
"I doubt I need an introduction, but just in case, I am the mighty Lord Frieza... and yes, all the horrible stories you've heard are true!" - Frieza, Dragon Ball Z

Frieza fireworks

"Zarbon! Dodoria! Look! Look at the pretty little fireworks!"

Dragon Ball is the Trope Codifier for modern shonen action series, including its villains. Most of them are Card-Carrying Villains who do things out of the heck of it, but not too evil. And there are some who were created evil and do some questionable things. Then there are the few who are so twisted that they are memorable for being so ungodly demented and cruel and lacking the morals/mercy of their fellow villains who are either horrified and can't do anything about it or actually admire them due to their overwhelming power.

Anime & Manga[]

  • Pictured above: Frieza, the malevolent galactic land owner who runs the Plane Trade Enterprise empire, has more than earned the moniker of being one of the franchise's most evil villains, if not the most evil. Not only was he racist and (in the anime) prone to killing his own henchmen for either failing him or being of no further use to him, but he was also responsible for the genocide of the Saiyans and destruction of their home planet (a horrific act not because of the evil Saiyans dying, but because the Saiyans were nothing but loyal to Frieza), since he feared that he would be overthrown by the fabled "Super Saiyan". During his invasion of Namek in search of the planet's Dragon Balls, on which he wanted to wish for eternal life, he killed many civilians and several warriors even after he got their Dragon Balls, and casually threatens the safety of the village's children, who he ends up killing anyway. When challenged, Frieza also beat Nail to within an inch of his life, skewered Krillin with his horns, shot up Piccolo with laser beams and later blew a hole in his torso, turned Dende into a smoldering corpse, tortured Gohan and Vegeta to near-death, and even had Vegeta crying and begging Goku to stop Frieza before dying from the fatal wound Frieza gave him. After surviving Goku's Spirit Bomb attack, he murders Krillin and threatens to do the same to Gohan, which leads to Goku becoming the very thing that he feared most, so in desperation, Frieza launches a ball of energy into the core of Namek, which threatens to blow up the planet and all remaining life still on it. When Goku gives an almost-dead Frieza enough energy to escape the exploding planet, he uses that little bit of energy to attack Goku from behind in hopes of killing him. He only survives this due to getting rebuilt into a cyborg by his father King Cold, and then demands he, his father and his entire fleet head to Earth just so they can kill all of Goku's friends and then kill Goku himself after he's been made to suffer enough. Genocidal, arrogant and sadistic beneath his polite exterior, Frieza set a new standard for evil in the series.
    • And all of it was done willingly. He wasn't born to be a monster (like Cell or Majin Buu) or insane (like Broly and some of the other movie villains), at least, not at first glance. He simply loved how obscenely powerful he was and delighted in making others far weaker than him suffer. He obviously had enough funds to live a life of permanent luxury, but instead founded a company whose business was finding populated worlds, depopulating them, and then selling them to the highest bidder for more profits and resources. And then once he found no more use for his primary employees and felt they could grow to rival or even surpass him in power, he went and executed the most devastating Finger-Poke of Doom in history - wiping out thousands if not millions of loyal soldiers, including an entire race and planet of them, save for a few who weren't on home base at the time, with a giant sun bomb generated and released from one finger - while sitting in his hover-chair, laughing maniacally and telling his top lieutenants to watch the "pretty little fireworks".
    • There's also how he acts during fights. With the exception of King Vegeta and Bardock, who he simply killed on the spot due to time constraints, he tortures anyone brave (or stupid) enough to fight him. Nail (who got both of his arms ripped clean off and bludgeoned half to death by just one of Frieza's fists), Krillin (who was savagely impaled by Frieza in his second form and subjected to physical torture before getting blown up from the inside), Gohan (yes, even a five-year-old child, by slowly crushing his skull and LAUGHING AT HIS SCREAMS), Piccolo (with whom Frieza played paintball but remove the "t" with, fired at repeatedly and nearly killed again), Vegeta (who arguably got the worst, most brutal torture of them all, ultimately leaving him crying in excruciating physical and mental agony after Frieza continuously beat on his spine and drove a rock through his chest), and Goku (the ONLY one able to fully return the favour) were all beaten up in extremely painful ways simply because Frieza was able to do so without fear of interference and he enjoys watching his adversaries suffer as they struggle in vain to overcome him.
