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Community features several short series of webisodes:
- "The 5 A's" is a series of informational videos extolling the high points of Greendale, hosted by Dean of Admissions Pat Isakson.
- "A/V Department" is a series of student films by Abed, specifically "Six Candles" from "Introduction to Film" and two episodes of "Community College Chronicles", an amateur sitcom featuring caricatures of the study group.
- "Office Hours" provides a peek into the life of Dean Pelton outside of the study group as he provides other students with advice during his office hours.
- "The Spanish Video Assignment" is a two-parter featuring Abed and Starburns's video project for their Spanish 101 class. Starburns plays Starburns El Star Prince while Abed plays Starbrows in a quirky, kitschy sci-fi movie. Senor Chang fails the pair for not hewing closely enough to the prompt, but allows them to shoot a sequel for make-up points--provided Chang gets to star as antagonist Señor Tigre.
- "Study Break" is a three-part series of mini-episodes showing the group's activities during 90-second study breaks mandated by Annie. These were included on the Season 1 DVDs.
- "Abed's Master Key", a series of animated shorts taking place over the season 3 hiatus.
The Community webisode series "The 5 A's" provides examples of:[]
- Bad Bad Acting
- Beyond the Impossible: Apparently Greendale is so affordable (a maximum of $64 per credit-hour, to be precise) that one of the interviewed students is somehow making a profit simply by attending.
- Creator Cameo: Isakson is played by Dan Harmon.
- Cringe Comedy: There are certainly some elements of it.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: The a capella group is named the Tune-ition Payments.
- It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY": "Higher education at the cost of a fancy meal? Bawn appetut!"
- Laughing Mad: Dean Isakson engages in a bit of this, although it's all on the cutting room floor.
- Mood Whiplash: In the outtakes Dean Isakson yells for at least a full minute straight about how he thinks everyone but him is screwing up the entire affair, then transitions back into his fake enthusiasm for another take without missing a beat.
- Noodle Incident: Dean Isakson makes a vague mention of court settlements, and one of the interviewed students brings up "increased security since the Accident."
- Show Within a Show
- Stepford Smiler: Dean Isakson is hiding some real issues.
- Stylistic Suck
- Teen Pregnancy: One of the interviewees had one, it seems.
Young mother: The value made Greendale an...unexpected compromise. |
The Community webisode series "A/V Department" provides examples of:[]
- Bad Bad Acting
- Character Exaggeration
- Life Embellished: The first episode of "Community College Chronicles" is simply a somewhat badly-performed and exaggerated abridgment of "Home Economics". The second episode involves lycanthropy.
- Ship Tease: Played Up to Eleven with Jeff/Britta in "My Hobo Days" and Jeff/Annie in "Pop Quiz". The latter is lampshaded by Abed, who goes on to state that it was the work of another Spanish curse.
- Skepticism Failure: "Pop Quiz" involves Britta using a working curse to turn Troy into a werewolf.
- Special Effect Failure
- Stylistic Suck
The Community webisode series "Office Hours" provides examples of:[]
- Country Matters: in "Hair Piece".
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Implied to be the ending of "Hair Piece".
- A Day in the Limelight
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: In "Hair Piece", Dean Pelton has unknowingly purchased a vaginal hairpiece called the "Merkin of Venice". At the end of the episode, Pelton asks his assistant to let no one in for ten minutes as he reaches toward his own crotch.
- Innocent Innuendo: Dean Pelton's assistant misinterprets his texts regarding a hole-punch.
- Samus Is a Girl: The Greendale Human Being in "Pamphlet Serious".
- Stalker with a Crush: The Human Being for a cheerleader.
- Teacher-Student Romance: Dean Pelton's independent study assistant in "Independent Study Assistant" propositions him due to a string of dirty texts. Turns out Pelton was talking about a literal hole-punch.
The Community webisode series "The Spanish Video Assignment" provides examples of:[]
- Aw, Look — They Really Do Love Each Other: Lord Diablo and the princess he kidnapped, surprisingly enough.
- Bad Bad Acting
- Bechdel Test: Fails. As one of the female students point out, the "movies" didn't have any positive female characters.
Chang: Maybe that's because all my female students are negative. |
- But Liquor Is Quicker: Senor Tigre attempts to liquor up Amanda, Starburns's ex-wife.
- Dawson Casting: Inverted with the princess, who turns 15 during the story but is played by a Greendale student, meaning she's likely at least 18.
- A Day in the Limelight
- Divine Parentage: Starburns is a demigod.
- Don't Explain the Joke: Starburns and Lord Diablo fight by shooting Spanish antonyms at each other. Abed-as-Starbrows sits on the sidelines translating said words for the audience while pointing out that they're opposites.
- Eye Beams: Senor Tigre develops this power out of anger and heartbreak.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- Gratuitous Spanish
- Half-Human Hybrid: Senor Tigre is half-human, half-tiger.
- Jerkass: Senor Tigre.
- Mayfly-December Romance: Lord Diablo (played by Leonard) and the princess, who is barely 15.
- Show Within a Show
- Special Effects Failure
- Stylistic Suck
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Starbrows has the power of observation.
The Community webisode series "Study Break" provides examples of:[]
- Big No: Pierce choosing "Truth" in a game of Truth or Dare elicits this response.
- Book Ends: Not done with plot elements, but with plugs for an on-demand service offered by Comcast.
- Don't Look At Me: Troy after Abed demonstrates a wrist block on him.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- The Generation Gap: "The floor is lava" vs. pinochle.
- Here Comes the Science!: Annie buys "hydronically fortified" bottled water.
- I Am Very British: Pierce's aptly named character James British.
- Inherently Funny Words: Pinochle
- Ludicrous Precision: Abed can silently count down 90 seconds.
- Not So Different: Jeff's speech about every generation having stupidity.
- Parlor Games: Truth or Dare.
- Schedule Fanatic: Annie.
The Community webisode series "Abed's Master Key" provides examples of:[]
- Adobe Flash
- Actor Allusion: The Dean's stance at one point alludes to Jim Rash's "Angelina Jolie stance" at the Oscars.
- Animated Adaptation
- Art Shift
- Broke Episode: Budget cuts have forced Greendale to rent out its furniture, including the study group's table. It's the Dean's fault for not submitting online students to count for state funding.
- Cannot Keep a Secret: Pierce lets the entire study group know Abed is handing out favors.
- Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Britta incorrectly believes she is this for Kyle.
- Drunk with Power: Britta convinces Abed he has been corrupted by his power.
- Four-Fingered Hands: Lampshaded.
- Last-Second Word Swap: Fun Dean.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
- Part 1:
Annie: Dean Pelton, you seem extra-animated this morning. |
- Part 3:
Abed: Welcome back, table. It's been a long hiatus. |
- Medium Awareness: Jeff and Troy.
- Mistaken for Subculture: Britta assumes Kyle is homeless.
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Noodle Implements:
Dean: There's a complicated hazing process, but we had to slash our pickle budget. |
- Pop Cultural Osmosis Failure: Britta mistaking the plot of Lord of the Flies for The Lord of the Rings.
- Reality Subtext: Not counting "online students" causing financial difficulties mirrors how "online viewers" are not counted in ratings.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: Kyle and Britta argue the legality and morality of stealing from a vending machine.
- Spit Take: Troy, with his own fists that he had earlier stuffed into his mouth.
- Toon Physics