
Heil Cobra!

Complete Monsters that the G.I. Joe have dealt with across various incarnations in various media include:


  • Original Comics (Marvel, Devil's Due, and IDW):
    • Cobra Commander himself is, underneath any silliness or ridiculous behavior, a truly vile, heinous monster who has earned his status of Arch Enemy to the G.I. Joes. A former car salesman who got his start with well-intentioned goals following the death of his brother, the Commander quickly moved beyond this altruistic outlook, growing in ambition and love for power as he killed thousands of people in his various maniacal plots. Returning from the grave after a seeming change of heart, the Commander brags that he has thrown away all of his humanity and redeeming qualities, illustrating this by burying his own son alive along with many of his former allies. Orchestrating a variety of atrocities that ranged from nuking cities to dropping acid rain onto others, the Commander throws away the lives of hundreds of loyal recruits to illustrate his cruelty, and his villainy culminates in the final arc of the Devil's Due series, in which the Commander murders his son, Billy, simply to prove that he can, and tries to wipe out all life on Earth so he can feel like a god. Cobra Commander goes through a variety of character twists and turns, but always is brought back to his roots: a psychopath who willingly, happily has chosen to destroy his humanity and embrace pure evil for the power and glory it brings him.
    • Doctor Venom, the original Mad Scientist for Cobra, was pure evil incarnate distilled into paint thinner. He nvented a machine whose sole purpose was mind-raping prisoners, which was then adapted into brainwashing them, had to team up with Kwinn and Snake Eyes for their mutual survival, yet never missed a chance to back-stab one or both of them and would repeatedly end up begging for his miserable life if cornered. If that's not enough, when Destro went into a Heroic BSOD at the sight of Baroness making an apparent Heroic Sacrifice to save him, Venom commented to Cobra Commander, "Doesn't he realize love is just the overestimation of one woman's value over another?" within earshot of Destro! Not only did he never show remorse, he never showed anything but child-like glee when inflicting suffering on others and anger if they survived. Though lacking in appearances of other leadership of Cobra, Venom's despicable crimes and scoffing of love and caring relationships marks him as one of the worst criminals to ever grace Cobra's ranks.
    • Vance Wingfield, debuting in "Operation: Wingfield", is a military tactician obsessed with the idea of survival of the fittest, and, believing that a large portion of the human race has become weak, sets out to cull mankind. Wingfield plans to frame America for dropping a nuclear bomb onto a highly-populated Russian city] then ride out the ensuing World War III before rising up and ruling over whatever of humanity is left. To aid in his endeavors, Wingfield subjects numerous men to Training from Hell, while attempting to turn their children into Child Soldiers, and eventually tries to blow himself, his followers, and their entire families up with another nuke to ensure a nuclear holocaust starts even if he is dead. Surviving this event, though crippled, Wingfield to goes on to become an Arc Villain and create a virus that can pull satellites down from orbit, and proceeds to drop satellites onto both Chicago and Silicon Valley, killing thousands of men, women, and children, planning to do the same to Washington, D.C. and New York City as well. Even after death, Wingfield's crimes continue, as his son Tyler, whom Wingfield horribly abused and corrupted into becoming like him, tries to continue his father's legacy, threatening millions of lives, all the while unaware that his father was planning to kill him as a child because he was showing weakness. Next to Cobra Commander and Dr. Venom, Wingfield stood out even among the terrorist organization Cobra as one of the few wholly irredeemable villains the Joes faced in their original comic run.
    • Sei Tin is the leader of the rogue Red Ninja clan, who murdered his way to the top and brags about killing any clan members who he has deemed as weak. After suffering a crippling injury and losing control of the Red Ninjas while trying to kill Snake Eyes, Sei Tin returns, massacres a large chunk of the clan, and kidnaps Storm Shadow's lover Junko, subjecting her to months of physical and psychological torture. Sei Tin eventually breaks Junko's mind and tries to force her to kill Storm Shadow while Sei Tin murders the man's pupils, which culminates in Junko regaining cognizance long enough to kill herself rather than deal with the trauma Sei Tin subjected her to. When left paralyzed following another defeat, Sei Tin gleefully takes advantage of former partner T'jbang's mercy to swap bodies with him, trapping T'jbang in his own paralyzed, mute body and mocking him daily while attempting to once more turn the Red Ninjas into his own personal army.
