
"If I could get rid of you three — the most complex characters in existence — then I can have this universe all to myself. You-Know-Who will never be able to find me. I will have created a whole new level of existence for me to reside in and rule over for all eternity. The chaos I shall cause is incalculable... I can create life and exact death over thousands of new characters. I will be the most powerful being in a whole new universe!"
- The Writer, The Lion King Adventures


Whether poorly written or well-written, countless works of fanfiction have equally countless villains. The worst of them are either OC villains committing acts so heinous that the canon villains think what they're doing is wrong or taking the already existing villains and making them worse... MUCH worse...

See also:

Animated Films[]

Disney Animated Canon[]

  • Disney's War — A Crossover Story: The Horned King is the monstrous undead tyrant who believes himself to be a god. The Horned King is accidentally resurrected, and as soon as he is revived, he kills the three witches and then discovers there are other realities so he plans to conquer them all. The Horned King uses the mirror in the central castle to travel between realities. The Horned King manipulates Queen Grimhilde into helping him create an army of fallen Disney villains by pretending to care about her. This constant reality jumping is threatening to tear the multiverse apart, something which the Horned King wants to happen so he can recreate it in his image. Later on, the Horned King brutally tortures the captive Alice with magic and turns her into his puppet. During the big battle, he nearly kills Taran but ends up killing Tinker Bell instead. To restore his power, the Horned King has Grimhilde kiss him to drain the life out of her, killing her. The rest of the villains are horrified at this, so the Horned King kills them all. After which, he summons Chernabog and merges to continue his plan to destroy everything. Even after the Horned King's death, his corruption lives on through Alice, who continues the Horned King's goal to conquer the world and gets even more people killed.
  • The Lion King Adventures: The Writer is responsible for all the bad things that happen in the story, and is the true villain of the entire series. The Writer created the world Simba and his friends lived in, and had caused every evil act in that world. The Writer also created all the other villains in the story. The Writer's creations included Scar, as well as evil versions of Timon and Pumbaa who drain the souls of cubs. He had always been trying to kill Simba and his friends or ruin their lives for fun, and at the end of the series, he goes into the world himself to kill Simba and his friends so he can take over and rule the world for eternity as he destroys thousands of lives for his amusement.
  • Tangled fanfic Swear Not By The Moon: Zahn Tiri (sic) is an Evil Chancellor for Diadem and part of a family that has been seeking for centuries to start a war between Corona and Diadem. Zahn Tiri learns about Cassandra falling in love with the Princess of Corona named Rapunzel. After telling this to her family and realizing that this puts their plan in danger, Zahn Tiri, on her own, orchestrates the mutilation and near-death of Cassandra and frames Rapunzel, causing Diadem to declare war on Corona. Zahn Tiri also plays with Cassandra's emotions, making her think she was the only one that she could trust and leading Cassandra to attack and nearly kill Rapunzel. After she is exposed and disowned, Zahn Tiri, through sheer hatred, transforms herself into her powerful demon form and continues her plan to use a powerful decay curse to burn everything to the ground for "salvation".

Kung Fu Panda[]

  • Both Heian Chao and Wu Xiu of A Different Lesson take this trope and run with it gleefully:
    • The acts Chao perpetrates are especially, and truly, unforgivable, and they only get worse as the story goes on. Countless murders (including of children), Demonic Possession, More Than Mind Control, forcing friends and loved ones to kill each other, unleashing demons from the spirit world, necromancy, corrupting people's souls and intentions, pushing Tai Lung into committing his rampage, planning to make People Puppets of the whole world, all so as to live forever and force his vision of perfection on everyone else.
    • Xiu, meanwhile, killed her own father just for being "weak" and good, framed Jia for it so she could twist and manipulate her into obeying and serving implicitly as an assassin, longed to have the same powers Chao had so she could do the same things he did, poisoned countless soldiers who had been fighting the Huns, murdered her teacher, tried to manipulate Tai Lung into joining her with lies about his family (and also helped plant doubts regarding Shifu and Oogway's love and pride in him so he would fixate on the Dragon Scroll to earn them), nearly killed Po and Tigress, did kill Zhuang, loved the feeling of Chao's dark chi and wished to bathe in it when everyone else was sickened and terrified by it. And both of them enjoyed every bit of what they did, with no remorse or regrets, and no sign they could or would be redeemed.
  • Necromancers Of China Saga gives us the leader of the necromancers, Jasmine Crescent. At first the necromancers are introduced as Well Intentioned Extremists who are trying to end all conflicts. Towards the end of the first book, we learn that the necromancers are all pawns and their leader is using them to gain power all to herself. Her real goal is to sacrifice fifty males and fifty females to absorb their souls and become a master vampire. She's also incredibly manipulative, shown when she tricks Po and Tigress into believing she's a friend, so she could trick them into helping her get the job done faster. She also deceives Po and Tigress daughter from the future, convincing her into manipulating her own parents in both the future and the present to further keep the facade going, then trying to kill her once she doesn't need her anymore. She also has several Kick the Dog moments, such as murdering the family of her defeated foe, trying to kill her own children simply for standing up to her, and destroying Gongmen City just so collecting one hundred souls would be a little easier. She also succeeds in killing Shifu, and A Million Is a Statistic is completely averted, as the saga takes the time to show the aftermath of her deeds and giving us a glimpse of just how badly she ruined people's lives. There are several more atrocities she commits, but these are the worst.

Other Examples[]

  • Cars 2 fanfic Revenge: Sir Miles Axlerod and Professor Zündapp are as vile as ever. After the events of the film. Axlerod and Zündapp break out of prison and join forces, both wanting revenge, with Axlerod on the spies who foiled his plans and Zündapp on every single car that participated in the World Grand Prix. They kidnap all the racers to lure the spies to their location to kill them without anyone finding out. Axlerod and Zündapp plan to drop every last car they kidnapped into a volcano and make this process as painful as possible, for fun.
  • In the Inside Out fanfic Kids World, the character of Annis is a twelve-year-old power-hungry psychopath. After a Depopulation Bomb that is Only Fatal to Adults leaves only those under thirteen alive, Annis takes the opportunity to try and control every child in the city. To accomplish this, Annis manipulates a multitude of children to follow her as she seizes control of the city. Those who refuse to follow her are subjected to horrible living conditions until they submit to her. Annis assigns a four-year-old girl named Caroline to be the "siter" to her best friend, Riley, but becomes increasingly brutal to both of them when she feels her control over the two is slipping. She forces Caroline to set a building full of children on fire, and then kills a little girl by breaking her neck. When Caroline stops her from feeding an infant boy to a pack of dogs, Annis beats Caroline severely in a rage. When it seems as if Annis' followers have killed Caroline, Annis merely mocks a heartbroken Riley, beating her with her mother's hockey stick as well. When Riley tries to stop Annis from unleashing more chaos, Annis throws her off a bridge. When Riley and Caroline, who had survived, escape, Annis burns down multiple buildings in a rage, not caring if anyone is injured or killed. Annis' ultimate plan was to take over the entire country, planning to attack Minnesota first to spite Riley. When her plans are foiled and her followers turn against her, Annis rejects Riley's offer to redeem herself, vowing to kill Riley and find other ways to resume control. Though claiming to be out to restore order in a city with no law, Annis proved to simply be a sadistic and arrogant dictator who only wanted power over those she deemed inferior.

Anime and Manga[]


  • Downfall is a notable subversion... at first. Most of the AU changes lean towards lighter and softer... for the first arc or so. Then, war happens and people start to die. Aaerenerio tortures Kien with the face of his dead wife and mauls Rukia. He dies for it, but not before she is fatally wounded. And all that doesn't take into account the sneaking suspicion that someone else is pulling the strings...
  • Clown: Clown (AKA Mayuri Kurotsuchi) As far as fictional serial killers go, he is one of the most vile, evil creatures ever conceived. Mayuri tricked Ichigo's mother into going to an abandoned warehouse to talk about her son. A scene was not dedicated to it, but it is explained that she was brutally murdered, gutted, and then hung from the roof by her own intestines. Ichigo is also led to the scene where he discovers his mother. He feeds someone through a mulcher, eats children, and horrifically tortures most of his victims.


  • Tamers Forever Series:
    • The fake Gennai. What he does to Mimi is quite possibly the most disturbing act of callousness in the entire franchise (canon included).
    • Daemon definitely counts as well. There is nothing he cares about more than inflicting as much suffering as possible, and he is perfectly willing to slaughter thousands, including a seven year old girl, in order to get what he wants.
    • The Nightmare is at least a borderline example, an Ax Crazy, digital Humanoid Abomination that delights in causing pain to others so that it can enjoy their reactions. Takato even says that it's worse than D-Reaper.
  • In the Alternate Telling of Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon 02 The Story We Never Told, Yukio Oikawa was a member of the original DigiDestined who saved the Digital World years before. However, Oikawa's loneliness drove him to become obsessed with returning to the Digital World and urged his former teammates to join him. However, his pleas fell on deaf ears, as his teammates chose to move on with their lives as normal people. Oikawa thus arranged a car accident that claimed the lives of two of his teammates, leaving their son Izzy an orphan. Oikawa masterminded the conflict of the story by corrupting young Ken Ichijouji into becoming the Digimon Emperor as well as creating his own Digi Destined to counterbalance Ken. When Ken pulled a Heel Face Turn, Oikawa decided Ken had outlived his usefulness and eventually killed him by frying his brain. Oikawa also allied with Dagomon to build a gateway for Dagomon's forces to invade the real world, resulting in the deaths of countless innocents. Once the new DigiDestined were no longer needed, Oikawa forcefully reprogrammed their Digimon to turn on their human partners, even if one of them happened to be his deceased best friend's son. Not even his creations Arukenimon and Mummymon are safe from Oikawa's wrath, as he forcefully fuses their bodies to become an abomination, all the while insulting them as failures. Oikawa's endgame is to create a Floating Continent out of all the data he siphoned from the Digital World and crash it into the real world, which would create a reborn Digital World. Oikawa hoped to rule the new world as a god, disregarding that humanity will be wiped out as a result. Oikawa in this depiction is a Psychopathic Manchild and Misanthrope Supreme who had snubbed his friendship and humanity to become a god, making him one of the DigiDestined's most personal and depraved foes to date.

Dragon Ball[]


  • A Father's Wrath:
  • Janita has Air Jay, a psychopathic Viking who kills people on a whim. As a child, he would go around attacking people with his unique fire abilities, even killing them sometimes. He later took part in the Third Shinobi World War as a mercenary, killing at least 1,000 people, before being sealed by Naruto's parents, Minato and Kushina. Upon being unsealed by a gang of bandits, he burns them to death. He is eager to have a rematch with Naruto's parents, but when Takuma informs him that Minato and Kushina have died, he kills several bandits in a fit of rage, believing that only he is allowed to kill them. When Takuma reveals that they had a son, Air Jay is then ready to join his plan to unearth the weapon that will destroy the village. Air Jay massacres an entire village, starting with the village chief for "ruining his cool entrance" and, when the rest try to fight back with pitchforks, he kills them too, laughing about how easy it was. He is about to kill a child when Hinata tries to stop him. When Air Jay defeats Hinata, he considers killing her in front of her daughter, the eponymous Janita, until he smells Naruto on her and takes her alive as bait. When Hinata wakes up, she finds herself chained to a boulder, rigged to kill an innocent girl if she escapes. Air Jay gets Hinata to agree to be his personal slave, only to admit that he was screwing with her head. He later shows Hinata the weapon, telling her that he needs her chakra to power the weapon. When confronted by Naruto and company, he jokes that he committed the massacre because he wanted to eat all of the sardines the village was famous for, only to admit it was a side benefit. They have a long, drawn-out fight until Kakashi shows up and distracts Air Jay long enough for them to escape. Upon returning to the base, Air Jay pulls Hinata down from the boulder just to kill the girl. He sends eight bandits to kill his father for knowing his weakness, despite the fact that he refused to disclose it. When Naruto and company stop the bandits, they beg him to let them kill Air Jay's father, because they are so terrified to fail him. He also takes a woman and has her tell the slaves digging up the weapon about all his actions and tells them she will die in ten seconds if they do not work harder, only to kill her when he reaches six and tauntingly counts the rest of the numbers. Later, to torment Hinata, Air Jay takes two prisoners and asks her which one he should kill... and then kills them both. He does this again the next day, telling Hinata it was her fault they died. When the weapon is unearthed, Air Jay has the slaves burned to death. He then loads up the weapon with bombs to destroy the entire Leaf Village, unlike Takuma who simply wanted to kill the leader and take over. He then drains Takuma's chakra to power the machine, telling him he intends to keep Hinata alive so he can endlessly abuse her.
  • Team 8: The author's interpretation of Itachi Uchiha seems to fit the bill. Unlike canon, he committed the Uchiha Massacre simply to test himself (as he originally claimed) and his complete Lack of Empathy makes him a truly deplorable individual. In particular, when he crosses the Moral Event Horizon even further by murdering Kurenai Yuhi in front of her students (showing absolutely no remorse or even emotion at having done so), his partner Kisame Hoshigaki - himself a renowned Blood Knight - is disturbed by it.
  • Tobimaru "Tobi" Uchiha, the Big Bad of War of the Biju and The Man Behind the Man to Nagato "Pain" Uzumaki, is a Decomposite Character of Obito Uchiha and thus lacks his redeeming qualities. Originally Madara Uchiha's second-in-command and a member of a sect of the Uchiha Clan who followed Madara, Tobi murdered the sect, including his family and lover, so that there was no competition. When a dying Madara gave his final orders, Tobi smothered him in his sleep so he could assume leadership before stabbing Obito to death. Starting the Nine-Tailed Beast's attack on Konoha, Tobi framed the Uchiha clan for the attack. Years later, when the Uchiha Clan began working amicably with Konoha once again, Tobi reappeared and blackmailed Fugaku Uchiha after mind-raping several women to death to get the Uchiha's support for the coup before helping Itachi massacre the entire clan, starting with the children. Tobi initiates the bloodiest war in the entire history of the Five Great Nations and, when the Shinobi Alliance starts getting the upper hand, spitefully drops a cluster of meteorites upon the Earth, even though one of them alone could destroy all life on the planet. A raging storm of hatred and sadism more akin to a rabid animal than a man, Tobimaru subverts any of his potentially sympathetic traits.
  • Uchiha Heiress Remix: Sakura Haruno seemingly starts out as a more unpleasant version of her canon counterpart, before becoming significantly worse. Receiving the Cursed Seal of Heaven from Orochimaru, Sakura promptly mind-rapes Ino Yamanaka when the latter tries to use her mind control jutsu during the Chunin Exam preliminaries. Trained by Orochimaru and Danzo Shimura later on, Sakura gradually becomes more and more depraved as they encourage her to give into her darker instincts, gleefully brainwashing the entire village, taking part in the horrific high-level training the brainwashed civilians are put through — resulting in several deaths — and abandoning some "disposable" Root agents as part of a Batman Gambit. When ordered by Orochimaru to reach the Hidden Sound Village with a blood sample, Sakura, angered by her former friend Ino's criticism of Danzo, subjects her to a brutal beatdown, gives her a Breaking Lecture, tears off one of her arms and leaves her to die from blood loss whilst leaving behind a taunting message, effectively painting a huge target on the backs of her bodyguards, the Sound Three (which leads to the deaths of both Jirobo and Kidomaru). When Satsuki Uchiha fights her at the Valley of the End, Sakura barely remembers what she did to Ino, and shows no regret or remorse whatsoever. Despite being only 12 years old with few resources, Sakura significantly darkens the setting of an otherwise-lighthearted fanfic.
  • Echoes:
    • Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage, sheds any redeeming qualities his canon counterpart had. Under the guise of "human progress", Yagura started a graduation program consisting of students killing each other in the Hidden Mist Village's Ninja Academy in order to weed out the weak in favor of the strong. With his "Blood Police", Yagura kills any "weak" civilian, shinobi, clansman and started a Final Solution to the bloodline wielders' question. Allying with the Hidden Rain Village's leader, Hanzo the Salamander, he chose to kill Nagato Uzumaki, Yahiko and Konan, not due to his alliance with Hanzo, but because he hated them, saying that he would have killed them even if he wasn't allied with Hanzo. After having killed Yahiko, he taunts Konan while she cries over Yahiko's death, and mocks Hanzo when the latter expressed regret over ordering Yahiko's execution. After being challenged with Hanzo to a fight by Kazama and Tsukuyomi, he almost kills part of the audience during one of his attacks, attempted to eat Kazama during the fight and released the Three-Tailed Beast from his body out of spite after his defeat, telling it to avenge him. Believing that the Jinchuriki were the Master Race, Yagura was accurately described as an "all-around monster".
    • Kenta Ayatsuri is a jōnin of the Hidden Leaf Village, as well as a philanthropist who founded an orphanage. However, Kenta turned the orphans into Tyke Bombs and prostitutes to fund his activities. Training Kakashi Hatake, Kenta turned him into another tyke-bomb. When the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, added Kakashi to his own team, taking him away from Kenta, the latter contacted the enemy in order to sabotage Team Minato's mission to destroy the Kannabi Bridge, and to get rid of them, barring Kakashi, leading to Obito Uchiha's death. Fleeing the Leaf Village after his crimes were discovered, he sent brainwashed children to massacre Konoha families and kidnaps a pregnant Rin Nohara. Killing the baby, Kenta tortured Rin to death and taunted Kakashi with her mutilated corpse when he tried to rescue her. He also tried to recreate Kakashi with other children, killing or wounding them in the process. In the Past Enemy Arc, Kenta is introduced horribly killing a young Kin Tsuchi because she cried when he gave her over to a brothel. He attempted to kidnap Rin and Kakashi's child, succeeding with Rin. When his subordinate suggested to kill Kakashi, Kenta killed him. When confronted by Kakashi, he blamed everyone but himself for his crimes and revealed that he committed all of this to turn Kakashi into his "masterpiece", and so that he will be remembered. When Kakashi replies that he will do everything to forget him, a spiteful Kenta attempts to kill him and Rin.