    • He's still a sadistic monster in Dragon Ball Super, years after his initial death. For details on his actions in the Golden Frieza Saga, see the entry for Resurrection F. During the Universe Survival Saga, Goku visits Frieza's personal Hell and makes a deal with the tyrant that, in exchange for Frieza fighting for Universe 7 in the Tournament of Power (to prevent the universe from being erased) he'll revive Frieza with the Dragon Balls. Frieza agrees, only to attempt to make the same deal with Universe 9's God of Destruction, Sidra to erase his own universe simply to save his own skin. Frieza does end up fighting for Universe 7 in the tournament and even plays a part in helping them win, but the whole way through, he's thinking only of preserving his own existence so that he can wish upon the Super Dragon Balls and become powerful enough to reign over the gods themselves. Having learned the value of Pragmatic Villainy, instead of immediately seeking revenge on Goku and his friends, Frieza takes this opportunity to retreat back into space and rebuild his empire, announcing that "the Emperor of the Universe has returned!".
  • Cell, an android lifeform created by Dr. Gero, is introduced going around towns claiming victims like a Serial Killer, eating people with his tail and absorbing their life energy just to increase his own power. He later nearly kills Piccolo by blasting through him and attempting to stop his heart, then absorbs Androids 17 and 18, which results in him reaching his perfect form (with the latter being disturbingly prolonged in order to give the latter absolute fear of being absorbed, well after he'd played horrible mind games with her and blown up a chain of populated islands just to find her). And, though programmed to kill, he has a sadistic pleasure in it that is all his own doing: he starts his own fighting tournament, the "Cell Games", just to hold off destroying Earth so that he can "see everyone's faces contort in terror" and states that he would've hunted every single person on Earth one by one before blowing up the planet if he won. During the Cell Games, he beats Gohan to near-death and creates a bunch of "Cell Juniors" to torture the other Z-Fighters so that he can transform to his Super-Powered Evil Side, which he succeeds at by cruelly destroying Android 16 in front of him. Unlike most of the series' villains, he succeeds in killing Goku (although that wasn't what he intended, as it came about as a Heroic Sacrifice to save Earth), and then when he comes back from the self-destruction, he blows Future Trunks in half and gravely injures both Vegeta and Gohan. As he readies to wipe out all his opponents and the Earth itself, Cell declares that it must be his destiny to keep getting stronger so that he can spend an eternity using his power to toy with the weaker beings on all other worlds in the universe, and then destroying them all the same way he was planning to destroy Earth. Having inherited Frieza's knack for being a merciless sadist in the cells, along with Piccolo's showmanship and Vegeta's Pride, Cell was one of the Z-Fighters' most malevolent adversaries.
  • Bibidi, only actually seen in the anime, was a wizard whose universal hegemonic goals contrasted his small stature. Releasing the entity Buu, Bibidi had Buu ravage planets in his quest for universal dominion. To stop any opposition towards him, Bibidi also murdered any of the Supreme Kais that get into his way, almost wiping all of them out. Despite being slain 5 million years ago, Bibidi's evil lives through his clone Babidi, who also attempts to use Buu for his own twisted agenda.
  • Babidi himself also qualifies. Not only does he orchestrate the revival of Majin Buu, ultimately making him the one responsible for all the death and destruction that occurs later, but in addition, he kills off Spopovich and Yamu, who actually succeeded in their task for him, just because he didn't need them anymore (and then comments on how enjoyable their deaths were). Then he throws Dabura, his loyal right-hand man who came up with the idea of reviving Buu, under the bus in the same fashion once the Majin is successfully revived. Not to mention the fact that he took great delight in having Buu systematically kill the people of Earth so he could lure out Piccolo, Goten and Trunks all for the purpose of getting his petty revenge against them. And when he's asked to stop this by Goku, he then announces that he'll have more people killed just to spite him. Finally, he blows up the head of someone who gave him the names of Piccolo, Goten and Trunks, just because he found the information to be useless. He also constantly threatens and abuses Majin Buu when the latter doesn't obey him, which later results in Buu deciding to punch Babidi's head off before vaporizing his body. He's up there with Frieza in terms of just being an evil asshole that doesn't have the excuse of being a creation born evil or insane.
