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Jeff is rendered homeless after being kicked out of his condo, and eventually moves into Abed's dorm room. Meanwhile Annie enjoys time with Troy but is forced to help him prepare for an upcoming date with Randy. And after being explicitly told by Britta not to talk to Vaughn, Pierce ends up being the keyboardist in his band.
The Community episode "Home Economics" provides examples of:[]
- Abusive Parents: Jeff makes a throwaway reference to having a drunken and abusive dad when explaining how TV makes an excellent parent. (Given what we see in Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking, this could be Foreshadowing.)
- Accidental Unfortunate Gesture
Shirley: Shake them in your mind! |
- Asleep in Class: Buenos Dias Winger!!
- Borrowed Catchphrase: Jeff borrows Abed's "Cool, cool, cool" after living in his room for awhile.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Annie interrupts Troy and Randi's date and attempts to tell Troy the reason.
Annie: NO! Before you two proceed, I have one thing to say. |
- Comically Missing the Point: Pierce and Vaughn are arguing about song credits:
Pierce: Your song? We wrote it together. Are you trying to Garfunkel me? |
Jeff: How are you so satisfied all the time, Abed? Don't you ever want anything more out of life than cereal? |
- The Cast Showoff: Pierce becomes a keyboardist in Vaughn's band, allowing Chevy Chase to briefly display his skills as a musician.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Jeff:
Jeff: The next person who offers me pity or charity will be mentioned — by name — in my suicide note. |
- Ear Worm: "Getting Rid of Britta."
- Gender Blender Name: Troy's date is named Randi.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Vaughn. His usual method of revenge for people who piss him off is to write songs with rather passive-aggressively spiteful lyrics in which he denounces them as a 'B'. Unfortunately for him, he gets a response song written about him in The Tag, which he apparently did not anticipate.
- Metaphorgotten: See the Spoof Aesop quote.
- Mistaken for Gay: Troy thinks that this may have happened when Annie is shocked that he's dating a (girl named) Randi.
- Painful Rhyme: Britta accuses Vaughn of this.
- Schmuck Bait: Britta warns Pierce to not talk to Vaughn. Gets predictable results.
- Sidetracked by the Analogy: Partially Averted. Abed's analogy asking Britta to take Jeff back. Averted when Britta ignores it.
Abed: Do it, Britta, seduce him. Draw the tapeworm of Jeff's old self out of him with the bowl of milk that is your sexuality. |
- Spoof Aesop: Britta telling Jeff to reclaim his materialistic old ways:
Britta: Maybe you're one of those rare people with nothing underneath the surface. Maybe if you put stain remover on a turd, you don't get a diamond - you just get a turd with less direction in life. |
- Sure, Let's Go with That: Pierce gets angry at Britta's ex boyfriend (whose band he recently joined) about not getting his share of the credit for a song they wrote (an insulting song about Britta caused by the ex's Creator Breakdown regarding the events in "Social Psychology"). Britta watches their argument from a distance without hearing the words, leading to this exchange:
Britta: Pierce, did you just defend my honor? |
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: Don't. Talk. To. Vaughn.
- T-Word Euphemism: Vaughn's song about "getting rid of Britta, I'm getting rid of the B..." (She's a G-D-B!)
- Also, her name STARTS with a B.