Jagi shows just how horrifying Hokuto Shinken can be when used by the wrong people...
"There's no such thing as a younger brother who's better than his older brother!"
—Jagi, before chaining a cinder block to a young boy's leg and sending him out into the desert to die.
God knows how many villains in Fist of the North Star qualify for this trope.
- Pictured above: The most heartless of them has to be Jagi, who, as his most villainous act, chained a cinder block to a kid's leg and left him in the middle of the desert. For no reason. Just like Kenshiro said, Hell is too good for him.
- There was a reason. He and his older brother got into an unfortunate altercation with one of Jagi's men, reaching the point where the goon threatened to cut off the younger brother's leg. Jagi eventually settled the issue... by grabbing the younger brother, bellowing "There's no such thing as a younger brother who's better than his older brother!", and sending him out into the desert to perish. He was really, really big on that whole birth order thing (we didn't say it was a good reason). It's also notable that, up until that point, he was pretty much on the level of Zeed, a stupid loudmouth punk who fought dirty and occasionally had to shoot a guy to make a point. His deciding to murder an innocent child was what pushed him over the Moral Event Horizon. With a nuclear-powered bulldozer.
- Let's not forget that he murdered Rei's family, kidnapped Airi on her wedding day and sold her into sex-slavery with the Fang Clan, which led to poor Airi blinding herself with poison.
- He also manipulated Kenshiro's best friend, Shin, into kidnapping Yuria due to his jealousy and unrequited love, which led to the mind-scarring event of Kenshiro seeing Yuria taken away from him, being betrayed by his best friend and having the seven scars engraved onto his chest.
- His 1986 movie counterpart is just as bad. Manipulating Shin into torturing Kenshiro and taking his bride, Yuria, away from him, Jagi managed to convince Raoh to forcibly usurp the position of Hokuto Shinken's successor, which led to Raoh murdering Ryuken and embarking on a quest to conquer the world. Becoming the leader of a gang that raided villages, torturing and killing many innocent people, Jagi at one point invaded Rei's village, killing everyone there and turning Rei's sister, Airi, into his own personal sex slave, whom he repeatedly raped and abused. Traumatizing Airi to the point that she ended up going blind, Jagi decides to strongarm Rei into killing Kenshiro by threatening to blow Airi's head off with a shotgun. Jagi's hateful nature was so strong that, even when he was about to die, he decided to taunt Ken about how he managed to ruin his life.
- There was a reason. He and his older brother got into an unfortunate altercation with one of Jagi's men, reaching the point where the goon threatened to cut off the younger brother's leg. Jagi eventually settled the issue... by grabbing the younger brother, bellowing "There's no such thing as a younger brother who's better than his older brother!", and sending him out into the desert to perish. He was really, really big on that whole birth order thing (we didn't say it was a good reason). It's also notable that, up until that point, he was pretty much on the level of Zeed, a stupid loudmouth punk who fought dirty and occasionally had to shoot a guy to make a point. His deciding to murder an innocent child was what pushed him over the Moral Event Horizon. With a nuclear-powered bulldozer.
- Let's not overlook some of the others. There's Amiba, a Mad Scientist who conducts horrible experiments on peoples' pressure points using an Evil Knockoff of Hokuto Shinken, often making them explode quite gorily. He doesn't even show remorse when experimenting on children and impersonating a good man like Toki to destroy his name. Why? Because Toki accidentally slapped him in the face once.
- Holy Emperor Souther is an example of a villain whose Freudian Excuse doesn't even BEGIN to overwrite his atrocities or explain anything. The Freudian Excuse in question? He was forced to kill his beloved mentor in order to master Nanto Hooken. The amount of grief he experienced was so much that he swore to never love again and become as much as a bastard as he possibly could be (gee, you'd think he'd try to man up and come to terms with this personal tragedy rather than just run off from challenges of the grief coming with love like that...). Souther runs a brutal empire that enslaves thousands of innocent children and works them to death. He poisons supplies he knows the rebellion will steal (while knowing they'll give the food to their children first) and throws himself huge banquets, eats a small plate and destroys the rest, all for the sick glee of watching the starving slaves suffer. His old friend Shu, the rebellion's leader? Souther cuts the tendons in Shu's legs and forces him to make his way up an enormous pyramid, holding the enormous stone cap-piece meant to finish it. If he drops it, every single slave will die. If anyone helps Shu, Souther tells them that their families will be executed. And after Shu finally does make it to the top of that pyramid? The bastard turns him into a Human Pincushion. To say that Kenshiro was madder than hell at this is quite the understatement.