  • Super Buu. While Kid Buu and Fat Buu don't really count, the former being nothing more than a rampaging animal and the latter being too dumb to know any better, Super Buu has the evil of Kid Buu with the ability to understand (and not care) about his own evil. This is a being who, once made eloquently intelligent by absorbing Piccolo, actually lamented killing off all of humanity because destroying their cities wasn't as fun without hearing the terrified screams of his victims, and believe me, he's not exaggerating when he said this. When told by Piccolo to go off and kill some humans so that Goten and Trunks would have enough time to master the Fusion Dance, his response is to fire a barrage of ki blasts that locks onto and kills every single living being on Earth (except for Mr. Satan, Bee the Dog, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Android 17 and everyone on both Korin's Tower and Kami's Lookout). He also turns Chi-Chi into an egg and crushes her to death in front of Goten just for slapping him across the face. After losing his temper during a fight with Gotenks and Piccolo, he turns Krillin, Videl, Bulma and everyone else on Kami's Lookout into chocolate and eats them alive. After he absorbs Gotenks and Piccolo, he proceeds to beat Ultimate Gohan senseless while using Piccolo's teachings to mess with his head. Absorbing Gohan as well, Super Buu declares that he will use his god-like powers to enjoy systematically wiping out every single being in the universe, living or dead. Becoming enraged after he's unable to overpower and/or outsmart Vegetto, Super Buu decides to destroy the very fabric of reality itself, threatening the stability of the multiverse. A callous sadist, Super Buu would happily snuff out all sentient life just so he could spite Vegetto for beating him in a fight.
  • Zamasu is a former Kai from Universe 10 and apprentice to the Supreme Kai Gowasu who has a strong hatred towards mortals because they keep making the same mistakes. Once Goku shows a power capable of rivaling the gods, he decides that mortals are too dangerous to continue living. He failed to recognize his own similar faults, thinking himself to be a pure and divine deliverer of justice upon the realms of gods and mortals. Eventually falling into villainy, Zamasu plans to eradicate all mortals in the multiverse, with a scheme that he calls the "Zero Mortals Plan". To enact this plan, Zamasu murders his own mentor Gowasu, stealing the potara earrings to usurp his status as a Supreme Kai, and the time ring to travel through timelines. Then, he travels to another timeline to collect the Super Dragon Balls, switches his body with Goku's and kills him right in front of Chi-Chi and Goten… before decapitating them both with a ki blade just because they got in his way. Knowing that no one would be willing to help him for his plan, Zamasu (as Goku Black) then formed an alliance with his future self. Together, they proceed to travel to Future Trunks' timeline to destroy the Super Dragon Balls so that there is no way to reverse their plan, slaughter all the gods to keep them from interfering and slowly reduce humanity to near-extinction. Upon fusing with his future incarnation, Zamasu proceeds to cause mass destruction on Earth just to demonstrate his power as the "ultimate god". And when Trunks managed to destroy his physical body, Merged Zamasu's spirit survives through his sheer hatred of mortals and attempts to exterminate all life throughout the multiverse by merging with it, extending the effect on the other timelines, with the only way of stopping him being Lord Zeno eradicating the future timeline entirely, completely destroying Merged Zamasu for good. In all of his incarnations, Zamasu is a petty, hypocritical and sadistic narcissist who thinks that all of reality should be reshaped in his own vision and his distorted ideals of "justice", based entirely around the idea of purging the multiverse of everyone and everything that he hates.
    • His pettiness is cranked Up to Eleven in the manga, where he doesn't even meet Goku at first. He just sees his fight with Hit on GodTube and becomes salty about his Super Saiyan Blue form, feeling it blasphemous that a mortal Saiyan should achieve god-like power, so he spirals straight into planning to wipe out all mortals in the multiverse. Killing his mentor Gowasu and stealing the time ring, Zamasu switches bodies with Goku and kills him before traveling to Future Trunks's timeline. Zamasu, now known as Goku Black, kills Future Gowasu and recruits his future counterpart. Together they kill the gods of the future timeline and wipe out mortals across the multiverse, scheming to spread their genocide across other timelines. Coming to Earth and sadistically wiping out its inhabitants, Goku Black toys with Future Trunks and mocks him about all the people he failed to save. Faced with time traveling Goku and Vegeta, Goku Black and Future Zamasu decide to kill all remaining humans, with Black even impaling time traveling Gowasu before fusing together into the self-proclaimed "One true god of the multiverse".
