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Few Paintballs More 02 6898

It was a dark time for Greendale...


Greendale is at war. The school has been all but destroyed by its own students, all playing paintball to win the $100,000 prize offered by Pistol Patty's Ice Creamery. But "Pistol Patty" is really Dean Spreck of City College, who has unleashed this scheme to destroy the Greendale campus and has employed ringers such as the Black Rider and his stormtrooper-esque White Clones — all of whom have been enrolled at Greendale for weeks — to ensure he doesn't have to pay out the prize. The only hope for saving the school is for one of its students to win the prize and donate it to the school, so the Study Group assembles a ragtag bunch of misfit students to fight back, stop Dean Spreck and save Greendale Community College.

The Community episode "For A Few Paintballs More" provides examples of:[]


Jeff: Paint? In sprinklers? Are we The Little Rascals?

Leonard: I was.
—(He wasn't.)

Now, I understand everything! Now your whole evil plan is as clear as day!
But if you need to explain it to your men I will understand!

  • Famous Last Words
    • "Pop..." Magnitude
    • "I had a dream it would end this way." Troy
    • "Will you still be Han Solo after we die?" "'Fraid not, doll. Once I'm gone, I'm gone." Annie and Abed
    • "Vicki!" Vicki
    • "Charge!" Jeff
    • "Eat paint you stormtroopin' City College knob gobblers!" Leonard
    • "We win!" Shirley
  • Fan Service: Take all of the Alison Brie fanservice from the previous episode and combine it with Clothing Damage and being covered in paint.
  • Foe Yay: As in "Basic Rocket Science" there seems to be a copious amount of it between the dean and the dean of city college.
  • Gatling Good
  • Genre Shift: From Western to "Rebels vs. the Empire", as mentioned above. Lampshaded. (By Abed, of course.)
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: The shot of City College raising their flag (a tall building flanked by two shorter ones) over the Greendale flag (an anus). It looks like this.
  • The Hero: Jeff and Troy fight over who should assume the role. They both end up being a Decoy Protagonist.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Magnitude

"Pop... p..."


Stormtrooper 1: [reading from a poster on a door:] "Welcome to Greendale: you're already accepted"?
Stormtrooper 2: Pfft. Losers.
[The Stormtroopers get shot through the poster by Annie and Abed.]
Annie: Welcome to Greendale.
Abed: You're already dead.


Troy: I had a dream it would end this way.


"Britta, I've been in a few real wars. This one is actually the most terrifying."


"Let's not draw this out."


Stormtrooper: Who are you?
 Pierce: Your mother's lover. (shoots him)


Pierce: No thanks, I'm done with you guys.