    • Ilsa Bachmann is a vicious, elderly human trafficker who deals primarily in young children. Through her top lieutenants, Ilsa oversees hundreds of kidnapping and trafficking cases for decades, and when Agent Helix begins taking apart her entire operation, Ilsa captures her and tries to force her own team to kill her lest all of them die from a bomb. Ilsa then decides to pay Helix back for her meddling by attempting to murder the woman's foster parents and is revealed by Firefly to have had an entire group of trafficked children eliminated to silence them, at which point Ilsa betrays and tries to murder Firefly for exposing said information.
    • The second Cobra Commander, real name Krake, is an egomaniacal psychopath of the highest order. Growing up in a war-torn country, Krake became a dangerous soldier by his teen years, and ruthlessly killed anyone who threatened his livelihood, from innocent slaves who worked too slow, to his own partners when he suspected one of them might be a mole. Joining up with Cobra, Krake became one of it's top enforcers, murdering dozens of innocents and trying to slaughter an entire village of people throughout his missions. Eventually taking over as Commander, Krake's first order is to lead to an onslaught on the entire country of Nanzhao, massacring hundreds of innocents, nuking it's major cities, and turning it into a radioactive wasteland. Showing no loyalty or care for anyone but himself, Krake regularly attempts mass murder and bombings, from shooting up airports and bombing entire cities, to trying to drop an entire plane onto the city of Paris to kill one person. With slave camps worldwide, Krake has adults and children alike forced to work under threat of death, and, in some cases, sends the children to training camps where they are brainwashed into becoming sociopathic fanatics of Cobra's cause. A homicidal megalomaniac who killed any and all threats or annoyances to himself on a whim, Krake is one of the most wicked Cobra Commanders throughout the franchise.
    • Rodrigo Vargas was a sadistically curious lunatic Mad Scientist who is introduced covered in blood from an experiment, Vargas begins his campaign to become the new Commander by seemingly donating countless medicine to the city of Kariba, Zimbabwe, as an act of charity; in reality, Vargas has poisoned the medicine, infecting hundreds of thousands with a monstrous plague that drives them into bloodthirsty insanity. As Kariba turns into a war zone of infected citizens tearing the military and each other apart while the government firebombs it, Vargas, suspecting his girlfriend of being a counterintelligence agent, infects her with a brain-eating parasite that destroys her free will centers, before offering her the Sadistic Choice of killing herself, or letting the parasite continue its course and give her an agonizing death. Even when infected with his own virus, Vargas just laughs that there is no cure, bragging that he was planning on letting the virus spiral out of Kariba and kill millions as nothing but a "test" for it, after which he could target anywhere he wanted with a horrible, plague-induced death.
    • Firefly is a Cobra operative skilled in pyrotechnics and sabotage who absolutely loves his job. Introduced blowing up a building filled with dozens of people as one of his jobs for Cobra (something he routinely does) Firefly later attempts to blow up an entire casino filled with hundreds on Tomax Paoli's orders, showing visible annoyance when many of the patrons flee and lower the body count. Not restricted to just destruction of buildings, Firefly flings a live grenade into a crowd of innocents to kill them all as a distraction for his escape, and assists in Cobra's takeover of an entire town by walking into a police station and burning the entire staff alive with a flamethrower.
    • Chimera is a former Green Beret who got rich from manipulating stocks, however, when his crimes were discovered and his money taken from him, he murdered his entire family before going on the run. Undergoing facial reconstruction surgery, Chimera bombs the clinic where he had his operation to kill anyone who saw his face, and later murders numerous police officers who try to arrest him. Taking over a gang of thugs after executing their current leader, Chimera kidnaps a governor's daughter, claiming his plans to use her for ransom to his gang, before sadistically murdering her in front of her father to show his true goal isn't money, but destruction. Chimera reveals he has set two times, one of which will release a toxin that will kill millions of people worldwide, the other which will leak stock market strategies and maponey laundering secrets to corrupt individuals, and will lead to economic failure qwithin a few years. Though killed while trying to murder numerous Joes, Chimera's money laundering secrets are still leaked online. Demented and sadistic, Chimera may have been one of the first major villains the Joes faced, but he was easily one of the worst.
