"There will always be more more demons. More people will die at their hands. But until I choke out my last breath, you can guarantee I'll be there to stop them dead."
—Colt Regan
"I'm not sure why they called it 'freshening'. It just mingled the old, chilly, stale coffee with the hot, making a half-drinkable mess in my cup. It didn't taste fresher. It tasted half-assed. I drank it anyway; it was still coffee."
—Colt Regan
The Colt Regan series of novels by Eric J. Chucci rests decidedly somewhere between Horror, Urban Fantasy, and Mystery. Colt Regan himself is a mustachioed Badass Longcoat demon hunter who resides in a re-designed Los Angeles, California. The books are written from Colt's point of view in the future and thus full of his own stubbornness, reactionary mood swings, and self-deprecating humor. There are two books in the series to date, a rumored nine total planned, and a tabletop RPG in the works as well.
Colt is an average Joe compared to the vampires, psychokinetics, demons, and were-people wandering the earth these days, but that doesn't stop him from sticking it to mindless monsters and conniving preternatural criminals. Helping him along are; Alex Asche, a psychometric goth kid; Joseph Cin, an incubus with an encyclopedic knowledge of the supernatural; and Myra Anderson, a were-fox social worker for the supernatually inclined.
Novels in the series so far:
- Demon Hunter (2010)
- Super Human (2010)
- Fortunate Son (2011)
- Ax Crazy: Johnny Nobody reacts violently to Colt taking a job from him.
- Badass: If only because Colt strives to live up to this trope.
- Badass Longcoat: Colt wears one mostly because of how cool it looks.
- Also Alex, for about the same reason, as well as to keep his psychometric powers from going off willy-nilly.
- Badass Normal: Colt Regan fights demons, zombies, and supernaturally-powered kinetics with nothing but gunpowder and lead. ... and sometimes silver and steel.
- Casual Danger Dialogue
- Demon Slaying
- Everything's Deader with Zombies
- Fantastic Racism: The whole world suffers from this, though Colt seems to rarely encounter it.
- Unless it's in regards to were-rats. Colt hates were-rats.
- First-Person Smartass: Mostly in the narration.
- Groin Attack: Colt's shot hit there purely by accident but that probably isn't much comfort to Johnny Nobody
- Horny Devils
- The Hunter
- The Insomniac: See below for one possible reason why.
- Kill It with Fire: Pretty much the only way to keep Nihil from coming back for more.
- The Lancer: Alex Asche, Colt's partner.
- Mr. Exposition: Joseph is a pretty bog standard example.
- Mr. White too, perhaps civilized demons just love be helpful?
- At one point in Super Human Colt actually calls Joe a walking encyclopedia to his face.
- Must Have Caffeine: and Colt wonders why he can't sleep.
- Our Demons Are Different: The term "demon" is used in the series to denote any being that comes from the neighboring dimension of the Netherealm. Some of which are polite and fully productive members of society, others not so much
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Our Werewolves Are Different
- Our Zombies Are Different
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Colt (Red) and just about everyone else (Blue).
- Revolvers Are Just Better
- Shotguns Are Just Better
- This Is Gonna Suck
- True Companions: Colt seems to have collected some by the end of the first book.
- The Unmasqued World
- Van Helsing Hate Crimes: Although not mentioned specifically, Colt frequently tries to avoid this.
- Zombie Advocate: The Coalition of Creatures Paranormal is one of these, though portrayed in a largely positive light.