  • From Tilting the Balance, we have Jacob Waterknot, who is willing to kill and slaughter people for his own gain. One of the most triumphant examples, the line crossing is when he plays a card that, in normal game terms, call down several a dozen meteors and destroy the field. However, he made the duel as real as it could be. The meteors were real and destroys a good portion of St. Paul, killing countless people just so he could attempt to defeat one person.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Forever has several villains, both those who serve as the Big Bad of their respective arc and those who are henchmen, but none come quite as close to utter vileness as Abel Drake, a member of the Quirky Miniboss Squad in the JUDAS arc. He Mind Rapes children (using the Millennium Key's power to unlock and alter memories as he sees fit) For the Evulz, forced one character to relive her Dark and Troubled Past using said ability, and had a very bad impact on another major character's screwed-up development by stealing that character's mother's soul to power the revival of an Eldritch Abomination, then brainwashed said character and his sister so they wouldn't remember that part of their past.

Other Examples[]

  • The Code Geass fanfiction Code Geass Mao Of The Deliverance has a few of these. The first is Dr. Huai, a sadistic psychiatrist who abuses the mental patients in his care and experiments on them with Refrain. It's also implied he gets sexual satisfaction from doing so. Although he's got a (admittedly very ugly) Freudian Excuse, it's only revealed later on and is barely relevant to any of his actions. Later, there are the scientists at the Rosenberg Institute, whom even Dr. Huai is afraid of, who fund his experiments in order to develop a version of the drug that could addict the people under their control and, Mao discovers, have been killing C.C. in various gruesome ways to test the limits of her immortality. Compared to any of the abovementioned characters, Mao looks decent!
  • Mobile Suit Gundam's Prince Ghiren Zabi was never a nice guy to begin with. However, it could be argued that his entire character boiled down to his desire to conquer the earthsphere. Zeon Quest, however, shows what Ghiren is willing to do in order to rule, from masterminding the notorious Operation British, fully aware of the massive civilian casualties it will cause (and it's hinted that he lied to his family and allies to get it approved), to trying to nuke neutral civilians so his rival siblings will get blamed, to blowing up a friendly island just to ensure his forces will have a monopoly on producing advanced mobile suits. And much like his canon counterpart, Ghiren has no problems with killing his father to stop a peace treaty (and his own prosecution for war crimes). But in this fic, he also shows that he has no problems killing off the majority of supporters as well, and his plan to sell them all out to save himself. His obsession with conquest at any cost turned him into The Caligula.
  • From Neon Genesis Evangelion fic Nobody Dies, we have Iruel. During a synch test, he traps the pilots and Mana in a Lotus Eater Machine and turns their dream worlds into horror. The only thing keeping the chapter from being 100 percent Nightmare Fuel is Rei's scenario. None of the other Angels had any particularly negative sentiments to Iruel's death, and when they learned there was a possibility that he was still alive, their immediate thought was to kill him before he does anything, because he is considered truly repulsive and horrific even by other Angels.
  • Fedt-geszhine, of Azumanga Daioh fanfic Yukari Is Free. Currently holding the highly-coveted title of "Most Evil Character", Fedt-geszhine is the bespectacled Dragon of Warmaster, the head of the Veluszhi Imperial Army. Fedt is a genius who is currently working on his life goal: learn everything. He once locked himself in a cage with an angry, rabid animal just to see if his regeneration serum worked (It Did). He isn't above using living human test subjects for his experiments or just for fuel for the bioreactor. And when he was a child, he killed his mother, just so he wouldn't get in trouble for drilling a hole in his baby sister's head.
  • The Blood+ fanfic Nobility has Didier, who will kill anybody who supports Anjou. At first, it appeared that he simply wanted to become the chiropteran king. However, it's revealed that he had several chances to kill Anjou, but disregarded them in favor of Mind Rape.
  • Just in case KyuBey wasn't too bad in the original, you get to have TorBey. This time, as KyuBey's lackey, he forgoes all that which KyuBey at least attempted, from the fact that he doesn't bother to grant any wishes, to the fact that his purpose is to destroy the human population of Earth, he is more than qualified for a spot on this fine list of horrible villains.
  • Not even Lucky Star fanfics are safe from this:
  • Many, perhaps most, villains in the Power Rangers Dark Fic series Prophecies of the Morphing Grid:
    • Dark Specter. The first story is primarily concerned with his rise to power, and we get to see exactly why he earned the title "Grand Monarch of Evil". While having innumerable wars and genocides behind him in his quest for Dimension Lord-dom is bad enough, it's the sheer overkill he applies to our own humble blue marble, it being prophesied to birth his destroyers, that truly pushes him into this territory. Two instances in particular stand out. In the second story, he's been revived and took the galaxy's government, but he's heard that Zordon is also on his way back to the realm of the living. Specter kidnaps all the various babies he thinks might be the reincarnated Zordon, as well as Karone, to confirm their identity. When Karone tells him that none of the babies he has are Zordon, Specter blows up the room full of babies, then teleports Karone back to the Rangers...with her throat cut. Karone gets better, but we're never told if the babies do. The second instance is in a flashback in the third story, where it's revealed that Specter sold advanced alien tech to the Nazis in exchange for them turning Earth over to him when they were done conquering it. They failed to do that, but one can only imagine how much worse he made World War II. He's also behind everyone else on this list, by the way. Interestingly enough, the early parts of the first story give him a bit of a Woobie-ish Backstory that casts him as a former Ranger millions of years ago who accepted the proto-United Alliance of Evil's offer to become their leader so he could get justice for his murdered girlfriend, but the author has gone on record as saying he's grown unhappy with this backstory and plans to write it out next time he revises the fic.
    • Most of the Dominus Lords qualify, too. The twelve wealthiest people in the world, they've spent their entire lives subverting the government and business communities of Earth for the UAE so they can take it over more easily. Their ancestors have been doing this for hundreds of generations, going back 10,000 years, as it turns out, too. They're also fond of assassinations, unethical business dealings, and boundless decadence. Two rise above the rest: Gregory Roschin, the Big Bad of the group (actually described as "The Devil himself" by another character), turns out to be, among other things, the person who hired Mirloc to kill Sky's father, and Mr. Stonefeld, who, as a message to get the Rangers to back off from the UAE's business, has a hit put out on their families, and we get to watch (well, read) actual characters from the show die horribly. Also, ever wonder why Norg was the only yeti we see? Yeah, these guys are why. They're apparently based on real people, but good luck finding a list of crimes as long on even the most cold-hearted Real Life Corrupt Corporate Executive.
    • King Ra is the absolute dictator of a race of Lizard People and a high-ranking member of the UAE. He claims to have genetically engineered humanity to be his race's slaves and wholeheartedly believes this gives him every right to abuse them in any way he wants, and does he ever. As it turns out, he's lying through his teeth, but it's then revealed that he's responsible for the Dominus Lords' control of Earth, so he still believes humanity "owes him". Naturally, few tears are shed when the Rangers cut him down, with him whining about how "ungrateful" humans are all the while.
    • This next one is a big spoiler. It's Captain Logan, the apparent Big Good from Time Force. How bad is he? Well, it turns out that Year 3000's mutant crime wave problem was actually engineered by him, as a way to unite the people against a common foe and distract them from the dictatorship they're living under. Oh, and he shot Ransik's wife on the day their daughter was born, which drove Ransik back to crime just as he was about to completely atone from killing Dr. Frericks due to The Power of Love. He's also a nigh-unkillable Super Soldier. You can't help but cheer when Ransik jams a vial of liquid magnetite (the Super Soldiers' one weakness) down his throat, causing him to crumble to dust in an extraordinarily painful-sounding way.
    • Then there's Senator John Thorne, leader of an anti-alien hate group. We realize he's this right around the time he has a refugee camp massacred. Most of his private army, used to perform the aforementioned massacre among other things, appear to qualify, too, but as they're just Mooks, it's hard to tell.
    • There's also Jacob Russell, an Amoral Attorney-turned-Corrupt Corporate Executive. He bought out one of BioLabs' subsidiary companies and turned it to evil. Not only that, he murdered Trini's Uncle Howard (a character fans of the show would recognize) when he wouldn't sell his research to him, making the death look like a suicide. It's even sort of hinted he greased the authorities' palms so they wouldn't consider the fact that Howard had never displayed suicidal tendencies before.
    • Finally, let's give a nod to the small army of Corrupt Corporate Executives, Sleazy Politicians, Amoral Attorneys, crime bosses, drug kingpins, and various other powerful human villains who helped along or at least looked the other way toward the UAE's attempts to conquer Earth. They're all incredibly minor characters, most of whom don't even get names, but selling out your entire planet in order to fatten your wallet is about as despicable as it gets.
  • From Canzet Yote, the same guy who created Jeromy in Scars Are Forever gives us Gavin Buildmore from The Adventures of Blinky Bill fanfic Ashes To Dust. He's a Corrupt Corporate Executive crocodile who is Slick Possum's abusive boss. When Slick was 5, Buildmore tortured him by sticking a rose in his mouth and yanking it out repeatedly, and on Slick's 6th birthday, Buildmore beat his mother to an inch of her life with a lead pipe. He then forced Slick Possum into child labor and repeatedly beat him with chains and choked him. One time, when Slick was a teenager, Buildmore crushed an innocent duckling to death in front of him and mocked him for crying about it. He also brags about how he stole Slick's mothers life insurance money to buy a yacht, and once he found out Slick was gay, he mocked his sexuality by raping him repeatedly. And that's only his backstory. When he arrives in the actual fic, he implodes the theater while protestors are still inside, killing innocent men, women, and children just so he could build a brand-new theater. He then kidnaps Marcia and tortures her to death with dry ice, and when Slick, Shifty, and Nutsy go to rescue her, he captures Shifty Dingo and threatens to rape him while holding a garden shears to his throat and fondles Shifty's genitals. At one point, he lets Shifty and Nutsy escape the mansion, only to try and chase them down in a helicopter, and he actually manages to shoot Shifty in the leg and laughs about it. He also orders his goanna minions to gangrape Slick Possum. Oh yeah, and he sells his own daughter into sex slavery. The worst part about all this? He gets off scot-free!
  • In Soul Eater: Troubled Souls, Medusa Gorgon is just as bad as she is canonically. In the past, she coerced Crona into murdering a helpless old man and later an Evil Human implied to be Crona’s father. After her supposed end during the first Baba Yaga Castle invasion, Medusa is revealed to have split her soul to survive and usurps the body of a pauper, going on to formulate her next plan of action. She gets her younger sister, Shaula, involved, and her treatment of her is no different. When Shaula fails to destroy Death Weapon Meister Academy from the inside, Medusa betrays her and tries to claim her soul to power up Ouroboros. It fails, but by then she has already ushered Maka and company in to Cobra Island. In addition, despite neither party knowing each other, she brings along Caius, Claudia, the Ricardsens, and the Ardsens and treats them with the same cruelty as the people she knows. To make matters worse, those innocent people literally could have been anyone else. As they advance, Ouroboros removes a power or characteristic that effectively renders the person useless; Medusa figures that out by forcing them to play rigged games. Finally, it is revealed she brainwashed Krysa and used outlawed magic on Atlas to enhance her subterfuge, uncaring of the details or consequences. Remorseless and reveling in everyone’s suffering, Medusa wanted revenge and to control Madness so she could Take Over the World.

Comic Books[]

Marvel Universe[]

  • Ultimate Sleepwalker: The New Dreams has several of these: the demonic Cobweb, who imprisons Sleepwalker in Rick Sheridan's mind as part of a larger Plan and later Mind Rapes one of Rick's friends into committing suicide less than two days after Rick's birthday; Fever Pitch, a Manson-like cult leader and serial killer who voluntarily transformed himself into a fiery skeletal monstrosity as part of his divine crusade; Jack the Ripper, who returns to terrorize New York City in the twentieth century; and Psyko, a terrifying monstrosity who subjects his victims to their worst nightmares while they're wide awake, even as he uses their bodies as People Puppets.
  • Spider-Man:
    • Ultimate Spider-Woman: Change With The Light pits our arachnid heroine against a few of these as well. One such example is Firebrand, a Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up who went from bullying to assault to multiple murders and thought that Dad's money and Dad's connections would get him off scot-free...and this was before he became a supervillain; Mary Jane Watson's own father, Phillip, a Corrupt Corporate Executive who routinely engaged in Domestic Abuse to his wife, even as he openly cuckolded her for years on end; and Jack O'Lantern, a costumed psychopath who sees himself as The Unfettered and commits ever-escalating crimes mostly For the Evulz and developed a crazed obsession with his teenaged nemesis after Spider-Woman kept interfering in his "fun".
    • Polarity:
      • The extradimensional conqueror Dormammu is one of the two beings responsible for the zombie outbreak, and the ultimate Big Bad of the story. In his latest bid to conquer the Marvel Universe, Dormammu has his lieutenant Grim Reaper sacrifice his former servant The Hood in order to unleash a zombie plague from another universe, causing the deaths of billions of men, women, and children alike, all of whom are cursed with a state of undeath that turns them into feral monsters fueled by a never-ending, painful hunger for flesh. Devastating most of the world, Dormammu has Grim Reaper launch an attack against a SHIELD refugee camp housing the survivors of the New York City zombie attack, seeking to use the survivors' life energy to manifest on the physical plane. When Shocker wipes out all of the zombies and Grim Reaper is forced to summon Dormammu using their less-potent Death Energy, an enraged, weakened Dormammu disowns Reaper for his failure and has Electro shock him to death before attempting to kill everyone at the SHIELD site himself. As arrogant and cruel as always, Dormammu is every bit the monster that he is in canon.
      • Eric Williams, aka the aforementioned Grim Reaper, is a smug sociopath and Dormammu's number two. Having sold out humanity to The Dread One to slake his lust for power, Grim Reaper helps his master usher in the zombie plague, and shares culpability in the death and undeath of billions. Enforcing his master's will on Earth, Grim Reaper seeks to eliminate those who would pose a threat to his plans by ordering Electro and the Vulture to murder the Shocker, and forcing a zombified Hulk to kill a bus full of people in order to lure out and slaughter the Avengers. All the while, Grim Reaper tries to tempt people to his side with promises of power and pleasure beyond their wildest dreams, and viciously tortures those who blow him off, such as the Punisher, who he has crucified and left to slowly bleed to death, and the Shocker, whom he allows Electro to brutalize to his heart's content. At the climax, Grim Reaper leads hordes of the undead in an attack on SHIELD's Central Park refugee camp in the hopes of slaughtering everybody inside and using them as sacrifices to summon Dormammu onto the Earth.
  • The Punisher fan film Dirty Laundry has the unnamed gang leader who savagely beats and rapes a prostitute who owes him money, then goes on to attempt to beat a little boy to death for refusing to run drugs for him and is implied to have done the same to a little girl in the past and broke the legs of a war vet who tried to stop him. Given how this is a Punisher flick (But as mentioned, a fan-made one), he thankfully gets a very satisfying death. He gets all his limbs broken by the Punisher in ways that cause the bones to stick out, gets doused in a bottle of Jack Daniel's, then the prostitute he assaulted lights him on fire.