    • Skullbuster is the recruit trainer for Cobra, and a sadistic brute to boot. To train potential recruits, Skullbuster takes them on long treks through isolated locations such as deserts or jungles, forcing them to start out naked and starved. When any of the recruits show weakness, such as decreasing mental health or revulsion at eating raw meat, Skullbuster wastes no time in ruthlessly killing them. Along their travels, Skullbuster has his troops murder any and all people they come across, be they Taliban soldiers or innocent villagers, in order to steal their supplies. Doing this routine weekly on separate groups each time, Skullbuster enjoys his job way too much, and takes sadistic pleasure in any of his trainees deaths, be they by his hand, their own weakness, or suicide. Though having limited appearances, Skullbuster made his mark as the most wicked low-level villain in the story.
    • Crystal Ball is a member of Cobra's high council, using his position to obscure his true goals of supernatural extinction of the human race. As High Inquisitior of Cobra, Crystal Ball moves through the organization to subject its newer or suspicious members to heinous, untold forms of torture and indoctrination. A cultist madman who has made contact with various abominable, otherworldly beings, Crystal Ball runs simultaneous gambits to bring them all to Earth and wipe out mankind, so egotistically set on being the catalyst himself that he stops Dr. Llund's contact with the Old Ones and tortures her to death for trying to steal his idea. After multiple failed attempts to summon his dark gods while betraying his allies to death, Crystal Ball uses Cobra-La to forcibly massacre and mutate hundreds of people into viper slaves, then summons Golobulus to Earth so Crystal Ball can bask in the end of all life.
    • Infestation: Dr. Llund is a fanatical worshiper of the Old Ones. Performing a multitude of sacrifices to contact one, she ends up sacrificing more within COBRA to summon the dark gods and make herself a host of the elder ones, with full intention of them unleashing their songs across the world and completely annihilating it.
    • In the non-canon, Alternate Universe of Future Noir, Dr. Mindbender is portrayed as far worse than his mainstream counterpart. A sociopathic Mad Scientist, Mindbender performs horrifying experiments on numerous innocents, including children, who are drawn into the cult of Cobra that leave them as hideous monsters in constant agony that he uses to kill anyone who defies Cobra. With raving fanaticism for his leader, Serpentor, Mindbender plans to spread a toxin countrywide that will turn all it infects into monstrous and mangled beasts in order to leave only the "pureness" of the Cobra cult to exist in the world. Committing his crimes For Science! and misanthropy, Mindbender stood out as a wicked monster who more than made up for his crimes with the sheer monstrosity of the ones he perpetrated.
  • Special Missions (Marvel Spinoff):
    • Appearing in Issue 2, Doktor Otto Totenschadel is a Nazi war criminal seeking to escape any form of retribution for his past crimes, no matter the cost. A vicious sadist who oversaw concentration camps and experimented on thousands of innocent people to perfect his horrific "Sarin Plus" nerve gas, Totenschadel hoped for it to be used in World War II to kill millions. However, realizing that a direct deployment of his nerve gas on American soil would lead to him being relentlessly hunted by America's governments, Totenschadel betrayed and murdered several of his fellow Nazis to enable himself to vanish with priceless treasures. When, decades later, Totenschadel is tracked down by Israeli militants seeking his head, the despicable former Nazi tries to hand off his Sarin Plus to Cobra in exchange for protection, uncaring of the millions Cobra will endanger with the nerve gas.
    • From Issue 22, Bill and Mary are a pair of sadistic terrorists who, along with their partner Erich, go on a vicious shooting spree at a packed airport, gunning down innocent families and civilians with smiles on their faces and while laughing in glee. Killing seventeen people in this rampage, Bill and Mary then take a family hostage inside their home and stage themselves as the hostage family, hoping for the G.I. Joes to mistake the family as the terrorists and kill them in Bill and Mary's place. When this plan fails, Bill tries to kill the whole family before Mary takes the young son Mikey as a hostage, holding a gun to his head and threatening to shoot him in his kneecaps if he struggles, hoping to use him to escape then kill the boy anyway.