      • The most horrifying part about Zamasu is that he is a Supreme Kai, one of the gods of the universe - the people normally expected to play the role of Big Good. Even Frieza was at least born into a family of galactic conquerors and raised to follow in his father's footsteps and then some, but Zamasu has no such troubles in his background. Gowasu looked after him like a father would, and there's no indication of Zamasu having suffered any mistreatment from any of the other gods. There was nothing there to make Zamasu go bad except for him being The Sociopath, yet not only did he choose to go bad, but he chose to become the worst of the worst - to do the most unspeakable acts of evil to both mortals and gods alike, all because they didn't match up to the standards of goodness and justice as defined by him. He wanted to exterminate all that could not be subjugated to the power of the divine laws he fanatically followed, worshipped and enforced, and when his hate for all living creatures who were not himself grew so great, he instead opted to just end everything so that only he would have the gift of existence. In short, Zamasu, through sheer hatefulness and Pride, became even more despicable and more heinous than Frieza, Cell, Super Buu and every other villain in the franchise (except for Demon God Demigra, who shares Zamasu's multiversal ruination tendencies).
  • Moro, the "Eater of Worlds", is an evil sorcerer who eradicated all life on 320 planets ten million years ago, consuming the souls of his victims in order to empower himself. Escaping from the Galactic Patrol Prison with help from a former Freeza Force soldier, Moro attacks New Namek, murdering Grand Elder Moori and most of the Namekians so that he can steal the planet's Dragon Balls in order to restore himself to his prime. After freeing all of the Galactic Patrol's prisoners, Moro goes on a murderous rampage across Universe 7, destroying numerous planets and devouring their life energy to further empower himself. Staging a planet-wide invasion of Earth, Moro kills off most of his fellow prisoners for getting in his way before subjecting the Z-Fighters to a brutal Curb Stomp Battle that is only stopped by Agent Merus's Heroic Sacrifice. When Goku unlocks Perfected Ultra Instinct and pushes him to the brink of death, Moro fuses with the Earth itself and turns his own body into a ticking time-bomb, knowing that if Goku kills him, the resulting explosion will not only obliterate the planet, but the entire Northern Galaxy as well.
  • Dragon Ball GT: Dr. Myuu was apparently a brilliant scientist and native of Planet M-2. Deciding the M-2 natives were an inferior species, Myuu proceeded to wipe them out and replace them with Machine Mutants he created as the dominant species. Intending to spread his influence even further, Myuu intended to finish his ultimate Machine Mutant creation, Baby, and use him to subjugate the galaxy. To acquire enough energy for Baby, Myuu created a cult centering around the worship of his fake god creation, Luud, then having having pilgrims who came to worship be turned into dolls and absorbed by Luud, while executing his loyal minion Dolltaki. Noticing the powerful Saiyans, Myuu desires to capture them so he could perform experimental "reconstructive surgery" upon them that involves dissection of still-living subjects. In spite of Myuu being revealed to be programmed by Baby himself, Myuu shows full agency as he continues his genocidal plans long after Baby's influence has ended. Myuu would later return from Hell, in league with Dr. Gero, with their newest Machine Mutant creation, Super 17. Betraying Gero for being too limited in ambition, Myuu intended to use 17 to resume his galactic conquest.

Video Games[]

  • Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road: Future Babidi, just as vile as his present timeline counterpart, invades Earth to revive Majin Buu. When Future Trunks recruits his friends and allies from the present timeline to defend the future, Babidi takes control of Piccolo and Vegeta, forcing them to fight the heroes alongside Babidi's fighting puppets based on Trunks' and Piccolo's memories, using the energy to revive Majin Buu. Realising Buu might kill him, Babidi has Buu and Dabura rampage throughout Earth while he attempts to make a wish on the Namekian Dragon Balls to force Buu to obey him. Frustrated that the Namekians have no evil in their hearts to control, he takes control of Cooler and Broly, having them wreak havoc on the planet's villages in search of the Dragon Balls. When his plan fails, he learns that the Earth Dragon Balls have been revived. He orders Buu, now Super Buu, to continue destroying Earth's cities to keep the heroes distracted while Babidi gathers the Dragon Balls, after which he has Buu kill Broly and Cooler once their use runs out. When Super Buu gets angry at Babidi for trying to kill Mr. Satan after the latter steals his wish and ruins his plans, Babidi callously dismisses humans as less than trash, saying there are millions of humans like Mr. Satan.
  • Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors Duology:
    • Cell commits many more crimes throughout various routes of these games. During his story in the first game, when Dr. Gero tells Cell that they'll revive the Red Ribbon Army, Cell refuses and remorselessly kills his creator when it results in a fight. After killing Gohan and the rest of the Z-Fighters, Cell creates countless Cell Juniors to hunt down and kill every last person on Earth while he goes to sleep. When Cell defeats Majin Buu, he decides he has no further use for Earth and destroys the solar system, going on to terrorize the rest of the universe in search of another fighter to give him a challenge. During one of his routes in the sequel, while waiting for the Cell Games to begin, Cell kills Future Trunks and takes his time machine for the sake of fighting and killing an alternate version of himself. In another route, enraged by Goku giving up during their fight in the Cell Games, Cell breaks his own rules and destroys the Earth anyway. During one of Piccolo's routes, Cell goes to Namek in an attempt to revive the destroyed Android 18 for the purpose of absorbing her. While there, he makes a deal with Cooler that he'll help Cooler terrorize Namek in search for the Dragon Balls, secretly planning on killing Cooler when they're all gathered.
    • Cooler himself also proves to be just as bad as his original counterpart, if not moreso. Upon hearing that his younger brother Frieza was killed by a Super Saiyan, Cooler, angered by this blow to his family's pride, ravages a city in hopes of drawing out Goku. In one of his routes, after successfully killing Goku, he terrorizes Earth for years on end, slowly hunting down and purging every city for his own amusement. When he discovers that Frieza has been feeding Gohan and Trunks information, Cooler kills his brother despite saying he'd spare him if he swears loyalty, before moving on to betray King Cold in an attempt to take over the Planet Trade Organization. In one of Piccolo's routes, Cooler and his men attack Namek in search of the Namekian Dragon Balls, threatening to wipe out all of the Namekians if they don't cooperate. In one of Frieza's routes, Cooler uses the Big Gete Star to consume several planets to add to his power behind the family's back. After consuming Namek, he reveals that he intends to kill both Frieza and King Cold, and use the Big Gete Star to consume all planets in the universe.
  • Dragon Ball Fusions:
    • Frieza and Cell both prove to be just as monstrous as they are in canon. When Frieza is freed from hell by Tekka and his team, Frieza orders the Ginyu Force to kill them for no reason. When Tekka's team comes across Cell, Cell immediately tries to kill the group to lure out Goku for the purpose of fighting him. Later, the heroes find out that Frieza and Cell have joined Pinich's team for the purpose of manipulating him into performing the Ultra Fusion. Frieza and Cell then take over the fusion before attempting to destroy the Timespace Rift and everybody in it as Ultra Pinich, only being stopped thanks to the timely intervention of Beerus and Whis. The two then flee, opening up a portal to Hell to create more chaos. They later escape to the real world in an attempt to destroy the entire galaxy.
    • Zamasu is again the apprentice Supreme Kai who stole the body of Goku to become Goku Black so that he could carry out his crusade to purge all mortals from reality, starting with Future Trunks's timeline. Upon discovering the Timespace Rift that allowed him to access all timespaces, he began cleansing them one by one and making them disappear. Zamasu also recruited many alternate versions of himself from different timespaces to join his crusade, where he came very close to wiping out all life across reality.
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse & Xenoverse 2:
    • Demon God Demigra was once a Supreme Kai who fell from grace and became a demonic Evil Sorcerer. After growing powerful enough to be considered a god and attempting to control all time and space in the multiverse so that he could have an eternal reign, he was imprisoned within a crack in time by Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time. To free himself, he sends out an image capable of acting on the physical plane to cause chaos and distort time, often working his dark magic through the actions of his Unwitting Pawns, Towa and Mira. One of the timelines has him brainwashing Piccolo into killing Goten and Trunks, causing an enraged Super Buu to blow up the Earth. Another has him trying to brainwash Beerus into killing Goku and destroying Earth. After his release, he brainwashes Xeno Trunks into trying to kill the Time Patroller and plans to destroy the Nest of Time, in essence destroying all of time itself, so that he can then destroy the entire multiverse and reshape it so that everything revolves around him. Appearing many more times such as in Xenoverse 2, Dragon Ball Heroes, and Super Dragon Ball Heroes to contend with the Z fighters, and at one point even attempting to use his own past self to Make Wrong What Once Went Right, Demigra ceaselessly leaves corruption and destruction wherever he goes, and stands out as one of the most vile and wicked beings that the Dragon Ball multiverse has to offer.