Other Examples[]

  • The Adventures of Tintin fanfic Wings Of The Fallen: Rastapopulus (sic) is reimagined as a demon who wants to bring about the apocalypse. In his first scene, Rastapopulus badly injures Uriel, intending to kill him. Rastapopulus teams up with the Archangel Arazeal and finds the perfect location to perform the ritual he needs to summon Lucifer and have him destroy the world. While Rastapopulus is performing the ritual, Tintin and the Captain try to stop him, but Rastapopulus gets the upper hand and nearly kills the Captain, with Tintin having to sacrifice himself to stop Rastapopulus.


Harry Potter[]

  • In the fanfic Notebooks and Letters, Severus Snape. Although helping the trio and the others escape from Malfoy Manor, he refuses to do so until Harry drinks a specially-concocted potion that will completely wipe out every pleasant memory Harry has, until he is ultimately left with nothing but his self-loathing and a seething hatred for the entire world and all of those he once loved. Snape sees this as his ultimate revenge against James Potter, having refused to accept any responsibility for losing Lily, and as seen in a Pensieve memory, relished that Harry would have to die against Voldemort and had asked Dumbledore if HE could be the one to kill Harry. When the group have escaped, Snape slaughters any survivors and burns the mansion down with Fiendfyre, and then kills himself so as not to face any repercussions.
  • Snape also qualifies as this in Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness. As Headmaster, he inflicts his sadistic whims on the poor students and regularly blackmails the D.A. by punishing eleven-year-olds in their place. He even ordered an eleven-year-old flogged and left in chains for thirty hours. What Snape did to Michael as a punishment for freeing this kid was completely unforgivable: he had the poor guy tortured in a nightmarish way, prolonging the agony to the point where his best friend Terry tried to put him out of his misery with Avada Kedavra. The author has actually been criticized for portraying Snape as way, way too evil.

Sherlock Holmes[]

  • In the Deliver Us From Evil Series, Culverton Smith is shown to be even more of a monster than he was in the Canon, and is even mentally labeled this by Sherlock Holmes. Smith goes around infecting people with his deadly tropical diseases just to study the results, then murders his step-nephew out of Greed for his stepbrother's estate (an action on which Moriarty actually calls him out). Then he gloats over a dying Sherlock Holmes, and this rewrite of a canonical scene is actually pretty painful to read. All this makes his eventual fate immensely satisfying.
  • In A Study in Regret, Sebastian Moran shoots John Watson as payback for Sherlock Holmes being the cause (directly or indirectly, the story never elaborates) of Moriarty's death. Moran proceeds to subject Holmes to Cold-Blooded Torture for well over a month, then allows Holmes to be rescued so that the detective can heal just enough to watch helplessly as Moran murders Mary Watson and her (as-of-yet-unborn) baby (this last part has not happened yet - merely been deduced by Holmes to be Moran's plan). All this to get back at Holmes for Moriarty's death.
  • The Ghost Map:
    • Moran gives Holmes a Sadistic Choice between suicide by cocaine overdose or Mary's death. He then has something of a Villainous Breakdown and stabs Holmes with the syringe before the detective has the chance to do anything.
    • The Serial Killer is a Deadly Doctor who was spreading cholera around London just to get Holmes' attention. Infecting Davey Wiggins was a mere bonus. And then the man seals his fate by delivering a nasty Hannibal Lecture to Sherlock Holmes. Needless to say, that didn't end well.

Other Examples[]

  • The Open Way: Euron Greyjoy manages to be far more villainous here than in the books. During the Ironborn's attempt to become independent, Euron is first introduced torturing a captured lord, using the skulls of his two eldest sons, now little more than skulls following Faircastle's capture, to taunt him and threatening to have his remaining children, who are being forced to watch, raped by his men unless he begs for death. He manages to capture Casterly Rock by having his mute daughters pretend to be whores so they can infiltrate it, fondling one of their breasts beforehand, and taking Tyrion Lannister and several children hostage, forcing the Lannister forces to stand down, having them all killed. He then sends the severed heads of the hostages to Queen Cersei Lannister and King Rhaegar Targaryen. During negotiations with the Golden Company, he reveals he has sent Balon's sons and his brother Aeron into battles they cannot hope to win as distractions, knowing they will die. When confronted about this, he states that even if he had a thousand nephews, he would still send them to their deaths as long as it served his cause. After capturing Asha Greyjoy and her thrall/lover Robb Stark, he has them beaten savagely, making sure they can watch so they will tell him what is in a chest Asha has. After learning it is a dragon egg, he admits that he killed Balon and has been giving orders in his name, then orders Robb thrown into the sea to keep him quiet. Now with two dragons' eggs, he goes to the Dragon Pit, intending to sacrifice Asha and several children so as to hatch them. When several of his men manage to capture Princess Visenya, the only reason they don't rape her and instead try to rape her septa is because they fear that Euron will be upset he didn't get to go first. When Robb is captured once more by his men, he gives him a choice of either burning with Asha or watching her die, after which Euron will slit his throat. Before that, however, he orders his men to ignite several caches of wildfire across King's Landing, destroying large portions of the city. A power-hungry Psychopathic Manchild who thirsts for godhood, Euron wasn't afraid to kill anyone who stood in his way, including his own family.
  • Zirah from the Good Omens fanfiction The Sacred and the Profane is kind, always smiling, and would kill a baby just because it was crying. Even if said baby is The Antichrist. He is still affected by Cuteness Proximity, which makes it so much worse. The other demons are so creeped out by his behavior that they kicked him out of hell.
  • The Adventures Of Blinky Bill fanfic Scars Are Forever by Canzet Yote features Jeromy, an evil dingo-hating kangaroo who happens to be Splodge's older abusive cousin who tortures Splodge by burying him alive and playing Russian Roulette with him using a loaded gun. He proves to be very nasty once he arrives by shooting an innocent bluebird. His backstory includes force-feeding an innocent dingo girl rocks while raping her to death and poisoning a dingo family's water supply with antifreeze. His Freudian Excuse? His dingo girlfriend cheated on him because he was an abusive boyfriend, so he got revenge by burning her baby brother alive. In chapter 3, he kidnaps Shifty Dingo, chains him to a tree, burns him with matches, and slowly cuts his tail off with a switchblade, then uses Shifty's own severed tail to strangle Shifty until the poor little dingo blacks out. He also enjoys doing this while scaring Shifty and licking his blood. In chapter 4, he gets worse. It turns out, he bugged the hospital to monitor conversations taking place there, and to make sure Danny Dingo doesn't give Shifty a lifesaving blood-transfusion, he assaults Danny by injecting him with AIDS/HIV, laughs about it, and calls it "killing two birds with one stone". In chapter 5, he kidnaps Nutsy after she pulls a Leeroy Jenkins on him to avenge Shifty and threatens to rape and sodomize her with a heated cattle prod and machete. Thankfully, Danny Dingo pulls a Big Damn Heroes and kills him in time.

Live-Action Films[]

Godzilla Neo[]

  • Spacegodzilla was initially a massive meteorite of crystallized energy capable of emitting psionic energy. After destroying a NASA space shuttle, Spacegodzilla crash-landed on Infant Island and kidnapped Junior, Godzilla's adopted son. Turning the city of Fukuoka into his new crystal fortress, Spacegodzilla used some of Junior's DNA to form a new body for himself and eagerly awaited his upcoming fight against Godzilla and MOGUERA. He nearly killed Godzilla while he was reuniting with his son and, once his powers started going out of control, he destroyed MOGUERA and summoned a black hole to destroy the world simply out of spite. After being banished to another realm by Godzilla, Spacegodzilla spent the next thirteen years honing his powers and planning his escape. Implied to be responsible for the Crystal Incursion of 2007, Spacegodzilla hoped to finally defeat Godzilla and absorb all the Power Crystals on Earth, which would turn him into the most powerful being in the galaxy.
  • High Inquisitor Axor was an advisor to the Empress of Mu and used his powers of mind control to achieve higher standings in society. Longing for control over the Mu Empire, Axor used his powers to enslave Balkzardan and Jyarumu and threatened to unleash them upon Mu if the people did not accept him as their new emperor. When Manda tried to protect Mu, Axor ordered the many people he had previously used his powers on to take up arms and rise against their protector. After the Empress ordered her loyal advisor Shisa to leave with Manda and find reinforcements, she was taken prisoner and tortured by Axor, who was hoping to break the Empress's spirit and turn her into his new slave. Shisa returned with Mothra and the armies of Infant Island and challenged Axor to a duel, losing due to Axor's cowardly tactics. Axor was stabbed by the Empress and in order to ensure his victory, transferred his soul into a statue of a dark god and used his new powers to enslave Manda. Axor was finally defeated thanks to the combined efforts of Mothra and King Caesar, but he had secretly planted explosives that were set to detonate in the event of his death, ensuring that his homeland would be completely destroyed along with him.

Other Examples[]

  • The Phantasm Script Fic Phantasm: Endgame has The Tall Man he is a Hive Mind made up of the collective consciousness of an entire race of the Dark Ones given an avatar. The Dark Ones are a race of aliens that wiped out all life in their dimension—containing hundreds of planets—with any survivors transformed into their undead slaves, still aware of everything that the Tall Man entity had done and are forced to comply. The Tall Man plans to copy the technology of the Dimension Fork so he could travel across all the countless dimensions and planes of reality and gain access to every world of every reality and wipe out all of existence itself.
  • Darthipedia, a parody of the Star Wars Wiki, brings us Darth Elmo. Describing his birth as the birth of pure evil, Darth Elmo starts his own planet destruction team, causing countless deaths throughout the galaxy. It's not a surprise that even other villains, such as Gunter and Darth Bob, despise him. He attempts to kill Kermit simply because he distracted him from Big Bird while he was at war. After Bert takes over his planet destruction team during his kidnapping and changes it, he attempts to kill him (his second-in-command, by the way) by dropping inflatable forklifts on his head, and only forgives him when he eats his own head while standing on a pineapple in space. He ultimately ends up killing himself because he is so paranoid, he believes that even he is an enemy to himself. He also planned on killing his own boss afterwards, for seemingly no reason at all. While he is rather comedic, he is taken seriously by the other characters in the story, so he still fits the trope criteria.

Live Action TV[]

  • Bob Garrison from the Fan Work of Cold Case Season 8: he has a sadistic love of torture, tries to kill a witness for watching him torture a man to death, and, finally, in his crowning act of evil, he has his men murder and frame a recovering alcoholic in order to trick people into thinking his murder was a mugging.
  • Two Slayers - One Heart, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic, gives us a Complete Monster version of Amy Madison, who sets traps designed to kill very young slayers, watchers, and people she's never even heard of—all because those people are friends of Willow Rosenberg, whom she hates psychopathically. She also gets turned on when she discovers that her girlfriend, despite being built like the proverbial brick house (and a psychopathic murderer in her own right), is only thirteen years old. Amy even whistles cheerfully as she prepares to sacrifice a seven- or eight-year-old girl in an attempt to bring back the First Evil and open a new Hellmouth.
  • The CSI fanfiction Face The Music by Elm22 has two of them. Reuben Shelling is the primary one, but the other guy, Denaglio, borderlines it as well. They kidnap Grissom by first kidnapping Greg and telling Grissom, prompting him to give himself up to keep them from harming his young friend. The guys brutally torture Grissom, beating him, using a bullwhip on him, and tormenting him with roach clips in his skin. They also repeatedly rape Grissom and force him to perform on them. He's finally rescued, but left traumatized and terrified, with awful PTSD and all the typical after-effects of this type of abuse. Sadly, that isn't the end. Denaglio is shot during the first rescue, but Shelling gets both Grissom and Sara again, capturing Sara and using her as bait for Grissom, and tortures both of them, first targeting Sara to torment Gil. He then turns on Grissom after Grissom tries to protect her by begging him to leave Sara alone and torture him instead. Shelling was driven by Grissom sending his brother to jail, and both villains have dark, abusive pasts, but between Shelling's past history with abuse of women and the horrors they inflict on Grissom... *shiver*. And this fic is very well-researched in regards to the aftereffects of such abuse and very well written; the author is very talented, which makes it all the more haunting to read.
  • The same author who wrote Face the Music also wrote a kidnap fic called Thirty Minutes and Counting where Gil is kidnapped by Office Fromansky, a character from a fifth season episode. Try reading about Gil's feet getting numerous nails driven through them, plus the other abuse he took, and not getting sad for him.
  • The Tracker fic "In Sheep's Clothing" had a complete monster Cirronian, an anomaly in a normally gentle species. He kidnapped and tortured Mel until Cole got to them. There was skin carving and dry ice burning involved. It prompted the normally fairly nonviolent Cole, a Cirronian himself, to pound the villain until Mel coaxed him not to sink to the guy's level and just collect him already.
  • Hannah Montana sequel story I Didn't Sign Up for This:
    • Cheryl/Drew. She is introduced as a seemingly normal college freshman that befriends Miley at Stanford until is revealed in the final chapter that she was the one who orchestrated the explosion that killed Oliver and 8 other people, just because they advanced farther than her on American Idol. She is given a somewhat sympathetic backstory in that her father was killed in a car crash, until she reveals she gave him a drug that would give him a heart attack so she could pay for her college. She even kills her minions when she no longer needs them, including her dragon, Professor King, who she was revealed to be cheating on Lilly with throughout the whole story.
    • Another monster is Martin (pronounced Mar-teen). He kills his brother in the same explosion because he was The Unfavorite and then vandalizes the Music Tech room for no reason and mocks his dead brother on Facebook.


  • The Vocaloid fanfic From Concert to Chaos, which came from the same author of The Day Everything Changed, with Miku Zatsune and Rin Arakawa. Here's the overview; Zatsune and Arakawa had respectively been dating Mikuo and Len. The relationship did not last long though. Once they became disillusioned by the girls' rotten behavior, the boys broke off the relationships. However, Zatsune and Arakawa absolutely refused to believe it was their fault, and instead convinced themselves that Mikuo and Len were somehow responsible and they decided that the two would have to pay big time. So during the live Tanabata concert, they took action by mercilessly and senselessly attacking them on the stage leaving both Mikou and Len seriously injured. Unbelievably, it gets far worse, through Zatsune's extensive planning they cut off the other Vocaloids from the stage with an electric barrier. But Zatsune and Arakawa really enter Complete Monster territory when they trap the more than 16,000 fans inside their seats with a 2-meter-high wall of fire. What makes Zatsune and Arakawa even more despicable is their complete Lack of Empathy. In fact, they make it clear that they are enjoying every moment of their victims' suffering. They are so evil that even the author himself flat out calls them "complete monsters". Even after they were thrown in jail, they still prove to be quite a threat. Zatsune actually manages to escape from jail and charge over to the hospital where Mikou and Len are, to kill her victim. It is only after she is shot no less than two times and when a gun is pointed right at her head does she finally relent.

Video Games[]

Five Nights at Freddy's[]

  • Final Nights series: William Afton is the catalyst for all of the series' tragedy. Afton got mad at Henry Stillwater for denying him the creation of Proto-Spring Freddy and Proto-Spring Bonnie, so he used gas to make him hallucinate, which eventually got him killed. When Afton's wife Martha threatened to leave with the kids if he didn't scale down his grand ambition, Afton killed Martha and buried her body in the backyard. The murder gives Afton a taste for blood, so he starts killing children at his pizzeria locations, first using the Spring Bonnie suits to lure them away. Afton was responsible for the deaths of many children and stored all their bodies inside the animatronics, which brought many of them to life in tortured states. Afton's actions would lead to the ruination of many lives, including his entire family, something that Afton would show no care about. Even after his death, Afton's effects on the many lives he has ruined are so bad that it takes several decades to undo all the damage he has caused.
  • Five Nights at Freddy's World fanfic Enter the Nightmare Realm, by CarVie16: The Nightmarrione was The Dragon to Lord Nightmare and the Evil Twin of the Puppet. Planning to turn the living realm into his own nightmare realm, he offers Springtrap a deal: Allow his child to be used as a Living Battery, or have him rot in "Down Below", with Springtrap choosing the former, with the child later describing it as having never-ending nightmares. After the Fazbear Gang defeats Nightmare, Nightmarrione ambushes them, brutally mangling them and leaving them to die in the snowy mountains, later sending his minions to finish them off. Taking advantage of Nightmare's weakened state, Nightmarrione kills him, taking his soul and lying to the others about what happened to them, becoming their leader in the process. Later, during the final battle, Nightmarrione taunts the puppet with mocking hallucinations, tricking her into brutalizing the Phantoms, and attempts to dispose of them. Finally, when the Nightmares agree to a peace treaty, Nightmarrione absorbs all the Nightmares souls, kills Springtrap, mortally wounds the puppet, and charges up an attack that'll send everyone to hell, including himself.
  • Four Games, One Story; Six Nights, One Horror, by fenshae: Dave Miller, this time an original character instead of an alias used by William Afton, is even more evil than the Purple Guy himself. A pedophile, Dave repeatedly raped the eight-year-old Charlotte Emily, constantly threatening her that if anyone finds out, no one will ever see her again. One day, Dave strangled her to death and ditched her body in an alley near Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. With his actions causing Henry's Sanity Slippage and Cassidy's fear of the animatronics, even William considered Dave to be a monster.
  • You Seem Acquainted with Those Doors: Charles Cooper was the first security guard of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A brilliant man, he convinced his boss that he could make the animatronics for the restaurant in return for a little extra money. He then started to build the machines that night. When he came back to the pizzeria, he was horrified to see that the animatronics had been tampered with. Desperate, he donned on the Golden Freddy costume, and proceeded to lure five children into the backroom of the restaurant. Once there, he pulled out a butcher knife and he then proceeded to hack the children up with it. He then used their arms and legs to finish constructing the animatronics, and he also used the Golden Freddy costume to throw away the other body parts. He would've gotten away with this heinous crime had it not have been for the Bite of '87, and he was immediately arrested. He was found guilty of five counts of murder and was sentenced to death. Throughout his trial, Cooper tried to justify his actions by saying that they were "for education". Vile and determined, Charles would go to any level to get money, even if it meant murder.
  • Brother from Another Dayshift at Freddy's is a constant liar who will use trickery, murder, fear, manipulation and more to get his way. His hatred towards Fazbear Entertainment knows no end but is nothing compared to the hatred towards his older brother. He enjoys killing Fazbear employees especially if kids see it and terrifying his older brother. He desires to get revenge on his brother to the point where whenever his brother gets a job at a freddy's location he is not in he takes on the form of golden Freddy.