    • In Issue 25, Nobel Peetman is a Darklonian ambassador who seeks to discredit and wipe out the Lower Darklonian Separatist Front to ensure the dictator Darklon continues to reign supreme and empower Peetman. Pretending to be an ally to the LDSF, Peetman supplies them with bombs and manipulates them into targeting a National History museum, leading to hundreds of civilians being endangered and ran over by the terrorists, before orchestrating their deaths or captures by G.I. Joe. Executing the leader of the LDSF after revealing how he tricked them, Peetman reveals his plan to bomb an elementary school while hundreds of children are inside, then frame the LDSF, annihilating any good will the group has and securing the power bases of Darklon and himself.
  • G.I. Joe Extreme comic mini-series:
    • Iron Klaw is the main villain the military team the G.I. Joes confront in this comic miniseries, and handily the worst. The leader of the terrorist group Soldiers of Kaos, Anarchy, and Ruin, or S.K.A.R., surpassed in rank only by the Duchess, Iron Klaw murdered his way to the top position of the group, and is a horrific boss, murdering his henchmen for everything from accidentally touching him, to simply assert his ego. After murdering the Duchess when she slowly shows disgust for his homicidal plans for world domination, Iron Klaw murders a man, taking out many of his soldiers in the same instance, to steal his political position, and proceeds to steal the powerful crop hormone known as Ferti-gel, poisons it, then plans to spread it across numerous countries to plunge them into famine and drought in order to blackmail the world with his massive supply of food. Even when forced into an Enemy Mine situation with the Joes against Red Scream, Iron Klaw takes every opportunity to betray and try to murder his "allies". Iron Klaw was a complete sociopath who was only concerned with his own personal power.
    • Inferno is a psychopathic Mad Bomber who, though only a minor servant of Iron Klaw in the present, is revealed to be a truly wicked individual in his backstory, shown in the short arc From the Ashes. Using his pyrotechnic skills, Inferno bombed more than half a dozen military bases, killing dozens of innocent American soldiers, and follows it up by blowing up an American intelligence agency, killing more than thirty people. After bombing the recently-created G.I. Joe base, wiping out most of the starting Joes, Inferno goes on to try and kill the President of the United States with an explosive during a mass funeral for his own victims, fully aware of the dozens of military families present.
  • Transformers/G.I. Joe:
    • Cobra Commander is the leader of Cobra in the 1930s, here interpreted as a stand-in for the Nazi regime and all the evil that involves. Enslaving the Decepticons to his will after slaughtering a monastery they were slumbering in, the psychopathic Commander forces them to lay waste to cities across Europe, with any survivors of the bloody massacres — even children — being thrown into slave camps or used as Human Shields. The Commander forces Shockwave to exhaust all of his energy in bombing his foes, uncaring that he's killing most of his slave labor while remarking "that's what they're for", after which Commander proclaims his intent to overrun the world with his tyrannical rule and institute himself as a god, deciding on a whim who lives and dies under his megalomaniacal boot.
    • Anastasia DeCobray, The Baroness, is Cobra's highest ranked leader below only Cobra Commander himself, and matches him in sheer cruelty. A vile sadist who enjoys torturing prisoners with tools thousands of years old, the Baroness subjects the G.I. Joe member Flint to such agony and seemingly kills him in the process. Always advocating for Cobra's more horrible crimes, the Baroness eventually initiates her master plan alongside her lover Destro, murdering their ally Starscream and unleashing the monstrous Bruticus to wipe out enemy, foe, and innocent alike in a bloody massacre. Personally betraying and killing the Commander himself, the Baroness then reveals her intent to kill even Destro, hoping to consolidate her own power once everyone who could rival her is dead.
