This man is both completely immoral and difficult to beat which makes his defeat all the more satisfying.
The worst of the worst of the villains from King of Fighters.
- Rugal Bernstein from King of Fighters is the most evil villain SNK has ever come up with. In contrast with Geese Howard (a Badass Magnificent Bastard with a tragic backstory), Wolfgang Krauser (a Noble Demon with a strong sense of honor), and the Orochi clan, Rugal does evil for the sake of being evil. We're talking about a man who owns one of the world's biggest weapons manufacturers, has a BIG influence on global politics, is capable of causing World War III, and killed God-knows-how-many martial artists just to bathe their bodies in liquid bronze and make them into decorative statues for his yacht, FOR SPORT. And that's not even going into Heidern's backstory, where we find out that Rugal slaughtered all 50 soldiers in the guy's squad before killing his wife and daughter, who he had previously kidnapped, just for the fun of it, and topping it off with gouging out Heidern's left eye and leaving him to live in despair. When Rugal was finally consumed and killed by the Orochi power he had gotten from Goenitz, it was probably a joyous day for all fighting game players everywhere.
- Funny thing is, SNK even tried to salvage Rugal from this trope by revealing his Freudian Excuse: apparently, he was once a kind and loving man, but after the death of the woman he loved (hey, he did father Adel and Rose...), he went crazy and swore revenge on the whole world. Needless to say, this earned him no sympathy at all, as nothing could ever excuse his atrocities - much less a reason as weak as this one.
- Goenitz, the leader of the Hakkeshu, despite his faux amicable personality, he is a mass murderer, all bad omens that happens on the Orochi saga was because of him, he was the responsible for giving Rugal the Orochi power as a test even knowing that it will end killing Rugal. He traumatized Leona by awakening her Orochi blood with the riot of blood and make her kill her parents and innocent civilians because Gaidel reject him to awake Orochi, and Kills Maki Kagura because she was the guardian of Orochi seal scarring Chizuru and set her in a path that led to his eventual defeat by the three sacred treasures, also he destroys a stadium full of people cheering the 96 tournament just because he can.
- And then there is Igniz. The founder and leader of NESTS, an evil organization bent on world domination. While unlike Rugal he and his followers at least have Take Over the World as a motive, they kidnapped countless innocent children and putting them through God knows what kind of experiments, and very, very few of them even survived. The ones that did ended up either completely bitter and hateful (K', K9999, Kusanagi) while Nameless and submissive, loyal slaves. Just look at what a smarmy prick he is when you fight him, he really doesn't feel anything about what he had to do to get that powerful.
- Clone Zero may not be the leader of NESTS, but stands as its most wicked member. At the conclusion of the 2000 tournament, he reveals his ultimate plan: using the fighters' energy to fuel his Kill Sat, the Zero Cannon. This would be the key step in Zero's desire to create a new world order where he would rule supreme, not NESTS. Before the fight, he demonstrates the cannon's power by destroying the city of Southtown. After being defeated and his device shut down for good, he reveals to Whip in his dying breath that she is a clone of K's sister, angering her enough to shoot him dead. The game's story reveals more of Zero's deeds: he murdered Heidern's close friend Ling and impersonated him, creating a clone of the murdered man to act as his spy in the Ikari Warriors. He also killed Krizalid in '99 for failing him. Unlike the other NESTS villains, Clone Zero has no sympathetic traits. He is an utter hypocrite who hates traitors while being one himself, and his desire to Take Over the World led to the destruction of an entire city. He stands out in the saga for his sheer and absolute malevolence.
- Saiki, he is a total jerkass who threat his followers like garbage, even his descendant Ash Crimson, he has not respect for his opponents or mankind in general and want to screw the time flow to erase not only the Blanctorche family, but the mankind from existence too, he kills Mukai, one of the most loyal and noble demons on his group and steal his powers leaving a dry skeletal corpse because he gives Saiki a good advice, his last moments before the door closes Saiki was utterly terrorized pleading Ash to move into the door only to be erased from existence alongside Ash, making Ash a Sacrificial Lion to stop his plans.