The Legend of Spyro[]

  • The Legend of Spyro: Zonoya's Revenge incarnation of Malefor is even worse than his canon counterpart, and that's saying something. To start, he has the newly corrupted Cynder slash out Zonoya's, her best friend, eye and left her thinking Cynder betrayed her, making Zonoya's grudge on Cynder his doing. This means he's indirectly the cause of all the horrible things Zonoya did due to the Mind Rape he subjects her to. And his plan to destroy the world could be considered merciful to his vision of ruling it.
  • Dredd, the commanding Ape in the Tall Plains area in The Legend of Spyro Retelling: A New Beginning, fits this big time. His Establishing Character Moment is trying to get information out of Kane by dropping one of Kane's tribesmen to his death from several thousand feet. He then tells Kane he intends to kill as many of the Atlawian Tribe as he has to in order to get the information he wants, happily adding that he might use some of them as target practice. What does he want? The few, very minute mining deposits they have left that the Ape hadn't already pillaged from them. He only gets worse after his Villainous Breakdown when his Bad Boss tendencies begin to kick in...
  • The fittingly named Empress Tyrania from The Legend of Spyro: A New Dawn stands in stark contrast to the relatively sympathetic Deadlock. Tyrania carried out a total of three genocides, one of which was on her own species, just so that she could recreate her race and make herself empress. Tyrania also kills her own minions just for fun, captures people to use as slaves, and has a torture chamber with a window for her own viewing pleasures. When she is confronted, Tyrania slowly kills Ember's father while Ember is Forced to Watch, and then prepares to kill Spyro, Cynder, and Ember. Her endgame is to enslave the entire dragon race and kill any that are too weak to be used. A cruel gargoyle with the laugh of a lunatic who loved the sound of her victims' screaming, Tyrania only ever existed to show just how much of a monster that Deadlock was not.

The Legend of Zelda[]

  • In the fan movie The Legend of Zelda the Sage of Darkness, we have Davik, Link's uncle and also the titular villain. He seems to train Link in the ways of the Hero, only he's really attempting to feed Link hatred and anger in order to speed up Ganon's revival, even supplying him with the White Sword, one of Ganon's artifacts. He's also manipulating Ertegun for his own agenda, and it is also hinted that he also plans on betraying Ganon as part of his agenda as well. He also brutally murdered Link's parents as well as poisoned his own sister. The reason? None whatsoever, aside from possibly trying to get Link to go down the road of hatred even more. And his real plan is to extinguish the Cycle of Eternity, which may result in the destruction of the entire world, for no reason besides hating it for unspecified reasons. He's also a psychopath.
  • From the other Zelda fan movie, The Hero of Time, Ganondorf is once again presented as a selfish, power-hungry tyrant without any care for anyone in the world but himself. His Establishing Character Moment in the first few minutes of the film show him killing Link's Mother in cold blood after she gave Link, who is still just a baby at the time, to the Kokiri in order to protect him from Ganon's wrath. He also manipulates Princess Zelda's father, the King of Hyrule for his own ends, before poisoning him and taking his Tri-force of Power for his own. And when Link opens the Sacred Realm by claiming the Master Sword, Ganon spends the next seven years taking control of Hyrule and releasing the Demons of Element to the five corners of the kingdom to guard the Sages. He's also partially responsible for other atrocities such as the death of Malon, who had been killed by Ganon's soldiers during their raid on Lon Lon Ranch, earning Talon's undying hatred, as well as the extinction of the Gorons, leaving Prince Dariu the sole survivor so that he could serve as an example of those who disobey him. And that's not even mentioning him allowing the people of Hyrule, including children, to be constantly harassed by his soldiers. His treatment towards his own minions is no better, as he constantly threatens his right-hand man such as threatening to have his "glamorous head" staked on a pike outside his castle if he doesn't stay hidden in the shadows, and again near the end when he has him taken away to be executed for failure to stop Link and Sheik. Lastly, he has Sheik captured by his remaining soldiers to use as a hostage before going after Link himself for the final battle, and even after he was defeated and sealed in the sacred realm, the fight left Link severely weakened for one last onslaught from Ganon's soldiers to finish him off, meaning that he would have died horribly if not for Zelda revealing herself and sending him back in time to prevent Ganondorf's rise to power.
  • In the fan-made game Lost Isle, the soul-devouring Morlach is the demon responsible for the deaths of every human on the eponymous island. When he was previously known as Worlach, he terrorized the island until the day the islanders sealed him away within Horgrus Mountain. Generations later, Worlach set his eyes on the hunter Morvayn and took over his body, becoming Morlach and transforming Morvayn's apprentices into brainwashed cronies called Morachs which he used to take over the island and procure the arts needed to break the seal, while at the same time turning more people into Morachs. When the surviving islanders attempted to resist, Morlach either had them killed on the spot or dragged off to be slowly and painfully tortured to death in the Oderra Catacombs and/or the Doom Cave within. Morlach also had the Plague Fortress constructed to study the arts needed to break his seal and eventually transform the island into a flying fortress for his plan of global domination. Finally, when Link puts him down for good, Morlach reveals that his death would result in the island's destruction, and dies content that Link would die with him.


  • Midnight on Spear Pillar: Giratina is much more heinous and malevolent than he was in canon. In the past, Giratina rebelled against his creator and attempted to Take Over the World, being banished as a result. Giratina, however, is freed when the leader of Team Galactic, Cyrus, tries to destroy the world. Giratina begins his rampage by first absorbing and killing Dialga and Palkia, then kills Cyrus, Uxie, and Azelf, and retreats to the Distortion World. Giratina's goal is to bring about the end of the world and everyone in it as revenge against Arceus for his banishment.
  • Pokémon: Storm Clouds gives us Masque, a Team Rocket agent who specialises in using hypnotic powers to strip Pokémon of their identities and make them his willing servants. While initially presented as an ambiguous figure in the story and somewhat Affably Evil, he is gradually revealed to be a sick, twisted individual who enjoys the amount of control his mind games give him over others. He takes pleasure in stripping Pokémon of their identities and secretly manipulates all the higher-ups of Team Rocket for fun. He later breaks away from Team Rocket and attacks the hometown of the protagonists. While he does have an ulterior motive, it's still clear that he takes a disgusting amount of pleasure in terrorizing and slaughtering the residents of the small town with his Pokémon. When one of the protagonists call him out on his manipulations and accuses him of viewing humans as nothing more than tools.
  • Deoxys from Latias' Journey is one of the most shining examples of Complete Monsters in Fanfiction anywhere. His first action after coming to earth is murdering and torturing a small Pokémon child after his twin was just murdered before his eyes. Over the course of the story, he maims, murders, slaughters, mutilates, mindfucks, and does everything in his power to make the heroes' lives a living and total hell. He nukes several heavily populated areas around the world with his virus to acquire more mindless minions for his goal (and I would like to point out that every single one of his minions is in agonizing pain every second they're existing) and will do everything and anything to punish those who gets in his ways.
  • A Little Night Music: Jerry Tagger. For the majority of his life, he has believed himself to be "superior" to ordinary men, and, as such, he does not care what effect his actions have on other people. This may not sound so bad, but wait till you hear how he tested his belief: when he was eight years old, he reasoned that a truly superior being would be able to kill without feeling anything, so he set his own sister on fire to see how he would react. He felt nothing.
  • Pokémon Black And White: Tale Of A Legend: With this story demonstrating his evil to a greater extent than even the original games, Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius shows just how far he is willing to go for power and global domination. Plotting behind the Seven Sages and Plasma King N, Ghetsis usually has members of his organization take Pokémon by force under the guise of Pokémon liberation. In the meantime, he sets his sights of the Ebony and Pure Stones to get his hands on Zekrom and Reshiram. Ghetsis also approves of the Plasma Frigate turning Opelucid City and Lacunosa Town— the latter being the main characters' hometown - into frozen wastelands as a show of power, tries to dispose of hired hand Phantom after he retrieves the Ebony Stone he desired, and Alder reveals that in the past, Ghetsis was responsible for the passing of his longtime partner. In the Battle of Vertress, Ghetsis makes his Beheeyem brainwash Thrin and force her to battle her brother, Volan, for the fate of Unova as per a prophecy. When N and Thrin both fail to live up his plan's expectations, an enraged Ghetsis falls off the deep end and commands an out-of-control Kyurem, aiming to eliminate all of his staunchest opposition. He then uses the DNA Splicers to reform the Original Dragon, Perfect Kyurem, an abomination of all three dragons, intending to menace everyone. Despite his initial gentlemanly charm, Ghetsis shows how little he cares for other people, including his "son" N, and is perfectly willing to destroy whatever and throw away whoever on his path to power.
  • Reunion: There are a bunch of OC and returning villains who do horrible things, but there are two characters in particular that stand out as complete and utter monsters. The main antagonist, an OC named Nathanael Butler, starts off just looking like a regular asshole, seeing as how he hits on all the female characters. However, it soon becomes obvious that he intends on raping several female characters, more obvious when he tries to rape Misty, and successfully manipulates sort-of OC character Ka into having sex with him. He also intends on back-stabbing Team Rocket, who is helping him out, by stealing a powerful Pokemon that he's offering funding to develop and murdering countless people in brutal fashions. The other monster is Rocket Elite Frollo (probably an allusion to another Complete Monster), a psychic who kills thousands of people and Pokemon and assimilates their souls into himself to increase his psychic powers. Neither character is given an explanation for their powers, and both suffer a fate worse than death...
  • Count Fernando VIII in Pokemon Ranger and the Gardener of Gratitude, part of the Pokémon XD Enigma Shadow Series. He expresses extremely sexist views against women, believing them to be nothing but sex objects (parodying his obvious Bishounen appearance). He also murdered at least three people in cold blood - his own parents and an elderly man - for the purpose of obtaining information to advance his own goals. Eventually, he gains control of one of the Olympus Mons and begins destroying his entire city, explicitly getting off to the suffering he's inflicting.
  • Requiem: Pyukumuku is an exceptionally evil member of his species, with a genocidal hatred of regional forms. Using an ancient artifact to painfully control the minds of Gyarados and hiring the assistance of mercenary Pokémon, Pyukumuku's actions would end up killing off 70% of the regional form population. In the present day, Pyukumuku sends out his mercenaries to hunt down and kill the last living Hisuian Lilligant and her friends, threatening to feed said mercenaries and other subordinates to his mind-broken pack of Gyarados if they refuse to obey him. When the heroes find a Petilil with the evolutionary genes to potentially evolve into another Hisuian Lilligant, Pyukumuku sees to it that the young Pokémon is murdered. Finally confronting Lilligant atop Mount Coronet, Pyukumuku spitefully murders her with his Innards Out ability after she lands a killing blow on him.
  • Dark Growlithe: An Eevee turns into one. Unusually well-written in that he started with a terrible but reasonably believable personality and the evil just sort of grew out of it. His punishment is brutal and descriptive, and oh so very wonderful.
  • The unnamed scientist from Experimenting Fear. He kidnaps Nando and forces him to deal with his worst fear, abusing him, humiliating him and threatening to put him through worse torture if he doesn't comply ("I doubt you'd like to know what it feels being violated with a pipe, or having to swallow glass soaked in lemon and salt?"). What does he do, exactly? Nando is afraid of losing his hearing because of his love for music, so the scientist tortures him with high pitched sound frequencies, then deafens him with the sound of a gunshot. And it's mentioned that he's made other people confront their fears in a similar fashion—most of his victims are found dead or driven insane. And as a final insult, he gets off with zero punishment. The kicker is that in the timeline of this story, Nando is still a young child!
  • The Big Bad of Poke Wars, Ho-oh, starts off as a Well-Intentioned Extremist wanting to make a utopia for Pokemon by focusing only on humans and trying to limit collateral damage. He soon starts engaging in things like killing Pokemon who don't agree with him and destroying the environment, showing himself to be a hypocritical, self-centered Knight Templar with a pathological need for total control.
  • Pokémon Nightmare: Invasion: Mewtwo is the result of the experiments that lead to the disappearance of Azure City by the Alazkazams. Mewtwo would end up going rogue and fleeing, transforming the people left there into mindless slaves who would eventually all be killed by Jack. Mewtwo returned to the Gene Co. building and killed the remaining four Alazkazams who created him, simply because they wouldn't submit to him. Mewtwo would end up being upgraded and completed by Gavin into Mewthree by infusing him with all the knowledge and memories of the people of Azure City. After the process is done, Mewthree kills Gavin and three scientists and begins his plan to destroy the world and recreate it in his image.
  • In The Stardom Series, Ardos is the Grand Master of a revived Team Cipher, now known as Reverse Cipher, after spending time gathering loyal remnants of the dispersed syndicate to serve him. Having been contacted by Giovanni to form a partnership, Ardos uses Team Rocket as a means to perfect a new form of Pokerus, called the XDrus, which should not only "shut the door to a Pokémon's heart" but also increase their fighting capabilities. Also, he uses the new "Ankoku" variant to infect Giratina with the intention of making it the ultimate killing machine that cannot be purified, unlike the failed XD001. He has Stein combine the infected Giratina with Rayquaza's life force to create the abomination known as "Dark Giraquazar Forme". With everything now in place, Ardos unleashes Shadow Giratina on Sinnoh Island, destroying half of it and terrorizing the population as a show of force. The psychotic Ardos then callously betrays Giovanni, reveals he turned most of Team Rocket against its former boss, and has him fall to an attempted Disney Death. Ardos bears every intention of desolating Orre with Shadow Giratina, infecting the remaining regions' wild Pokémon with Shadow Pokerus, and stamping out all resistance without mercy. Obsessed with power and destruction, Ardos is a deranged, unfettered sociopath whose ultimate goal is to have Dialga and Palkia infected with Ankoku-ShadowPokérus, spread the virus throughout the world, and bring all Shadow Pokémon—wild or captured—under his iron fist and rule as "the Grand Master of a grand, dark empire".
  • Pokémon fanfiction, The Sun Soul: Professor Elm is depicted as a sinister opportunist obsessed with gaining revenge against his rival Professor Oak. Following many attempts to steal Oak's research in the past, Elm turned his allies in the Hoenn region against him by claiming Oak was planning on betraying them. When Oak arrived to confront Elm, the resulting battle led to the deaths of Professor Birch, Norman, and most of his family. Elm later adopted Norman's daughter May, lying to her about his hand in her father's death with the hope of controlling her Savant powers. After learning of Mewtwo's plan to wipe out humanity, Elm mobilized a vast army to help him destroy the Kanto region in the hopes of being spared. He launched a series of attacks using his Red Gyarados that destroyed Pallet Town, wiped out much of Kanto's food supply, and laid waste to the Cinnabar Islands. Leading his armies on Cinnabar, Elm succeeded in killing Professor Oak and planned to use his armies to betray Mewtwo and slaughter anyone who stood in his way.