    • Zamasu is as arrogant a god as ever in the story mode of Xenoverse 2. An egotist who can be tricked into mentoring the main character, Zamasu's ultimate goal is the eradication of mortals to the last in his "Zero Mortals" plan. Having swapped bodies with Goku, Zamasu gleefully begins to wipe out numerous mortals with full intent to eradicate them in every single timeline. Upon fusing with himself to create "Fused Zamasu", Zamasu then attempts to consume every timeline upon his final defeat.
  • Dragon Ball Heroes / Super Dragon Ball Heroes:


  • Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle: Lucifer is a vampiric demon lord who rules over the Devil's Castle. Centuries ago, Lucifer procured the Sleeping Princess, a mystical diamond that can be charged with and harness moonlight. Lucifer intended to use the "awakened" Sleeping Princess to power a cannon to destroy the sun, which would plunge the world into eternal darkness, knowing fully well humanity could not survive without the sun. Lucifer was also known to capture humans and drain them of their blood for him and his men to drink, and he planned on making the 16-year-old Bulma his latest victim, followed by the rest of the Dragon Team.
  • Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest: Dr. Wheelo was an evil scientist who plotted to Take Over the World with his assistant Dr. Koshin, both scientists having experimented on humans to create bio-warriors and planned to reconstruct every human into robot slaves, but Wheelo lost his body in an avalanche and ended up trapped inside his fortress for years. Years later, Kochin made a wish on the Dragon Balls to free him and afterwards, Dr. Wheelo attacked Piccolo in a painful way with a red laser, abducting him and brainwashing him to fight for him. Looking for the body of the strongest human in the world to inhabit, Dr. Wheelo has Master Roshi kidnapped only to learn that Goku has far surpassed him, so Wheelo sends his bio-warriors to test Goku's strength before attempting to forcibly severe his mind from his body, and when it fails, sends the mentally enslaved Piccolo to kill him, his son, and his friends. Killing Dr. Koshin and revealing his large robotic vessel, Wheelo takes the Z fighters on himself after his control over Piccolo is broken, and in an act of pettiness, Wheelo uses all the power he aborbs to try and blow up the whole Earth, believing no one should be allowed to live in a world where he cannot attain the power and glory he'd sought.
  • Cooler, the Big Bad of Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge and The Return of Cooler, is Frieza's older, more collected brother, and manages to rival his younger sibling as being one of the most diabolical villains in the entire Dragon Ball franchise. A vicious tyrant who has conquered numerous planets and forced their inhabitants to work themselves to death as his slaves, Cooler had a hand in plotting the genocide of the Saiyan race, which he followed up by proclaiming that he would conquer seven more planets over the course of a single day. Upon learning that his brother and father were killed by a Super Saiyan, Cooler — after mocking his own relatives for getting themselves killed by a "dirty ape" — attacks Earth along with his elite bodyguards, tries to kill Goku's son Gohan and close friend Piccolo in front of him, then attempts to annihilate the entire planet while proclaiming that it is his birthright to dictate lives on a whim. Surviving his apparent death and merging with the Big Gete Star, Cooler invades New Namek and plans to systematically butcher its entire population to use as resources for the star before moving on to do the same to Earth. When confronted by Goku once again, Cooler tries to torturously drain him and Vegeta of their life energy whilst gloating that he plans to slaughter their friends and then unleash his wrath upon the entire universe with the goal of wiping out all life other than himself.
  • Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan (Funimation dub only): Paragus is the cruel Saiyan father of Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan. A long time after being banished from Planet Vegeta and being saved from the planet's destruction thanks to his son, Paragus creates a Mind Control Device in order to control Broly and his violent psychotic behavior until he realized that he can use Broly to conquer the universe. Paragus later uses Broly to destroy the entirety of the South Galaxy, killing billions. After forming an army of his own, Paragus enslaved the Shamoian race and forced them to do slave labor. While manipulating Vegeta into joining him in making a new Saiyan empire and tricking Goku and his allies into believing that he's friendly, Paragus secretly plans to leave them, his army, and the Shamoian race to die on the new planet, "New Vegeta", from the cataclysmic Comet Camori. After one of his soldiers finds out about the comet, Paragus swiftly kills him. Once the comet is nearly close to crashing into New Vegeta, Paragus decides to leave Broly to die along with the planet, declaring his son to be "nothing" to him.
    • This movie's depiction of the titular Super Saiyan himself, Broly, becomes a Complete Monster when the Mind Control Device breaks off him and he boosts himself to full power. In his Legendary Super Saiyan form, Broly is wantonly sadistic and not simply brutal but knowingly brutal, delivering beatdowns to his opponents in the most agonizing and well-timed ways he can manage. When Broly sees the Shamoian slaves standing against him and notes how much they've yearned to go back to the planet they were taken from, he hurls a beam at the distant home planet, blowing it up right in front of the Shamoians and gleefully laughing at their anguish. Seconds later he asks Goku "Kakarot, how much do you love your son?", intent on killing the young Gohan with Goku Forced to Watch. Described as "pure evil" and "a monster" by others, Broly makes it clear that even without being controlled by his father, he would gleefully destroy as much of the galaxy as he pleased once finally free of Kakarot as a psychological burden on him. Despite this, Paragus remains the more reprehensible monster since it's only thanks to him in his right mind and years of abuse and exploitative treatment of his son that Broly became this monster, and so rather than another dash acros the Moral Event Horizon for him, Broly crushing his own father to death within the space pod he was about to abandon the doomed planet in is a case of Laser-Guided Karma.
  • Wrath of the Dragon: Hoi is a representative of the Kashvar, a cabal of alien mystics who believe all species other than their own should be enslaved or massacred. Responsible for multiple planetary genocides, the Kashvar were defeated when their attempt to use the colossal demon Hirudegarn to destroy planet Conuts was thwarted by the heroic brothers Tapion and Minosha. Surviving the subsequent downfall of the order, Hoi stewed for a thousand years before tricking Goku and his friends into using the Dragon Balls to revive the monster, gleefully commanding Hirudegarn to slaughter the cities of Earth in his campaign against all "inferior beings".
  • Battle of Gods (original script): In the initial draft of the film, Beerus is still the God of Destruction of his universe. However, here he is a reptilian being rather than cat-like and he lacks any of the redeeming features his canonical counterpart would come to posess. A cruel and petty god who takes absolute sadistic pleasure in twisting the morality of others, he was responsible for the Saiyan race turning evil by infecting them with a virus, making him partially responsible for past events with them and effectively later events. Having grown bored with the more powerful species in his universe, he comes to Earth to terrorize its population, destroying rows upon rows of populated buildings and crashing Krillin and Android 18's wedding just to cause havoc for his own pleasure. Recognizing Goku as a Saiyan, he turns all of Goku's friends against him, forcing Goku into having to fight for his life against them and the destructive diety. Eventually, Goku would have found a way to defeat and destroy Beerus once and for all (as opposed to the final product where Toriyama opted to have Goku lose to Beerus).
  • Ressurection F: Frieza, resurrected by his underlings Sorbet and Tagoma, craves revenge on the Saiyans and will stop at nothing to achieve it. After Tagoma suggested that Frieza should just ignore the Saiyans and focus on saving his crumbling empire, Frieza killed him by blasting him out into space (or, going by the Super adaptation, kept him alive to routinely torture as the target of his special training, which ended up mentally breaking Tagoma and turned him into a merciless, cold-hearted psychopath just like Frieza). He started an invasion of Earth and destroyed an entire city with one blast just to make his presence known. In addition to beating Gohan to within an inch of his life (and, in the Super adaptation, finishing what he started on Planet Namek by killing Piccolo with a Full-Power Death Beam through his chest), he killed his entire army, except for Sorbet, after they lost to the Z-Fighters, regarding them all as disgraces unfit to wear his empire's uniforms. After Goku was blasted with a laser by Sorbet, Frieza tortured him by stomping on his chest and attempted to choke the life out of him. When he was then overpowered by Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, he destroyed the Earth with a Suicide Attack, just so he could spite Goku one last time. Fortunately, Goku is sent back three minutes in time by Whis and vaporizes Frieza with a God Kamehameha. We also see what Frieza's own personal Hell is like at the beginning and end of the film - a beautiful field of flowers where cherubs, fairies, sentient stuffed animals and angels in bunny costumes are all living and playing happily while he's in a cocoon tied to a tree, endlessly screaming his head off at the fact that he's unable to hurt anyone there.