  • Reloaded:
    • Cobra Commander is, much like many of his other incarnations, a pure evil lunatic in this mini-series created to make a more realistic take on the franchise. As the leader of the terrorist group Cobra, the Commander is a power-hungry madman obsessed with bringing America to its knees, and kicks the story off by blowing up the Golden Gate Bridge and the many innocents on it. Going on to try and steal the US Constitution, the Commander's ultimate plan is to drop the Omega Black virus onto a highly-populated city, which will painfully rot the bodies of the millions infected by it before melting their brains, at which point he will blackmail other cities to cow to his whims. When the Joes show up to stop him, the Commander attempts to simply launch as many nukes as possible as he makes his retreat. Despite his seemingly-benevolent attitude toward his minions, this is completely thrown out the window when he is revealed to ruthlessly execute anyone who fails him, even animals, and goes a murder spree of his own soldiers for the pettiest of reasons. Though slightly implied to have a tragic backstory and many claims of well-intentioned goals, Cobra Commander is ultimately shown to be a remorseless and deranged tyrant with nothing but greed and evil itself driving him.
    • Firefly is a mercenary-turned-Cobra agent who takes joy in classical music and blowing things up. After bombing the Golden Gate bridge in Cobra's name, killing dozens, Firefly derails a train and executes the surviving passengers with a gun to steal supplies which he uses to take over an oil rig whose staff he massacres. Firefly murders anyone who tries to approach the rig, and later mocks a Joe over the fact that Firefly killed the man's girlfriend in a previous job.
  • In Action Force, a British comic retooling of G.I. Joe, Baron Ironblood, later Cobra Commander, is a sociopathic terrorist obsessed with subjugating or destroying all he surveys. Having created the terrorist organization known as the Red Shadows in a murderous campaign, Ironblood uses them to perpetrate various atrocities throughout the comic, from attempting to wipe out entire cities to planning full-scale invasions of countries at a time, promising to paint the streets red with blood, until, finally annoyed at his constant losses, Ironblood betrays his entire organization to be wiped out by Action Force, ditching them to their fates while he restyles himself as Cobra Commander, creating a new group called Cobra in the process. With this new group, Cobra Commander's evil only increases, as he tries to kick-start wars, enslave London, and finally infect all of humanity with a plague, the cure for which he will only give to those who will bow down to him. Cobra Commander is also a horrific boss to his minions, subjecting them to training that kills dozens of them at a time, executing them for the pettiest of slights, and feeding them to ravenous beasts regularly for his own amusement. Be it as Ironblood or Cobra Commander, this power-hungry madman would let no man, woman, or child come between him and his goals, and he kills thousands of them to illustrate this point.
  • Danger Girl/G.I. Joe: Cobra Commander is as ruthless and unhinged as often portrayed, establishing himself to his command staff by slashing a Cobra soldier to death for another's offhand insult. Planning to use unearthed nuclear missiles to wipe out millions of people across the globe and threaten countless more until they cow to Cobra, the Commander sends his soldiers to implant homing beacons for the missiles at their targets, taunting his troops all the while that he has no plans to hesitating to fire the missiles when the beacons are ready, uncaring if they are caught up in the blast.
  • Street Fighter x G.I. Joe: M. Bison is the domineering dictator of Mriganka and the founder of the Shadaloo crime syndicate, using his resources to host a massive fighting tournament so as to power his Psycho Drive with the dueling energies. Teaming up with Destro as his partner, M. Bison also mocks Cammy over her time as one of Bison's enslaved, brainwashed soldiers, and brutally beats her to near death for fun. Bison's ultimate plan is to use his Psycho Drive to orchestrate the destruction of several major cities around the world, killing millions of people until the world cows to him, and reveals he will kill Destro as well when he outlives his usefulness.
  • G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero vs. The Six Million Dollar Man: Once again, Cobra Commander plots to Take Over the World. He starts by having Baroness and Doctor Mindbender brainwash Steve Austin, The Six Million Dollar Man, into joining them, while Commander and Cobra forces take over the massive Infinity Centre skyscraper in Switzerland, taking over the top floor and threatening the lives of the inhabitants. Promising a "bloodbath" if anybody challenges his rule, Commander has Baroness and her henchmen attempt to bring down Air Force One and kill everyone on board, ultimately aiming to prevent the signing of a global peace accord on the Frisian Islands. When this fails, Commander's contingency plan is to have Baroness activate Austin's arm—basically turning it into a nuclear weapon—and attempt to blow up the island, killing thousands of people.