Sonic the Hedgehog[]

  • Sonic the Hedgehog fan film: Dr. Robotnik, formerly known as Julian Kintobor, declares war on Mobius under the belief that society should be under his leadership, beginning his path of destruction by committing genocide on almost all of the South Islanders. Taking over Station Square, he has his forces overwhelm the G.U.N. Soldiers trying to stop him, and even attempts to have one of them murdered in cold blood. When Sonic stops this, he then proceeds to brutally torture a captured soldier for information on the Blue Blur, and when the soldier fails to provide him with the info, Robotnik orders for the man to be robotized against his will. When a group of soldiers try to fight back, Robotnik orders his forces to ambush and mercilessly kill them. After Sonic saves the soldiers, Robotnik immediately orders for his forces to kill Sonic for daring to interfere with his plans for conquest. Claiming that he's a well-intended man who's in the people's best interests, Dr. Robotnik is in reality a cruel, ruthless scientist who would kill anyone who would dare to get in his way.
  • Raker the Jackal, from a Sonic the Hedgehog ficseries by Judas FM. First appears in Caves of the Ancients, before which he sold Tails out to a slave mine, and before then, killed his father, leading to his mother's suicide by drowning, and has been abusing his brother Bait (at least that's what he renamed him) ever since. While Sonic, Knuckles, and Bait head to the Scrap Brain Zone to save Tails, Raker stalks them the whole way, and blows up the Oil Ocean Zone during one of their confrontations. When Sonic calls him out on this the next day, his response is to casually say he didn't stop to think things through. In the next fic, he teams up with Knuckles' thought-to-be-dead mother and Dr. Robotnik, in hopes of getting Bait back, just so that he could torture and kill him (as it's revealed after he retrieves him). Getting him back also involved blowing up a building with Vector inside. Robotnik finds his actions just as appalling as everyone else. Bait is the only one who has any respect for him, because of "family loyalty", even though Sonic tries to get through to him that Raker does not return this. It speaks volumes when even Sekko, who runs the aforementioned slave mine and ordered Knuckles' lost sister dead before being killed himself by the person he asked to carry it out, cannot hope to compete with him.
  • In Ghosts of the Future, The Sorceress of the Black Isle is the Arc Villain of the Arabian Nights arc. A character from the Arabian Nights who was previously thought to have died, the Sorceress uses the Chaos Emerald sent to the Arabian Nights to amplify her powers, commanding malevolent djinn to terrorize the land. When confronted by two djinns, Uhu and Fouh, the Sorceress imprisons Fouh, and tells Uhu that if he brings the Seven World Rings to her, she'll release Fouh. When the heroes arrive in her palace, the Sorceress congratulates Uhu for bringing Sonic, who has the Seven World Rings inside his body, to her before she reveals that she's brainwashed Fouh into being her slave, ordering her to kill Uhu. To get the Seven World Rings out of Sonic's body, the Sorceress uses her magic to hasten the Flames of Judgment on Sonic's chest, gleefully burning Sonic's body until it was nothing but bones. She then attempts to use the combined power of the Chaos Emerald and the Seven World Rings to destroy the Arabian Nights.
  • Ashura, from A Rose and a Thorn. In part III of the ficseries, Shadow sets out with Espio to free him and Mirage from the ARK, after having learned about them at Prison Island. However, Mirage tells Espio upon being freed that Shadow must be insane to set someone like him free. She doesn't simply fear what will happen; she knows how evil he is. Upon being freed, he sets out to find all of the Chaos Emeralds, stopping none short of hurting Eggman and Rouge for two of them and causing the latter to miscarry Sonic's baby. At the end of the fic, he manages to kill Espio and blind Mirage. Starting in the next part, Sonic helps Mirage travel back to the time she was created on the ARK, so that she can kill Ashura in order to save Espio. It is within this part that he shows how really bad he can be, from his interactions with Black Doom, to mindraping Midnight.
  • The titular Nazo from Nazo Unleashed was formed from the negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds, and desired to steal the Emeralds for himself for the purpose of gaining more power. After stealing a Chaos Emerald from a city, Nazo decided to destroy said city and kill all of its inhabitants simply because he felt like it. Later, when he defeats Knuckles, Sonic, and Shadow, Nazo brutally kills Tails for interrupting his attempt to kill Sonic. After he uses the Chaos Emeralds to transform into Perfect Nazo, he reveals that, because the Master Emerald will always have more power than him, he'll destroy the Earth and cause the Master Emerald's shattered pieces to spread throughout space, all out of sheer envy. He also states that when he defeats the heroes, he'll go on to destroy the entire universe as well.

Super Mario Bros.[]

  • In the Super Mario 64 Game Mod, Super Mario 64: Last Impact, Rashay is a snarky, cruel moon spirit who seeks to force the moon to crash into the Mushroom Kingdom, and kill everyone on the planet solely for the thrill of it. After revealing his presence near the end of the game, he kidnaps Princess Peach and forces Mario to exchange a large amount of Power Stars for the Princess to ensure her safety. After infiltrating his Moon Cellar, where at one point Mario is forced to fling himself through painful lava for Rashay's amusement, Mario fights Rashay only to find out that he can't be hurt through conventional means. Upon this revelation, Rashay defeats Mario and continues to viciously beat the fallen plumber even after his loss, purely out a deranged sense of bloodlust.
  • Bowser, of all people, gets hit with this trope in Mario Plush Forever. He first kidnaps Yoshi, since he holds the cure for the fart curse, so that he could cure himself before anyone else can. While this alone does not qualify him, it's also implied that he plans some pretty sadistic things in order to find said cure, and his reaction to his Koopa assistant telling him that he's better off giving the Yoshi to the Mario brothers is to gruesomely burn him alive for his insolence. And he only gets worse after he (accidentally) eats a poisoned Ghost Mushroom, causing him to transform into Giga Bowser. He proceeds to go on a violent rampage through the Mushroom Kingdom, endangering countless lives in the process. And during the final battle, he happily sends most of his own troops to their deaths, completely uncaring that they stand no chance against Mario and co., and effortlessly slaughters a huge chunk of their friends with his fire breath and plasma beams, even when they start fleeing for their lives. He then gloats to everyone that he truly cannot be stopped, even going so far as to say that he's most powerful being in the universe, only for Karma to put him in his place when Master Hand and Crazy Hand destroy him for his hubris. An uncaring sociopath devoid of any of his canon self's redeeming qualities, this Bowser is nothing more than an unfettered monster whose remorselessly destructive actions threatened everyone and everything in his path.
  • The fanfic Better Off Alone has Beldam. Not only does she pick on and abuse Vivian for every little thing that goes wrong and give Vivian mental damage in the form of low confidence and self-esteem, but then she plans to take over the world and kill Vivian and her friends. She makes Vivian believe that her friends were just using her! When confronted about it, she simply says, "You say that as if it's a bad thing." Yikes!

Super Smash Bros.[]

  • There Will Be Brawl:
    • Kirby is nowhere close to the cute little marshmallow you grew up with. He is an outright cannibalistic serial killer who takes delight in tormenting and torturing his victims. He is responsible for almost, everything that goes wrong in the Mushroom Kingdom. He killed many of the main characters, most of them being the few innocents left in this world, very gruesomely. He takes great pleasure in ruining Luigi's life, and killed the two women he loved the most. His motive? Sheer sadism.
    • Olimar, known exclusively here as "End of Days", is reimagined as a fanatical lunatic who hopes to bring about the annihilation of all life. A farmer of Pikmin who butchers and experiments on the little creatures to turn them into weapons that are used to kill innocents, End of Days amasses a blood cult that he uses to sacrifice victims in a sadistic torture rite. After a failed attempt to subject Mario and Falco to this fate, End of Days uses a Smash Ball to transform Mr. Game & Watch into its Final Smash of "the Oldest Ones", laughing in glee as the monstrosity goes on a killing spree. End of Days proclaims joy that the Oldest Ones will wipe out all life in the Mushroom Kingdom, and happily pronounces himself the prophet of his namesake: the end of all things.
  • La Belle has Sergio, who kills off the smashers one by one in several sadistic and creative ways, with no mercy or compromise given to any of the children. Some of his more brutal kills include burning Donkey Kong alive and sealing Mewtwo underground in a coffin to rot. He frames Ganondorf for these murders and tricks the smashers into executing him, not even to get away, but just so he can trick them into killing an innocent person for him. At one point, he goes so far as to broadcast Samus Aran's death just so that he can taunt the smashers. To top it all off, it's later revealed that he even planned on sacrificing the smashers' souls to the Devil himself. He claims to have had a bad childhood that eventually lead him to become what he is now, but this excuse rings hollow when some of the other smashers claim that they also had bad childhoods and didn’t turn out like he did.

Other Examples[]

  • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - Case 5: Turnabout Substitution: Rhea Wits, the Mysterious Bust Serial Killer (and Apollo's partner), murdered a dozen people including her brother. The killer tricked the innocent Robert Erlenmeyer into believing he was responsible for the murders, and made him confess. After Erlenmeyer's escape, the killer planned to kill him and hide his body so the police would be left searching for a dead man, leaving the killer free to kill again. After the judge witnessed the killer trying to bury Erlenmeyer alive in a cemetery, the killer decided to just kill the judge and frame Erlenmeyer for his murder as well. After being accused by Apollo of being the true killer, the killer taunted him and implied that Apollo would be the next target. The actual Mysterious Bust Killer, when finally revealed, said that at least they made better use of their life than the victims did of theirs.
  • Persona 3 fanfic A Demon Among Devils: This verse's Kokabiel is the most evil and sadistic member of the Fallen Angels and the former leader of their council the Grigori. He's a genocidal maniac who firmly believes in the superiority of the Fallen, rekindling the Great War to wipe out as many species as possible. He kills his Father to assume his power, will happily torture his enemies to death, callously sacrifices his own soldiers, and plans on raping Rias and Sona before killing them just to piss off Sirzechs and Serafall.
  • Master Samuel from The Adventures Through Runescape. He crossed the line early on in the story when he kidnapped, gruesomely tortured, and murdered a Herblore mage just so he could get the recipe for his potion. It's a Crowning Moment of Awesome when his hand is sliced off by Haru while trying to get the second ingredient of his potion, although his right-hand James ultimately replaced it with some claws. And then he gets worse. He forces Dream Decay to betray Mainiac97 by holding his girlfriend hostage, brutally tortures him with the God Rune, and kills Dream Decay right in front of Mainiac97. It's a pretty sweet moment when he gets what he deserves near the fic's end.
  • Kingdom Hearts fanfic Fill the Moon:
    • Hollowmoon is a colossal Eldritch Abomination that gleefully destroys anything he can. It's heavily implied that it drove the protagonist to suicide, he destroys a village, eats most of the villagers, and eats the hearts of the Apprentices.
    • His sister, Kingdom Hearts, isn't much better. They're implied to have an incestuous relationship, and she/it openly states that she and Hollowmoon drove Senayax--the adorable little Woobie--to suicide to use her as a pawn for their games, while she had just actually stolen Senayax's body and was wearing it like a second skin while discussing this with the Organization. Oh, and the best part? After Zexion dies in a Heroic Sacrifice and Senayax commits suicide by Keyblade, Kingdom Hearts openly states that she could heal them but won't, just so she can take advantage of their state and eat Senayax's baby. She/it's not just the Anthropomorphic Personification of Kingdom Hearts, she is the personification of pure, unadulterated, puppy-kicking evil.
    • And now there's a definite new one in Larxene's husband. He goes from rapist to a monster who would lock his wife in a box for three days without food, clothing, or water, just for not cleaning properly or some other petty offense. He's also implied to have raped her with a knife, bitten her, burned her, beat her, and threatened to cut off her breasts. While Hollowmoon and Kingdom Hearts have the excuse of being Eldritch Abomination monsters and thus not subject to human morality, Larxene's husband is absolutely human and absolutely monstrous.
  • Fire Emblem fanfiction Fire Emblem Awakening: Invisible Ties:
    • Gangrel is the Mad King of Plegia, and is the first enemy that Chrom, Robin, and the Shepherds have to face. As the son of one of the last Plegian King's nephews to claim the throne, Gangrel uses his authority to harass Ylisse in hopes of instigating a war and destroy the country. He starts off by having his army attack Ylissean border towns, where both soldiers and civilians die, including Maribelle's homeland, Themis. After kidnapping her, Gangrel calls a peace treaty with Emmeryn, and when his demands aren't met, he orders his hiding soldiers to ambush her and the Shepherds. Finally getting the war he desired, he later captures Emmeryn herself when she insisted on peace. When the Shepherds are cornered thanks to their trump card getting shot down in the rescue, Gangrel gives Chrom a sadistic choice, the Fire Emblem or his sister's life. And when Emmeryn sacrifices herself to ensure her sibling's survival, Gangrel laughs in sick enjoyment while everyone is shocked or grieving. In the last attack on Plegia, the Shepherds encounter Gangrel at the castle gate where he hung the corpses of Commander Phila, Duke Aerir, and Duke Themis, the last of whom is Maribelle's father; Gangrel later recounts to Chrom in their final duel how he enjoyed making them beg for death. Lacking the Freudian Excuse of his video game counterpart, Gangrel eventually showed his true colors to his own horrified Plegian subjects, an Ax Crazy tyrant who wanted nothing but war, blood, and glory.
    • The same fanfic greatly expanded upon Validar's crimes as well, making him into an even bigger monster than he already was in canon. He consistently abused and trained his own son, Robin, in order to make him the perfect vessel for his master, Grima the Fell Dragon, right up until his wife spirited his son away, resulting in Validar hunting her down and eventually finding and murdering her as revenge. Throughout the course of the story, Validar exerts Mind Control over Robin to point where he fragmented his mind in one attempt to kill him, and later has Robin almost kill Chrom in order to claim the Fire Emblem for himself, almost pushing Robin into despair. After ripping Donnel's heart out, he controls Morgan, his own granddaughter, to have her facilitate the revival of Grima and use as leverage against Robin. A ruthless and heartless fanatic to the very end, Validar truly cared for no one, using Plegia—both citizens and army members alike—as unwitting pawns in his schemes, before culminating in sacrificing half of the country as a tribute to Grima.
  • Splatoon series fic Inkopolis Chaos:
    • Lieutenant Rebecca Obsidian is the leader of the octarians. In her childhood, she was bullied for her eyes, which drove her into to leaving octo valley. When she got to Inkopolis, she was not accepted by the inklings, which made her kill two inklings, and bring a third one back to octo valley, and tortured it in front of everyone to try and impress them. When everyone is disgusted by this act, she goes on a killing spree, murdering fifty people, most of which were innocents. Eventually, Octavio made her an elite out of fear, and later a Lieutenant. She began helping Tartar out, giving them octolings who were trying to desert, where they were either sanitised or blended. Eventually, she becomes the new leader of the Octarians, where she enforces nasty concentration camps for inklings and octolings that she captured and has the ones who refuse to work or try to escape either tortured or killed via slowly dissolving them in water. When a camp is liberated, she executes thousands of octolings to try and teach the rest a lesson. Upon confronting the squidbeak splatoon, she grabs Jade and throws her into a flooded ravine, which causes Ruby to sacrifice herself to save her. In the end, she tries to destroy all life on the surface by launching 15 missiles. A vicious dictator who'll resort to destroy both Inkling and Octoling alike while going far beyond her excuse, Obsidian embodies the worst of them all.
    • Scarlet Spiker starts out as a typical bully, before becoming something far worse. She and her gang attempt to beat Samuel severely in a forest, but when this fails, she gets Samuel, Natalie, Luke and Sylvia framed for beating an innocent inkling into a coma, so she can win the tournament without having to try due to no opponents. When she is exposed for assault and incrimination, she decides to kidnap Natalie, and brutally tortures her to near death, purely out of spite, leaving her with PTSD. Upon being confronted on Moray Towers, she attempts to kill the protagonists and have them respawn in a cage so she can kill them over and over before finally ending their sufferings, even threatening to cut Samuel and Natalie’s hearts out. She is arrested, but a year later, Lieutenant Obsidian bails her out and forces her to work for her. Later, she shoots Sylvia with a tranquilizer, and gets her taken to a concentration camp, where she ended up traumatized by Sub Lieutenant Blakeson. She also gets Samuel and Jade arrested by Lieutenant Obsidian, so she can see them executed, but when they escape, she goes on a killing spree in Inkopolis, killing 11 innocent people in cold blood just for fun. In the end, it's revealed she isn't really loyal to Obsidian, planning to kill her and her army after she succeeds, and reveals she plans to destroy peace between inklings and octolings by creating a race war for years on end, which would cause death, agony and suffering for both sides.
  • Touhou fanfiction Imperfect Metamorphosis:
    • The charming, genial Yuuka Kazami. She kills people for mildly annoying her, enjoys "games" (i.e. brutal torture), and absolutely loves children, all because it amuses her. She has her standards and is unpredictable enough to often leave people alive inexplicably, but there is a reason everyone in Gensokyo voids themselves at the mere mention of her name. As long as you don't break her rules, she's actually quite predictable. She wouldn't have killed the two humans in the house she moved into if they had welcomed her as a guest rather than thrown stuff at her and screamed, and if she gives her word in a deal, she will keep it. As long as you do as well. If Yukari hadn't brought an additional TEN people to what was supposed to be a one-on-one fight, she wouldn't have brought Elly. And outnumbered 11-2, she still won and killed Satori and Flan. Yukari breaking the deal didn't work as planned. As long as you don't break your word and treat her with respect and proper etiquette, you'll survive. Knowing that Yuuka Kazami is just waiting for you to slip up might make you nervous, which could cause you to forget your manners, which... brr.
    • The Shadow Youkai is no slouch either. Essentially the Anthropomorphic Personification of death and destruction, it delights in havoc and carnage, but, even rendered relatively powerless, demonstrates an incredible fondness and proficiency for Mind Rape as well, shattering the mind of one of its "captors", and is motivated by nothing but raw sadism.
  • Abaddon, The Angel of Demise, serves as the first Knight of Cerebus within Infernal Tales - A Helltaker Story, a fanfic originating from a game with Black Comedy and lighthearted undertones. Once God's wrath and vengeance, Abaddon was tasked with punishing heretics and non-believers by torturing and killing innocent people, leading to him being consumed by his bloodlust and becoming a sadistic murderer and rapist. When God decided to become benevolent, Abaddon refused to obey his creator and destroyed the kingdoms of Khazar, Babylon and Atlantis out of spite, leading to his imprisonment in Purgatory. After being broken free by the Rite of Apollyon, Abaddon goes on a rampage and slaughters over 200 innocents, then proceed to torture and devour souls in order to grow stronger, methods that disturb even his nihilistic cultists. Such instances include torturing a young boy and mocking him over his father's death, threatening to feed two men their daughter's mutilated and raped corpses for speaking God's name and thousands of years ago pillaging a pagan village and viciously killing and torturing men and children and then raping the attractive women while brutally killing the ugly ones. When his twin sister Azrael tries to defeat him, Abaddon kills two of the Powers angels she was accompanied by and uses his cultists as cannon fodder during his and Azrael's fight. When Azrael cannot kill him and tries to beg him to repent for his sins, Abaddon fakes having a change of heart before coldly impaling Azrael through the chest and then tosses her into Purgatory, where those who are imprisoned are subjected to endless torture and pain. When Abaddon captures Satan and the Helltaker and his harem, Abaddon states that he intends to break the Helltaker physically and mentally before devouring his soul so he cannot be reunited with his harem in Hell and then sexually assaults Judgement in front of her friends and a pinned down Satan during their fight. After being defeated by a powered-up Satan, Abaddon sets off all the world's nuclear weapons, stating that even if it doesn't kill all of humanity that he is contend with sending them back to the Stone Age. A megalomaniacal sadist who sees humans as vermin to be slaughtered and tortured, Abaddon is a far cry from the comedic but amoral demon and angel girls of the Helltaker universe.
  • The Team Fortress 2 fanfic Respawn of the Dead gives us RED Spy. Not only did he play his own teammates like a fiddle (planning their deaths, to boot), he also made sure to get Soldier and Heavy killed first, to make it easier to get rid of the others (and, in the case of the latter, convincing him to die for Medic's sake), locked Medic and Pyro in a room full of zombies, and then invited Engineer to help him rape Sniper. When he eventually gets his just desserts, they're well-deserved.
  • It seems that even the Tales (series) fandom is big on having pure evil characters if the fan games are anything to go by. Tales of a Twist, a parody of Tales of Symphonia, gave the protagonists elements of this trope. Colette delights in watching the suffering of people relatively early on. While the dialogue tries to play all of this for Comedic Sociopathy, it doesn't really excuse the fact that they blew up a Human Ranch with the humans still inside it. Tales of the Ocean, however, doesn't play this for laughs. The main protagonist turns out to have been Evil All Along and was responsible for drowning the entire island he grew up on because of the racial prejudice against him, and the only thing he regrets is that his Morality Chain got hurt. All those hundreds of deaths on his head? The fact that he smiles while telling you all this should say it all.
  • In the Yandere Simulator fanfiction The Escape, Ryoba Aishi is depicted as far worse than in canon. Becoming obsessed with her fellow schoolmate Soto Akiyama, Ryoba killed all of the girls that were close to him and kidnapped him. Ryoba forced Soto to change his name and face, as well as to marry her against his will, before raping him to have a child. Growing jealous of her own daughter Ayano, Ryoba tries to drown her in the bathtub, and later tries to sell her to the Yakuza, planning to make Soto watch the video they send them showing what they do to Ayano, displaying eagerness at seeing her own daughter presumably being raped and possibly killed.
  • The Father in the King's Quest II Fan Remake. Okay, so Roberta Williams was NOT planning to have connections between the games' antagonists, Jane Jensen was the one who slipped in a throw-away line about a Legion of Doom in the sixth. The fanbase? Promptly grabbed it and ran, and the Father is the natural conclusion. He starts off merely as an Evil Chancellor who sets Graham up to head to Kolyma. Two of his lieutenants have taken up residence there (one of which had been holding Valanice captive out of petty spite and had killed other women who had aroused her ire). Graham, being Graham, is able to dodge their traps ​and even helps convince one to leave​. After returning home with Valanice, Graham exposes the Evil Chancellor who abruptly goes One-Winged Angel, levels a deadly curse, and vanishes. The flash-forward scene during the Air Gem test has his showing up at Graham's darkest hour to gloat, the Fanon dialogue indicating that he had another of his mooks kidnap and enslave Graham's kid for sixteen years, set the three-headed dragon on Daventry to ruin it, and then forced Graham to sacrifice his remaining child to it. The next part of the curse drops Graham with heart failure at a moment of triumph, and the last gets a Prophecy Twist, thankfully. Thing is, he really doesn't have it in for Graham per se. Graham just happens to be standing between him and some leftover power from Daventry's first king.