- Jackal, the bandit leader that Kenshiro takes on during the first season, somehow manages to rival even the above three in depravity. Jackal and his men are harassing a village with an orphanage for its water. Jackal's men murder Bat's old friend, Taki, for trying to collect the water they claim as "theirs" - despite the fact that, without the water, the rest of the orphans and their caretaker Auntie Toyo will die of thirst. Even after the orphans and Toyo are subdued, Jackal feels the need to sadistically kill them one-by-one. Jackal purposefully gives Toyo a mortal stab wound, just so she could live long enough to watch one of the orphans being hanged by his men. To make matters worse, Jackal then tries to kill the kids by strapping dynamite to their backs in order to keep Kenshiro from going after him. He's also a ludicrously Bad Boss, killing his own men for the slightest provocation and sacrificing his trusted lieutenant just to slow the vengeful Kenshiro down, and is eventually forced to slaughter his whole gang when they rebel against his mistreatment. When Kenshiro tracks him down at Villainy Prison, Jackal manipulates a giant Psychopathic Manchild convict by the name of Devil's Rebirth to become his pawn to fight Kenshiro by pretending to be his long-lost brother... and when this fails, he thanks Kenshiro for rescuing him from the "evil monster" that had "captured" him, and encourages him to kill him quickly.
- Uighur is the sadistic warden of the prison-city Cassandra, dumping ground for Raoh's few living enemies. Cassandra is nicknamed the "City of Wailing Demons" due to the unimaginable hardships its inmates endure, hardships that Uighur is so delighted by that he alters prisoner treatments to get just the right pitch and timbre of lamentation. He is extremely proud of his prison's reputation as The Alcatraz, stating that "the legend of Cassandra is my legend as well!", and maintains its zero-escape record by gruesomely killing any prisoners who try to escape, as well as anyone from outside who tries to break them out (the latter along with a cell of randomly-selected prisoners, just to make a point). His own staff fare little better - for example, his gate guards, Raiga and Fuga, are kept in line by the threat that if they disobey him, their younger brother Mitsu will be pecked to death by Uighur's pet eagle. The only people he tries to avoid killing are those willing to die... because that spoils his fun, and he'd much prefer to instil the appropriate fear of death in them before murdering them horribly.
- Jakoh, Evil Chancellor of the Celestial Empire, was never a nice person, waxing gleefully enthusiastic about infanticide when the Empire turned out to have one heir too many, but when Raoh came to their village, sensed his evil and advised the man's adoptive brother Falco to kill him on the spot to avert future suffering, few knew how right he would be. After Raoh's death created an Evil Power Vacuum, Jakoh moved to fill it, using the young Celestial Empress Lui as a Puppet Queen and manipulating Falco, her oath-sworn bodyguard, into doing his dirty work by using her as a hostage, keeping her in such unpleasant conditions that she eventually went blind. The Celestial Empire was exceptionally repressive, rewarding the wealthy and brutalising the poor whilst punishing dissent with death so liberally that the concentration camps overflowed and malcontents were executed in the streets. Eventually, Jakoh's paranoia led him to endorse outright genocide, ordering the reluctant Falco to obliterate the nations formed under the Hokuto Shinken and Nanto Seiken martial art schools and beating him when he failed. His hatred of Hokuto was not the only legacy of his encounter with Raoh - Jakoh had an intense fear of the dark. As a result of this, he would lapse into murderous tantrums when the lights dimmed too much, and worked thousands of slaves, old and young alike, to death in keeping the capital of the Celestial Empire brightly-lit. Throughout it all, he never showed any remorse or regret for his actions, instead taking sadistic delight in Falco's disgust and horror at the latest atrocity he would force him to perform.
- In the 1995 live-action film, Jackal is The Dragon to Lord Shin, whom he surpasses in evil. When Shin orders Jackal to capture the inhabitants of a village so he can use them as slaves, Jackal and his gang kill many of the villagers before beginning to capture any. On the way over to the work camps, Jackal orders one of the slaves to be killed because the slave tried to suck up to him and Jackal hates brown-nosers. When Lin stands up to Jackal, he orders her to be beheaded by a guillotine. Finally, when Shin gives Jackal the order to keep Yuria hidden during the climax, Jackal decides that it'll be funny to rape and torture her instead, and tries to beat her to death when she tries to escape.
- Lost Paradise: Targa is the second-in-command of the Army of Ruin. Using his position to slaughter the innocent, even killing helpless hostages, Targa tricks several high-ranking members of Eden into helping him get revenge, only to betray and attempt to murder them. Eluding Kenshiro to reach Sphere City, Targa intends to set off the nukes therein to raze the world in purifying hellfire to reign over the rest like a god and to keep Yuria to forcibly bear him a child to preserve his legacy.