  • 2019 series: Anastasia DeCobray, better known as The Baroness, is a cheerfully destructive Cobra officer with zero allegiance to any ideology except violence itself. Revealed to be the one who suggested the utter decimation of Indianapolis and its population to quell rebellion, the Baroness continues to suggest similarly brutal tactics in the present, threatening to destroy any and every city across America that G.I. Joe crops up in with no care for the body count. Commissioning Dr. Mindbender to perform inhumane experiments on reviving dead Cobra troops, the Baroness casually sentences a Cobra guard to be taken apart by Mindbender and shows her further distaste for her own subordinates when she snaps a Cobra operative's neck to use him as a Human Shield. The Baroness cements herself as the worst the otherwise well-intentioned Cobra has to offer in this continuity, basking in her belief that destroying hope is "beautiful".


  • G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero:
    • Cesspool, once Vincent D'Avella, was a Corrupt Corporate Executive peddling poisonous chemicals as "super growth" serum, uncaring of the horrid environmental damage he caused. After being exposed to his own chemicals and dubbing himself Cesspool, the madman pretends to ally with Cobra in a scheme to hold a massive food supply hostage, only to reveal his true intentions are to irradiate the entire planet, hoping to destroy the Earth and all life on it for sheer hatred of all things that symbolize life, something that even Cobra finds to be appalling. Cesspool later returns and tries to sic an army of mutated bugs onto cities across the world, endangering countless innocents while he tries to mutate several G.I. Joes into his insectoid slaves.
    • In the "The Greatest Evil" two-parter: The Headman is a far darker villain than the common variety of Cobra agents G.I. Joe faces. A wicked drug dealer who has reduced an entire neighborhood to ghoulish addiction and agony, deliberately addicting children and using lethal force against anyone who stands in his way, the Headman soon enough introduces his new "Spark" drug to the market, the immensely potent, lethal drug driving its victims mad or into near-death comas. Intending to spread Spark on a global scale and bask in the ensuing fortunes despite the suffering it will cause, the Headman takes two of his addicted victims as hostages when G.I. Joe and Cobra team up to take him down, and attempts to douse several members of each group with concentrated Spark to horribly kill them all with the toxic chemical. Even after getting hit with the concentrated Spark, the Headman hits the self-destruct sequence for his base, trying to ensure the Joes and Cobra die as well.
  • G.I. Joe: The Movie: Golobulus, the ruler of the ancient serpent civilization Cobra-La and the Bigger Bad for both Cobra Commander and Serpentor, is the most evil villain in the original G.I. Joe animated series. Once the ruler of Earth, Golobulus and his subjects were forced underground 40,000 years ago due to the Ice Age, and when, centuries later, Golobulus planned to resurface and rule once more, he was outraged when he saw that humanity had become the dominant species. Refusing to share the Earth with anything even close in intelligence to himself, Golobulus installed one of his servants into a terrorist organization as its leader, this servant rechristening himself Cobra Commander and making countless attempts to wipe out or dominate human civilization in the name of Golobulus. Growing annoyed with Commander when he constantly fails, Golobulus painfully transforms him into an actual cobra, then reveals that he plans to drop spores onto the Earth to agonizingly turn all of mankind into monstrous beasts with animal intelligence so as to pave the way for Golobulus to rule once more. When the G.I. Joes show up to stop him, Golobulus puts his sadistic personality on full display as he proclaims his plans to bathe his hands in their blood and make sure the last noise they hear is the sound of their own vertebrae snapping one by one. Despite appearing in a series known for its rather cheesy, ineffectual villains, Golobulus was a surprisingly dark and cruel villain, with his genocidal plans surpassing anything attempted thus far in the series.
  • In Sgt Savage And His Screaming Eagles, the one-episode Direct-to-Video Spin-Off of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, the Big Bad, Lieutenant Garrison "General Blitz" Krieger (who also goes by Dr. Garret Stromm), quickly establishes himself as one of the most evil characters in the franchise. A member of The IRON (International Robotic Operations Network) Army in World War II, Krieger infiltrated the U.S. Army and served in Sgt. Savage's unit, all of whom he led into a trap, with only Savage surviving the ensuing slaughter. Krieger then subjects Savage to horrific experiments in his attempts to create a super-soldier to help The IRON Army win the war. Having Savage cryogenically frozen after The IRON Army's defeat, Krieger turns himself into a cyborg and spends the next 50 years re-establishing The IRON Army in secret, helping to create the terrorist group Cobra in the process. When Savage's frozen body is located by the G.I. Joes, Krieger dispatches an executioner robot to kill Savage and any Joes that get in its way. Krieger then initiates his master plan: Using a satellite weapon to take control of Earth's computer systems, then leading The IRON Army in the conquest of the world. Savage, though brutally beaten and taunted by Krieger, manages to stop his plan, but not before Krieger makes his escape. A vicious would-be dictator, Krieger was willing to betray, torture, and murder anyone who got in his way to ensure domination of the world.
