand in the way of him and his love.
  • Detonation Moon: In Colour My Dreams, after you solve the color puzzle, this is how you get past the endless hallway.
  • Dystopia
  • Earn Your Happy Ending
  • Guide Dang It: Sometimes, especially in Colour My Fate, it can be difficult to tell where to go. The puzzles in Color My Dreams can fall under this, too.
  • Humongous Mecha: Used to keep the population under control.
  • Metroidvania: Colour My Fate, especially if you want to get every interaction.
  • Mission Control Is Off Its Meds: Throughout the series, the landscape is peppered with signs that tell you to give up and go home.
  • Mood Whiplash: Colour My Dreams starts you off in a bright, sunny area with stuff to do. Then you pick up the phone and things dramatically change.
  • No Name Given: The protagonist and his love have no names.
  • Reality Warper: Coloring and clicking not only change the landscape, they also defeat robots.
  • Rousing Speech: The protagonist gives one to the citizens in Colour My Life. It may or may not have worked depending on how you take the ending.
  • Saving Christmas: The plot of the fourth game.
  • Scenery Porn: Everything is drawn with great detail, even rooms with little to do in them.
  • Split Personality: According to the creator, the shadow in Colour My Dreams is the protagonist's fears given being.
  • The Power of Love
  • World Half Empty: Aside from the protagonists you never see any other stick figures, though their presence is felt. You do see robots, though. (And shadowy demons in Colour My Dreams.)
    • This changes in Colour My Life, as other people are seen.
  • Your Worst Nightmare: Colour My Dreams is this.