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It's a new semester of Anthropology, and I'm here to get what I'm promised.
El Tigre

The study group is back from winter break but there are several faces both old and new vying for their attention. Senor Chang wants into the study group, while Annie has a new infatuation whom she spent time with over the break. And Shirley's ex-husband is back in the picture.

To solve the dilemma the study group holds a mixer to meet potential additions.

The Community episode "Asian Population Studies" provides examples of:[]


Jeff: When he talks, he over- and underemphasizes words, seemingly at random.


Jeff: Nice sweater.
Andre Bennett: My dad gave it to me.


Professor Duncan: Yes, you heard me right, I have stopped drinking. Mainly due to the fact that I could no longer get an erection. Now that I'm on the wagon, you can expect both this class and my penis to be... more focused and rewarding.


Troy: We haven't heard a lot about you or what you've done or with who.


Troy: Why do I have to say everything I’m thinking?

  • Did Not Do the Research: The flag from Ghana that Annie uses is actually the Zimbabwean flag. Not clear if this is an error by the crew or the character.
  • The Ditz: Troy and Pierce have dueling ditzes over the subject of Shirley and Chang sleeping together.
  • Easily Forgiven: Discussed in the episode. While Shirley forgives her ex-husband based off his apology, the rest of the group are not so inclined to do so, especially Britta. But after he commits to Shirley after finding out that her baby might be Chang's, the rest of the group and the audience can see why Shirley would've forgiven him.
  • Enemy Mine: Jeff is willing to allow the unbearable Chang into the study group just to stop Rich from getting in.
  • Going Cold Turkey: Prof. Duncan
  • Gray Rain of Depression
  • Incredibly Lame Pun:

Jeff: It's not even clever. You keep using it as the world change!


Abed: We should really start learning the names of people.


Jeff: How old is he?
Annie: I don't know, thirty something? He has a land line and uses the word "album".


Abed: Works every time.


Quendra: My name is Kendra, and I spell it with a Q-U.



Quendra: I spell kettle corn with a Q-U.
Jeff: Well, don't.

  • Race For Your Love: Subverted. When Abed tells Jeff that Annie asked Rich out, but was turned down since Rich thought she was too young, Jeff runs out in the rain with music clearly invoking such a moment, then delivers a heartfelt apology to Rich and begs to be taught how to pretend to be a good person.
  • Real Men Cook: Rich. His kettle corn is delicious and he bakes.
  • Slow Clap: Horribly misused by Chang.

Jeff: You can't talk and then do a slow clap.
Chang: You don't know that!

  • Through His Stomach: Rich inadvertently does this to Pierce with kettle corn.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Several people call Jeff out for getting Chang in the group. Pierce is just doing it for kettle corn. Annie may actually like Rich or may be trying to make Jeff jealous. Britta just wants Shirley to be happy.
  • Who's Your Daddy?: Shirley is might be carrying Chang's baby, but it is uncertain exactly who the father is.