  • Dragon Ball Super: Broly: While the film tones down his heinousness in favour of having him be more comedic and out of focus, Frieza has scenes and acts in the film that show how much of a monster he was and still is. When King Cold retired and handed Frieza the reins to the Planet Trade Organization, Frieza's first order of business is to give the Saiyans (who, at the time, could not use energy projection and relied on outdated weapons and tech) scouters and, to demonstrate their effectiveness, locates and gleefully kills a group of Saiyan snipers who were trying to assassinate him. In the present day, he recruits Paragus and his son Broly, testing the latter's power by making him fight Goku and Vegeta. He then murders Paragus and promptly lies to Broly, saying that he was killed by a stray ki blast (thus essentially implying that either Goku or Vegeta killed Paragus, or worse, akin to Scar in The Lion King, leading Broly to believe he accidentally killed his own father), causing the gentle yet mentally unstable Saiyan to transform into the Legendary Super Saiyan and go on a murderous rampage. After his underlings Cheelai and Lemo pull a Heel Face Turn and use the Dragon Balls to save Broly from being killed by Gogeta, Frieza nonchalantly reveals that he's been planning to turn Broly into his right-hand man so that he can use him as his ultimate weapon to finally kill Goku and Vegeta.
  • Dragonball Evolution: The film's version of Lord Piccolo is an evil Namekian who attacked Earth alongside the fearsome monster known as Oozaru, bringing the human race to the brink of annihilation before he was sealed away by seven mystics. Returning 2,000 years later, Piccolo decides to seek out the seven Dragon Balls with the intention of wishing for eternal life, and then eliminating the human race in revenge for his imprisonment, beginning his search by destroying a village filled with innocent people. Piccolo would then attack Goku's grandfather, Gohan, in his home, before killing him by crushing him with the house's rubble. After Goku and his friends manage to retrieve the Dragon Balls, Piccolo has his servant Mai steal them, nearly killing Goku in the process. When Goku transforms into Oozaru during his final confrontation with Piccolo, the latter has Goku attack his own friends, while also having him strangle Master Roshi to death before he could re-seal Piccolo. When Goku regains his senses and fights back, Piccolo vows that he'll destroy the planet just to spite him.
  • Dragon Ball Z (unused original film script):
    • Piccolo is still the Demon King of Namek who seeks the Dragon Balls to conquer the universe. Viewing himself as a god, Piccolo invaded Earth to steal the Balls from the seven masters, unleashing Oozaru to destroy mankind as a distraction. Resurrected by his follower Pilaf 2,000 years after his defeat, Piccolo intends to continue his plans of annihilation after he's dealt with Son Goku and everyone he holds dear.
    • Pilaf is a Namek-jin who seeks the seven Dragon Balls to resurrect his master Piccolo and carry out his plan of wiping out mankind. Responsible for a majority of casualties by ordering his soldiers to Leave No Survivors as they slay all in their path, Pilaf tortures Bulma upon kidnapping her. When Goku arrives to save her and Yamcha, Pilaf triggers Goku into turning into Oozaru, leaving him behind to kill Bulma and Yamcha, and fleeing altogether during the final battle. Considering who the character is based on, Pilaf in this film was to be a truly alarming stroke of Adaptational Villainy.
    • Mai, one of Pilaf's Co-Dragons along with Shou, is a sadistic who overshadows her partner in cruelty. Tasked with acquiring the Dragonballs to resurrect Piccolo, Mai steals a locator from Capsule Corp., killing three guards in the process. Leading the massacre of Paozu village, Mai later slaughters a gypsy caravan guarding a Dragonball, including the children. Posing as a little girl to manipulate Goku and company, Mai is later revealed to have killed Goku's grandfather Gohan.