  • Axis Powers Hetalia Dark Fics like the infamous Financial Crisis Gangbang revel in this trope. In such cases, most if not all of the characters are reduced to this:
    • Gilbert, aka Prussia, goes from a Small Name, Big Ego Jerk with a Heart of Gold to this in the fic All He Ever Wanted, reaching the height of his villainy when he brutally tortures and rapes his childhood friend Hungary to stick it to her ex-husband and his former rival Austria (while forcing him to witness it), and then does it again when he also rapes Switzerland's sister Liechtenstein for no real reason at all. Much, much Internet Backdraft has followed.
    • Debt has China as this. He is annoyed that America and England have not payed off their opium debt. In return, he does things that, as one person said, "make Hannibal Lecter look like Mother Theresa". Among other things, he chops off America's arms and England's legs, rapes them dozens of times, humiliates them, snatches out their eyes, skullfucks England through his socket, whores them out, has them raped by dogs, slices out their tongues, feeds them dog food, uses the infamous medieval "pear" on them, tears out their toenails, and does some weird Pavlov's dog thing with them. Meanwhile, all the countries have been hit hard; China tells America and England that no one missed them. In Hetalia canon, China is actually one of the kindest and most sympathetic characters, and compare it to...well, this.
    • The same authors did the same thing to Canada, making him cut his own brother's limbs off for the crime of not remembering Canada's name (though, admittedly, that has happened a lot). Then, in the same fic, made every single other character into Complete Monsters, torturing and raping America just for the heck of it.
    • These are not the only fics that reduce China to a caricaturesque monster. One that's thankfully a Missing Fic has China torturing and raping a wimpified Hong Kong within hours of the 1997 Passover Ceremony and leaving it clear that he will rape the poor kid every single day from then on. Another, Dollhouse, has him as at least a borderline example: China is at first shown as a troubled nation who cannot handle his decline and is both despaired and shady (the second shows specially when he subjects child!Taiwan to foot-binding), but then he becomes this by not only getting the already broken Taiwan into opium, but by violently raping her while high and taunting her on how she can't get away from him due to her bound feet. Again, compare this to his canon characterization and step away slowly.
    • They get off light compared to what Japan undergoes, especially in fics set during his imperial years, where he remorselessly tortures and rapes a wimpified China during World War Two or imprisons/abuses/rapes Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, and/or Thailand For the Evulz. For example, this fanfic is supposed to be a Darker and Edgier source of Fetish Fuel as it describes Japan keeping the other Asian nations as an harem after the war (Philippines, Burma, Cambodia, Singapore, North Korea, and Indonesia OCs included), but he comes off as a completely evil, smug, and heartless rapist bastard instead of a Bastard Boyfriend/Memetic Sex God. Among other stuff, Imperial Japan plans to personally rape every single Asian nation save for Taiwan, still sexually abuses her by making her witness all of this while giving him erotic massages, forces the enslaved nation-tans to either "service" him or rape each other for his amusement...And let's leave it at that, okay? Responded to with this fic. He's not really any less of a monster, it's just...directed very differently. Even Bad Men Love Their Big Brothers, after all.
    • Let's not forget Turkey. It was extremely common in the early days of the Hetalia fandom (and still is, to an extent) for Dark Fic about his history with Greece to have him rape Greece as a youth or child and mock him the entire time while doing so with a smirk on his face and display absolutely no remorse about it. It even shows up sometimes in Turkey/Greece Shipping fics where Turkey is a Bastard Boyfriend who gets off on raping Greece or generally does everything in his power to make him feel like dirt.

Web Original[]


  • A Rose Burnt to Cinders: After the Fall of Beacon, Salem has successfully brought about the fall of humanity. She prides herself in killing all the remaining huntsmen who come to fight her and crushing humanity's hope. She kills both Ozpin and Glynda as Glynda was trying to save him, keeping the former's skull as a trophy and taking pride in mocking the latter's Senseless Sacrifice. She allows Cinder the power to possess Ruby into being her obedient slave and is even proud of her for it. But the thing she cares for most is destruction and death. She thinks Cinder is still soft for not appreciating the thrill of the kill while instead having a pointless attachment to Ruby. To show her weakness, she takes advantage of Emerald's jealousy of Ruby and has her attempt to kill her. When Cinder kills Emerald in retaliation and revives Ruby, Salem considers her to be an imperfection that must be purged. When the time comes and Cinder comes to rebel against her with Weiss and Ruby, she orders Raven to kill them. When she fails and is fatally injured, Salem simply picks Raven up and shatters every bone in her body, killing her almost instantly while throwing her aside and thinking of her as "worthless". She then takes away the possession to make Ruby hate Cinder for torturing her. And as a final kick to the teeth to Cinder, she tells her that while she may want validation, the only way she can truly get it is by forcing them to respect her.
  • My Name Is Cinder: Brigit Stark is the abusive mother of Cinder Fall who is largely responsible for Cinder becoming so monstrous. She's a selfish gold digger who married Cinder's father, Anthony, intending to drive him to suicide. A six-year-old Cinder hears her mother talking about trying to get rid of her and her older brother before they were born, planning to do the same with this unborn child to get Anthony to commit suicide out of grief. When she catches Cinder listening, she strangles her while threatening to make her life miserable if she says anything before literally dragging her to bed. Growing impatient, Brigit eventually told Anthony the truth about her intentions, causing him to hang himself. Brigit then turned Cinder's siblings against her and made her a slave in her own home for trying to expose her. She would regularly beat and scream at Cinder — one time for trying to sneak into the kitchen to get a glass of water. She then revealed why her father killed himself and said Cinder should do the same. She later poisoned her son Sterling when he was getting closer to eighteen. When Cinder finally snaps and traps Brigit in the house after setting it on fire, Brigit goes from threatening Cinder to pathetically begging for mercy.

Western Animation[]

Avatar: The Last Airbender[]

  • Zhan Zheng and Ilook from the Azula Trilogy. Zhan Zheng is the personification of war and manipulates various individuals to try to start another war. Ilook is a sociopath who loves torturing others and who bastardized waterbending into an art of destruction.
  • The Fall of the Fire Empire:
    • An elderly Azula is featured in a world where Ozai succeeded in conquering everyone. She finally hits her Villainous Breakdown with the realization that there is no way she can escape her impending death from old age, so she decides to go out in a blaze of glory, starting a war that will probably kill a good percentage of the world's population, and also set things up so that she'll be remembered as a hero who tried to stop that war. Making this even more disturbing is that the story was written by the same person as the Azula Trilogy mentioned above, which gives Azula a very believable Heel Face Turn. And for a while, he was even writing both stories at the same time.
    • A lesser example who should not be overlooked, regardless, is Gian. Ruthless and sociopathic, he doesn't care who is in charge of the world order or who his employers are, so long as he's paid for his services - which involve murder. In a rather telling scene, he brutally kills an Earthbender slave girl - not because she posed a potential threat (she was rather meek, actually), but simply because she'd served her purpose - and simply dumps her body into the lake. Mercifully, he's also the Climax Boss for the First Act of the story and suffers a Cruel and Unusual Death when Jiazin stabs him with her blazing sword - a blazing sword with blue fire - and burns him from within.

Miraculous Ladybug[]

  • Miraculous: Uncertain Future: Hawk Moth, who in this fic, is actually Lila Rossi, manages to be even worse than she already was. Lila Rossi willingly helped Gabriel in his crusade, and she eventually figured out who he was. When Gabriel's final attack failed, she betrayed and killed him and stole the Butterfly Miraculous. After stealing the grimoire, Lila would become obsessed with gaining the power of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses to make herself a god. Lila started eliminating all the people that could oppose her, first Nathalie and then her mother and finally Chloé. When the mayor died, Lila used it to akumatize hundreds of people at once. Her attack would kill most of the heroes, and she would destroy the Lucky Charm to prevent most of them from coming back. Lila would then send her akumatized army to ravage the city-destroying it and leaving almost nobody alive. When Lila got her hands on Viperion, she uses Electric Torture on him until she can akumatize him. During the final battle, she reveals her final plan, to set off a massive explosion that would destroy all of France, which would destroy everything but the Miraculouses and herself.
  • Nymph and the Corrupted Miraculous: Xue Ying is an embittered former Guardian of the Miraculous who, after being failed by the Guardians, is implied to have engineered the downfall of the Order, with the help of an unknowing Wang Fu. Reemerging 170 years later, Xue Ying attacks an unsuspecting Fu and steals all but one of the Miraculous in the Miracle Box. She then proceeds to perform a ritual to corrupt the Miraculous for evil use, before distributing the Black Cat ring to Adrien Agreste, taking advantage of his insecurities to make him into her loyal minion, who proceeds to terrorize Paris. After seeing the chaos Lila Rossi causes as a Champion, Xue Ying recruits her to be her second minion, Volpina, who she encourages to make Nymph look bad by making it appear she stole the Mona Lisa. After learning that Adrien's father, Gabriel Agreste, has the Miraculous Grimoire, she orders him to bring it to her, creating a series of events that breaks the boy further. Following his defeat, Xue Ying disregards him as a failure, before corrupting Sabrina Raincomprix into Drone, and entering the fray as Serpentina to terrorize Paris and recover the remaining Miraculous. Following her initial defeat, she unearths the evil Miraculous known as the Null, using it to become Nihilumbra, despite the consequences of using it. She then proceeds to launch one final attack on Paris, raising an army of the dead to tear the city apart on Heroes' Day.

