Darlene Monk 4x7

Monk has some particularty vile villains:

  • Dale J. Biederbeck III, aka Dale "the Whale", is an overweight, wealthy sociopath who serves as Adrian Monk's most personal, recurring foe. So rich that he sacrifices millions in exchange for ruining the lives of others just for spite and fun, Dale's first appearance sees him orchestrate the murder of a judge who crossed him in the past via beating her to death with a baseball bat. Though put in prison for this crime, Dale later kills one of his own partners and frames Monk for it, then schemes to bomb a parade and kill the Governor of California so as to facilitate his release, uncaring of the innocents who will die in the bombing. Dale returns one final time in the novel Mr. Monk Gets Even, where Dale uses an acolyte fangirl to cause a horrific traffic accident that kills four people and leaves dozens in critical condition before having her kill herself in his name, all as part of an elaborate attempt to escape custody. Dale never passes on a chance to psychologically torture and sadistically mock anyone vulnerable he can, and happily embraces being called an "odious, gluttonous, putrid freak of nature."
  • "Mr. Monk Goes Home Again": Paul Gilstrap is a lab technician seeking to poison his wife. Knowing she enjoys Neptune Bars before bed, Gilstrap not only poisons one but, to make it look like she was randomly victimized by a serial killer, poisons multiple other candy bars and distributes them throughout a store to kill many other people. Caught putting the poison at work back, Gilchrist tries to take the bars before seeing one man had eaten one and murdering him with a gun to deflect suspicion from the poison in the autopsy.
  • "Mr. Monk Goes to a Wedding": "Theresa Scott" is a Black Widow murderer trying to marry into Natalie's family via her brother Jonathan. In truth, Theresa has a habit of marrying wealthy men, murdering them, and vanishing, with at least three prior victims. When a photographer notices something awry, Theresa knocks him over the head and leaves him to drown in a mudbath before trying to kill a private eye who was working a previous husband's case. Finally caught, she tries to hold a knife to Jonathan's throat to make good on her escape.
  • "Mr. Monk and the Two Assistants": Ian Ludlow is a narcissistic crime novelist who gets "inspiration" for his books by befriending his fans, murdering them, then participating in the ensuing investigations so as to frame "the least likely suspect" for the crimes. Ludlow has killed at least five people over the years, always pinning the murders on total innocents and getting them locked away, and continues his spree in the present as he kills another fan by bashing her skull in. After murdering another man by ripping him apart while drowning him, Ludlow tries to frame Monk's closest friends and assistants, Sharona and Natalie, as the killers just to torment Monk and make a more interesting "twist" for the book he plans to write.
  • "Mr. Monk on the Road": The Zarkin sisters, Bessie, Gertie, and Mabel, are a trio of life-loving, quirky old women who have been traveling along the United States. In reality, the Zarkin sisters have as much zeal for death as life, having murdered people across the country for years while Bessie uses her son as a proxy to regularly commit hit-and-runs states away. The Zarkin sisters have the highest body count of any killer Adrian has ever put away, with dozens of knickknacks seen in their trailer, each a trophy from an individual victim.
  • "Mr. Monk on the Couch": Rico Ramirez is a savage animal of a thug responsible for a series of violent assaults years ago to get away with a couch full of diamonds. Released on bail from his initial imprisonment, Ramirez rampages in an effort to track the diamonds down, unnecessarily and brutally murdering two people who had bought the couch. Ramirez then tracks down his old girlfriend and tortures her to death, working at her with a knife and cigarettes before finally asphyxiating her. Ramirez is finally interrupted in the process of a furious attempted fourth murder.