  • G.I. Joe Extreme: Iron Klaw is the maniacal leader of SKAR (Soldiers of Khaos, Anarchy and Ruin), using his public guise of Count Von Rani to cover up his heinous acts. Iron Klaw abuses and threatens his own minions into submission and regularly endangers innocents in his schemes for power, never hesitating to test out a new weapon or acquired Kill Sat on entire cities. In one of his most horrific crimes, Iron Klaw subjected dozens of captured men to experiments that left them mutilated monstrosities that he abandoned to die, and when the sole "success", Wreckage, lost his memory, Iron Klaw manipulated him into believing America was behind his trauma, and uses him as a weapon that he discards as soon as he runs out of usefulness. Iron Klaw's grandest scheme comes when he invades a meeting of dozens of world leaders and infects them all with a deadly plague, using them as hostages to enable his takeover of America, and, when Iron Klaw's attempts to gain control of America's nuclear weapons to use in a conquest of Earth fails, he orders the world leaders be burned alive and their screams broadcasted for all his enemies to hear.
  • G.I. Joe: Sigma 6: Cobra Commander is as bombastically villainous as always, and stands out as a purely evil warlord even in spite of this series' heavy censorship. Using "Thor's Hammer" to obliterate the G.I. Joe base of operations, the Commander then attempts to use "Thor's Hammer" to carve off the entire East Coast of America so as to invade it and create his own country, uncaring of the massive casualties that would ensue. The Commander pulls off a variety of other terrorist acts that endanger many innocent people all while threatening the lives of his minions and command council for the slightest of failures, reaching the apex of his evil when he unveils the Terrordrome and throws all of Earth's weather into catastrophic conditions, causing floods and forest fires worldwide that endanger countless lives, and follows it up by threatening to leave entire countries in these conditions while revealing he has frozen all of the world's leaders alive to serve as trophies to his conquest.
  • Cobra Commander from G.I. Joe: Resolute is the ruthless leader of Cobra, an international terrorist group. He appears before the United Nations using a hologram generator and demands all the nations of the world surrender their authority to him. To prove he is serious, Cobra Commander uses a giant laser weapon to destroy Moscow and kill 10 million people. He will destroy other cities if his demands are not met within 24 hours. When the GI Joes discover his base, Cobra Commander freaks out and begins to slaughter his own men, and then he targets his laser weapon at Washington D.C, before the GI Joe thwart him.
  • G.I. Joe: Renegades:


  • G.I. Joe: Rise Of Cobra/ G.I.Joe: Retaliation:
    • The Doctor, later Cobra Commander, is the power-hungry leader of the terrorist organization C.O.B.R.A., a group bent on world domination. Once a simple U.S. soldier, Cobra was declared dead after a failed mission, when in fact he was studying advanced mind-controlling technology. After testing the potentially lethal tech on his sister, Ana, Cobra teams up with corrupt weapons developer Destro and forces Ana to assist them in their crimes for the next 4 years. Helping Destro in his attempts to use nanite missiles to wipe out 4 highly-populated cities, Cobra later uses Ana as a hostage when the G.I. Joes try to stop him. Escaping prison months later, Cobra orders Zartan, disguised as the President of The United States, to wipe out the Joes, which succeeds for the most part. At a summit of world leaders, Cobra reveals Project: Zeus, a Kill Sat that he plans on holding the world hostage with. To show the power of Project: Zeus, Cobra orders Zartan to activate it, wiping out London in the process. When Joes who survived Zartan's attempt on their lives begin ruining Cobra's scheme, Cobra sets Project: Zeus to destroy each of the seven continents' most highly-populated cities to act as a distraction while he makes his escape.