My Little Pony[]

  • Unlike the Affably Evil and redeemable trickster he is in canon, the version of Discord in HotDiggedyDemon's Pony.MOV series is far more monstrous, being a Faux Affably Evil sadist. His first appearance shows him rampaging through Ponyville, proclaiming himself their god and demanding their virgins. His worst crimes during his onslaught are murdering Apple Bloom in cold blood by stomping on her right after she gains her Cutie Mark and biting off Princess Celestia's head after he's defeated and deposed her. He's later joined by Wolfor and R-Dash 5000, and they proceed to reduce Ponyville to ashes and slaughter its entire population. Through all this, Discord takes sadistic pleasure in the carnage he's inflicting, as shown by the deranged Slasher Smile he constantly wears. During his final battle with Titan!Rainbow Dash, he relished in gloating about burning the world of Equestria to her face before proceeding to turn her into an Earth Pony by tearing off her wings. While some of his scenes are Played for Laughs (such as his line towards the end "PONIES ARE FOR LITTLE GIRLS!!!"), the nature and results of his actions, as well as the evilness of the character himself, are played dead seriously. Needless to say, his Karmic Death when Rainbow Dash decapitates him with the Titan's Sword feels very well-deserved.
  • Recall The Time of No Return: Brotonia, the queen of the Crimson Changelings, took Twilight Sparkle's identity after defeating her 1000 years from the present day. Flawlessly passing herself off as a Twilight Sparkle gone paranoid over the possibility of the Crimson Changelings invading Equestria in disguise, she quickly became a tyrannical ruler under the moniker "Empress Twilight Sparkle". As Twilight, Brotonia had tens of thousands of ponies executed under "suspicion" of being Changelings, along with several thousand more who dared oppose her, and still more were killed by her monstrous Iron Wolves. At the same time, she herself had been replacing ponies for years with her Changelings, keeping the real ones underground in hundreds of cocoons. She had kept the real Twilight, along with Sterling, the young Alicorn meant to take the place of Princess Luna, in cocoons to act as sort of magic battery chargers, and attempted to doom Sterling's sister Gold Lily to the same fate. When Twilight's friends arrive in the future, she attempts to have them imprisoned in cocoons as well, and when Fluttershy attacks her, she has the guard who let go of her brutally killed by an Iron Wolf. She later mounts a deadly attack against Spike's rebel group before the real Future Twilight is released, thus causing her disguise to fail and expose her true self, and during a fight with Twilight, Brotonia sends a massive energy blast at Ponyville.
  • Pony POV Series:
    • This version of Discord is easily a bigger monster than his canon self, despite having the same personality essentially. The difference is that he actually gets to the absolutely horrific stuff his canon self never did. For example, he publicly announces to Cloudsdale that Rainbow Dash betrayed all of Equestria for her sake then drives the entire town insane right in front of her, pretty much making her watch. But that's nothing compared to the Bad Future we're shown that would've happened if he had won. To put this in perspective, him raising the dead to devour their friends and loved ones is apparently common place under his rule! And that's pretty much the least monstrous thing he's implied to have done. Dying is pretty much a blessing compared to some of the other things he's done to ponies. Applejack's story shows us that, even in the present, this version of him is a total monster. Applejack gets a look at what his rule over Equestria did to a bunch of other ponies. The sadistic things he put everypony through are just horrific. For example, having Silver Spoon's father attempt to behead her. And unlike the canon version, the acts of this Discord are without a doubt Mind Rape in every way, shape, and form. This incarnation of Discord has an extremely sick sense of humor! His Moral Event Horizon (established as his first act in the canon of the story to count as such) is Mind Raping Trixie into believing she doesn't exist. Why? To pretty much warm up for breaking Twilight. She is no threat to him, she can't do anything to harm him. He did it just to try out his method of breaking Twilight on someone. Luna's Side Story has added three counts of genocide to his list of crimes, which he mentions as if they're no big deal to him.
    • Discord's not the only monster in Pony POV. From the Shining Armor Arc, General-Admiral Solomon Azure Raven Makarov is actually a reality bending creature who wants to rewrite all of reality to revolve solely around him. His actions include trying to kill Shining Armor for not knowing who he is, abducting four ponies and converting them into cyborgs who are fully aware but unable to do anything but obey his orders, trying to slaughter a village, and blowing off Running Gag's wing. His plan is to launch a super weapon that will disable Pegasus and griffin flight, sending millions falling to their deaths and causing a massive war. After Shining feeds him to The Blank Wolf, he awakens to find the world a much better place, showing just how bad he really was. Makarov planned to paint all his victims as the villains and himself as the hero of the story out of a selfish desire to make everything revolve around him.
    • The side story, The Day Love Cried, has a one-shot villain in the form of the nameless Pegasus filly. Due to her inability to build a relationship, she developed a hatred for the very concept of love itself, and decided to take her anger out on Cupid and his mother Venus. Being a Child Prodigy with an unnatural level of intelligence and an understanding of magic, she crafted the Concept Killing Spear, and set about trying to use it to wipe Cupid and Venus from existence, not caring that she would erase countless lives from existence in the process. After being killed by Venus, her spirit is shown the results of her actions of killing Cupid. Even after seeing all the harm her actions caused, she feels no regret for her actions, not even trying to fake remorse in an attempt to avoid being Dragged Off to Hell just so that she can spite Venus by refusing to apologize. For her limited resources and single appearance, this filly manages to cause more evil than almost every other villain in this story.
    • From the Royal Wedding Arc, Kabuto is the Evil Genius of the Changelings, and the evilest of them, surpassing even Chrysalis herself in villainy. Kabuto is considered a monster even by the other Changelings, with one half of the hive hating him, and the other half fearing him. Kabuto is introduced by asking Chrysalis for permission to experiment on the Mane 6 after the Changelings take over. Later, Kabuto is revealed to have a long history of killing and experimenting on other beings, including other Changelings, often neglecting to use anesthetic just to make the victim suffer. Kabuto even wants to experiment on Neatly Spell, who is a foal. Kabuto is also the only Changeling aware of Chrysalis's plan to build a giant rune to suck all the love out of every living being in Equestria and give it to her, leaving all living beings in Equestria other than Changelings as lifeless husks. Despite this, Kabuto still aids Chrysalis in her plans. When Misfit Actual and his team try to arrest Kabuto, he tries to vivisect them. He is the only Changeling not to be redeemed, instead being banished to the sun.
    • Nightmare Eclipse, the true villain of the Dark World Arc, is the one responsible for every previous villain in the arc and every evil act that occurred in the arc. Nightmare Eclipse is a version of Twilight from an alternate future ruled by Discord, who had somehow managed to defeat Discord and trap him in his own world. Eclipse decided to punish Discord by placing him and everyone else in a "Groundhog Day" Loop. Every thousand years, Discord would be defeated and killed, after which, time would reset itself and after another thousand years, he would be killed again. With each cycle, Discord's evil actions would get progressively worse. Likewise, Discord's death would become more and more painful. Trapping everyone else with Discord, Eclipse had them tortured along with Discord. This continued on for several hundred million years, during which Eclipse mind raped alternate versions of her friends into acting as her Co-Dragons. When Twilight and her friends defeat Discord, Eclipse tries to reset time again, and tries to kill Twilight and her friends when they try to stop her. During the battle, Eclipse sets Apple Pie on fire. Determined to torture Discord for all eternity even if it meant having millions of innocents tortured along with him, Eclipse proved herself to be no better than Discord himself.
  • Yet another My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic fanfic example — Nightmare, the Big Bad of Night of the Shy. Being an Eldritch Abomination, she should be Above Good and Evil. However, the sheer amount of enjoyment she gets out of her actions (which are usually Kick the Dog at best and which tend to be done purely For the Evulz) puts her straight into this territory. To sum up: not only did she possess Princess Luna (turning her into Nightmare Moon) and create Discord (making her responsible for everything he did as well), she's also implied to be behind several of the monster attacks on Ponyville in canon and is the reason Celestia and Luna are the last two alicorns. And all that's before the story even starts; in the story itself, she kidnaps the Mane Cast's pets as bait for Fluttershy, who she then takes as her new host body (trapping the poor filly in her own mind), before brainwashing and transforming the aforementioned pets into monsters as part of her army. When she realizes that Zecora followed Fluttershy and witnessed the possession, she has her minions hunt her down to stop her from telling anyone — and after she's captured Zecora, she tortures her before releasing her to hunted again for fun. She then launches an attack on Ponyville that claims the lives of Princess Celestia, Derpy Hooves, Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna, with her personally killing the latter two. After the rest of the Mane Cast have been forced to flee, Nightmare proceeds to eat most of Ponyville, before locking the survivors in a cage made from the bones of her victims and leaving them to die as she sets the town on fire... except Sweetie Belle, who Nightmare takes prisoner to use as a hostage/bargaining chip against Rarity and the others. The kicker? All of the above happens within the first five chapters of the story!
  • Ponies Make War offers up these examples:
    • Titan. For all his talk of being the rightful ruler of Equestria, he shows little-to-no concern for his would-be subjects (with Titan constantly threatening to destroy Equestria if the ponies don't stop resisting his rule). And for specific examples for each, Titan has no problem with killing his own son after he's depowered, and his daughter Terra actually seems to greatly enjoy torturing one daughter and trying to kill the other. Terra eventually gets a Cry for the Devil treatment that makes her more of a Jerkass Woobie, while at the same time makes Titan an even bigger monster. To sum up, Terra was originally married to her brother Empyrean (not to be confused with the son Titan killed), but had to Mercy Kill him after he was corrupted by Discord; Titan blamed Harmony (his first wife/Terra's mother) for this and killed her, before forcing Terra to become his new wife, subjecting her to the Insanity to make her as big a monster as him.
    • Arguably even worse is Rarity's father, General Esteem. Whereas Nihilus was created by an Artifact of Doom to be a creature of pure evil, and Titan and Terra are gods who are technically above normal morality (with Titan himself bordering on being an Eldritch Abomination), Esteem is just a sadistic asshole who's so in love with the concept of war that he raises his daughter via brutal Training from Hell, kills his wife when she refuses to help him unseal Titan, and, upon Titan's release, does whatever he can to crush any resistance. Which includes driving the Sliver of Darkness through Twilight's eye to create Nihilus -- while knowing she'll be awake during everything after -- and brutally killing anypony who opposes the new regime. To put it in Applejack's blunt terms, he's a jackass, and his Karmic Death at Twilight's hooves, right after confessing to killing and eating Spike[1], seems like too easy an out for him.
  • Ask a Pony:
    • Vicegerent Zathir, the Big Bad of the "Return to Saddle Arabia" Arc is descended from a Renegade Splinter Faction of the anti-Genie regime in ancient Saddle Arabia, and believes that Genies should exist only to be mindless servants bound to the whims of a master. Zathir attempted to fulfill his faction's twisted ambitions by capturing and enslaving Twilight using a black lamp and collar of his ancestors' creation that left her completely aware, but unable to defy his commands even if it meant being a weapon for the Vicegerent's conquest of her homeland and the rest of the world. Even worse, during this enslavement Twilight experiences pain as if she's being constantly electrocuted, and if she's not freed in three days, it becomes permanent. When Prince Theandril II, Zathir's superior, discovers his plans, the Vicegerent offers to allow Theandril to have his way with Twilight for spurning his affections on a previous "date", stating if he "beats her too hard, she can be fixed easily". In the resulting confrontation with the heroes, Zathir gleefully tries to force Twilight to murder her own loved ones, including Spike — who Twilight considers her son — and the Royal Family of his own country. After Twilight is freed by Spike and his plans ruined, Zathir makes an attempt on Spike's life by stabbing him in the eye, all of this done purely out of spiteful vengeance and hatred, believing genies "don't deserve" children. Such is his Fantastic Racism towards Genies that both Twilight and Zathir himself consider letting him live in prison with the knowledge a Genie is head of state in Equestria a Fate Worse Than Death.
    • From the Ask Jappleack blog, Appelox is the former Titan of Honesty, one of the ancient Titans who created Equestria, who later betrayed his siblings and ate all of them, and became a reality-eating monstrosity. In the present, he had been devouring entire planes of existence, all of which were populated, to build up enough power to break a barrier his sister Twilus had placed around Equestria Prime (the version of Equestria seen in the show) and complete his consumption of the entire Multiverse. While talking to Jappleack, he reveals that he was also the one who had sent his two sons, Discord and Wolflor, to destroy everything and everyone in her version of Equestria, and is the reason why her sister is dead.
  • A Future of Friendship, a History of Hate gives us Ruinate. He was the Token Evil Teammate of the Sentiox, and created Equestria as a Crapsack World just to make those living in it suffer. When the other Sentiox healed his world, he went on a rampage, destroying the planets they created and killing the other Sentiox. Originally imprisoned in another dimension for his crimes, after his escape, he plans to return Equestria to its former state before destroying all the other planets in the universe. Ruinate kidnaps the Mane Six (sans Twilight) and experiments on them to make himself immune to the Elements of Harmony, and sends a brainwashed Spike to try and kill Twilight.
  • Yet ANOTHER example from an MLP Fanfic, The Night the Magic Died, Gralo is an evil Krassau (a god-like avian being) who saw his species as so superior to “lesser creatures” that he felt entitled to rip the life and magic out of everyone in his path, as well as the land itself, leaving lifeless devastation in his wake, solely to increase his own power. By the time we meet him, he's already guilty of maiming sixty-one people and murdering another thirty-eight, in addition to the above widespread devastation. When Nahmat managed to discover a way to counter his power, rather than face the consequences of his actions, Gralo fled to Equestria, where he possessed an innocent Griffin wizard named Garrett and controlled him from within-leaving him aware the entire time. The moment Nahmat has seemingly been driven off, Gralo emerges and sucks Garret dry of his magic and everything magical (such as emotions and liveliness), leaving him an Empty Shell solely because he has outlived his usefulness. He soon tries the same to not only the Mane Six but Equestria as a whole, threatening to destroy all life in the universe, only failing thanks to The Power of Friendship and Nahmat keeping ponies alive. He gleefully tries to give Breaking Lectures to the Princesses, seemingly only for his own amusement, and threatens to suck Cadence dry in front of them just to make them suffer. After finally being defeated and his stolen magic returned to where it belonged by the Princesses and Nahmat, Gralo is judged by his own kind, who deem his atrocities so monstrous and vile, the only fitting punishment is to be sentenced to an And I Must Scream fate because death would be better than he deserves. Even as he's being Dragged Off to Hell, Gralo never once shows one ounce of remorse for his actions, instead using his last moments of freedom to try and vainly turn the Princesses against Nahmat in petty revenge.
  • The Big Bad of Ace Combat: The Equestrian War, Red Cyclone. He's a cunning and charismatic talker and one of the two griffins responsible for starting the entire conflict. He sees the ponies as wimps and wouldn't like to think of them as anything else other than an extinct race. When he reveals his Evil Plan to General Silverbeak, his concept is rejected. What does Red Cyclone do? He kills the general and takes over the command over the griffins. Then, he blames everything on the ponies, sending his soldiers to burn Equestria down and exterminate or enslave all ponies! And he does it all because he thinks the world doesn't need the weak.
  • Doctor Whooves and Assistant has had one thus far; Regal Script, who sold out his home planet to the Cyberponies, allowing them to capture Princess Celestia and torture her until she is a broken mare and use her as a living battery. He also hands the Doctor and Derpy over to them, know the same fate is in store for them. All to become the ruler of Equestria when the Cyberponies take over. Thankfully, the Cyberponies 'reward' him with an 'upgrade', then blows up along with the Cyberpony homeworld.

Total Drama[]

  • The Total Drama Island fanfiction Lost and Found has Gwen's dad: he abducts Gwen's mom and brother and sets her home on fire to fake their deaths so that Gwen ends up living with him, and once she gets there, he starts beating her daily and cuts her whenever she tried to do something about it, threatens to kill Gwen's mom and brother who he had locked up so that she'll do whatever he'd tell her, shoots a maid in the face with no second thoughts because she tried to stand up for Gwen, and it was revealed that he only had her around so he could use her to make money off via modeling gigs and having her win a season of Total Drama. He meets his end when the girlfriend he betrayed and killed after she grew a conscious shot him in the chest before she died.
  • Total Drama Letterz has Kasimar. From his violent nature, his blue mohawk, and the fact that his stereotype is The Complete Monster, he is pure evil in most readers' opinions. Word of God confirms HE is the main antagonist, not Tabitha, not Nakia, not Wallace, and not Daisy. He is, in a nutshell, sadistic, sexist, violent, cruel, perverted, and directly responsible for serious injuries other campers have received. Even Tabitha has a small simmer of kindness deep within her, but not Kasimar. Chris Mcclain actually tilts the game in Kasimar's favor and points out several unfair loop holes just to keep him in and raise ratings. Though Word of God has heavily hinted that Kasimar meets a delightfully sticky end, he is still in the competition currently. He is considered by some to be the evilest OC in the whole fandom.

