
The A Twisted Tale YA novel series gives Adaptational Villainy to many Disney villains and also introduces a few despicable characters of its own.

A Whole New World[]

  • Grand Vizier Jafar, after successfully claiming the Genie's magic lamp from the Cave of Wonders, wishes himself the Sultan of Agrabah and then murders the old Sultan by dropping him from a high window. He then wishes to be an all-powerful sorcerer, demonstrating his destructive new power upon the lowest, poorest reaches of Agrabah to assert his authority and keeps the citizens living in fear of both his magic and the third, final wish he could make. He even plans on making Princess Jasmine his Sex Slave before she flees the Palace, is cruel to all his subjects and verbally abuses his own servants and soldiers, and sacrifices the lives of the sentient Magic Carpet and even his parrot Iago to create new magic spells. When Aladdin and Jasmine lead an uprising against Jafar's tyrannical reign, Jafar authorizes the Palace Guard to engage in the slaughter of Agrabah's citizens, and children included, so that he then turns them all into zombies that will fight for him as sacrificial soldiers; the Guards who refuse to carry out Jafar's orders are put under Mind Control, with their leader Rasoul becoming Brainwashed and Crazy, directly leading to his death. Mad with power, Jafar seeks a way to bypass the laws of magic so that he may have free reign to use it as he pleases and rule the world like a god, and when cornered by the resistance and slain by one of his victims, Jafar's dying act is to spitefully use his final wish to eliminate all magic in the world, rationalizing that if he can't have magic, no one can.

Once Upon A Dream[]

  • Maleficent is the cruel, dark mistress of all evil, who has dedicated herself to tormenting Princess Aurora and prolonging her own life. After her original plan to curse Aurora when she was a baby to die on the day of her 16th birthday fails, Maleficent, struck dead by Prince Phillip, uses the last of her power to trap the minds of Aurora and the entire kingdom in a dream world until Maleficent can gain control of Aurora's body. Rejuvenating herself by brutally murdering people in the dream world—which kills them in the real world—and using their blood in rituals, Maleficent eventually drops the façade of the dream world, indulging in full-on slaughter of dozens of people for both their life forces as well as just for fun. Though seeming to have gained the slightest hint of care for Aurora during their time in the dream world, Maleficent ultimately rejects these feelings, murdering Aurora's parents and killing innocent people just to torment her while mocking the woman over her coming fate as Maleficent's bodyjacked puppet.

As Old as Time[]

  • Monsieur D'Arque, full name Frédéric D'Arque, is the owner of the local Bedlam House whose history goes back with Belle's own father Maurice. D'Arque, a member of the supernatural charmante people, hates his own people and experiments to take out the magical parts of himself to embrace his delusional idea of pure-blooded humanity. In his asylum, D'Aarque subjects the charmantes to hideous experimentation for years on end to "torture the magic out of them", implementing 11th-Century tactics for Cold-Blooded Torture in his research and cheerfully apathetic to the number of charmantes who die either from torture or suicide. D'Arque is willing to use his scientific technique to endorse the king and queen's intended Final Solution across France, and although he claims he would never harm a human, D'Arque is so lost in his own hatred he murders his best friend Alaric and unhesitatingly tries to do the same to his other old friend Maurice.

Part of Your World[]

  • Ursula the Sea-Witch, after bewitching Prince Eric into marrying her human guise of Vanessa and keeping King Triton as a defeated trophy, intends on expanding her kingdom via bloody warfare with no care of countless civilians dead. Realizing she lacks her powers on land and with Queen Ariel undermining her, Ursula uses the dark powers she gained from a book of Carcosa and the Elder Gods, intending to sacrifice countless innocents. Deciding to commit genocide on the Merpeople and summon the Elder Ones with Triton and thousands of innocents as her sacrifice, Ursula unleashes death upon the nation, gloating over the suffering of Eric and Ariel's people.

'What Once Was Mine[]

  • Countess Bathory was a heinous Serial Killer who kidnapped a slew of young girls, murdered them, and bathed in their blood to stay young. Bathory did this after the blood of a servant accidentally got on her, and she discovered it made her skin youthful, a servant whom she later killed. Learning about Rapunzel, a baby whose hair killed people in certain circumstances, Bathory immediately wanted this baby to herself, and would try and buy her off Mother Gothel, to whom the royal family had given her. When Rapunzel escapes, Bathory immediately starts chasing her down, burning down the Snuggly Duckling in an attempt to get Rapunzel. Bathory later gets her hands on Rapunzel and explains that she wants to use her deadly hair to Take Over the World. Bathory manages to get her hands on Flynn Rider and threatens to kill him, Rapunzel, and Magda before draining their blood if Rapunzel does not give a demonstration of her moon powers.

When You Wish Upon a Star[]

  • Amorale the Grey is one of the leaders of The Heartless, a group of evil fairies who derive power from negative emotions such as hate and greed. She employs numerous evil people to spread misery, corrupts Stromboli, and creates Pleasure Island and Monstro, making her responsible for almost every bad thing that happens in canon. In the past she also froze and smashed a previous apprentice for a failure and keeps his frozen but conscious remains in her mansion.
  • The Coachman is the mastermind behind Pleasure Island. Originally an architect as a cover for running a child trafficking operation, the Coachman allied himself with the aforementioned Amorale and convinced her to create Pleasure Island. Ensnaring boys under the guise of having fun at his amusement park, the Coachman transforms them into donkeys and sell them off to work in salt mines, all for the purpose of gaining power from the misery of the victims and their loved ones.