    • Zartan, Cobra Commander's right-hand man, is a Psycho for Hire who takes part in C.O.B.R.A.'s schemes out of sheer sadism. When Storm Shadow was a child, Zartan murdered his uncle, framed him for it, then corrupted him into evil, for no discernible reason other than sick amusement. Helping steal nanite missiles for C.O.B.R.A., Zartan gleefully murders any G.I. Joes who stand in his way, then does the same to an innocent traveler while fleeing the Joe base. Capturing and impersonating The President of The United States, who he regularly tortures for information, Zartan orders Storm Shadow to kill The President of Pakistan, sparking a civil war, and frames the Joes for it. On Cobra Commander's orders, he has most of the Joes wiped out for "treason," and giddily tests Project: Zeus on London, annihilating it. Finally, after Storm Shadow turns on Zartan and calls him out on the murder of his uncle, Zartan simply taunts him about it before making one last attempt to kill him.
    • James "Destro" McCullen is the head of Military Armaments Research Syndicate (M.A.R.S.) Industries, using the company to mask his growing schemes for power. Able and willing to sell weapons to terrorists worldwide and eager to test out said weapons on anyone in close proximity, McCullen works with the Doctor to create the powerful machines called Nanites, using them to turn hundreds of men into enslaved soldiers fully aware of their surroundings but unable to control their own actions. Developing four nanite warheads then orchestrating the destruction of the military convoy transporting them, McCullen tests one of the warheads out on Paris in an attempt to wipe it out, before planning to use the other three to destroy Moscow, Beijing and Washington, D.C., at which point his plan to use an impostor President to take control of a panicked Earth will ensue. McCullen also arranges for the deaths of his own troops should they be captured, has the President's security detail killed, and keeps the Baroness as his enslaved puppet to seduce, even ordering the death of her public husband out of mere jealousy.
    • In the Extended Action Cut of Retaliation, Firefly is a sadistic pyrotechnics expert who happily works with Cobra for the chance to see "the look" on the faces of his victims when they die. Killing his way inside a prison in his introductory scene, taking the time to mercilessly gun down two defenseless security guards after bombing their partners, Firefly also leads the massacre of the G.I. Joes, killing dozens upon dozens of unsuspecting soldiers. Later mocking Roadblock over this slaughter of his friends, Firefly is tasked by Cobra Commander in securing the Project Zeus control case so the Joes can't stop the weapon, something Firefly quickly accomplishes, nearly murdering fellow Cobra agent Zartan in the process just because he dislikes the man. Firefly is utterly smug in the fact that millions will be killed by Zeus thanks to him protecting the control case, disregarding the lives of his own men as he tries to enable Zeus to fire.
    • In the Operation HISS tie-in comic, Major Sebastian Bludd is a mercenary hired by Cobra to cover up its criminal activities and enable the escape of Cobra Commander from imprisonment. Using nanomite technology to turn entire factories of workers into living statues or bloodthirsty soldiers, Bludd kidnaps a variety of military soldiers to use as hostages, executing one simply because his rank is higher than "major". Bludd demands the release of Cobra Commander, threatening to start detonating bombs across the entire world and kill thousands of people if his demands are not met, and illustrates the threat is real by blowing up the Golden Gate bridge, killing everyone on it with smug satisfaction before ordering a variety of other bombs be detonated—though noting to spare Sydney, Australia from any of them, as he has family there he wants to kill with his bare hands very soon.
  • Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins: Kenta is a power-hungry Yakuza boss who was once the heir apparent to the Arashikage clan. Banished and losing his claim to the clan when he tried to murder his rival, Tommy, Kenta began arms smuggling and war profiteering to form an alliance with Cobra. Working with his new partner Snake Eyes to manipulate Tommy, Kenta sacrifices the lives of dozens of his men in service of a staged fight, and later burns another alive to test the Jewel of the Sun, after which he marches on the Arashikage fortress and massacres all in his path, planning to wipe out the entirety of the Arashikage as punishment for his banishment, even betraying his partner The Baroness to keep the Jewel all to himself for more intended atrocities.