Other Examples[]

  • In the Adventure Time fan fiction, Adventure Time: Frozen Hearts, Sifine is a cruel Frostkin who ruled the earth as an Ice Queen long ago with her husband. When the Earth began warming up, Sifine decides that she doesn't want to die, so she poisons her own husband and sacrifices the lives of all the other Frostkins to power her crown so that she could gain Immortality, but the spell backfired and she ended up being sealed into the crown. Over the centuries, many warriors wielded the crown but ended up getting cursed by it, the most notable victim being Simon Petrikov, whose influence from the crown ultimately drove away his fiancee Betty & his adopted daughter Marceline and turned Simon into the insane Ice King 1,000 years later. Deciding to pick on an easier target, Sifine successfully manipulates Damon into becoming her servant and controls him into killing Christine along with several other scientists & soldiers and tries to attack Cube village, crippling him in the process. Once Damon is stopped, Sifine tries to influence Simon into wearing the crown, but Betty offers herself to wear it to keep Simon safe but managed to quickly knock it off. Having attained enough resources, Sifine eventually decides to turn Earth into a permanent Ice Age, freezing everyone to death so she could restore her body all to remake the world in her image.
  • The Day of the Barney Trilogy turned Barney the Dinosaur into one of the most evil characters ever created in fan fiction. Convincing the children to start a Holocaust that wipes out much of the adult population, he proceeds to murder all children that reach the age of 13 simply to prevent them from reaching adulthood, one of which was Jeremy's best friend Cameron. Once he is accidentally shot in the arm by Jeremy, he attempts to brutally murder him, only to be stopped by Fran. He becomes even worse in the sequel, turning Jeremy's children against him and is also revealed to be responsible for many infamous events throughout history.
  • Buzz Lightyear of Star Command fanfic Revenge of the Energy Vampire: Nos(sic)-4-A2 is as vile as ever. After Brain Pod 172 discovered Nos's body and repaired him, Nos immediately abandoned him and got to work hunting many robots, including gruesomely killing a construction robot by slowly and painfully draining his life force. Wanting revenge, Nos would kidnap XR and take him to a lair where he would start experimenting on him. Nos would put him through horrible Electric Torture, slowly and painfully draining all the energy out of his body through Vampiric Draining and then bringing him back so he can do it all over again several times, while Nos enjoyed every minute of it. During the torture, he sent a video of him torturing XR to Star Command, which included XR's brother XL.
  • Iggins, the Big Bad of the second story in the Invader Zim My Hostage Not Yours trilogy. He's pretty mild compared to others on this list, but his vendetta against Gaz—which starts with sending assassins after her and her loved ones and escalates to using a Mind Control Device to make her his slave (with some disturbing subtext to his intentions for her) - is all a result of Gaz taking his Game Slave 2 when they were kids. And he stole it from her in the first place. Oh, and when Dib and Zim attack his lair to free her, he first uses his own younger siblings as bodyguards, and when Zim gets past them, forces him to fight Gaz—which, seeing as Zim and Gaz are in a relationship by this point, adds a whole extra layer of Kick the Dog to that action. When Gaz breaks free of the mind control and proceeds to beat Iggins within an inch of his life, which renders him catatonic and promptly locked away in a mental institute, it is very satisfying to read.
  • The Loud House fanfic It's a Kid's World:
    • Lord Viribus poses as Boris Durvil, the last living adult. It is revealed that Viribus, along with David, were the ones behind the "big vanish" to eliminate all adults so there would only be defenseless children behind. Viribus then plans to lead an army of robots and zombies to kill off all the remaining humans and place the strongest people into robot bodies to rebirth the world into a brand-new species of humans. Attempting to undermine any efforts to reverse this, when Lisa Loud finds out about this plan, Viribus kidnaps her and plans to use her as insurance. Viribus begins his "human harvest" by massacring an entire village full of people and converting the rest into zombie slaves. These children are subjected to excruciating pain while unable to do anything. Viribus also had a failsafe in place, so that if his plans failed, the attempt to bring the adults back would send out one final shockwave that would wipe out everyone on Earth, including himself. When Viribus found out about David's betrayal, he took him away to be tortured for information, which later killed him. Viribus later kills one of Ronnie Anne's tigers and nearly kills Lola, and then converts the tiger into one of his slaves.
    • Chester Bundy appears to be a normal kid who wants to help others at first, but later reveals himself to be a brutal sadist who enjoys Cold-Blooded Torture. Chester disagrees with how many people they are letting into their society, so he grabs a kid and slowly and painfully tortures him until finally executing him by crucifixion. Chester also now plans to expand their society even further, showing no care about the possibility of many people dying from this. When Chester is dismissed twice, he convinces his followers to overthrow the committee, which he does with little effort. Chester quickly takes over the other side of Royal Woods, not caring about the casualties. When Chester finds out that Lincoln and the Morticians Guard are planning to overthrow him, he captures them. Chester while talking to Lincoln implies that he murdered his sisters and family. Chester would brutally torture Lincoln before crucifying him, to set an example. Chester tells Lucy what he did to her brother before torturing her by cutting out one of her eyes. When several prisoners try to escape, Chester decides to kill them all, believing that he hasn't given them enough punishment.
  • Star VS the Forces of Evil fanfiction Light of the Sun and Stars : Toffee of Septarsis surpasses his canon counterpart's depravity, planning to outright Kill All Mewmans out of Fantastic Racism. Slaughtering thousands of Mewmans over the years, Toffee spares only one of them, an infant Marco, out of cold pragmatism, but not before killing the latter's parents. Abusing Marco emotionally and physically to corrupt him into a killer of his own kind, Toffee laters on admits to him he killed his parents, hoping to break him.
  • The Young Justice fanfiction Young Justice: Darkness Falls offers us two examples:
    • In a Bad Future, Darkseid successfully took over Earth, destroying most of the cities and killing almost all the heroes. Humans were forced to do backbreaking labor while worshiping him as he tortured them. If any of his minions ever failed him once, he would give them 50 lashes. Fail him a second time, and he would have them banished to a place so horrifying that no one would speak of it, a place where he banished his son Kalibak. It's also revealed that, when Vandal Savage managed to kill a bunch of superheroes for him, Darkseid vaporized him because he wanted the heroes brought to him alive so he could torture them first.
    • In his one and only appearance in this fic, The Joker tries to gas all of Gotham City to death with Smilex for fun. He forces men to help him by holding their families hostage, and plans to kill said men when he no longer needs them.
  • Due to it being a Dark Brotherhood based Elder Scrolls fanfic, it's natural that Innocence Lost would have lots of horrible people in it. Grelod the Kind for example, is every bit as much as an abusive and cruel old bitch as she is in Skyrim, but here we get to see just how bad she gets. Her beatings are much worse than any kind of paddling or spanking, as she's not afraid to punch or stomp on children for little to no reason at all, and even greets protagonist Aventus Arentino by doing this as he enters Honorhall Orphanage. Later on, she responds to him mouthing off to her by beating him nearly to death, knocking teeth out, clawing at him to where he drew blood, and caused so many terrible injuries that he had to be kept in bed for a week to recover from the beating. And according to one of the other orphans, she's killed a child before out of a fit of anger and could very well do it again. She's one of the main things that hardens Aventus to the point to where he happily employs an assassin to kill her like in canon.


  • Child's Play 8: Soul of Chucky (Child's Play & Hellblazer): Chucky is as vile as ever, a depraved Serial Killer responsible for numerous deaths throughout his spree. Chucky takes possession of the body of Nica Pierce and uses her to massacre several patients and doctors in a hospital, including scalping the brain of one of them. When Chucky comes face to face with Andy and Constantine, he uses Nica's life as a way to try and get them to comply, as well as murder Midnite and nearly kill Chas. Chucky has put Nica in a state where if they try to bring her back, she will become an "Empty Shell". Later on, Chucky massacres a team of SWAT Agents one by one when they tried to stop them, often doing so by ripping their organs out. Chucky also brings all the agents back to life, forcing the heroes to kill them again. Chucky continues to kill people as he pleases and eventually regains his human form thanks to Damballa, and vows bloody revenge on all those who have defeated him.
  • Five Shows at Wario's: Entity 01, also known as The Devil, is the one that created the curse itself—Emma—responsible for the damnation of Wario and his friends' souls. Entity 01, with a little bit of manipulation from Emma, takes advantage of Bruno Gate, where he reveals that he plans to reach the Overworld to become a god and also completely reset time. Entity 01 tells Bruno that if he sells his soul to him, he will allow his daughter to be preserved through the reset. However, this is exactly what Entity 01 needs to finally be free in the normal world, and he, along with Emma, rampages across the world. They either kill people or imprison them in the Theater, where the residents are tortured and eventually killed.
  • In the Batman/Miraculous Ladybug fanfic Miraculous Knight, The Joker is as vile a monster as in canon. Already having the crippling of Barbara Gordon and the brutal murder of Jason Todd in his backstory, his obsession with Batman leads him to follow the Dark Knight (who himself was tracking the Riddler) to Paris. In his first act, he crashes a party held by Mayor Andre Bourgeois, during which he attempts to spray Ladybug in the face with acid. As part of an alliance with the Riddler and Hawk Moth, he's an accessory to the death of Chloe Bourgeois and got his jollies watching Chat Noir's horrified reaction to learning that Hawk Moth is his father, Gabriel Agreste. Upon heading back to Gotham City, the Joker and Hawk Moth akumatize Bane and set him loose on the heroes and after it, he and Hawk Moth ambush the powerless Marinette and Adrien, where he proceeds to rip the Ladybug Miraculous off Marinette's ears and kill Hawk Moth to steal the Cat Miraculous after Hawk Moth stole it from Adrien to get their powers for himself to become a Reality Warper. A sadist, the Joker is a threat to anyone he comes into contact with.
  • Shinji and Warhammer 40K has the usual Neon Genesis Evangelion examples of Gendo, Chairman Keel and the SEELE Inner Circle, but also manages to have a surprising example with Kaworu. He is directly responsible for the deaths of millions of people and sees nothing wrong with, say, dissolving helpless humans into a formless lump of biomass or twisting them into mindless daemons, managing to surpass both the Angels and SEELE combined in sheer cruelty. What's worse is that he is a Knight Templar who genuinely believes he is working towards the Greater Good, but actions speak louder than words.
  • Mecha Sonic in Super Mario Bros. Z. As soon as he came into being (via Metal Sonic absorbing past models into himself), he destroys the Death Egg and forces it to crash-land on Mobius, causing an apocalypse. He then, while hunting down the Chaos Emeralds, also took the opportunity to kill Sonic's friends in extremely brutal ways (Tails by strangling him, Amy by beating her up, Knuckles by beating him up and then filling him up with machine-gun processed lead, and Cream and Cheese by apparently blowing her head off), and had wiped out most, if not all, of the planet's population and turned almost half of it into a burning wasteland. He was also the reason for Shadow's current personality, because he murdered Rouge and Omega, the only people he could call his friends. As soon as he arrived at the Mushroom Kingdom to recover the Chaos Emeralds, he also killed a Goomba who found a Chaos Emerald simply because he didn't give it to him, even though there was absolutely no way he could have known that was a Chaos Emerald. He then mercilessly beats up Yoshi to gain his chaos emerald (and says that he would have killed Yoshi anyways even if he did comply to his request). He later brutally killed both the Koopa Bros and the Axem Rangers X and destroyed Yoshi's Island. Not just scouring the surface, but hitting the island with a Sphere of Destruction so violent that it vaporized the entire island.
  • My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic/Doctor Who crossover Time Lords and Terror:
    • The Smooze from the G1 movie is reimagined as the Shmuz, an omnicidal Eldritch Abomination that seeks to devour the multiverse and absorb the psychokinetic energy it believes other life-forms have "stolen" from it, is gleefully willing to torture anyone that gets in its way, and refuses to stop until it's the only thing left in all of existence.
    • There's also Matron Hydia, whose attempts to try and free the S'Muz are the driving force of the story—she knows what it's capable of, and that's exactly why she wants to free it, as she falsely believes that she can control it and use it to destroy her enemies. She crosses the Moral Event Horizon when she sacrifices her own daughter Draggle in order to complete the summoning ritual. Fortunately, she shortly thereafter becomes the S'Muz's first victim, rendering her Deader Than Dead by destroying her essence.
    • In the sequel Mines of Dragon Mountain, Tirek, who was already a Complete Monster as it was, is likewise reimagined as an ancient demon who feeds on negative emotions (hate, despair, etc), and thus started a war on Equestria half a million years ago in order to feed on those emotions on a global scale, a war that wiped out several species, leveled continents, and killed most of Equestria's gods, before he was sealed away. In the present, he corrupts and possesses Gabbro, turning him into a Knight Templar, before attempting to fully escape his prison by wiping out a city and feeding on the pain of the deaths of thousands (if not more). And that's not even counting the murders, tortures, and other sick stuff he does purely for the sheer joy of it. Also, giving him bonus points for both shows; first, it's revealed that he's also The Beast, and then the epilogue reveals that he's Discord's master. So, yeah, he's one evil bastard. He gets more points (not that he needed them) in the following story Atmos-Fear, where it's revealed that he's the one who created the changelings. Now bear in mind that, going only by canon appearances, the changelings' Queen Chrysalis is arguably worse than Discord, and in this story's universe, we can blame Tirac for her existence.
  • Hiro Hikoro from the Naruto/Basilisk/Claymore/Fullmetal Alchemist RP I do with LS. Let's see, he's the reason why Dark Action Girl, Biri (later retconned into a Woobie Action Girl) became what she was: he controlled her through sex and made her do things she didn't want to do by using a seal that he forced his late father to teach him. He pulls the wool over the Raikage's eyes and becomes the Godaime Raikage... ushering a reign of terror over Kumogakure that makes Yagura's of the Bloody Mist look tame. Finally, after Kagero kills him with her Kiss of Death, he has already had a contingency of coming back to life in the future - he placed seals on all the girls he used to rape and abuse when they were part of his harem, including Biri, and siphoned off their life force to come back to life. Finally, Kuro, the current Raikage and his brother, beats him and gives him a Fate Worse Than Death using a seal to make his body intangible so he sinks to the center of the planet. Completely. Deserved.
  • Alexia from Ranma ½/Sailor Moon Crossover fic The Return uses Mind Rape as a recruitment tool, turning unwilling humans into her compliant, loving daughter Succubi, and then gleefully abuses, discards, and uses them as Cannon Fodder; after all, it doesn't matter if they die - she can always make more. Of the villains so far, she might not have been the biggest, but certainly the scariest due to her ability and willingness to strike at our heroes' sense of identity and security. She also caused the most pain and suffering and was considered appalling even by the standards of other demons.


  • Ein Woe seems to be this trope... but one of my biggest changes was making the real monster in this scenario Lawrence Vist-Acturia, who is actually Lucian Vist-Acturia, following a Twin Switch. Lawrence/Lucian believes the world is based on lies and is not the true Earth. He is right, but the World of Gaea's existence is equally valid as Earth's. Instead of accepting this, he blamed this "world of lies" for his suffering throughout his early life, and essentially made Ein Woe, Zacharia, Frederick (his own FATHER), and Cal evil in the first place through careful Manipulative Bastard behavior. As soon as Cal realizes that the magic he wanted to use just plain doesn't exist, Lucian rips him in half while mocking Cal's Knight Templar Fundamentalist behavior as "sealing the deal that you go to Hell, Cal. It's so funny! It's just fucking hilarious! You were so faithful to your religion... too bad you took some tenets a bit more seriously than others. You've got nobody to blame here but yourself!". Following this and an Evil Costume Switch, he just gets even worse.
  • In Paul Robinson's The Locust, the character creates a mind control device, finds a businessman, then uses his device to get the businessman to borrow several million dollars and take out $200,000 in cash. While they're waiting, the man's beautiful 15-year-old daughter comes home from school. The character takes her upstairs and convinces her she's in love with him. Then he has sex with her. When the cash arrives, the character takes it and the businessman's wife and daughter with him and tells the businessman to wait for a phone call. The character uses his device to convince them to leave, then takes the wife and daughter to a hotel suite (which the wife charges to the businessman's credit card), calls the businessman, and starts having sex with his daughter again while the businessman has to listen to it. As he's about to climax, the character gives the special command over the phone that causes the businessman to believe life is worthless and he wants to die and puts a gun to his head and shoots himself. The gun goes off over the phone at the exact moment the character climaxes. Then later, he collects the assets from the family and pimps out the mother and daughter as well as lots of underage girls.
  • Red Dawn +20 has many terrible villains, with the biggest and baddest of them all being the GRU's General Sergei Khvostov, aka "The Butcher of Clear Lake City." His worst offense, the one that got him his nickname, is upon arriving at Johnson Space Center in Houston and finding that NASA had managed to move everything (personnel, equipment, documentation) out of there before the invaders arrived, leaving only a mocking note "Catch us if you can,". He responded by ordering the massacre of the families of NASA contractors, astronauts, and anyone else left behind in Clear Lake City. He also bathed a Cuban officer (one of his nation's allies) in battery acid when they got into an argument over a mistress; massacred the town of Freer, Texas in response to an assassination attempt (that's implied to have actually been carried out by other elements of the KGB who found his methods counterproductive); and forced the mayor of San Antonio to kill one of his staff, threatening to rape her and then kill her himself anyway if he didn't.
  • Gotham by Gaslight fan film Ripper: Jack the Ripper is a vicious Serial Killer stalking the streets of London. Throughout the film, Jack hunts down and butchers five prostitutes, doing grotesque things to each of them like comparing or even outright cannibalization. When caught by Batman while trying to continue his spree by murdering another hooker, Jack gleefully proclaims they're "just whores", and states that he loved seeing the fear in their eyes as they died. The end of the reveals that this Jack the Ripper is in actuality an alternate version of The Joker himself, and Jack ends the film by proclaiming that the only reason he commits his murders is for infamy, and because he can.
  1. though this turns out to be a final spiteful lie